prevent the terminal from closing when the custom bash function is run - linux

I wrote the following program in my linux bashrc
echo enter file name
read fname
locate $fname> /home/vvajendla/Desktop/backup/loc;
cat loc
exec < /home/vvajendla/Desktop/backup/loc;
while read line
value=`expr $value + 1`;
echo $value
echo $line
if [ $value -le 6 ]
gedit $line;
echo too many files to open
The above function searches all the directories for the file-string match and opens them using GEDIT if they are less than or equal to 6.
whenever i run this function in the terminal,it gets closed.
Can you please tell me what i can do to keep it open?

The exec causes the standard input of the calling shell to be permanently redirected from the file. Once the file closes, the shell runs out of input, and exits. I assume you import this function with source; running it standalone should work.
The usual way to write this sort of function would be to make it accept an argument, so you would invoke it like "open fnord" instead of run "open" and enter "fnord" at the prompt.
open () {
local fname
fname=$1 # notice this arrangement instead of read
local value
locate "$fname" | # notice double quotes
tee /dev/stderr | # as a superior alternative to using a temporary file
while read line
value=`expr $value + 1`
if [ $value -le 6 ]
gedit "$line" # notice double quotes
echo too many files to open >&2 # notice redirection to stderr
The diagnostic is misleading; this code will still open the first six files, then bail with an error message at the seventh. Is that what you intend? Or should it count the number of outputs, and refuse to run if there are more than six?
If you don't care for the other improvements, the minimal fix is to remove the exec and read the while loop's input from your temporary file. (You should take care to properly clean up; if you can avoid a temporary file, that's basically always a better solution.)
while read line; do
done <tempfile
I would be tempted to add line numbers with nl to get rid of the unattractive expr, but this might break file names with a space at the beginning. (On the other hand, locate always produces a full path name, right?)
As an alternative, and assuming gedit can read multiple file name arguments, try this:
locate "$fname" | head -n 6 | xargs gedit
This fails to produce a warning if there are more than six files, but I would actually consider that a feature.


Read line output in a shell script

I want to run a program (when executed it produces logdata) out of a shell script and write the output into a text file. I failed to do so :/
$prog is the executed prog -> socat /dev/ttyUSB0,b9600 STDOUT
$log/$FILE is just path to a .txt file
I had a Perl script to do this:
open (S,$prog) ||die "Cannot open $prog ($!)\n";
open (R,">>","$log") ||die "Cannot open logfile $log!\n";
while (<S>) {
my $date = localtime->strftime('%d.%m.%Y;%H:%M:%S;');
print "$date$_";
I tried to do this in a shell script like this
exec 3<&0
exec 0<$PROG
while read -r line
DATE=`date +%d.%m.%Y;%H:%M:%S;`
echo $DATE$line >> $FILE
exec 0<&3
Doesn't work at all...
How do I read the output of that prog and pipe it into my text file using a shell script? What did I do wrong (if I didn't do everything wrong)?
Final code:
$CMD |
while read -r line
echo "$(date +'%d.%m.%Y;%H:%M:%S;')$line" >> $FILE
To read from a process, use process substitution
exec 0< <( $PROG )
/bin/sh doesn't support it, so use /bin/bash instead.
To assign several words to a variable, quote or backslash whitespace:
Semicolon is special in shell, quote it or backslash it:
DATE=$(date '+%d.%m.%Y;%H:%M:%S;')
Moreover, no exec's are needed:
while ...
done < <( $PROG )
You might even add > $FILE after done instead of adding each line separately to the file.
Original answer
You haven't shown the error messages — which would have been helpful.
Your problem, though, is probably this line:
DATE=`date +%d.%m.%Y;%H:%M:%S;`
where the semicolons mark the end of a command, and there likely isn't a command %H that does anything useful, etc.
You need quotes around the format argument to date, and I'd use single quotes for this job:
DATE=$(date +'%d.%m.%Y;%H:%M:%S;')
or even replace the two lines in the body of the loop with:
echo "$(date +'%d.%m.%Y;%H:%M:%S;')$line" >> $FILE
The double quotes prevent a variety of problems.
That assumes you fix a bunch of other problems, such as the setting of the variables FILE and prog. Also, I'd probably use:
exec > $FILE
to initially zap the output file and then all subsequent standard output would go to that file, so the echo line becomes:
echo "$(date +'%d.%m.%Y;%H:%M:%S;')$line"
Amended answer
The question was originally missing lots of key information. It eventually got updated to include the complete code.
The problem I identified originally remains an issue, but you weren't running into it because the input redirection was not working. If you want the input to come from a process, use a pipe, or possibly process substitution. However, note that you have #!/bin/sh as your shebang line, and /bin/sh won't recognized process substitution; either change the shebang or use the pipe notation. Note that process substitution has advantages if the loop is setting variables that need to be accessed after the loop is complete.
while read -r line
while read -r line
Note that your code contains the line:
This runs the command identified by $DEV$BAUD with the argument STDOUT and the environment variable PROG set to the value of $SOCAT. That is not what you wanted.
You could use an array:
and then run:
either in the pipe line:
"${PROG[#]}" |
while read -r line
or with process substitution:
while read -r line
done < <("${PROG[#]}")
Note that unless there is code after the final exec 0<&3, there was no particular virtue in the redirections involving file descriptor 3. You should also close 3 when you're done with it:
exec 0<&3 3>&-
The 'final' code includes the lines:
$CMD |
while read -r line
This works OK because there are no spaces in the arguments to the command. That's a common case, but beware of spaces in arguments and file paths.

