Node.js and confusion - node.js

I so often see titles like "Node.JS + tutorials." Even in the Node.js Beginner book I've purchased, it tells me to download so I'm getting really confused.
What's the difference between them? Why can't I code my applications just with Node.JS "OR" If I can code, why do people plus node.js in titles?
I'm really confused so any kind of replies would be appreciated.

node.js is a platform. is just a framework for dealing with websockets if your are building an app on top of node.js. needs node.js but node.js does not need
EDIT: Ryan Dahl's (node.js's creator) intro video is really instructive and helps with this kind of confusion: is a framework on node.js for realtime applications. So, both is required if you want to use You can code your own to do the same thing but is cross-browser and by using it can help you save time. is a library, addition to actual platform which is node.js.
It is like a software to computer. You can't use software without computer.
Node.js - is platform, that takes care about language - JavaScript visualization using V8 (JavaScript Engine that interpret JS script to understandable form to the computer). And lots of other components of platform.
While is just using features of platform, implements some cool own features that are addition to node. It is just a library, addition that you use along with the core.
In real world its like hoover - is a node.js, and nozzle is Of course it is rough example, and things are much more complicated. But as you can see, nozzle is pointless without core.
Node.js makes your JavaScript running using own features. While is something you use or not - by your choice.

I am also learning nitt- griities of nodejs , , express etc . What I have understood so far is that Nodejs is the big backbone of hosting the entire project ( could be both on client and server's end ) with the node command like > node servercode.js etc . It can open ports for websockets server , Http server even https server .
However socketio provides the communication link between the client and server side in an asynchronous event driven manner ( think ajax ) .
Hope it helped


Ionic app with node.js server

Hello !
A bit of background, I'd want to create my first android/iOS/webapp. The idea is to create a cross platform chat using :
Ionic (and Javascript) for the app
Openshift for the node.js server part
I was going to use Firebase to store the messages, but the free plan just works for 100~ simultaneous users, which ain't a lot ... So I was thinking about creating a node.js server using MongoDB to store everything. Users and messages.
The idea is that I'd get a better server side control on the data, and it seems to be nicer to me.
But is it actually a good idea ?
I'm not sure about the fact that it's pertinent to use a node.js server for that matter, I'm pretty new to those technologies (I'm a Java/COBOL developer)
Thanks in advance !
tl;dr : is storing and processing data for an iOS/Android/Webapp chat with a node.js server is a good idea ?
I think it's a good idea, in few hours you would have a working environment. With Ionic, being web technologies, you can use any library you want, probably the easiest one to use could be, is simple to use client side and simple server side. You would have rooms and everything already to exchange messages in realtime.
There are a ton of examples for using to make a chat so should be pretty easy to find infos. ( I made one myself )

is it possible to make chat app in node without using

I want to make small chat app in nodejs.
But every where i found that to achieve this functionality node is used with
As node was also created with push notification in mind so thinking
How to create chat app purely in node if possible ?
I want to make small chat app in nodejs. But every where i found that
to achieve this functionality node is used with As node
was also created with push notification in mind so thinking How to
create chat app purely in node if possible ?
Yes, it is possible to create a node.js application that supports chat without using You have these choices:
Use a straight webSocket to "push" to the client. You will need to find or write your own server-side code for handling the webSocket protocol because such code is not built into node by default. The ws module is one such library. If using a plain webSocket, you will likely have to implement on your own some of the functionality that implements such as auto-reconnect.
Find some other library (besides that is built on top of a webSocket that would let you push data to a client.
Invent your own substitute for a webSocket (probably client polling or long polling) and code that. This is what was done before webSockets existed. It is much less efficient than a continuously connected webSocket.
All of these choices involve writing some code that has already been written for you in so most developers would rather just use the already working and already tested solution rather than reimplement it themselves.
To get into further detail in your question, you will need to define what "purely in node" means to really answer this question. That's not a well defined term. The library is just a library written in Javascript just like thousands of other libraries you can use in node.js to get your job done.
As you quickly see with node programming, you can't do very much at all in a default node instance without loading other libaries. Some of these libraries come with a default installation of node (like the fs library or http library, for example) and others are libraries that you install before using (usually as simple as typing "npm install") and then var io = require("");.
If you are not going to use the library, then you need a mechanism for "pushing" data to a client in order to make a chat application work. The only true "push" that has any cross-browser support is a webSocket. A webSocket is what uses. You could use a webSocket from node without using, but you'd have to write or find code that implements the webSocket protocol that you can run on node (the ws module is one such library). Such code is not built into node by default.
If you weren't going to use webSocket, then there is no other cross-browser method to "push" data to a browser client. Your only other alternative I'm aware of would be browser polling which isn't actual push, but tries to simulate push by just regularly asking the server if the server has anything new for a particular client. An enhancement to straight polling is "long polling" which was invented before we had actual push with webSockets.
All of this problem has already been solved in so unless you really just want your own research project to rebuilt similar functionality in your own code, you may as well build on solutions that have already been done by using something like the library.
If you have some specific objection to the library, then please explain that objection so we can understand what your real goal is here.
Node.js doesn't come with an out-of-the-box server-side Websocket implementation, so you will have to, at least, introduce a package which does.
If you don't want to go with, you can then defer to ws, which is what uses under the hood.

