How to identify a button click in coded UI Customised code - coded-ui-tests

In UIMAP.CS file in both the Recorded method and assertion method, I am not able to identify the button click.
Is there any way I can get hold of the button click event?
I am able to get hold the button in to a UITESTCONTROL variable but the options I was able to see are "exists", "enabled","name" etc...
I tried checking it with assertions too when I dragged the cross hair on to the clicked button , assertions are generated only for checking the existence,correctness of text and name but not the events occured on it..
Please help in this regard..

Please make sure that the Control/Object on which you want to use the Click operation is a button and not any Web Element or control which does not support the Click operation.
Once verified, you can do the following:
Record a New Session and while recording click on that button, stop your recording.
Open the UIMap.cs and navigate to that button control. The intellitrace would show you all the available options for that control.


Foundation 6 off-canvas disable close if user click on a link

How and where I need to set the data-close-on-click params in my off-canvas to avoid the menu to close when user click on a link inside the menu?
Using jquery:
Depending on which date picker you are using this may or may not work. It may even not allow you to open the calendar image. If it doesn't work I suggest you look into what event for your date picker is fired when the ok button is clicked. Attach this code to that event instead of the click event and try again.

Chrome Extension, trigger click on the icon

I searched on Google and StackOverflow, and I was not able to find a solution to my problem (to my greatest surprise).
I'm looking to display the popup, exactly like when the user click on the icon of my extension, but via javascript.
The idea behind it is simple : On a specific page, I inject a button and add an event listener on it ("click"). When the user click on that button, I'd like to display the tooltip, simple as that :)
... but I can not find anything related to it. Any idea ?
Thank you in advance.
Opening the popup is impossible without user interaction. For good reason too, remember that no one likes popups that open themselves. What you can do is inject your popup onto the site the user is at, through a content script.
As per your description,
On a specific page, I inject a button and add an event listener on it ("click"). When the user click on that button, I'd like to display the tooltip, simple as that :)
I think what you need is just chrome.pageAction, it's similar to browserAction, while represents actions that can be taken on the current page, but aren't applicable to all pages.

How to make popUp not submit form on startup?

I am using JDeveloper,
I have a createInsert button that has ShowPopUp Behavior operation included. In the popUp I have inserted a form whose attributes will be clean from the createInsert operation. When I click the button the popUp shows up all right but showing an error about the mandatory fields of the form. The fields of the form of course are empty because I just opened it. So I think that the popUp is autoSubmiting the form at the starting point.
Does anyone have an idea how to stop it from doing this?
I have changed the createInsert button PartialSubmit property to false but nothing changed.
Ok found the solution. The popUp was not submitting anything actually but during the CreateInsert operation the iterator opens a new row in every related component within that page (form, table etc). So when my popUp opened up with the new form fields, a new row was being created in the back-stage in my read-only table. I changed the iterator in a new one from another Application Module for each case and everything is fine now.

Best practice in dealing with xpages extensions dialog box?

I have an extension pages dialog box that I placed in a custom control. The dialog box is used to search for cost centers and return information such as market, cost center number, cost center name etc.
A "Select" button is pressed and the dialog box appears. The user searches for and selects their cost center. The OK button is pressed and it closes the dialog box and updates the various fields on the xPage.
A couple of questions.
Currently the "Select" button on the CC needs to know and refer to the name of the dialog box control within the CC. Seems to me that this is not the best practice. My end user programmer needs to know the ID of that dialog box control within the CC. Is there any way for my "Select" button could "show" the CC and the CC would actually show the dialog box control?
My CC makes use of custom properties to store the various document fields from the selected cost center. The OK button then uses these properties to set the various fields on the xPage. This again does not seem to be a best practice. If I wanted to use that CC in another application then I might need to edit the code in the OK button. Is there a better way to deal with this? Like I can set properties for a CC when I drop it on my xPage, is there a way I can tell it the code that I want to execute when the OK button is pressed?
One thing I thought was to have properties for the fields that need to be updated by the OK button but that does not seem to be so flexible.
For the issue of needing to know the id not sure if theres a typo but I don't understand why its bad that a select button inside a cc needs to no the id of the dialog to open it? did you mean the select is outside the cc? either way have you tried anything like creating a property on the custom control so that from outside it you can set something maybe
<xc:mycustomControl showDialog="false">
and then when something outside it happens change showDialog and refresh the cc, then inside the cc you can have a before / after page load to determine what happens when showDialog is true / false.
For your second issue it sounds to me like this should be using a domino document structure. Rather than the dialog pulling out each piece and the ok button updating, what I would do is have a domino doc data source on the page. when something is selected through the dialog I would update the document this source is pointing to and have all the fields bound to what ever fields they need to be. This way after something is selected the fields will just update to what ever the document contains, and it will be much more re useable so long as the domino docs have the same field names

UILocalNotification - Later

In my application I am using UILocalNotification which works fine. But I need "Later" button in the alert instead of "Cancel". When the user clicks on the "Later" button I want to show the notification after sometime. Is that possible?
No man, you are on the wrong way.Due to the limitations of iphoneSDK such thing is not possible.In local notification it will only show the two buttons in alert View.
Still you can rename the View button to you wish:
localNotif.alertAction = #"Snooze";
rahter than renaming the Cancel button.
