What else beyond the VC++ 2005 redistributable is required for deployment? - visual-c++

I recently had a hard disk fail on me. I've re-installed Win XP from scratch, updated to SP3, and run the same vcredist_x86.exe that I have always run before to install Visual C++ components. It seems to install... but none of my executables requiring the essential VC++ DLLs will run - they all give the "application configuration is incorrect" message familiar to many of us.
If I run Dependency Walker, I can see that all executables built using VC++ 2005 are simply failing to pick up the likes of MFC80.dll, MSVCRP80.dll, MSVCP80.dll, etc. When I look in the Windows\WinSxS folder, there appear to be folders containing those files in the correct places. These executables ran fine a couple of weeks ago, so I know their manifests are OK.
What could be causing all these applications to fail to run?

Make sure the correct up-to-date version of the redistributable is used and/or matches the versions used to build the executable(s). Note also that the version number of the vcredist_x86.exe file will not be the same as the version(s) of the files installed in the WinSxS folder. This was really useful for shining light on the version issues.


Can't use 32-bit VC++ 2015 on Windows 7 unpatched

I have spent an incredible amount of time getting our product to run properly on customers' machines after we moved to Visual Studio 2015, and I still have one problem left to solve. The problem is that I can't get any of the C++ 2015 redistributables installers to work on 32-bit Windows 7 when it hasn't been patched (Windows Update).
The full story:
We upgraded all projects in the solution from VS 2013 to VS2015 and .NET 4.5.2, which also forced us to upgrade to "Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable (x86/64) - 14.0.23506/23026)". We've done this kind of upgrade many times before, from VS2010 and up, and it never failed before.
23506 (for short) are the DLLs that accompany VS2015. We always found it easier to just XCOPY the DLLs into our installation folder. For some reason that doesn't work with the DLLs from VS2015 (23506). The program can't find them even when placed in the same folder as the executables. Why not?
Then I ran vcredist_xXX.exe that accompany VS2015, and the program runs fine.
But I want to XCOPY, so I discovered the download of 23026 from Microsoft, but there are no DLLs in there - only vc_redist.xXX.exe. Still, I copied the DLLs from somewhere in Windows - the paths to each DLL is listed in the registry. By the way, there are two extra DLLs installed that are not present in the folders in VS2015. "mfc140.dll" and "mfcm140.dll". Why?
But XCOPYing 23026 didn't work either, not even with the two extra DLLs. Running vc_redist.xXX.exe from 23026 worked fine.
Ok, problem solved, I thought. Using vc_redist.xXX.exe instead of XCOPYing. But no.
The final problem is that vc_redist.x86.exe (from 23026) and vcredist_x86.exe (from 23506) both fail when run on a 32-bit Windows 7 machine that hasn't been patched (Windows Update) at all after installation. For reasons I won't go into, that's the kind of machines we have to install our product on - unpatched 32-bit Windows 7 - no way around it. (The problem maybe exists on 64-bit unpatched Windows also, but I haven't got the time to find out.)
How do I get around this?
I am trying to link the C++ runtime statically and drop the DLLs alltogether, but it seems impossible when you have native C++ with C++ wrappers in a .NET project. This issue has already been reported by others, so no need to go into it here.
I have tried searching for DLLs to download, or a way to extract DLLs from the installer. Anyway, as mentioned above, I already tried just copying them from somewhere below C:\Windows. Doesn't work, so I doubt I can get some DLLs that will work. But again, why? If somebody can help me figure out this, it could be the perfect solution for our problem.
I have been thinking about finding the exact Windows patch(es) needed to get that installer - vc_redist.x86.exe - to work on those crappy machines. If it's just one or a handful of KBs that doesn't destabilize these machines, that would perhaps be acceptable.
A possibility that definitely should work is to downgrade the C++ projects to VS2013, which doesn't have this problem. I am really fed up of us always having to keep two versions of Visual Studio on our developer machines as a workaround for some silly problem, but if there's no other way, then so be it, even in 2016.
Found a quick and simple workaround. Turns out we only need to change the setting "Platform Toolset" to "Visual Studio 2013 (v120)" in all the C++ projects, in order to build with the good old DLLs that still work with XCOPY deployment. I was under the impression this setting would not go together with .NET 4.5.2, which we need, but it does. VS2013 will have to be installed along with VS2015, but we can live with that.
As stated, this is a workaround. It doesn't solve the actual problem stated in the title. But since I actually asked for a way around the problem, I'll close the issue with this answer.
As for the actual problem, if anyone is interested: I found some blog entries on the Visual C++ Team Blog - "Introducing the Universal CRT" and "The Great C Runtime (CRT) Refactoring". Where that leads, I'm not sure.
I was able to get this resolved on my local PC by following the updated step 6 on that article: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/vcblog/2015/03/03/introducing-the-universal-crt/
Once you copy the 20 or so DLLS folder it still didn't work for me, I had to grab the ucrtbase.dll and ucrtbased.dll along with all the usual 140 (mfc, mfcm,vcruntime, msvcp) from my SysWOW64 folder and finally i'm able to launch this on a windows 7 pc without requiring to install any patches!