Can I avoid using a FIFO file to join the end of a Bash pipeline to be stored in a variable in the current shell?

I have the following functions:
execIn ()
local STORE_INvar="${1}" ; shift
printf -v "${STORE_INvar}" '%s' "$( eval "$#" ; printf %s x ; )"
printf -v "${STORE_INvar}" '%s' "${!STORE_INvar%x}"
getFifo ()
local FIFOfile
while [ -e "${FIFOfile}" ]
mkfifo "${FIFOfile}"
echo "${FIFOfile}"
I want to store the output of the end of a pipeline into a variable as given to a function at the end of the pipeline, however, the only way I have found to do this that will work in early versions of Bash is to use mkfifo to make a temp fifo file. I was hoping to use file descriptors to avoid having to create temporary files. So, This works, but is not ideal:
Set Up: (before I can do this I need to have assigned a FIFO file to a var that can be used by the rest of the process)
$ FIFOfile="$( getFifo )"
The Pipeline I want to persist:
$ printf '\n\n123\n456\n524\n789\n\n\n' | grep 2 # for e.g.
The action: (I can now add) >${FIFOfile} &
$ printf '\n\n123\n456\n524\n789\n\n\n' | grep 2 >${FIFOfile} &
N.B. The need to background it with & - Problem 1: I get [1] <PID_NO> output to the screen.
The actual persist:
$ execIn SOME_VAR cat - <${FIFOfile}
Problem 2: I get more noise to the screen
[1]+ Done printf '\n\n123\n456\n524\n789\n\n\n' | grep 2 > ${FIFOfile}
Problem 3: I loose the blanks at the start of the stream rather than at the end as I have experienced before.
So, am I doing this the right way? I am sure that there must be a way to avoid the need of a FIFO file that needs cleanup afterwards using file descriptors, but I cannot seem to do this as I cannot assign either side of the problem to a file descriptor that is not attached to a file or a FIFO file.
I can try and resolve the problems with what I have, although to make this work properly I guess I need to pre-establish a pool of FIFO files that can be pulled in to use or else I have a pre-req of establishing this file before the command. So, for many reasons this is far from ideal. If anyone can advise me of a better way you would make my day/week/month/life :)
Thanks in advance...
Process substitution was available in bash from the ancient days. You absolutely do not have a version so ancient as to be unable to use it. Thus, there's no need to use a FIFO at all:
readToVar() { IFS= read -r -d '' "$1"; }
readToVar targetVar < <(printf '\n\n123\n456\n524\n789\n\n\n')
You'll observe that:
printf '%q\n' "$targetVar"
...correctly preserves the leading newlines as well as the trailing ones.
By contrast, in a use case where you can't afford to lose stdin:
readToVar() { IFS= read -r -d '' "$1" <"$2"; }
readToVar targetVar <(printf '\n\n123\n456\n524\n789\n\n\n')
If you really want to pipe to this command, are willing to require a very modern bash, and don't mind being incompatible with job control:
set +m # disable job control
shopt -s lastpipe # in a pipeline, parent shell becomes right-hand side
readToVar() { IFS= read -r -d '' "$1"; }
printf '\n\n123\n456\n524\n789\n\n\n' | grep 2 | readToVar targetVar
The issues you claim to run into with using a FIFO do not actually exist. Put this in a script, and run it:
trap 'rm -rf "$tempdir"' 0 # cleanup on exit
tempdir=$(mktemp -d -t fifodir.XXXXXX)
mkfifo "$tempdir/fifo"
printf '\n\n123\n456\n524\n789\n\n\n' >"$tempdir/fifo" &
IFS= read -r -d '' content <"$tempdir/fifo"
printf '%q\n' "$content" # print content to console
You'll notice that, when run in a script, there is no "noise" printed to the screen, because all that status is explicitly tied to job control, which is disabled by default in scripts.
You'll also notice that both leading and tailing newlines are correctly represented.
One idea, tell me I am crazy, might be to use the !! notation to grab the line just executed, e.g. if there is a command that can terminate a pipeline and stop it actually executing, whilst still as far as the shell is concerned, consider it as a successful execution, I am thinking something like the true command, I could then use !! to grab that line and call my existing function to execute it with process substitution or something. I could then wrap this into an alias, something like: alias streamTo=' | true ; LAST_EXEC="!!" ; myNewCommandVariation <<<' which I think could be used something like: $ cmd1 | cmd2 | myNewCommandVariation THE_VAR_NAME_TO_SET and the <<< from the alias would pass the var name to the command as an arg or stdin, either way, the command would be not at the end of a pipeline. How mad is this idea?
Not a full answer but rather a first point: is there some good reason not using mktemp for creating a new file with a random name? As far as I can see, your function called getFifo() doesn't perform much more.
mktemp -u
will give to you a free new name without creating anything; then you can use mkfifo with this name.

