Use External URL to point to Local Server, Locally - dns

I want to be able to access my raspberry pi locally using the dynamic dns name I have setup but I am having some trouble.
Example: - this can be accessed from outside the network fine, it updates the IP dynamically etc.
When accessing from inside my local network, the same one the RPi is on, I cant do it (timeout).
If I use raspberrypi/ or I can access it from my network internally, :22 access etc.
My question is: would it be possible to configure something so that when I am local to the RPi, I can use and it will resolve to raspberrypi/?

Pretty simple solution I'm afraid. All I did was port forward :80 to my RPi in my routers settings, boom. Thought it would be a bit harder than that... I won't delete this just encase anyone else doing the same comes across this.
I thought that as the Pi was in the routers DMZ it would have done this automatically... oh well!


Why my web traffic is redirected via IP address on my Mac?

I know nothing about networking. so I need serious help here. I was on a Zoom call with my mentor and we were talking about the difference between HTTP, HTTP1, and HTTP2. Then he noticed that even websites which are supposed to use HTTP1 all of them were showing as if they are using HTTP2.
He mentioned possible problems are:
I'm using VPN
or my web traffic is redirected via a Proxy server. (which I'm not since I work from home via my wifi provided to me via fiber optic cable)
I suspect that there is some kind of proxy malware on my laptop. Can anybody tell me how can i detect any possible malware and find out in general what is wrong? (if anything is wrong at all)
Thanks in advance.
The range from to is one of the private IP Ranges and as you are using wifi its normally assigned by your wifi-router/accesspoint to your computer using dhcp.
But seriously, a professor who thinks he is capable talking about http(x) should know the very basics of the protocol stack. If he doesn't know such simple things, you better get someone better.

How can I connect to an IIS site being served on my computer from my iPad?

Both devices are connected to the same WiFi network.
I have set IIS bindings to allow connections to my IP:
However, my computer's IP address is the same as my iPad's.
Is there a way to make this work?
That's not your IP. Every time you use a laptop on a Wifi network, you'll be using the public IP address of whatever network you're on.
The IP address of "your" computer doesn't belong to your computer. It belongs to the network you're connected to. Your computer is just borrowing it for a while.
Try to set a static IP address for your computer and use another machine to send ping command to it. Then use iPad to connect.
Initially when I posted this question, I was using an xfinitywifi hotspot and I assume that came with a whole host of problems. Full-disclosure, I did not figure out how to make it work in this scenario.
However when I moved to my own home wifi network, I was still having this problem.
I had to do two things, one of which, I know is not recommended, but it was really easy.
First, I had to enter my network and sharing center and set my connection as home connection instead of public which is what I previously had it at.
Second, which is not recommended, I turned off Windows firewall. I only do this when I need to access my site from another device for debugging. I turn it back on when I am done. For a more permanent setup I know it is recommended to just enable the port you need, but I could not figure this out.

access to a raspberry pi from all over the world without dyndns

first of all i wanted to clearify, that i'm not asking, how to access a raspberry pi from the internet. I know, that I have to use a DynDNS or the IPv4 if it won't change. But I can't use this.
So I will explain my problem:
A friend of mine and me are working on a project. We are creating a automatic watring system for gardens or plantations and we have a apache on the pi, so you can access the pi from the home-network. But we also want to access the pi from outside, but without using a DynDNS, because we want to make it marketable, so you can't give every pi a DynDNS.
At networks, where the IPv4 won't change it is not a problem, but usually the internet provider change your IPv4 nearly every day. We also thougt of building a own small server with old PC-Components of our parents, but we don't know how to deal with the changing IPv4. Theoretically we could build a own small server if it is a solution.
So I wanted to ask you, how to access a raspberry pi with changing IPv4 without DynDNS.
(Sorry for my bad englisch)
Your bigger problem is that 99% of consumer devices are behind a router. You will need a solution that opens a connection to your service and waits for commands. This concept exits with tools like netcat or ngrok.

How do I host a NodeJS http web server on a raspberry PI/or any linux based PC

I've seen people host Apache servers on raspberry PI's and of course on regular computers. I do not wish to or rent a VPS and thought it would be best to set one up on my Raspberry PI 2 B:
(1gb ram/32gb disk/1ghz on overclock)
What is the proper way of setting up a NodeJS http web server on a computer? Can you link me to a tutorial if one exists(Couldn't find any).
I was also wondering if I would be better of renting a VPS with recurring costs and lack of customization/control , or on a working dedicated PC. Keep in mind that I wish to practice some dev ops work over multiple PI's(ex. Chef).
I need this server to be accessible through the internet through an ip or domain. How do I go about setting that up? (I have domains)
Update: I wrote a blog post on this subject.
The tutorial goes through the full installation process. Click the link below
Yes, You can use raspberry as your VPS or dedicated server. Just assign static IP address(You need to buy) to your Raspberry and then point your domain name to that static IP address.
Few links below that will be helpful for you,

How can I develop using a local VM server without using URLs with ports in them?

I'm setting up a linux server in a VM for my development.
Previously I've had PHP, MySQL etc etc all installed locally on my Mac. Apart from being a security risk, it's a drag to maintain and keep up to date, and there's a risk that an OS upgrade will wipe part of your setup out as the changes you make are fairly non-standard.
Having the entire server contained within a VM makes it easily upgradable and portable between machines. It means I can have the same configuration as the destination server and with shared folders even if the VM gets corrupted my work is safe on the host machine.
Previously with the local installation I was able to develop on convenient URLs like I'd quite like to carry this over to the VM way of development but I'm struggling to figure out how, if it's possible at all.
Here's the problem:
In Bridged mode, the VM is part of the same network as the host. This is great but I can't choose a fixed IP address as I may be joining other networks and that address may be taken already. I'd like a consistent way of addressing my VM.
In NAT mode I can't directly address the VM without using port forwarding. I can use if I use the hosts file to forward that to localhost and then localhost:8080 forwards to the vm:80. The trouble is I have to access which is inconvenient for URL construction.
Does anyone know a way around this? I'm using ubuntu server and virtualbox.
The answer is to define a separate host-only network adapter and use that for host->guest communication.
You can do this by powering down the guest and adding the adapter in the VM settings. Once that's done you can boot the guest again and configure the new network interface however suits you best. I chose a fixed IP address in an unused range.