Qt Application - node.js server communication

I want to make a desktop application (since its supposed to be cross-platform, I've decided to stick with Qt, and I am already familiar with it) which connects to a server. The app is similar in concept to a chat application. I know that there are application servers, however as of now, I'm familiar with web server frameworks such as rails, and am trying out node.js currently.
I wanted to know how should I ask my application(Qt-based) to connect to the server, and the main question is, how should I implement the server? After thinking up of various options, including porting the whole project over to as a web-app, I've decided that the best bet would be to use the app to somehow connect to the node.js server and it will serve the html files which will contain the command for the app. Am I on the right path?
Can this (Qt-app & node.js server communication) be achieved in the way I am thinking? Is it the correct method?
It is easy to communicate with node.js app by socket. Using node.js to create a Net server (, and client use socket to connect to it. In my opinion it is easier to build a server with Node.js than C/C++ and has nice performance.
BTW, I think using node.js as server has gradually become a common solution. And My company have developed a mobile game with pomelo which is a node.js game framework.
For more infomation you can see this article

Node.js: + Express needed for real-time apps?

I have just began working with node.js and have gotten the hang of the basics.
Right now I'm trying to see if I can create my very first real-time web application using node, during my research I have seen modules like "express.js" and "' pop up very often as frameworks used for node web apps.
My question is; do I really need to learn these two in order to make real-time production level node.js applications?
Also, what other things should I look at? I heard about tempting engines being an asset, but 'm not sure of their use.
You don't need to use any modules but you give up a lot when you don't. Express.js is a great place to start. It has good documentation and makes the whole process much easier. I use jade and stylus for my css and templates. is again optional but if you are doing real-time updates it sure makes things a lot simpler. deals with all of the browser differences with one api and the client will always connect using the fastest technology.
Socket.IO is mandatory for real-time applications. If you have to implement a chat, a broker, a server status tool or something like that and other natural real app, you must consider use this Node package. If your site do not require something real-time bi-directional message handler you just avoid the usage of this tool.
In case of all application needs to be made in real-time situation, you can see a more appropriate framework to approach it, like Meteor

An entire website with node.js and mongodb?

I've build several websites using PHP and mySQL as backend, and believe that I'm fairly familiar with both. However during research for my new website I've come across node.js and mongodb (and, since the site is gonna contain a chat).
I've decided to use node.js and mongodb to run the chat - but don't know if I should just do the entire site with those two things?
Since I'm gonna run a node server anyway should I just run another (seperate) one hosting the website? Or is that an bad idea? - is it stable?
I could do the programming in PHP and still be using mongodb - but wouldn't node be way faster?
And another question:
I've planned to use ajax to handle all the posts to the page - but since I'm allready using to the chat - should I do all my post request using that?
For the ajax I've planned to use jQuery (also for all frontend effects).
don't know if I should just do the
entire site with those two things?
If you want to learn node.js then there is nothing better than coding it.
Since I'm gonna run a node server
anyway should I just run another
(seperate) one hosting the website?
You can use existing server and run your node.js app on other free port(o). I think for learning node you don't need to have dedicated machine.
is it stable?
Even versions of node.js are stable releases, however until there is 1.0 with feature freeze there could be breaking changes to its API.
I could do the programming in PHP and
still be using mongodb - but wouldn't
node be way faster?
It most probably (and definitely) would.
I've planned to use ajax to handle all
the posts to the page - but since I'm
allready using to the chat -
should I do all my post request using
I would recommend stick to MVC model and use express since you can get into lot of time consuming troubles if you would use for classic stuff. is namely for real-time functionality and things related to that.
There are already some solid web frameworks for node.js, in particular check out Express. Here's a really good article outlining some lessons and experiences from building a node.js website:
What it’s like building a real website in Node.js
Regarding your second question, it's probably still best to use AJAX handlers and HTTP with jQuery. I'm not sure that jQuery supports callbacks over raw TCP sockets.
node.js + express + jade + stylus + jQuery is my preferred environment.
Using forever to auto restart the server I've never had any real up-time issues even when I have bugs crashing the server on a regular basis.
As for + jQuery, they do get along fine, but it's just not as natural as the express + jQuery combo. I'd stick to making ajax calls for most things.
Node.JS can still be a little wild west like, but its improving. It is a very different model from coding in php, but it is very well suited for a lot of websites. You'll probably want to do the thin server (expose a REST API and your websocket endpoints) with a fatter client using something like BackBone.js to keep interactions clean.
The big win from doing the whole thing in node is that you will not have duplication of code between php and js for dealing with the DB or any other services required by both. Node.JS is also fantastic at handling tons and tons of concurrent requests.
Good Luck
