Need to calculate a formula - excel

I need some math help, or some excel help if that works better. I have a set of data points and I need to calculate the intermediate data. The table below are the known data points, what I need to know is if I enter 1200 ft, what MEG is available.
1000 19.3
2000 20.66
3000 21.328
4000 21.398
5000 20.976
6000 20.155
7000 19.023
8000 17.658
9000 16.133
10,000 14.513
11,000 12.854
12,000 11.208
13,000 9.617
14,000 8.117
15,000 6.736
16,000 5.493
17,000 4.411
18,000 3.487
19,000 2.724
20,000 2.114
I have entered these into excel and proceded to find a formula that their chart believes to be the answer to my questions. The formula they give is
y = 8E-12x3 - 3E-07x2 + 0.0018x + 18.218
This actually gets me really good results for anything under 12k feet. After that the results stray further and further from accurate until I start getting negative numbers after 18k feet.
I tried entering more orders for it to calculate against, but that just made things worse.
Would I be better off splitting the chart in 2 (>10k ft and <10k ft) and using 2 formulas, or is there a good solution available using the whole chart?

Precision is tremendously important. In fact, there are several serious problems here with what you have done.
Mere use of coefficients with a single digit of precision will cause terrible problems. Remember that x is as large as 20000. Cubing a number of that size will be a huge number. Now, multiply it by a number on the order of 8e-12, and what do you get?
Oh, by the way, the actual value of those coefficients should be closer to
[8.38044124105504e-12 -2.95337111670131e-07 0.00176948515975282 18.2176584107327]
So does this make a difference?
ans =
ans =
It DOES make a difference, a serious one.
You MIGHT choose to use simple linear interpolation, but the cubic is a bit smoother. Beware extrapolation, as a cubic will do strange things if you try it. In fact though, the cubic polynomial has a significant amount of lack of fit. You can do significantly better using a 4th order polynomial, as long as you are careful to scale the independent variable (footage) by dividing by 10000.
a4 = -3.02325078929022
a3 = 21.0780945560741
a2 = -46.9692303618201
a1 = 26.3111163470058
a0 = 17.1162276831784
MEG = a0 + a1*footage/10000 + a2*(footage/10000)^2 +
a3*(footage/10000)^3 + a4*(footage/10000)^4
Note the importance of scaling by 10000 (or at least a number that is chosen to transform your numbers so they are on the order of 1 or so.)
I'd not go much past that point though in terms of increasing the order of the fit.

Can I suggest you use a small VBA script, which uses linear interpolation to pull out a value from your list:
Public Function Linterp(Tbl As Range, x As Double) As Variant
' linear interpolator / extrapolator
' Tbl is a two-column range containing known x, known y, sorted x ascending
Dim nRow As Long
Dim iLo As Long, iHi As Long
nRow = Tbl.Rows.Count
If nRow < 2 Or Tbl.Columns.Count <> 2 Then
Linterp = CVErr(xlErrValue)
Exit Function '-------------------------------------------------------->
End If
If x < Tbl(1, 1) Then ' x < xmin, extrapolate from first two entries
iLo = 1
iHi = 2
ElseIf x > Tbl(nRow, 1) Then ' x > xmax, extrapolate from last two entries
iLo = nRow - 1
iHi = nRow
iLo = Application.Match(x, Application.Index(Tbl, 0, 1), 1)
If Tbl(iLo, 1) = x Then ' x is exact from table
Linterp = Tbl(iLo, 2)
Exit Function '---------------------------------------------------->
Else ' x is between tabulated values, interpolate
iHi = iLo + 1
End If
End If
Linterp = Tbl(iLo, 2) + (Tbl(iHi, 2) - Tbl(iLo, 2)) * (x - Tbl(iLo, 1)) / (Tbl(iHi, 1) - Tbl(iLo, 1))
End Function
You call this from your sheet with something like:
=Linterp(A1:b10, 1200)
You can easily tweak the code to adjust how you want values outside of the range to be handled.
On a slightly different note, you may also be interested in this which can draw out your equations.


