Orchard CMS: Using different Layout for Anonymous users - layout

I would like to use a different layout view for anonymous users. I have tried using url alternates and I am not sure how I can create a layout for anonymous users since there is no particular url for them.
The idea is that, if a new user visits the site I want to show a splash screen with very limited information with an option to register/ login to view the full site. This splash screen will have a completely different layout / look and feel from the rest of the site.
I tried using the Anonymous user layer but all I could do was move widgets (maybe I am missing something).
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

There is no out of the box solution but you can do something like this to get what you want:
Add new layout in a file with the name of your choosing - for example, you could name it Splash.cshtml.
Add the code below to the top of your Layout.cshtml template:
#if (WorkContext.CurrentUser == null) {
The code will check if the user is logged in. If it's not, it will render the content of your Splash.cshtml template, and stop the rendering of the rest of the Layout.cshtml template.
If you need to display any of the widgets in your Splash.cshtml template, you could add it by simply adding #Display(Layout.NameOfTheZone) where you should replace NameOfTheZone with the actual name of the zone you're using inside the Layout.cshtml template. Generally, anything that you use inside Layout.cshtml template with the Model object, you can use through Layout object inside any of your views.


Liferay: Remove 'Account Settings' fields

I'm currently trying to remove fields from the Account Settings page and I am not sure how to properly approach this.
There's not really a proper way I can do this with CSS as it's a bit of a hacky way and it won't do the job properly as I can't access that page through CSS properly.
Also on this topic, when accessing the Account Settings page, my custom theme changes to the admin theme. Is there a reason this happens when accessing this page, even while signed in as a user?
You can disable few fields based on properties/setting ,
Ex if you want to hide birthday fields then you can set this 
field.enable.com.liferay.portal.kernel.model.Contact.birthday=false same way  for gender also u can user
field.enable.com.liferay.portal.kernel.model.Contact.male=false,  but if  you want to hide  any  other field for which property/setting is not available you can actually do it either by theme or fragment module(hook).
To do from theme you may need to create a theme for control panel as, account setting resides in uses control panel theme  and then hide respected fields based on id
To do from fragment module you can refer below link

Kentico global webpart usage

We're moving from a pure portal to a portal/aspx development model. So I've been working on getting my .Master pages working and so far so good, except i need a way to have a Editable Text webpart applied globally.
Imaging a block of copy that sits in the header and appears on each page.
So, in portal, the copy is entered, and this is used through out the site, regardless of the template. I know i can add static copy to the parent .Master page, but this needs to be editable by an admin.
I've tried registering the Editable Text webpart on the ASPX page, but this doesn't seem to work correctly in the portal.
I believe the way to accomplish this is to create a single page template that has only the editable text webpart on it and does not inherit any other content. Then on your master page, add a page placeholder which uses that editable text webpart page template. This should then display that on every page. I've not done this approach before but hypothetically speaking it should work.
You could set up a Custom Setting.
The Kentico documentation has a great How-To guide for that.
After that, you can then just reference it using a macro like {% Settings.MyCustomSetting %} on each page - this also allows you to then control how the text is rendered on each section, in case some sections have specific markup you need to apply to the text block.
What is the reason of converting to Mixed mode? Is it better control over the basic page markup or something else?
Are you aware that you can customize CMSPages/PortalTemplate.aspx or replace it by your custom base page completely?
You may consider to use this approach, and if you need that because some pages are more complex, so it makes more sense to hardcode them, you can also implement them as some larger custom web parts.

