Installshield wizard Path contains invalid character in vs 2012 deployment - visual-studio-2012

Am trying to Deploy my visual studio 2012 vc++ application through Install Shield wizard.
The error am getting is :
Error 1324. The path .. contains an invalid character
I followed this tutorial and got succeed with a sample application .
But when i try to deploy my application, the setup file which i created is giving me this error.
Please help me

I've never seen this one before in the wild but it's described at:
Basically it sounds like the computer has invalid data in the registry for one of the built in directories that Windows Installer resolves. It's an environmental issue rather then installer logic issue.
I'd have to see the installer log and computer registry to confirm or deny that though.

I had the same problem recently (with Installshield 2015). The problem was, that under Application Data/Files and Folders there was a definition for a folder called .. - so the setup would try to create a folder .. on the target system, which of course doesn't work.
Deleting that folder definition and moving its contained files to the parent folder definition fixed the problem for me.


Error : -7132: An error occurred streaming ISSetup.dll support file Script Files\Setup.inx

I have installscript in Basic MSI Installshield Project which works perfectly when using InstallShield 2015 IDE. But, when using Installshield cmdline on a separate machine, getting this error -
"Error : -7132: An error occurred streaming ISSetup.dll support file
..\Script Files\Setup.inx" .
All the necessary files are in place for building Installshield project.There are other projects which are using same installscript and running absolutely fine using Installshield cmdline on the same machine.
Any help would be appreciated.
Well, the separate machine is a different environment.
Different environment, different file locations.
That kind of compilation error is usually related with link files problems. Like a linked rul not available.
Check the relative links to every .rul in your project, specially if you have custom .rul files.

Error loading Visual Studio 2012 and 2015 projects

I have been with VS2012 for a few years now. I developed my first project under VS2012.
Secondly, I recently checked out a VS2013 project (written by a 3rd party) which ran just fine under 2012.
Then it was suggested that I install VS2015 on my laptop. This is when things went wrong.
I attempted to load the new VS2013 project in VS2015, but it immediately failed to load.
VS2015 error:
Creation of the virtual directory http://localhost:32999/
failed with the error: Filename: redirection.config
Error: Cannot read configuration file
Now when I go back to VS2012 and load my original project, I get this error:
So in the end, I can't load any projects at all ! Neither 2012 nor 2015.
My local IIS websites are still running fine, by the way, but not the local dev environments.
How can I fix these virtual directories ?
Thanks in advance,
As per some guidance from this post - IISExpress 8 Cannot read configuration file redirection.config, here's how I got my VS2015 to load up successfully:
Close VS2015
Go into folder %userprofile%\Documents\IISExpress\config
Rename applicationhost.config
Restart VS and load the solution/project
VS should have recreated applicationhost.config, and project should load
Of course, I now have a different error, which I will post anew:
[BadImageFormatException: Could not load file or assembly 'MyWebApp.DAL'
or one of its dependencies. An attempt was made
to load a program with an incorrect format.]
I resolved the same problem by starting visual studio with Administrator rights. This post pointed me in the right direction and gives more solutions.
This may be due to checked-in applicationhost file.
Delete the file from the repository. Build the project again. This file will be created automatically. Don't check in this config file again.
This won't work for everyone, but in my case, the file that couldn't be written was actually a temp file in C:\users\\AppData\Local\Temp\iisexpress. We were getting a company wide virus attack and they shut this area down for everyone. They were able to change the policy just for me and that fixed it.

TFS Build Agent $(BuildDefinitionPath) Definition Location

Recently our build server ran out of space so one of the things we tried to free up space was to uninstall VS2012 because no one was building against it. Ultimately this did not work so we had to reinstall it.
Now all of our installers are broken because it has changed our $(BuildDefinitionPath) from ..\src.. to ..\Sources..
Does anyone know the Ms file that defines this so we can change it back?
Are you looking for this Working Directory? You can find it in Team Foundation Server Administration Console → XAML Build Configuration → Agent xx(the one you are using)→ Properties→Working Directory
Screenshot for your reference

Root element is missing when trying to Publish

It has been a while since I've published my app to Azure. During that time frame, I've upgraded my system from 32-bit to 64-bit meaning a fresh install of Windows and Visual Studio. And Visual Studio Update 3 came out and was applied. When I went to publish an update today, I received the following:
The following exception was thrown trying to publish: Root element is missing.
My web.config file looks fine so I don't think it's this issue.
The app works fine in debug mode so I don't think it's any of the .lsml files as is mentioned here.
And I tried this procedure to hand edit the .ls3proj file but it didn't seem to help.
I previously had an issue trying to publish when I upgraded from the standalone LightSwitch 2011 to Visual Studio 2012. I was able to overcome that issue using the method described in this thread.
Attempting to use this same method resulted in my new project has a full screen error saying "There are critical errors in the application definition metadata..." and 210 individual errors (max errors reached).
The first error, "Cannot create unknown type '{}GlobalAttributeGroup'." Doesn't make sense because that line in the .lsml is identical from the old project to the new project.
The second error, "Could not find any application definition in the project." Which I do not understand at all.
I am able to publish a simple "Hello, world" style app to my Azure account.
What could be causing this? How can I get more information about exactly which element is causing the issue? The log produced by running devenv /log was not helpful.
Matt Thalman was able to solve my problem over in the Microsoft Forums. The ServiceConfiguration.cscfg and ServiceDefinition.csdef were missing from the project when checked out of version control. Copying those over from a new project restored my ability to publish.

Can I just drop vjslib.dll into the /bin directory of my application?

I am in the middle of a production deployment. Unfortunately I am deploying to a tightly controlled environment. It is unlikely I'm going to get clearance tonight to run the full Visual J# redistributable EXE. Our app is currently throwing errors saying that it can't find the assembly "vjslib.dll". Can I just drop this into the bin of our app and have everything work without all the hassle of the full-blown EXE install for the server?
The vjslib.dll file is a redistributable file. You should be able to place it in the BIN directory and have everything work just fine unless there is another dependency missing. You may need to add vjsnativ.dll as well.