variable looping

i am attempting to create a code to help do some design work.
i want my code to be able to read a radius of a circle e.g. 40m
we have rules that say we can use multiples of 12m to achieve this e.g. 12+12+12+12 but this does not satisify the issue so we need to then replace one of those numbers with a smaller number starting at 10m so equation would look like this 12+12+12+10 and if that still doesnt work change a different number so equation will look like this 12+12+10+12 we need this to loop until we can get it to 40m(subject to change could be upwards of 93m just using 40m for simplicity)
is there a way to set up variables that add to each other to get to the desired result but loop through changing the numbers until a desired result is hit.
to add to this the final number can be a a close estimate as long as it is 0.5m long minimum
e.g. if our radius is equal to 41.7 then no whole number will satisfy this so my intention is to have a loop that finds the best close answer and then an additional bit of code that will then adjust the final number
i have no idea where to start so havnt tried much
i expect to be able to input the radius, number of potential numbers to be used aka its not always goign to be 4 different numbers it could be more or less we know roughly how many we need just not the order they need to be in
the output we expect to have the cells on excel filled out with the length per item in a different cell e.g. 12m in one cell , 12m in a different cell, 12m in a different cell and then 4m in a different cell as this will fit our requirements.
if there is a way to loop through numbers until a desired number is hit that would be ideal just not sure how i would write that in code
As others already noted, it's not fully clear what you need.
Anyway, the code below distributes the radius (B1) in the number (B3) of addends that are multiples of the divisor you specify in B2. Until the remainder gets less than the divisor.
Sub distribute()
Dim radius As Integer, divisor As Integer, addends As Integer
Dim times As Integer
Dim i As Integer
radius = Range("B1").Value
divisor = Range("B2").Value
addends = Range("B3").Value
times = WorksheetFunction.Ceiling(radius / divisor / addends, 1)
For i = 1 To addends
If radius > divisor * times Then
Cells(5, i).Value = divisor * times
radius = radius - divisor * times
Cells(5, i).Value = radius
radius = 0
End If
End Sub

New to VBA in Excel. Trying to sum an incremented function

So what I am trying to do is take the difference between two values(x) and (y) to get (n). I then want to run (x) through a formula (n) times incrementing (x) each time. Then I want to output the sum all of those results into a cell. Cant figure out how to do it neatly within one cell like normal, so I've turned to VBA for once.
Here is what I have so far:
Sub Math()
Dim i As Integer
i = 0
Do While i < ((E42) - (d42))
cell(h42).Value = ((((d42) + i) ^ 2) * 100) / 3
End Sub
What I'm stuck on is how to get the result of each loop and sum them all together. I expect to have an i value that can range anywhere from 1-100. The only way I can think that would definitely work is messy where i would have a large number of cells in a column set aside that will calculate each of the iterations individually, then sum all of those together.
Alternatively, if theres a way to write a function that can calculate the sum(n) of ((x+n)^2)*100/3 then that would be much nicer but I cant think of how it would be written.
Here is how you can make a function (which can be used directly in worksheet formulas) to form a sum:
Function eval_sum(n As Long, x As Double) As Double
Dim s As Double, i As Long
For i = 0 To n - 1
s = s + (x + i) ^ 2
Next i
eval_sum = s * 100 / 3
End Function
This function evaluates:
100/3 * (x^2 + (x+1)^2 + (x+2)^2 + ... + (x+(n-1))^2)
It wasn't completely clear if this is what you were trying to do. If not, you can tweak the code to fit your needs.
Small point: I used Long rather than Integer. Forget that Integer exists. It is really legacy from the days of limited memory and 16-bit computers. In modern Excel an Integer is stored with 32 bits anyway. You are just risking overflow for no good reason.