Read file in bash script with loop

Given file socat.conf
The relevant part of the bash script that reads this file:
[ ! -f /etc/default/socat.conf ] || . /etc/default/socat.conf
start () {
echo "Starting $DESC:"
umask 027
cd /tmp
if test "x$AUTOSTART" = "xnone" -o -z "x$AUTOSTART" ; then
echo "Autostart disabled."
exit 0
for NAME in $AUTOSTART ; do
ARGS=`eval echo \\\$SOCAT_$NAME`
echo $ARGS
echo " $NAME $ARGS"
return $?
For the full file see here:
My question is, how can I add another command to socat.conf? I tried with
However this did not work. I am not very familiar with bash scripts to understand the for NAME in $AUTOSTART loop. I think the answer lays there. Any ideas?
The for NAME in $AUTOSTART works by splitting $AUTOSTART into words using the environmental variable $IFS as delimiters (default is space, tab and newline). Each word in turn is then stored in $NAME and processed within the loop until no words remain.
The solution to your problem, then, is to separate your words using spaces (or tabs, or newlines..):
AUTOSTART="default another"
The double quotes are necessary, otherwise it will be read as two separate commands, AUTOSTART=default and another (again because of word-splitting using IFS).

How to execute Linux shell variables within double quotes?

I have the following hacking-challenge, where we don't know, if there is a valid solution.
We have the following server script:
read s # read user input into var s
echo "$s"
# tests if it starts with 'a-f'
echo "$s" > "/home/user/${s}.txt"
We only control the input "$s". Is there a possibility to send OS-commands like uname or do you think "no way"?
I don't see any avenue for executing arbitrary commands. The script quotes $s every time it is referenced, so that limits what you can do.
The only serious attack vector I see is that the echo statement writes to a file name based on $s. Since you control $s, you can cause the script to write to some unexpected locations.
$s could contain a string like bob/important.txt. This script would then overwrite /home/user/bob/important.txt if executed with sufficient permissions. Sorry, Bob!
Or, worse, $s could be bob/../../../etc/passwd. The script would try to write to /home/user/bob/../../../etc/passwd. If the script is running as root... uh oh!
It's important to note that the script can only write to these places if it has the right permissions.
You could embed unusual characters in $s that would cause irregular file names to be created. Un-careful scripts could be taken advantage of. For example, if $s were foo -rf . bar, then the file /home/user/foo -rf . bar.txt would be created.
If someone ran for file in /home/user; rm $file; done they'd have a surprise on their hands. They would end up running rm /home/user/foo -rf . bar.txt, which is a disaster. If you take out /home/user/foo and bar.txt you're left with rm -rf . — everything in the current directory is deleted. Oops!
(They should have quoted "$file"!)
And there are two other minor things which, while I don't know how to take advantage of them maliciously, do cause the script to behave slightly differently than intended.
