Gnuplot transform x axis data with in the plot - transform

I have data in this format
apple 1
bananna 3
ornage 5
fig 4
I want the x axis data to appear in the plot and not in the axis as such. Moreover they are words and not numbers.
How can I do it please?

The question is a bit unclear. Where do you want the labels to show up? Here's an example where I'll put the label "apple" at the point (0,1) and the label "banana" at the point (1,3), etc. (each label is moved 1 unit further down the x axis):
plot 'data.dat' using (column(0)):2:1 with labels
You can also put points associated with it:
plot 'data.dat' using (column(0)):2 w p,\
'' using (column(0)):2:1 w labels
Here the labels sit directly on top of the points. That may not be what you want -- You can add an offset:
plot 'test.dat' u (column(0)):2:1 w labels offset character 0,1,\
'' u (column(0)):2 w p
From the documentation (help labels), it appears that the appearance of your labels should be able to be modified by pretty much any option that you can pass to set label.
The font, color, rotation angle and other properties of the printed text
may be specified as additional command options (see `set label`).


gnuplot histogram: How to hide values on top of bars

After showing some values on top of bars like here. I think thats a good idea. On the other point: Is there is also a way hide some values on the top of bars. Lets say: I have lots of "0", which says nothing in the histogram.
You do not show your specific plot command, so I will assume something similar to the answer you link to. It uses essentially
plot 'data' u 2 with histogram ,\
'' u 0:2:2 with labels font "Helvetica,10" offset -0.9,0.5
You ask how to modify this so that zero values do not produce a label. Here is one possibility. Note that the original answer treats the values in column two as strings for the purpose of "with labels" but we are going to change this to treating them as numbers so that we can test against 0.
filter(col) = (column(col) == 0) ? "" : sprintf("%.1f", column(col))
plot 'data' u 2 with histogram ,\
'' u 0:2:(filter(2)) with labels font "Helvetica,10" offset -0.9,0.5

How to plot data with lines like "<text> <datetime>", with gnuplot?

My data is a typical CSV-like text where each line consists of two columns where the first is text and the second a unix timestamp, as follows:
Mom 1441008169
Dad 1442516527
Ken 1441783871
<text> <unix-timestamp>
I thought I could arrange the data along a timeline, drawing dots/shapes of color corresponding to the text in the line, at a point along the x axis corresponding to the timestamp. At best I got gnuplot to tell me:
line 0: Need using spec for y time data
when I tell it to:
set ydata time
set timefmt "%s"
plot "-"
I want to render a plot using dots, or diamonds or shapes with color corresponding to the text string in first column. In other words, if my text values fall within the set {"Mom", "Dad", "Ken"}, then gnuplot should draw these shapes corresponding to "Mom" in red, "Dad" in green, and "Ken" in blue, or something like that, at points corresponding to their respective timestamps along the x axis.
The challenge for me is to have gnuplot distinguish between the text strings. The data can be thought of as, for instance, incoming calls from a person where the timestamp indicates date and time for the call and text represents the person calling. I thought representing these data as plotted dots/orbs/diamonds/whatever of different color along a time line would be a good idea, visually.
How would I achieve that? I can, optionally, generate some sort of identifier table where the unique text strings are each equated to a unique sequential generated ID, if that helps gnuplot.
I guess what you want is something like this
The x-axis spans the time interval which is specified by your data file (2nd column). Each name (Ken, Mom, Dad) is represented by a different point type (pt) and a specific colour (lc rgb 'color').
You can generate this plot by the following commands (assuming your data file's name is 'test'):
set xdata time
set timefmt "%s"
set format x "%d/%m/%y"
set xtics rotate
unset ytics
set yrange[0:2]
plot 'test' u ($2):(stringcolumn(1) eq "Ken" ? 1 :1/0) w p pt 5 ps 1.5 lc rgb 'blue' t 'Ken',\
'' u ($2):(stringcolumn(1) eq "Dad" ? 1 :1/0) w p pt 7 ps 1.5 lc rgb 'red' t 'Dad',\
'' u ($2):(stringcolumn(1) eq "Mom" ? 1 :1/0) w p pt 3 ps 1.5 lc rgb 'green' t 'Mom'
You can use different point types by assigning different numbers to pt. ps specifies the point size.
Another representation I came up with is the following:
You can generate it with:
plot 'test' u ($2):(1):(stringcolumn(1)) with labels t '',\
'' u ($2):(0.95) with impulses t ''
I hope this answers your question, and it is what you were looking for.

