InstallShield 2012 - Add Shortcut to Start Screen - installshield

I'm using InstallShield 2012 Pro, and I want to create a shortcut to my program on the Windows 8 Start Screen. Where do I put my shortcut?
I placed the shortcut in the Programs Menu folder and its not working, Here's a screen shot of where I'm putting the shortcut.

Anywhere that previously showed up in the start menu (except maybe the Startup folder) is flattened into the Windows 8 start screen. So place your shortcut somewhere under ProgramMenuFolder and you're good to go. I would suggest still following the usual conventions so that it shows up in something like [ProgramMenuFolder]\Company Name\Program Name on a machine with the start menu, because even if you limit your program to Windows 8 and later, there's no predicting which way Microsoft will go next.


Forward slash key not working in VS2019 code editor

Since a few days (I don't know exactly when it started) the forward key in VS2019 is not working in the code editor. No matter how many times I press it, it doesn't do anything.
It also doesn't work in the seach box in the menu bar (labelled 'Search (Ctrl+Q)') nor in the search box which appears with Ctrl+F.
It does work in other places, like the solution explorer search box (Ctrl+;) and in the resource editor.
The forward slash is working in any other application that I tried (including Visual Studio Code and MS Excel). The question mark (Shift+/) is working everywhere, including in the code editor window. Even AltGr+/ is working (producing the Spanish upside down question mark).
I tried all other keys, including the AltGr combinations. They all work fine. Keyboard layout is US International.
The foward slash key doesn't work in the code editor when typing it on the laptop keyboard, and doesn't work when typing it on an external keyboard, or via an RDP session.
I am running Windows 10 Pro 64-bit, version 20H2, build 19042.685. System is up to date.
Visual Studio Professional 2019, 16.8.3, also up to date.
What is causing the forward slash key to fail?
How can I solve this problem?
(Too long for a comment.)
The OP indicated that the problem was resolved after resetting the keyboard shortcuts, which suggests that / was set as a keyboard shortcut either by accident or perhaps by an installed extension.
However, the question remains in such cases of how to identify what a particular keyboard shortcut is assigned to, in order to turn off just that one shortcut as opposed to resetting all.
Visual Studio does not appear to provide a place to see the list of all active keyboard shortcuts. An alternative is to go to Tools / Import and Export Settings / Export Selected / All Settings and save a .vssettings file with all the current settings. That is a plain text file with extended XML sections, and the keyboard shortcuts can be found under the following node (reformatted for readability):
<Category name="Environment_KeyBindings" ... >
<Shortcut Command="View.ViewCode" Scope="Global">F7</Shortcut>
One of the <Shortcut> lines would have been listing / before the reset, and the Command attribute on that line indicated the assignment, so that it could be located and turned off individually in Tools / Options / Environment / Keyboard.
#dxiv Your comment made me check the shortcuts. Tedious job, scrolling through those hundreds of options). Nothing. Then I clicked the Reset button. That solved the problem.
In my case, the CodeRush extension was the guilty party. "Selection comment" gets set to use / upon installation. WTG DevExpress ......
Also adding a screenshot of it in VS 2022 to help people find it:

Change shortcuts in Windows to Linux layout

I use Visual Studio Code at work under Ubuntu and at home under Windows. Strangely enough, the shortcuts are different for basically every command. I'm looking for a way to change the layout under Windows to match that of Linux without inputting every single shortcut by hand. Is there a way?

Preventing a Shortcut on the Start Menu from Being Highlighted installshield 2012

My Basic MSI project aims to install two different shortcuts in the Windows startup menu:
one advertised shortcut which proceeds to repair if something is wrong whith the software installation (reset accidentaly removed DLLs for example). This shortcut is only used by the support team if something gone wrong.
one not-advertised shortcut which is the mainly used by the user
After installation, the repair shortcut is highlighted in the startup menu but the main shortcut isn't.
I specify here having tested these manipulations on a Windows Seven operating system with Windows Installer version> = 5.0
I tried the solution from the Installshield Documentation which consists to add a spécific Shell Shortcut Property
Repair Shortcut settings:
Shell Shortcut Property
Key Name = System.AppUserModel.ExcludeFromShowInNewInstall
value = 1
It doesn't work. The repair Shortcut is still highlighted after install.
I tried to set the System.AppUserModel.ID property first like this link indicates
Repair Shortcut settings:
Shell Shortcut Property
Key Name = System.AppUserModel.ID
value = 1
Key Name = System.AppUserModel.ExcludeFromShowInNewInstall
value = 1
It doesn't work,The repair Shortcut is still highlighted after install on the same configuration.
My main objective is to prevent the repair shortcut from being Highlighted and to activate shortcut highlighting for the main shortcut only.
Thank you for your help.

