CSS - z-index:-1 breaking in google chrome - z-index

Basically creating a webpage with a dropdown menu I wrote following a tutorial. My page layout consists of 3 separate tables which include 1 for the title/banner, one for the drop down menu and one for the body/content.
The problem I am having first off is that when I scroll over my drop-down menu it drops behind my body/content table. I found a fix for this which was to include z-index:-1. This worked perfectly in IE but after testing it in chrome it prevented links and iframes to be interacted with on the content/body table.
#bodytable {width:1100px;
The entire .css code can be found here:

Try giving them each a positive z-index value. Obviously the higher numbes will be "on top" of the other with lesser value. Instaed of giving a table "-1", give it something positive, like 10 and make the dropdown menus "20". You can even set the z-index of the body, to 0 as a baseline.
I haven't confirmed this, but it could be that chrome doesn't like negative z-index values.

Giving Negative z-index makes your element to go under body or wrapper div and hence, prevent them to be interacted because the body element is on the top of that table when you click the event occurs on the body tag not table tag. You have to give positive z-index value. Default stack order of elements is determined the position where the element is defined. For example, your table will be have a larger z-index value if it is defined after menu div. You can fix your problem by changing only the current stack order. By just changing that negative value to positive.
element {
The above code will set the target element to be on top of others beside the current stack order.


React Virtualized List - How do you use the measureAllRows method on a List?

I'm trying to render my list of data using the WindowScroller and List from react-virtualized, but for some reason, only a portion of my data is rendering. I've read over the docs and I believe I have all the necessary props...help is appreciated!
Taking my List out of the WindowScroller renders everything correctly, but I'd like to keep the WindowScroller to give scrolling controls to the parent element.
There are 100 items in my data set, but only a portion of them are rendering.
Here is a sandbox with an example: https://codesandbox.io/s/jolly-gagarin-vczki1?file=/src/App.js
I believe I've found the cause of my error! It seems that the height in the List element is the issue; it's not large enough thus cutting off my data. Because my List has no fixed height to begin with (height depends entirely on the number of children), I think I need a way to dynamically calculate the height of the List. I did find a method for List elements called measureAllRows, but I can't get it to work :( (see my sandbox above)
I found a really hacky way to do it; by setting the List element's height prop to Infinity, I can get all of my items to render. This doesn't feel like a good way to solve the problem, but it does fix my issue with a dynamic list height.
The answer below helped when just using AutoSizer, but I was curious... if I were to put my AutoSizer into a WindowScroller like so: https://codesandbox.io/s/ecstatic-sunset-g4k3ly?file=/src/App.js, how could I achieve a similar fix for displaying all of my data?
I can say that the problem lies in one of the parent div for WindowScroller component which is causing this behaviour.
The overflow property cannot be set to auto for WindowScroller to work. If you try executing only the windowScroller part without modal window it works as expected.
I was also stuck with similar problem and this worked for me, in your code try removing the autoheight parameter and get the height from the autosizer.

Vertical scrollbar visibility in react-virtualized table

When using react-virtualized's Table class with a table with many columns, it is necessary to scroll horizontally to the very end of the columns in order to be able to see the vertical scrollbar.
(you can see an extremely similar question about React-Table here, it is not clear to me if react-virtualized's table code uses React-Table's code at all, but in any case I am having an identical problem)
in the linked issue someone commented that:
.ReactTable .rt-tbody{
overflow: initial !important;
fixed their issue. I checked this solution with react-table and got the desired behavior.
However, as far as I can tell react-virtualized table doesn't have tbody class available for css. (The docs do list a bunch of available class names, but a body class name doesn't seem to be on that list).
I've messed around with the css trying to set different overflow options in different ways to no avail. I have not been able to get the vertical scrollbar to display without needing to horizontally scroll all the way to the end. What can I do to make that happen?
(Edit: I've also tried to figure out some way to make this work with react-floating-scroll but it seems like the ref passed back by virtualized table isn't the kind of ref the scroll code needs...)
This will move the scroll bar to the left side instead of right side.
.ReactVirtualized__Table {
.ReactVirtualized__Table__Grid {
direction: rtl !important;
.ReactVirtualized__Grid__innerScrollContainer {
direction: ltr !important;

