Is there a way or tool that enables me to use linux like shell environment on top of windows? [closed] - linux

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Is there a way in which I can use linux command like ls -l on the window command prompt ? or maybe use powerful commands like grep on windows ?

Cygwin will do what you're looking for

MinGW/MSys is a minimal unix environment.


Is "screen" better than "nohup"? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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nohup and screen both does the similar job. But, I want to know why screen is being preferred over nohup command in linux?
screen is good for interactive processes, where you might need to detach and reattach a vtty. nohup is best for unattended processes like userspace daemons or processes you will check on later.

How to lock my monitor with command in linux? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I want to lock my desktop with a shell command. How can I do this?
What desktop environment are you using?
Using GNOME:
gnome-screensaver-command -l
Using KDE:
qdbus org.freedesktop.ScreenSaver /ScreenSaver Lock
Using xfce:
if you have xscreensaver installer this will work:
xscreensaver -lock
Other then that it is depending on which DE you have.

No bashrc in ubuntu Gnome [closed]

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I would like to configure my environment variables in Ubuntu version and can't find my bashrc.
Where can I find it?
in your home dir, e.g. if you are larix, then it is located in:
You can see it from your filemanager if it shows "hidden" files (if file name starts with "." it is considered as "hidden" file in linux)

Linux Command Line vs Linux Command Pipeline [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Was wondering if someone could tell me what the difference is between these two. Cannot seem an exact answer on the net. Command Line to me means input line and pipeline is the output?
Thanks for the help
A command pipeline is when you connect the output of one command with the input of another:
$ cat myfile | sort
is one trivial example
A linux command line simply refers to the shell prompt.

Is there a way to view who viewed/accessed a file in linux? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Hi I am a noob with linux server stuff.
I was wondering if there is a command in linux or there is a way to see which "user" has viewed or accessed a file in linux?
is there a such command?
I thought 'stat' command works could be a possible option, but after googling, I found out that someone posted here at the bottom:
that there is not a way to view 'who' accessed a file. Is this true?
The audit subsystem can tell you who or what has accessed a filesystem object.