Releasing the find and replace pane in visual studio 2012

In Visual Studio 2012 the find and replace window has Docking alignment to the top right side, how to release it?
The "quick find" window isn't docked in the usual sense. Press Esc to dismiss it and also make the yellow-orange search result highlighting go away.
Alternatively, click the X in the top right of the mini window.
Edit.Find = docked Find window
Edit.Replace = docked Replace window
Edit.FindinFiles = undocked Find window
Edit.ReplaceinFiles = undocked Replace window
so for undocked windows you can press Ctrl + Shift + F or Ctrl + Shift + H
or alternatively change shortcuts in Options > Environment > Keyboard to reach desired windows easier.
This is not possible unfortunately, which really drives me nuts when trying to find something in a minified file (single line) since the find window commonly blocks the found result.
Last post I could find about it:
The best solution I can find is copy and past file into notepad and find there (for my needs).
In Visual Studio 2012 all docked windows can be released as follows;
Docked Window's Header right click menu (or click Window Position Icon what located the far right of the header)> Float menu
If the usual things, as already suggested, won't work, here are two other ideas I have found to work with oddities in Visual Studio.
Disable all plugins and try again (had a weird case of VS crashing on Ctrl+S and it was a faulty plugin)
Try a repair on the install, could have some faulty files.

Where can I locate themes for VS2012

Okay, the lack of color on VS2012 is gross.
Is there someplace I can get a theme pack or something for it so that it actually looks reasonable? I really liked the look of VS2010. However, the new one reminds me way too much of 1984.
While we are at it, is there anyway to have it stop shouting at me? ALL CAPS menus are pretty hard to read. [ note: caps was resolved, thanks Konamiman]
Yes, luckily you can revert the Visual Studio 2012 ALL CAPS menus to normal menus by hacking the registry:
Launch regedit and navigate to
Create a DWORD value named SuppressUppercaseConversion with value 1.
NOTE: As explained in the answer pointed by Yahoo Serious, the VisualStudio part on the registry key name should be changed to VSWinExpress for Visual Studio Express, and to VWDExpress for Visual Studio Express for Web.
I have applied this hack in another machine and at first it did not work. It turned out that I had selected the key name from this response by double clicking it, then copied it, then pasted it in regedit. Well, by doing so I had inadvertently created the key with a trailing space in the name! And hence it did not work.
So, if you apply this hack and it seems to not work, ensure that there are no trailing spaces in the key name.
New Theme editor Specifically for 2012:
Comes w/ VS 2010 style blue and a few others...
Here is a shot of my VS2012 install that almost looks like the familiar 2010 we are all used to. It makes me feel normal again!
Here is exactly how I did this, step-by-step:
1) Close all instances of Visual Studio
2) Download vsip and extract it to a temp directory. (as of 1/3/2013 the current version is 1.5.2)
3) Open up a command prompt with "Run as administrator"
4) Go to the temp directory and run VSIP.exe - This will run an interactive program that accepts commands.
4a) Type "backup --version=2012" - This will backup all of your VS2012 UI dlls, just in case something gets messed up and you want to uninstall VSIP.
4b) Type "extract" - This will extract all of the old icons from your installation of VS2010 (per VS2010 license VSIP can not distribute those icons so we have to have a local install to pull them from).
4c) Type "inject" - This will inject all of the old 2010 icons from the previous step into the VS2012 DLLs.
4d) Type "menus -n" - This will change the menus so they are NOT ALL CAPITALIZED!
5) Download and install NiceVS - do not download the one dated 10/14 or you will be missing icons. As of 1/3/2013 I downloaded the file named "NiceVS. Beta.Full.vsix".
6) Download and install VS2012 Color Theme Editor - The next time you start VS2012 select the "Blue" theme from the color select window.
Now you should have a nice install of VS2012 that looks like my screen shot above! It takes three different applications to patch that hideous UI but it's certainly workable now! If you don't have VS2010 installed on the same machine as VS2012 then you will have to run 4b on a machine with VS2010 and then copy the VSIP Images directory to your 2012 development machine.
Update: If you install "VS 2012 Update 1" after running these steps you will need to re-run step 4c from the VSIP admin prompt (or all of step 4 if you didn't keep the extract of the VS2010 images). The file menu icons and color scheme stay as they are but the update reverts the icons in the solution explorer back to the ugly ones. Re-running the VSIP inject fixes it right up!
I feel your pain, and have been checking daily for a solution. I've now discovered this site, which includes a theme editor, as well as drumroll a VS2010 theme for VS2012!
Edit - I just noticed that Brian Chavez already posted the same link as me. However, I don't think it included a premade 2010 theme until today.
Edit 2 - Another theme editor -
The themes for 2010 work for 2012 as well
This extension was just released a couple of days ago:
Visual Studio 2012 Color Theme Editor
If you want to change the VS shell environment themes in Visual Studio 2012, try this utility:
Modify Visual Studio 2012 Dark (and Light) Themes
Source Code
The quick option to look is VSColorOutput extension for VS2012. Just look at Tools->Extensions and NUGet package will help you to locate it asap.
Another option would be downloading and Visual Studio Color Schemes. . Here is a link to Scott Gu's blog which describes how to apply your preferred schema.