Which Windows Libraries are missing from the Visual C++ Redistributable Package?

I am using JNI to interface to a CAN driver I wrote using MSVC++ 2012. Everything compiles and runs fine - but only on my computer. Whenever I try to run on any other computer, I get the JNI "UnsatisfiedLinkError" - can't find dependent libraries. I've implemented JNI before, and typically this issue is resolved by simply installing the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package before running my program. The Redistributable does not solve my issue, however, installing the entire MSVC++ Express 2012 IDE on the computer in question seems to make everything work just fine. Thus, I assume this means that there is some dependency that gets installed and added to PATH when the IDE is installed but not when the Redistributable is installed. Just for verification, I uninstalled the IDE and my JNI driver failed to load once again. The primary difference between this and my other implementations of JNI is that I use Windows.h since it is required for the CAN API I use in my driver. Any ideas on any libraries installed with the IDE but not the Redistributable and whose prototypes are included with Windows.h? (Note: I am aware that Windows.h includes a number of headers itself but I imagine the other criteria make the issue a bit more specific.)
First guess: You are installing a debug build intead of a release build. Debug builds depend on debug versions of the CRT, which cannnot be redistributed.
Check that you are using the right "Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package". There are 2012, 2012 Update 1 and 2012 Update 2 (as well as many for 2010, 2008, ...).
Assuming your dependencies are load-time DLLs, you can use Depends to find out what's missing. (Note: you'll typically see some delay-load DLLs that are "missing". Ignore thoses; See the FAQ.)
Of course, once you find out the name and path of the missing DLL, you'll have to find out what redist package installs it.

Why my app crashes on Win XP unless i install VS2005 runtime?

I'm trying to investigate why would my app, written in VC 2008, crash on bare Windows XP with c0000005. It works great on any windows vista and 7. On XP it would crash with no additional info. Below are the details and the result of a few days worth of my headaches, eliminating one reason after another. Here's the details:
I have Win7 ultimate with XP Mode with iexplore 6 and presumably no patches whatsoever.
I install my program and nothing else, since it is supposed to be install-and-run thing with no additional packages needed.
My app has compiled-in VC2008 runtime (using /MT, as opposed to /MD compiler switch)
I'm using firebird embedded, which needs VC2005 (edited, i wrote VC2008 before) libs for itself anyway, so i put them in my app's working dir
when i install VC++ 2008 on this XP Mode machine, it doesn't crash anymore, so debugging this way is impossible
I've narrowed this error's occurence down to the VC2005 runtime - right after i install it my app stops crashing. But i don't know what could be using it's components. When running the release version under VC2008 IDE, nothing shows any vc2005 libs being loaded (weird, if i say so myself).
My app's linker's dependencies lists these (i added only the first two, the rest was there courtesy of VisualStudio): jpeg.lib, gdiplus.lib, kernel32.lib, user32.lib, gdi32.lib, winspool.lib, comdlg32.lib, advapi32.lib, shell32.lib, ole32.lib, oleaut32.lib, uuid.lib, odbc32.lib, odbccp32.lib, comctl32.lib, %(AdditionalDependencies)
I am also using IBPP firebird interface, which loads these dynamically, so they are present in my app's dir (they need msvc?80.dlls):
fbembed.dll, ib_util.dll, icudt30.dll, icuin30.dll, icuuc30.dll, msvcp80.dll, msvcr80.dll
Please advise why would vc2005 runtime be a remedy for my app to not crash on a bare Win XP. Or how could i debug that one without installing vc 2008 on target machine. I'm starting to blame windows xp's components. Ultimately i want my app to not require any additional packages, such as VC2008 or 2005, especially when no component of my app requires the latter.
I am also using IBPP firebird interface ... msvcp80.dll, msvcr80.dll
The answer is in your question, these DLLs are VS2005 runtime support DLLs. They cannot be stored in your exe directory, they must be registered in the side-by-side cache. This does not typically cause an AV, but it isn't impossible if the code doesn't check the return value of LoadLibrary(). You can download an installer for them from Microsoft. It doesn't otherwise have anything to do with Windows XP, you just happened to try to run this program on machines that already had the DLLs installed. Very common on a dev machine for example.
If you don't want a dependency on them then you'll have to rebuild those DLLs that require it. Which is a good idea, having a dependency on more than one version of the CRT is pretty unhealthy.
If you are wondering why you are having to deal with this: it was Microsoft's attempt to put DLL Hell in the developer's lap instead of the user's. They've since withdrawn this, VS2010 again makes it a user problem. That was a pretty big party in Bangalore, I'd imagine.

