heroku like deploy tool for vps - linux

Deploying your web app to heroku is easy
What I want to know it is there any open source tools installed on your linux server so you can have the same deploying experience, since heroku buildpacks is all open source.

Dokku is single-host version of Heroku. It allows you to push Heroku-compatible applications to via git.


Hosting Nodejs in Cpanel- Enter to the virtual environment

what does these command means?
Secondly my nodejs RestAPI is working fine with local machine - but not working once i deploy it to server using nodejs cpanel.
Local postman
while in actual server getting "Cannot GET /apps/api/product/all" -- where my domainName/apps represents "Application URL" in the Cpanel.
little advice....push your project to git then pull it to your server. all dependencies on your machine will be ignored then in the server you can run install updated packages and compatible with your servers Operating system then start the server. fixes most of the version dependency problems you will keep facing. This is the ideal concept not a straight answer

Node server is mandatory to deploy in IIS?

I have compiled my code using typescript and run it in my laptop using node server.
Now when i deploy it in windows IIS server in another machine, do i require node server that machine?
Node is just for development and not for hosting?
Can you clarify my doubts?
YES. you need node server in the other machine as well in the machine in which you are deploying the code
As far as I know, if you want to host node.js application, you should firstly install the node.exe and the a build of iisnode.
After installed the IIS nodes, you could set up samples, from the administrative command prompt call %programfiles%\iisnode\setupsamples.bat.
Then you could go to http://localhost/node to see the example.
More details, you could refer to below article:

Deploy NodeJS app to Azure from VS Code

Created simple nodejs app in VS Code (Linux). Also created NodeJS app in Azure. How to deploy app from VS Code to this Azure app now? AZ CLI installed. I've downloaded some MyApp.PublishSettings file however seems it used in VS not VS Code. What is the best way to deploy then with or without git (github)?
Local Git deployment from command line (or VS Code terminal):
git remote add azure https://<username>#<app_name>.scm.azurewebsites.net/<app_name>.git
git push azure master
If empty application already there use force flag:
git push azure master -f
Useful links deploying Bot Framework To Azure On Linux:
P.S. Could be outdated since 2017.

How to deploy node js in windows server 2012

I have a Windows 2012 server and hello world node js file (Only one js file along with Node_module folder).
Now I need to deploy it to the windows server and need to run it globally.
How to do that? Please help me!
I have read more article. But confused. I installed Node app on the server. I ran it locally. It is working. But How to do it globally. (www.xxxx.com/ABC)
You have two options:
iisnode. There are a few more configuration steps with this option, but there seems to be additional benefits.
allow port through Windows Firewall, the post is self explanatory.
Some resources:
I picked up a few pointers from Hosting Node.js Applications on Windows Server 2012, Complete with Git Deployment and Remote Debugging - Part 2

Developing iOS Meteor app on DigitalOcean

I need to develop an app compatible with iOS using Meteor. I'm going to put my project into a digitalocean droplet.
How can I run iOS-supported app from linux-based DigitalOcean droplet if iOS support requires Xcode?
You would first build the meteor app and deploy it to Digital Ocean. I would recommend MUP for the deployment process. It's super straight forward and easy. Sacha Greif has a great video on setting up the droplet.
Then you will build the meteor app for iOS
meteor add-platform ios
Follow this MDG wiki page for more info on building for iOS... https://github.com/meteor/meteor/wiki/Meteor-Cordova-Phonegap-integration
Basically, if you want to run in a simulator, you can use the following command:
meteor run ios --mobile-server http://<your deployed server address>
If you want to build for iOS distribution, you can use the following command:
meteor build <bundle path> --server http://<your deployed server address>
With Meteor & Cordova your app is built in 3 pieces: Server, Client and Cordova.
The server is what you would put on DigitalOcean typically. The apps outputted by the meteor build would be the XCode project - not the ipa binary, the Android APK (if you build for android too) and the node server app.
You wouldn't be able to build the binary on DigitalOcean for iOS without Xcode but you can run the nodejs server app which would be your app's backend. Instead of the binary the raw Xcode project files are created in the output directory of meteor build. So you would need Xcode to build the binary on OS X which you could then upload to the app store.
So you could run the backend on the DigitalOcean droplet without the need of Xcode. It's just building the binary once off for the app store that would need an OS X machine.
The nodejs app would also serve up the client files if you loaded up the DigitalOcean droplet's URL in your browser.
