How would you inject and handle a database object from an object pool into a resource? - couchdb

i've been thinking about implementing a object pool for jcouchdb objects for jersey. Now i am asking myself what would be the best way to deliver a jcouchdb instance to the resource endpoints.
I expect the pool to have a method for requesting an jcouchdb object and for releasing it so that it can be reused.
My first idea was to implement a InjectableProvider as a singleton an use a annotation in the resource endpoint to "grab" it. The InjectableProvider then returns an jcouchdb object from the object pool and marks it as busy. How can i release the jcouchdb object after I've used it? And i would request a jcouchdb object for every resource endpoint instance even if i never need it?! (don't know when the annotated objects get instantiated)
Another idea i was thinking about was to attach the object pool to the servlet context (with set attribute).
Any other ideas?
I am basically a bit confused when i comes to shared resources and jersey. Hopefully someone can clear things up for me.

If you do exactly as you just said, your code would look like this:
public class MyResource{
public Response getValue(#Context JCouchDBObject object){
//manipulate object
public class MyProvider extends InjectableProvider<Context, Parameter>{
public Injectable<JCouchDBObject> getInjectable(ComponentContext context, Context hp, Parameter param) {
//GetObject and return
I've never worked with JCouchDB, but unless each object is linked to the DB connection pool - there is nothing to manually release - all of this will be handled for you.
But: This is not what the InjectableProvider was designed for. Typically, the InjectableProvider will be used to create and resolve some sort of request object (such as the JCouchDBObject's ID, etc). Then you should use a service to collect the JCouchDBObject and handling any manually release there.


NestJS: any way to create a provider for either a web-aware service, or a non web-aware service depending on context

I'm working on a large application that needs to be upgraded. If I were starting from scratch I'd do this all differently. But right now I need to figure out a fix without touching hundreds of files.
For the same reason, I ideally need this code to work on Nest 6. This project needs to be upgraded to the latest nest, but there are some things that need to be fixed to do this. Before I can do that, I need to resolve the current issue, which is blocking us from upgrading off of node 12
I have a logger class. This class is supposed to pull in some information from the REQUEST context, if one is available (basically, some headers). If no request context is available, this can be ignored.
For simplicity in talking about this, we can say that I need a provider Logger which returns either a RequestAwareLogger or PlainLogger instance, depending on whether or not it is being resolved from a request scope. Alternately, I need the provider to return the same class, with either a request injected (via #Inject(REQUEST)), or left undefined.
Edit For posterity: If I were writing this from scratch, I'd just update the logger.log call to consume this information directly by passing in the request object, or the fields I needed tracked. But since this is a huge project already, I'd have to modify 1000 lines of code in different files, many of which don't have direct access to the request. This will be a longer term effort
Unfortunately, there is no built-in way to do this in Nest. However, it is possible to create a custom provider that would achieve the same effect.
Here is an example provider that would return either a RequestAwareLogger or PlainLogger instance, depending on whether or not it is being resolved from a request scope:
export class LoggerProvider {
#Optional() #Inject(REQUEST) private readonly request?: Request,
) {}
getLogger(): PlainLogger | RequestAwareLogger {
// If a request is available, return a RequestAwareLogger instance
if (this.request) {
return new RequestAwareLogger(this.request);
// Otherwise, return a PlainLogger instance
return new PlainLogger();
Then, you can use this provider in your logger service like so:
export class LoggerService {
constructor(private readonly loggerProvider: LoggerProvider) {}
log(message: string) {
const logger = this.loggerProvider.getLogger();
// Use the logger instance
Note that this provider will only work if Nest's IoC container is used to resolve the logger service. If you are using a different IoC container (e.g. in a non-Nest application), you will need to create a custom provider for that container.

NestJS object instantiation performance

in NestJS, it is possible to define injection scope of injectable objects. (possibilities are: singleton, request, transient)
in the doc it is recommend to always use singleton scopes wherever possible, since f.e request scope will make nest instantiate providers on each request-response cycle, which can have an affect on the application's performance
Using request-scoped providers will have an impact on application performance. While Nest tries to cache as much metadata as possible, it will still have to create an instance of your class on each request. Hence, it will slow down your average response time and overall benchmarking result. Unless a provider must be request-scoped, it is strongly recommended that you use the default singleton scope.
Since when Object instantiation consumes so much resources?
that the entire framework is built around singleton instances,
making those instances kind of "state-full" in the sense where I can't really use "instance variable" safely, without the concern that 2 requests/consumers may use the same provider instance concurrently (due to the async nature of node) and conflict each other's instance variables?
here is what im trying to do:
export class MyClass {
constructor (...some dependencies) {
this.myInstanceVariable =;
// this.myInstanceVaraible usage, which i cant really trust it contains what i expect it to
I come from a ruby background.
when i wrote services in ruby, each request would instantiating whatever services it needs, and once the request was done, all those objects would be automatically garbage-collected.
that way i could safely define instance-variables on my services - without being concerned about
"instances conflicts".
NestJS supports injection scopes. There are provider scopes, controller scopes.
In your case if you need to use the instance variable with a provider, you might be able to use the REQUEST scope which would create a new object instance per request.
#Injectable({ scope: Scope.REQUEST })
export class CatsService {}
You can read more on this at

Are jaxrs 1.1 (WLP 8.5) annotated methods thread safe?

I am using jaxrs1.1 jar shipped with Websphere liberty profile 8.5 for creating REST WebService.
Lets suppose we have a method addNewProject as shown below :
If many people call this webservice method to add project concurrently. using link below , are there any concurrency issue? In servlet, each request is a separate thread , is it the same case here or should we handle concurrency by ourselves ?
endpointLink: and POST the JSON object.
public Response addNewProject(ProjectDetails projectdetailsObj) {
return Response.status(200).entity("Project"+projectdetailsObj.getProjectname()+"successfully added").build();
I'm not sure what kind of concurrency issues you might be thinking of. The object itself can be either a singleton or request scoped (if using CDI) or a stateless session bean (if using EJB). If you're using a singleton, then you may need to be thread aware and not store state within the class.
It would probably help to understand what kind of concurrency issues you had in mind to answer more thoroughly.

autofac and multithreading

when doing parallel/multithreading, if there are dependencies that are not thread safe, what kind of instance method can be used with autofac to get an instance per thread? from what I know, autofac is the kind of DI container for certain framework like but for the rest of the app type like windows service, it does not have any support. in my scenario, i am doing multithreading for a windows service that also hosting a web api service. what kind of registration can be used so that it will work for web api instanceperhttprequest and instanceperlifetimescope. two separate container?
using this parallel extension method here:
public static Task ForEachAsync<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source, int dop, Func<T, Task> body)
return Task.WhenAll(
from partition in Partitioner.Create(source).GetPartitions(dop)
select Task.Run(async delegate
using (partition)
while (partition.MoveNext())
await body(partition.Current);
so the body will be use to do the work. DI will need to be inside of the body func.
It doesn't matter what kind of application you run; the pattern is always the same. You should resolve one object graph per request. In a web application, a request means a web request, in a windows service, a request is usually a timer pulse.
So in a windows service, each 'pulse' you start a new lifetime scope, and within this scope you resolve your root object and call it.
If however, you process items in parallel within a single request, you should see each processed item as a request of its own. So that means that on each thread you should start a new lifetime scope and resolve a sub object graph from that scope and execute that. Prevent passing services that are resolved from your container, from thread to thread. This scatters the knowledge of what is thread-safe, and what isn't throughout the application, instead of keeping that knowledge centralized in the startup path of your application where you compose your object graphs (the composition root).
Take a look at this article about working with dependency injection in multi-threaded applications. It's written for a different DI library, but you'll find most of the advice generically applicable to all DI libraries.

using ${resource} in a separated thread?

I want to perform a simple task ! but dont know if it is possible or not!
I have a groovy class which implements Runnable and it has been running using an ThreadPool! what I want to do in my Runnable class is the following:
public void run() {
EventPhoto.withTransaction { status ->
EventPhoto photo = new EventPhoto(event:eventInstance)
photo.imageUrl = "${resource(dir:'images/uploads',, absolute:true)}"
photo.thumbnailUrl = "${resource(dir:'images/uploads',, absolute:true)}"
The thing is, as my thread is not running inside the webrequest I am getting the following error:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: No thread-bound request found: Are
you referring to request attributes outside of an actual web request,
or processing a request outside of the originally receiving thread? If
you are actually operating within a web request and still receive this
message, your code is probably running outside of
DispatcherServlet/DispatcherPortlet: In this case, use
RequestContextListener or RequestContextFilter to expose the current
So Is there anyway to still use $resource() ??
Here is some information that will show you how to accomplish what you are trying to do. Also note that it advises that what you are doing is bad design.
Your background thread does not, by default, have access to the Hibernate session used to persist your Photo. You can use a plugin like Executor to save domain objects in a background thread.