read allows backslashes to escape characters like space and newline. You can enter \space to embed spaces and \enter to have read parse multiple lines of input.
echo accepts a couple of flags. If $s is -n or -e then it won't actually echo $s; rather, it will interpret $s as a command-line flag.
Use read -r s or any \ will be lost/missinterpreted by your command.
read -r s?"Your input: "
if [ -n "${s}" ]
# "filter" file name from command
echo "${s##*/}" | sed 's|^ *\([[:alnum:]_]\{1,\}\)[[:blank:]].*|/home/user/\1.txt|' | read Output
# put any limitation on user here
ulimit -t 5 1>/dev/null 2>&1
) > ${OutPut}
echo "Bad command" > /home/user/Error.txt
read s
$s > /home/user/"$s".txt
If I enter uname, this prints Linux. But beware: this is a security nightmare. What if someone enters rm -rf $HOME? You'd also have issues with commands containing a slash.

How to read from user within while-loop read line?

I had a bash file which prompted the user for some parameters and used defaults if nothing was given. The script then went on to perform some other commands with the parameters.
This worked great - no problems until most recent addition.
In an attempt to read the NAMES parameter from a txt file, I've added a while-loop to take in the names in the file, but I would still like the remaining parameters prompted for.
But once I added the while loop, the output shows the printed prompt in get_ans() and never pauses for a read, thus all the defaults are selected.
I would like to read the first parameter from a file, then all subsequent files from prompting the user.
What did I break by adding the while-loop?
cat list.txt |
while read line
get_ans "Name" "$line"
read NAME < $tmp_file
get_ans "Name" "$line"
read NAME < $tmp_file
function get_ans
if [ -f $tmp_file ]; then
rm $tmp_file
echo -n "$PROMPT [$DEFAULT]: "
read ans
if [ -z "$ans" ]; then
echo "$ans" > $tmp_file
(NOTE: Code is not copy&paste so please excuse typos. Actual code has function defined before the main())
You pipe data into your the while loops STDIN. So the read in get_ans is also taking data from that STDIN stream.
You can pipe data into while on a different file descriptor to avoid the issue and stop bothering with temp files:
while read -u 9 line; do
NAME=$(get_ans Name "$line")
done 9< list.txt
get_ans() {
local PROMPT=$1 DEFAULT=$2 ans
read -p "$PROMPT [$DEFAULT]: " ans
echo "${ans:-$DEFAULT}"
To read directly from the terminal, not from stdin (assuming you're on a *NIX machine, not a Windows machine):
while read foo</some/file; do
read bar</dev/tty
echo "got <$bar>"
When you pipe one command into another on the command line, like:
$ foo | bar
The shell is going to set it up so that bar's standard input comes from foo's standard output. Anything that foo sends to stdout will go directly to bar's stdin.
In your case, this means that the only thing that your script can read from is the standard output of the cat command, which will contain the contents of your file.
Instead of using a pipe on the command line, make the filename be the first parameter of your script. Then open and read from the file inside your code and read from the user as normal.