Loop through a combination of numbers

I am trying to think of a way to loop through a number of combinations making sure that I go through each available combination without repeat. Let me explain. I have a set of numbers, for example
and I would like to alter this set of numbers via a loop and copy the new numbers into a different sheet so that my formulas on that sheet can calculate whatever I need them to calculate. For example, the first couple of iterations might look something like this:
20,000 x 1.001
25,000 x 1
27,000 x 1
29,000 x 1
20,002 x 1.001
25,000 x 1.001
27,000 x 1
29,000 x 1
The first row of numbers should never exceed the second. So 20,000 should only go as high as 25,000.
I was able to set up a system whereby I set up a matrix and then loop through a random set of combinations using =rand() however this does not ensure I hit every combination and also repeats combinations.
Can anyone explain the math behind this and also how I would use a loop to accomplish my goal?
Thank you!
Try starting with smaller numbers.
See if this works for you.
Sub looper()
'First Array
Dim myArray(9) As Double
For i = 1 To 10
myArray(i - 1) = i
Next i
'Second Array
Dim myOtherArray(9) As Double
For i = 1 To 10
myOtherArray(i - 1) = i
Next i
'Loop through each one
For Each slot In myArray
For Each otherSlot In myOtherArray
Debug.Print (slot & " * " & otherSlot & " = " & slot * otherSlot)
Next otherSlot
Next slot
End Sub
GD user1813558,
Your question contains too little detail and is too broadly scoped to be able to provide a accurate answer.
Are your numbers arbitrary (i.e. the ones you provided are 'just'
samples) or will they be fixed as per your indicated numbers ?
Will there always be only 4 numbers ?
Is the distribution of your startnumbers (i.e. their difference
value) always as per your indication 0, +5000, +2000, +2000
Will the results of all 'loops' (or iterations) need to be copied to
a different sheet ? (i.e looping from 20.000 to 25.000 by increments
of 1.001 would require about 223 iterations, and subsequently sheets,
before the result starts exceeding 25.000 ?)
Does a new sheet need to be created for each iteration result or are they
existent or will the result be copied to the same sheet for every iteration ?
In short, please provide a more accurate question.

Generated Data Label values from worksheet sometimes don't show

I am generating values in Excel 2010, initially putting them into an array, then copying them into a worksheet for use as datalabels for a logarithmix x-axis (actually calling Chart Labeller to do that, but this also happens when i manually apply through Excel). For the most part this works fine without problems. In certain instances, however, some, but not all, of the data labels do not visible show, even though the data in the worksheet is there, manually selecting the data labels shows an invisible label selected.
What I found out, and I think this may be a bug in Excel, when I go to the worksheet, and re-type in the value that is not showing up on the chart, it then shows up on the chart.
Here are my dim's for the array:
Dim chart_labeler_info_x()
Here is how I populate the array:
'Assuming we are going to do the x-axis
ReDim chart_labeler_info_x(1 To x_axis_interval_num, 1 To 3)
For k = 1 To x_axis_interval_num
'Column 1 is the new chart label value, column 2 is the y value of the new series , column 3 is the x value(equivalent to 111...)
chart_labeler_info_x(k, 1) = suf_ize(10 ^ (Log(x_axis.MinimumScale) / Log(10#) + (k - 1)))
chart_labeler_info_x(k, 2) = y_axis.MinimumScale
chart_labeler_info_x(k, 3) = 10 ^ (Log(x_axis.MinimumScale) / Log(10#) + (k - 1))
Next k
Here is how I initialize the range on the worksheet:
Set new_labeler_ws_x_axis = Sheets.Add
new_labeler_ws_x_axis.Name = Chart_for_series & "Eng_Labels_X_Axis"
new_labeler_ws_x_axis.Range("a1:c" & x_axis_interval_num).Value = chart_labeler_info_x
new_labeler_ws_x_axis.Range("a1:c" & x_axis_interval_num).Font.Name = "Arial"
new_labeler_ws_x_axis.Range("a1:c" & x_axis_interval_num).Font.Size = 7
I also create a new series attached to this range:
With ActiveChart.SeriesCollection.NewSeries
.XValues = Sheets(new_labeler_ws_x_axis.Name).Range("C1:C" & x_axis_interval_num)
.Values = Sheets(new_labeler_ws_x_axis.Name).Range("B1:B" & x_axis_interval_num)
.Name = "=""Labeller_x"""
.Border.Color = RGB(0, 0, 0)
.Format.line.Visible = True
End With
The data that is generated in the worksheet looks like this:
1m 100 0.001
10m 100 0.01
100m 100 0.1
1 100 1
10 100 10
100 100 100
1k 100 1000
Column 1 has the values that will be used as the new data labels. Column 2 is the y-value, Column 3 is the actual x-value. (I can attach the worksheet if that helps.)
Here is an image of what I am talking about:
You notice that the 1k data label that should be there, is not visible.
I can make the 1k data label appear one of two ways:
Extend the maximum value for the series, in this case to 10,000 (10k) in which case the 1k label shows.
Manually go to the worksheet, select the cell that has the 1000 value, re-enter the value 1000 and press return, the data label then shows up as 1k.
Some other interesting anomalies, when the maximum value is 100, the data label for 100 disappears also. As the maximum value is increased beyond 1000, there seems to be no problems the data labels all show themselves.
I have tried changing the number format, which general, to number, with two decimal places, no luck. Changing to text and back, no luck.
I think this is a bug, but haven't found in info, can any of the experts out there shine some light on this?
I found a solution, while somewhat of a hack, i think it underlines what the problem may actually be, and maybe someone can suggest a more elegant solution.
I added the last line of this code block:
chart_labeler_info_x(k, 1) = suf_ize(10 ^ (Log(x_axis.MinimumScale) / Log(10#) + (k - 1)))
chart_labeler_info_x(k, 2) = y_axis.MinimumScale
chart_labeler_info_x(k, 3) = 10# ^ (Log(x_axis.MinimumScale) / Log(10#) + (k - 1#))
'This line did the trick
If chart_labeler_info_x(k, 3) >= 1 Then chart_labeler_info_x(k, 3) = Round(chart_labeler_info_x(k, 3), 0)
As i said previously, we had found that manually updating the value in the cell, caused the labels to be visible. We tried applying the Round function to the value in the cell, and that worked, so i put it as a check in the code, for values of 1 and higher.
It appears that, even though the cell value shown is 1000, internally, it must not be. (I checked .value and .value2, they both reported 1000.) The bug i think lies in this happening SOMETIMES. If the maximum value of the series is increased, the 1k label appears, even though it it the same math being used to generate the values.
Maybe someone can explain why this is happening and offer a more elegant solution!