the program can not be started because MSVCR80D.dll is missing from your computer,try reinstalling the program to fix this issue

when i try to run a application developed in vc++ on windows7,i get popup window saying that"the program can not be started because MSVCR80D.dll is missing from your computer,try reinstalling the program to fix this issue."
I googled it,it says that this DDL may not be present in your system or it has been got corrupted,Now i searched this file, i get this file at 20 different folder in win7.
I am not getting which file has been corrupted or if it is missing then where it is mising?
can anybody tell in which folder ,this DDL is missing or might be corrupted?
Thanks in advance. .
You're trying to run a Debug version of your program on a machine which does not have VS installed. The MS*D.dll files are not redistributable - they are installed were VS is installed. If you want to run executables on other machines, compile them as Release. You might still need to deploy some files (depending on how you're linking to the CRT), but that won't be a problem.
Never ever distribute your DEBUG builds to customers. Always distribute Release build.
Yes, of course, in develoment environment having multiple machines, you may share Debug builds to other developers - provided others developers have debugging-tools (like VS) installed on their system along with Debug-binaries of shared DLLs (like MSVCRxx).
Are you using the same computer that compiled the program? If not, you need visual studio redistributable files to run it.
Search the internet for your version of visual studio or visual c++ redist, you'll find it.

Error: The Side-by-Side configuration information in "BLAH.EXE" contains errors

This is the error Dependency Walker gives me on an executable that I am building with VC++ 2005 Express Edition. When trying to run the .exe, I get:
This application has failed to start because the application configuration
is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.
(I am new to the manifest/SxS/etc. way of doing things post VC++ 2003.)
I am running on the same machine I am building the .exe with. In Event Viewer, I have the unhelpful:
Faulting application blah.exe, version, faulting module blah.exe,
version, fault address 0x004239b0.
Open the properties sheet for your project, go to the Configuration Properties -> C/C++ -> Code Generation page, and change the Runtime Library selection to /MT or /MTd so that your project does not use the DLL runtime libraries.
The C/C++ DLL runtimes used by VS2003 and up are not automatically distributed with the latest version of the OS and are a real pain to install and get working without this kind of problem. statically link the c-runtime and just avoid the total mess that is manifests and version specific runtime dlls.
I've had this problem. The solution has two steps:
1. Compile your program in "Release" mode instead of "Debug" mode (there's usually a combo-box in the toolbar)
2. Download from Microsoft their Redistributable Package of runtime components. Make sure to download the x86 edition for 32-bit computers and the x64 edition for 64-bit computers/OSes. Install this package on the target computer, and your application should run fine
P.S. This is a SxS thing
P.P.S. Alternatively, use a different compiler (like GCC, for example with Dev-Cpp) to compile your program's source, and your headaches will disappear.
Sorry to bump an old question, but I was able to get around this exact issue and thought I'd post a solution in case someone else needs it...
Even after installing Microsoft's redistributable DLLs I was getting this error, the fix was to copy the
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\redist\x86\Microsoft.VC80.CRT
folder into the application's directory on the target PC. After that, no more problems.
BTW, the DLL that was giving me issues was a 3rd-party DLL that had never had problems before on over 100 other computers... go figure.
Run Event Viewer: it'll have more information.
Probably you've attempted to run your program on a machine that doesn't have the VC redistributables installed, or you're attempting to run a debug build on a machine that doesn't have Visual Studio installed (the debug libraries aren't redistributable).
I have had the same issue with VS 2008-built debug binaries on other winxp sp3 machines.
I first tried installing the client machine with vc redist package,as it seemed sensible. Annoyingly, it didn't work.
I tried copying all the dependent dlls to the application's directory - still didn't work
After being struck over this issue for hours, I found that the latest VS builds require manifests and policies to link with the dlls. After copying them into their respective "C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\" folders, I got it working.
The problem was caused due to the fact that the vc redist package did not install debug versions of dlls, they somehow thought its up to the programmer to figure out.