React Virtualized Table drop down filter in header cut off by overflow: none

We have a React Virtualized Table with a header row.
One (or more) of the header cells will contain a drop down Componentallowing you to select values to filter the column by.
We have created the Component, and the ValuePanel has position: absolute; to make it float above the other elements on the page.
We included it in the header and it mostly works, except that the HeaderRow has overflow:none; on it.
class="ReactVirtualized__Table__headerRow table-toplevel-row table-toplevel-header"
style="height: 100px;overflow: hidden;padding-right: 17px;width: 1920px;"
This "chops off" the bottom of the panel showing the values.
Reading up on overflow: none; and position: absolute; it seems that the ValuePanel must have a (positional) parent outside of the HeaderRow.
This can be achieved by either:
Moving the ValuePanel element so it's no longer an ancestor of the HeaderRow.
Having the nearest ancestor of the ValuePanel element with a position of absolute or relative (i.e. it's positional parent) outside of the HeaderRow.
The problem with 1, is that the Component is supposed to be a self-contained and reusable anywhere, so it shouldn't require part of it's HTML to exist outside of itself ... that violates the "self-contained" bit.
The problems with 2 are that we won't always be able to guarantee where the positional parent is in the hierarchy above the ValuePanel unless the positional parent is inside the Component. And the ValuePanel gets it's width from it's positional parent, so if the positional parent is outside of the Component then the width could well be wrong.
We very much want to avoid having to specify a fixed width for the component and/or the ValuePanel. And we want to keep the Component self-contained.
The thought occurred to remove overflow: none; from the HeaderRow, but it's obviously there for a reason. I haven't tested, but I assume getting rid of that would cause issues with header content that, well, overflows. We could replace it with overflow-y: none;overflow-x: hidden;, but again this seems like it's likely to cause issues under certain circumstances.
I had a search around, but I couldn't find any results for it.
Has anyone achieved this before and can provide some insight? Or otherwise has some ideas/advice?
Slightly longer answer now that I'm back at my computer: Check out react-portal.
It lifts content out of the z-index stack (and so avoids clipping problems) while maintaining the visual position of it (top/left), allowing it to render outside of the clipping rect/box of its parent. It's perfect for things like drop-down menus within List or Table.

How to get the effect of 'user-select: text' in css3?

The validator at http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/ says that the value 'text' for 'user-select' is not valid. For a css rule with this code in it:
user-select: text;
the validator says:
text is not a user-select value : text text
Presumably this is because of this behavior, specified at (the outdated) http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/WD-css3-userint-20000216#user-select:
This property is not inherited, but it does affect children in the
same way that display: none does, it limits it. That is if an element
is user-select: none, it doesn't matter what the user-select value is
of its children, the element's contents or it's childrens contents
cannot be selected.
Also, I only see the attribute value 'text' specified in that out-of-date css3 doc from w3.org:
and not in the latest one: http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-ui/
Additionally, searching 'whatwg.org' yields nothing.
Any ideas if 'user-select: text' is valid css3, and if not, what should be used instead?
This would be used, for example, when overriding 'user-select: none' rules applied to containers of text and ancestor containers.
You are getting this wrong. user-select:text doesn't mean it would select text only. It's default value of user-select property. W3C describe it this way:
The element's contents follow a standard text content selection model.
And Also MDN syas something same:
-moz-none The text of the element and sub-elements cannot be selected,
but selection can be enabled on sub-elements using
-moz-user-select:text .
So I don't think this should prevent selecting images or boxes.
As far as I know user-select:text is useful when you have user-select:none for most or all of your elements and you have a textbox or text area that is kind of output and you want it be selectable for copying and pasting.
It seems if you use -webkit- prefix it works for me. I'm sure it works with -moz- prefix too. Test this fiddle in your browser. I don't know why user-select:text is not working on my Chrome 13 Mac?

HTML- Hiding Divs before page is loaded?

I have a HTML document where the body contains dozens of divs, all listed sequentially. (It's a layout of small screenshots.)
The appearance and layout of each div is handled by CSS.
I wish to selectively hide some divs, depending on some state values. A javascript function "hideSomeDivs()" has been create to do this. (The function iterates over all divs, setting each element's style.display property to "none" as required.)
The problem: calling hideSomeDivs() function from will be too late: the page is already loaded and the visual changes will not be displayed. The original layout is maintained.
Q. how/where can I call this function such that the affected divs will be hidden, and all layout adjusted accordingly? Thanks.
Further information:
apart from javascript interactivity, the page is static (i.e. there's no server-side processing available).
also, I'm trying to avoid any "pop" where elements are shown/hidden after the page is loaded and drawn to the window.
also, I need for the layout to be re-evaluated and re-drawn. e.g. if I hide divs 1 to 4, but show div 5, then div 5 should appear at the top of the page.
Think about it the other way round - hide all your divs by default, and then use the javascript to show them as needed.
Of course you could just eliminate the need for the javascript if you have a server side language (i.e. PHP, ASP.NET) that is constructing the page, then you can just set their hidden state correctly to begin with.
In your HTML code put in a style code that hides the div by default. This will be evaluated much earlier than the Javascript.
Do you possibly want to maybe call the "hideSomeDivs()" function on the onload event of the body element.
