Purple lines in vim [closed] - vim

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I've never seen this before in vim (although I haven't really used it much until now), and can't find anything in a google search for "purple lines vim".
So what to the purple lines shown in this screenshot mean?
I've just looked at a few other files in this project, which have similar PHP code in them, and cannot find the purple lines anywhere...

This lines are here because it's an HTML link. Your text is between tags.


Bulk multi rename tool [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I need a live multi rename tool.
The one you can find in double commander, or even better total commander.
The best I could find is renameutils,
which lists all the files and let me edit them in my favorite text editor,
but nothing beats something which is designed to be specifically used to rename.
Is there such a program?
Has to be live and interactive - I have to see the edits I'm doing before hitting the "OK" key.
Has to be in the command line - ncurses, slang, shell. Just not GUI.
It's probably doesn't belong here, but super-user:)
Answers would still be welcome.
How about RenameWand? http://renamewand.sourceforge.net/
But you indeed should have tried superuser instead: https://superuser.com/questions/25378/mass-renaming-nix-version

mind mapping tool in linux [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I want to do mindmaps which are of the quality of mindmeister that you could include picture and links etc and would be able to export it reasonably well and print it.
I love X-Mind. I don't know if it does what you need, but I only use a small subset of it and still it rocks!
It has a very complete free version that never expires and doesn't contain crapware.
I prefer Freeplane but FreeMind can do the same things:

Adding minimize and maximize buttons to windows in Gnome [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I have added the minimize and maximize buttons as described here.
I tried both command line and GUI options.
They don't add...
And when in GUI I see a red marker stating "The key has no schema"
Does anybody know what to do?
gsettings set org.gnome.shell.overrides button-layout ':minimize,maximize,close'
Does the trick.

How can I change similar colors at once? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I have a bitmap like this
I now need the same button but a red one. Can I apply some tool in the Gimp so all the colors get converted to 'corresponding' shadows of red?
Colors->Colorize or Colors->Hue-Saturation are your best bets. Adjust the Hue slider to change color.

How can I color my code on Stack Overflow when posting an answer? [closed]

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Closed 12 years ago.
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How can I color my code on Stack Overflow when posting an answer? How should I format my code?
Select your code and press CTRL+K
Also add your language as a tag in your question or answer
Whenever you can edit a post, there's a question-mark icon above the text area. Press that and get all the editing information goodness you can hope for.
To indicate some code, simply indent it with 4 spaces:
for q in question:
