Custom view Ribbon Button in CRM 2011? - dynamics-crm-2011

For contacts entity i have 3 custom views(view 1,view 2,view 3), i want to show a ribbon button in homepage grid only when we selecting a view 3.Is it possible in MS CRM 2011 ?

Maybe you can try with creating custom JavaScript 'Enable rule' for your ribbon button. Example here. Create new JS webresource with one function where you will check is specific View is selected.
If ribbon button MUST be hidden, just hide it after checking which View is selected. In this case, I think that this is possible only with modifying the DOM.
Hope it helps!


Outlook web addIn dropdown menu

I have created the Outlook Web Add-in project and trying th create the dropdown menu by following the link under
It seems that dropdown menu just take static list. What i want to do is i have webservices which is returning some destination and link of that destionation . I want to display the list of all those destination under the dropdown and by clicking one of it, it opens the link into task pane.
Any tips ? how to display from webservice in dropdown menu.
It is not currently possible to dynamically populate the dropdowns, your best bet would be to have a single taskpane action, then render a selector page that dynamically shows the available options, then navigate to the page associated with that option. Feel free to upvote this User Voice suggestion to let us know that this feature is important to you.

Custom content in CRM 2011 Ribbon

I need to show some custom content in the Ribbon bar that is not a button.
My question is if it's possible to show something that is not a button, and show instead some values that I need to set on load.
I believe that is not supported out of the box feature neither possible with CRM 2011 Visual Ribbon Editor.
But you can still make it with unsupported ribbon changes on XML and Onload javascript function. How to Edit ribbon.

Add Date Control in SharePoint Ribbon menu

Is it Possible to add a date control in SharePoint Ribbon controls.
It's possible to add a custom action the dislays a modal window with a calendar. You will need to
Create a custom page or layout with the calendar
Create a custom ribbon action that invokes a modaldialog
Check here for more information Creating a ribbon custom button when inserting content to Sharepoing 2010

cannot display a button control in infopath form

My problem is that: when In create a form with Infopath 2010 and I add a button control, the button does not appear when I open it in display mode. then I decide to add the button in the ribbon with sharepoint designer 2010 but this button appear only in the default display form. please I need someone help me to solve this problem. I'm new in sharepoint
Thank you
Are you using the stock button control built into InfoPath? If you are not, the button images need to be uploaded and checked in within the SharePoint site. InfoPath forms should display stock buttons out of the box with no trouble.
When using picture buttons, head to the picture button properties and deselect the option that says 'Hide picture button in read-only views'.

Custom SharePoint Ribbon with SPGridView control

I have a custom application page in SharePoint 2010 created in VS 2010.
There are a few custom button controls in the Ribbon on this page.
This Ribbon control is implemented using SPRibbon api's.
There is a SPGridView on the page that is bound to a datasource.
What i want to achieve is enable/disable and show dialog window that is context sensitive that is when an item is selected on the SPGrid, the buton should be enabled/disabled. Also, after selection, and clicking on one button, a dialog window should open up with item id passed to this page.
Vinit, you can have a look at the series for Ribbon customizations
