Excel Autocomplete/lookup that I can edit - excel

I have a system where I enter a code in one cell and in the next cell the corresponding text appears, using a lookup table.
Cell 1: I put "W1"
Cell 2: "Make sure that both your opening and ending are interesting and engaging." appears automatically.
Of course, I can't then edit the text. If I try, I find I'm editing the lookup formula.
What I'm really trying to do:
I'm a teacher, the codes are target codes and the text is the actual advice to the pupil. We have a standard system of targets, but we tend to customise the text in different ways according to the pupil.
Am I doing this the most sensible way? Is there a workaround?
Many thanks.

Perhaps it's not you're looking for, but try the following:
Put all grades in the column 1 (corresponds to your cell 1).
Apply Lookup formula and get default answers - this for the column 2.
Now copy entire column 2 and paste special it as values to the same place.
After the above you'll get default grades as TEXT ready for your editing.
Please respond in comments in case you have some more not obvious (from the initial request) limitations.

This requires, as far as I understand it, VBA. Thanks to those below for helping me figure that out.
The answer is here:
VBA Lookup and insert on cell change


How to add running count to excel cell, which already has text in it?

Would anyone have advise on how to add running count to excel cells, which already have text in them, and without removing the said text.
Few screenshots will follow to clarify my issue.
I have received a ton of sheets which have a test case name as a text/string in the C column and they are missing a running count from the beginning of the cell (not sure if the "running count" is the correct term).
In the first screenshot you can see how I need them to be, as well as in the couple first rows of the second screenshot (column C). So the original text could be for example "Purchase order" and I want it to be "1. Purchase order" and the next cell would be "2. Purchase order" etc.
Screenshot 1.
Screenshot 2.
I imagine there isn't an already existing function in excel which would solve my problem. I have played around with macros and VBA some years ago, but don't have any clue from on top of my head how to solve this.
Perhaps a macro that would go through each cell from the selected column one by one, cut the existing text, add a variable number to the cell and then copy the cut text back there after the variable, then add +1 to the variable before moving to the next cell?
So I somewhat understand the logic how it could be done, but don't have any memory how the syntax and the operators etc. work in VBA.
Thank you in advance.
Not exactly sure what you want from the images, but you can do things like this:
If cell A1 has 942
and cell B1 has "slices of bread"
Then C1 can have the result "942 slices of bread":
=A1&" "&B1
Not sure neither if running count is the right term, but you can do it with a helper column and an easy formula:
=COUNTIF($C$2:C2;C2)&". "&C2
Then you can copy/paste as values and delete helper column

Cross reference text from two separate cells and display match in adjacent cell

I'm using Excel v16.22 on a Mac.
Is this possible?
I have two columns that I need to cross reference. I need to check that text in column A appears in column B (as per the text highlighted in my example below) and have some feedback in column C to confirm whether or not the text appears in both. Whether that's a 'Yes' or 'No'. If the text doesn't match then I know I need to double check that information. I have 3,500 rows to check so that's why I wanted to automate the confirmation process.
Hope this makes sense.
For confirmation, I have researched this online and tried a couple of solutions. One of them I just couldn't get it to work, and another solution just didn't achieve the outcome I was after.
Appreciate any help.
Hi Mark, just adding this image in reply to you answer so I can show you the negative response.
I would use a Find formula to search for the text in Column B in the text from Column A. Breaking down this formula I do two things.
First, I use the find function to see if a value is pulled, if any number appears you know the text is found, so if it's 0 or higher, than say "Yes".
Secondly, if the text isn't there it will instead give an error, so I put this within an Iferror formula where an error would mean no text match. The first instance of "No" functionally doesn't do anything and can be excluded, but I left it here so If fans could see the logic written out.

Replace and delete part of a cell text

I have an excel spreadsheet that was exported from some software... it uses code that it understands, which makes sense, but the problem is that the output isn't always best for us humans for a quick visual. Especially when a person isn't accustomed to actually reading it.
Proof in point:
This is in cell column H:
Now, I could create an excel formula that replaces every instance manually, but what I want to do is make is to that the T and everything right of is goes the way of the dodo.
I know that there is a substitute command in Excel, but it only would do the first, I forget if there is a way to actually make it so that it will ignore the text to the right, and just take it from the T to 14 steps right and delete it so that all that is left is the Year, day and month. I will use Excel VBA if need be, but I'd rather it be a formula if possible that I can use for a copy and paste in another sheet for readable output.
Thanks in advance.
With data in H1, in I1 enter:
You don't need to locate the T because its position is fixed.

Copy data from conditional formatted cells to new tab based on the conditional formatting color in Excel

Okay so I'm new to all this- please help me if there's a better way to do this... currently trying to make changes to an existing spreadsheet and I can't figure out how to accomplish what I want...
Tab 1 accounts for different numbers and their assignments, Tab 2 rearranges that data for a printable page, and Tab 3 has a list of all the numbers we have to account for, and currently uses conditional formatting to do so. (Green if the number is accounted for on Tab 1, Red if not)
What I am trying to accomplish is create a list of all the numbers NOT accounted for (Red conditionally formatted cells on tab 3) to show up in any form on Tab 2. I started messing around with the =mycolor and IF functions, but I found that only works with explicit formatting of the cell, not the conditional formatting I am using to account for the numbers.
Do I need to change how my spreadsheet is accounting for the numbers from Tab 1 instead of conditional formatting? If so what would be the best way to go about this? If there's a way to do this with conditional formatting, how would I go about copying data based on the conditional formatting of certain cells?
Also, ideally I want this to be done without having to play a macro. I'm trying to make this as stupid simple for the end user as possible... but if there's no way to do it without recording a macro then that's what I'll end up doing.
Thanks a bunch in advance...
What I would do is add a column to tab three that is a missing/not missing column (=column C in my mock up below). Missing = 1 accounted for =0. (That can either be achieved by the same formula as used to give the red/green OR a vlookup() function). Therefore for each red row there will be a 1 alongside.
Extending that, as per my comment... index the missing values (col A=):
Now use a new pair of columns to grab the missing values
And use a lookup function to line up the missing values (col G)... I only went up to 5 (col f)
THANK YOU for your help Richard!
With some changes, the Vlookup function you gave me (in Column E) worked fine:
And adding the second column(s) and the sum function for values was a really helpful idea: (column H)
For whatever reason I couldn't make vlookup work, even with the column relocated to the left of the number I was trying to return, but I was able to do the same thing with an INDEX/MATCH formula in column J:
Not quite as simple as yours, but you set me on the right path with adding column(s) and I wouldn't have figured it out without your help... thanks again!
enter image description here

Excel 2007 Macro - Make Username using first initial of first name and full last name

I'm looking for a macro that will create usernames based on the first initial of the first name and the entire last name. In doing some research, I found this article [here][1] which looked like the exact answer to my question.
I'm new to the excel macro world and was having issues adapting the answers found on the linked page to my specific excel file. My username column is (B), first name (D), and the last name is (E). Based on a set up such as this, I was hoping someone could help me with the proper macro. There are about 600+ entries and having this would make life much easier. And more importantly, I'd like to know how to do it :)
Thanks in advance for the help.
Don't need a macro, a formula will do it.
in B1:
=left(D1,1) & E1
Drag down
If you want it in uppercase then wrap in in an upper statement and if you want it in lowercase wrap it in a lower statement