Proper Kentico object for non-user-editable block of static html/javascript

The Situation: I've got a mid-sized chunk of html/javascript that contains an authentication script/input (it's a text input, radio control, and a combo box and a few buttons). What it is is less important than the concept that it's a mass of static client side code that the marketing department can pretty easily accidentally the whole thing.
The Desire: I want the users to be able to add it as a whole to a page, but not be able to modify it. When something needs to change, I want to change it in one place and have it be changed on all the pages.
What I've Tried: Widget with a default text. It works, but feels wrong. Users can edit it, and if they do when I fix it one place it doesn't propagate to all the instances. I'm a bit of a Kentico noob, but it seems like there should be a better way to do this.
Also note: I'm using portal engine if that makes a difference.
A widget is the proper usage. What you make your widget inherit from is the key in this case. I'd suggest creating a new widget based on a static HTML webpart. This way you can set the static HTML markup and hide the property from the content editor on the front end. You can do this by going to the Properties tab of the widget and setting the visibility of the field on the form. Don't delete the field, just hide it. It should be a checkbox that says hide on public form or editing form.
** Edit **
As I read through my answer and comments, I realized I meant to say clone the static HTML webpart and set its default text to your javascript. Then create a widget based on that cloned webpart. The text will reside in the web part and will allow you to update it in one place later, if needed.
I will not do it this way because you will be not able to make changes in the future. You can better create a new webpart this can be an empty webpart and then create a custom layout. In this layout you can put you're code. In this way you can always change you're code in the future and then it will be changed on all the places where the widget is placed.
I'd use a new widget based on the Static HTML webpart (make the field read only or hide it as Brenden mentioned), but store the data in a new custom setting.
no coding needed (only a macro to read the custom setting)
able to edit the script on the fly on any instance in the settings module. If you have multiple of these settings you won't need to go through all kinds of widgets to adjust their default setting but find them on a central place.
In this case I think it makes sense to create a custom web part to store all your code in it and use it that way. If you want to achieve it without creating a custom web part, you have to store the code in some non-web part and not widget specific object. I like the suggestion of creating a custom setting. You can then access this custom setting via a macro. This macro can be used as a default property of a newly created web part (inherited e.g. from the static text web part, you'd use the text property). You may as well create a widget out of it. Another approach is to use Kentico localization keys as a workaround. you can create a key in the Localization application and access it again, via a macro, e.g. {?customkey.myhtml?}. The approach with a custom setting however sounds cleaner to me.
This syntax should be working to access a custom setting value via macro:

Need some guidance around creating a custom page to display different views for a SharePoint List.

I'm familiar with SharePoint but would like some guidance on developing a custom page.
I have 1 list and have created 3 different views.
On my Page, I have added a webpart to show the list.
I'd like to be able to add some form items - possibly radio buttons/ a picker/ or just text links at the top that would allow the user to switch views on the list below.
I'd like to add some other information and make the experience more intuitive for the user.
In short, is there a way to add a list web part and some options to choose the view of that list in another section of the page?
Sure, just do something like this
var dview = MyList.Views["YourViewTitle"];
dview.DefaultView = true;
Each view has its own URL so you just need to use some HTML and JavaScript. When a box is checked or a button is clicked then you can load the URL of the view.

Mixing Orchard CMS content with module

I am currently working on an Orchard module. This module contains an MVC application including the views. I would like to make the module as configurable as possible. One of the items that I would like the customer to configure is the way the MVC views from the module look. Part of it will be determined by the theme. But not everything. Consider the following scenario:
The module contains a view for placing an order. The view displays a form in ´normal view way´. That is field labels and input labels. But at the head of the form each customer must be able to define his own set of instructions to display. Or maybe the customer wants to put there a message for pointing the customer to some other actions.
In the most ideal way I would have a content page where the customer can put all kind of content and one specific block that is the result of the view of the module. Kind like a web part. I can´t find out if it is possible and how that is achieved.
Edit for clarification
Module creates a page like this:
So both title and form are outputted by the module controller.
I have managed to create a layer with the condition that the url matches the page with my form.
I have added a HTML widget to this layer in the content zone with position 1 (tried 0 to).
However the pages looks like this:
instead of
Returning a ShapeResult from your controller action will ensure that your view is themed and benefits from widgets, which are your "kind like a web part" thingies in Orchard.