VBA: Generating Data that mimics specific parameters (Avg, StdDev..etc)

I have modified a VBA array function given to me here: Excel Generate Normalized Data
That question will explain what I am after.
Download the excel I am using to completely understand:
I am using the following data (The left side are values I enter for the data to be based upon, the right side is the results of the generated data):
As you can see, the % Diff is very good for Avg Click, but Click/Time is off when there is a high Day StdDev (Day +/-). The difference when there is a low Day Stddev is close to 0.
I think this is because the var NoClickDaysPerClick_Running_Avg becomes inaccurate because the NoClickDays_Total (Which is used indirectly to determine the running avg) is "guessed" at the start, and needs to be reassessed each click because the high StdDev adds randomness and the original "guess" becomes more and more inaccurate.
I am not sure if this is the problem, or if it is how I can even solve it.
I am just looking for advice on the best way to do what it is I want. I am not sure why the stdDev are so far off either, but thats not a big deal. I'd rather have a more accurate Click/Time than anything else- reguardless what the Day StdDev is.
here is the function in my VBA:
Function ClickSpacer(Total_Days As Long, ClicksPerDay_Desired_Avg As Double, Clicks_Desired_Deviation As Double, Clicks_Min As Integer, Clicks_Max As Integer, TotalClicksOverTotalDays_Desired_Avg As Double, NoClickDays_Desired_Deviation As Double, NoClickDays_Min As Integer, NoClickDays_Max As Integer)
Dim Day_Array() As Integer
ReDim Day_Array(1 To Total_Days, 1 To 1)
Dim NumDaysToGetClicks As Double
Dim ClickOffset As Long
Dim Clicks_Total As Long
Dim Clicks_SoFar As Long
Dim Clicks_Remaining As Long
Dim NoClickDaysPerClick_Desired_Avg As Double
' Number of clicks that are needed to Achieved desired Avg of clicks over time
Clicks_Total = Round(Total_Days * TotalClicksOverTotalDays_Desired_Avg, 0)
' Number of days in which the user has to click atleast once to achieve desired Avg. clicks per day
NumDaysToGetClicks = Round(Clicks_Total / ClicksPerDay_Desired_Avg, 0)
' The number of non-click days in order fill out the total days
NoClickDays_Total = Round(Total_Days - NumDaysToGetClicks, 0)
' The guessimated average of non-click days per click to fill out total non-click days
' This is never used, just used for comparsion of the running Avg
NoClickDaysPerClick_Desired_Avg = NoClickDays_Total / NumDaysToGetClicks
'This variable is here to achieved closer results to the desired StdDev.
'a higher multiplyer will not limit the deviation but just give an average deviation
'For example, if the Average was 3 with a +/- 2, then with a StdDevMulti of 1
'ALL numbers will be 1 (3-2) through 5 (3+2) with an avg of 3 and stddev of 2, the numbers will NEVER exceed the StdDev.
'With a StdDevMulti of 2, the numbers will be 0 through 6, but should still have an
'Avg deviation of 2.
StdDevMulti = 1
NoClickDays_Desired_Deviation = NoClickDays_Desired_Deviation * StdDevMulti
Clicks_Desired_Deviation = Clicks_Desired_Deviation * StdDevMulti
'Set the obvious defaults
ClickedDaysSoFar = 0
Clicks_SoFar = 0
NoClickDays_SoFar = 0
'Give the ClickOffset a starting value
ClickOffset = NoClickDaysPerClick_Desired_Avg
'used to find the "running" average of days not clicked