Rotating a plot in gnuplot

1-How can I rotate my plot so y would be the new x axis and vice versa?
2- Change the maximum value of y axis from 60 to 100.
The plot is created by this script in the terminal :
set palette grey
plot 'color_map.dat' matrix with image
You can exchange the x and y axes with the using modifier. (Just like for ordinary plots, except that for matrix data, columns 1 and 2 are not in your data file, but are inferred.)
plot 'color_map.dat' matrix using 2:1:3 with image
If you actually just want to change the maximum value on the y (new x) axis, you would use set xrange[:100]. But it sounds like you might actually want to scale the data itself, in which case you could use
plot 'color_map.dat' matrix using ($2/60.*100):1:3 with image
Try help plot matrix for more details.

Gnuplot - How to place y-values above bars when using Histogram style?

I am currently using a script to generate histogram plots, e.g., by doing:
set style histogram cluster gap 4
plot for [COL=2:10] 'example.dat' u COL:xticlabels(1) title columnheader(COL)
Now I wish to add the y-values (numbers) above the bars in the histogram but adding w labels gives the 'Not enough columns for this style' error.
plot for [COL=2:10] 'example.dat' u COL:xticlabels(1) title columnheader(COL), \
for [COL=2:10] 'example.dat' u COL title '' w labels
Is it possible to add y-labels using the histogram style?
Note: I know that there are examples for plotting with boxes. I wish to make this work with the histogram style if possible.
Here's a test datafile I came up with:
hi world foo bar baz qux
1 2 3 4 5 6
4 5 7 3 6 5
Here's the script I used to plot it:
set yrange [0:*]
set style histogram cluster gap 4
STARTCOL=2 #Start plotting data in this column (2 for your example)
ENDCOL=6 #Last column of data to plot (10 for your example)
NCOL=ENDCOL-STARTCOL+1 #Number of columns we're plotting
BOXWIDTH=1./(GAPSIZE+NCOL) #Width of each box.
plot for [COL=STARTCOL:ENDCOL] 'example.dat' u COL:xtic(1) w histogram title columnheader(COL), \
for [COL=STARTCOL:ENDCOL] 'example.dat' u (column(0)-1+BOXWIDTH*(COL-STARTCOL+GAPSIZE/2+1)-0.5):COL:COL notitle w labels
Each cluster of histograms takes a total width of 1 unit on the x axis. We know how many widths we need (the number of boxes +4 since that is the gapsize). We can calculate the width of each box (1/(N+4)). We then plot the histograms as normal. (Note that I added with histogram to the plot command).
According to the builtin help, labels require 3 columns of data (x y label). In this case, the y position and the label are the same and can be read directly from the column COL. The x position of the first block is centered 0 (and has a total width of 1). So, the first block is going to be located at x=-0.5+2*BOXWIDTH. The 2 here is because the gap is 4 boxwidths -- two on the left and 2 on the right. The next block is going to be located at -0.5+3*BOXWIDTH, etc. In general, (as a function of COL) we can write this as
We need to shift this to the right by 1 unit for each additional block we read. Since each block corresponds to 1 line in the data file, we can use pseudo-column 0 (i.e. column(0) or $0) for this since it gets incremented for each "record/line" gnuplot reads. The 0th record holds the titles, the first record holds the first block. Since we want a function which returns 0 for the first record, we use column(0)-1. Putting it all together, we find that the x-position is:
which is equivalent to what I have above.

Y-value on bar graph in gnuplot?

Can I get gnuplot to display the exact y-value or height of a data point (plotted using "with boxes") over its bar? I would like the plot to be easy to read so nobody has to line up the top of a bar with the y-axis and guess what the value is.
You can use the labels style and combine it into the plot command with the boxes style. The labels style expects 3 columns of data - the x coordinate, the y coordinate, and the actual label text.
For example, with the following data
1 4
2 6
3 2
4 8
the command (we set the yrange to 0 - 10 and boxwidth to 0.9 and set a solid fill style)
plot datafile u 1:2 with boxes, "" u 1:2:2 with labels offset char 0,1
Normally, the labels would be centered on the specified point (the top edge of the box). By specifying an offset, we can move them up to just above the box. Here we used no offset in the x direction, but a unit of 1 in the y direction. We used the character coordinate system, so this corresponds to moving up by one character unit.
I can only think of putting the values where you want them "manually" like this:
set label "value" at 12,34
The numbers are coordinates according to your x and y ranges.
An automatic way would use "with labels", see e.g.