NoClickDays_Remaining = NoClickDays_Total - NoClickDays_SoFar
'used to find the "running" average of clicks per day
Clicks_Remaining = (Clicks_Total - Clicks_SoFar)
'used in both "running" averages mentioned above and also will
'mark the end of the while loop.
RemainingClickedDays = (NumDaysToGetClicks - ClickedDaysSoFar)
' Find what the average num. click should be based on the remaining
' and then apply the deviation. Only accept a click below its max
' above its min.
' Generate a random number between -1 and 1
SignChanger = Rnd() - Rnd()
' Apply the randomized StdDev
Clicks_Deviation = Clicks_Desired_Deviation * SignChanger
'Figure out the "running" average
ClicksPerDay_Running_Avg = Clicks_Remaining / RemainingClickedDays
'Figure out a click value and round to the nearest whole number
Generated_Clicks = Round(ClicksPerDay_Running_Avg + Clicks_Deviation, 0)
' Make sure it meets the requirements, if not, try again
Loop While Generated_Clicks < Clicks_Min Or Generated_Clicks > Clicks_Max
' Set the click value to the spaced-out array index
Day_Array(ClickOffset, 1) = Generated_Clicks
'Find a random space based upon the "running" avg. and desired deviation
'Make sure it between the min and max required.
' Generate a random number between -1 and 1
SignChanger = Rnd() - Rnd()
' Apply the randomized StdDev
NoClickDays_Deviation = NoClickDays_Desired_Deviation * SignChanger
'Figure out the "running" average
NoClickDaysPerClick_Running_Avg = NoClickDays_Remaining / RemainingClickedDays
'Figure out a space value and round to the nearest whole number
Generated_NoClickDays = Round(NoClickDaysPerClick_Running_Avg + NoClickDays_Deviation, 0)
' Make sure it meets the requirements, if not, try again
Loop While Generated_NoClickDays < NoClickDays_Min Or Generated_NoClickDays >= NoClickDays_Max
'Define the array index based upon the spacing previously generated.
' Make sure to "add" upon the already known index. Add 1 because you
'have to account for the index the click occupies
ClickOffset = ClickOffset + Generated_NoClickDays + 1
'These should be self-explaintory
ClickedDaysSoFar = ClickedDaysSoFar + 1
Clicks_SoFar = Clicks_SoFar + Generated_Clicks
NoClickDays_SoFar = NoClickDays_SoFar + Generated_NoClickDays
Loop While ClickOffset < Total_Days And RemainingClickedDays > 0
'Set the array equal to the clicks so that it returns the array as
'we want. Ideally this will be just replace Total_Days fields under
'the base, so not to require a array-function. Neither of these work:
'ClickSpacer = Range("P1:P" & UBound(Day_Array) + 1).Value
'Range("P1:P" & UBound(Day_Array) + 1) = Application.Transpose(Day_Array)
ClickSpacer = Day_Array
End Function
I think your assumption is correct. The "problem" with the code you have above is that it uses StdDev as the basis for generating random numbers, so the standard deviation will tend to be accurate and the mean will be less accurate.
If you want more accuracy with the mean and less with the standard deviation, then you'll have to "flip" how numbers are generated: they'll need to center around your desired mean and use the desired standard deviation as a guide, rather than the other way around.
I have an idea about how this can be done, but it will take more concentration than I can apply at work, so I'll have to come back and edit this later. I'll see what I can do.
