Aptana Studio 3.3.0 crashes on start - Arch Linux - linux

here's my system specs;
Arch Linux x86_64,
Kernel: 3.6.10-1-ARCH,
Gnome 3.6.2,
xf86-video-nouveau 1.0.4-1,
jdk7-openjdk 7.u9_2.3.3-1,
jre7-openjdk 7.u9_2.3.3-1,
jre7-openjdk-headless 7.u9_2.3.3-1,
lib32-libjpeg-turbo 1.2.1-1, libjpeg-turbo 1.2.1-1, libjpeg6-turbo 1.2.1-1
libpng12 1.2.50-2,
net-tools 1.60.20120804git-2,
unzip 6.0-6.
Ok, so there's the list of requirements that are installed, version numbers as well. Upon launch, the loading/splash screen won't even show, and then nothing... it just dies out. I attempted to launch it "aptana -v" and no output in the shell. I have looked for any error logs in ~/ , but nothing is there.
Other steps I've done is to delete any configuration folders/files for eclipse and aptana-secure in ~/. Also did a clean uninstall of just Aptana (not the dependencies), reinstall. Same result.
Any suggestions?

It appears that there is a mix up in the downloads. 32-bit and 64-bit got switched. If you are on 32-bit download 64-bit and vice versa. Hopefully it will be fixed soon.
See issues below:
Aptana 64 bit version crashes on startup on 64bit Linux OS with 64bit Oracle 7 java
Linux Installer Aptana_Studio_3_Setup_Linux_x86_3.3.0.zip contains x64 bit version of the project


cygwin x86_64 __x86_64__ definition issues

I was using Cygwin 32bit.
I recently had a problem with my PC and I'm trying to reinstall Cygwin 32bit.
"cygwin is not supported on 32-bit windows"
Couldn't install with message.
So, I installed Cygwin 64bit and built my project.
However, an error occurred at line 102 of the usr/include/cygwin/signal.h file.
It looks like the problem is that x86_64 is not defined, how can I fix it?
Answers I'll wait.
I was using Cygwin 32bit.
I recently had a problem with my PC and I'm trying to reinstall Cygwin 32bit.
"cygwin is not supported on 32-bit windows"
Couldn't install with message.
So, I installed Cygwin 64bit and built my project.
However, an error occurred at line 102 of the usr/include/cygwin/signal.h file.
It looks like the problem is that x86_64 is not defined, how can I fix it?
Answers I'll wait.

Android Studio Dolphin (2021.3.1.17) won't start, no errors, on Mac (Intel, Monterey)

I was previously running an old 4.0.0 install. Now replacing with the latest stable Android Studio Dolphin (seems to be 2021.3.1.17), on a 2015 Macbook Pro running latest Monterey, and it will not start. Nothing happens at all. Trying to run from Terminal ("open -a /Applications/Android\ Studio.app") returns no errors, no output. On first run, MacOS does its verification process, and after confirming I want to run a downloaded file, nothing.
I've tried removing all traces in ~/Library/Preferences/..., ~/Library/Caches/..., ~/Library/Application Support/..., ~/Library/Logs/... of previous versions. And removed and installed older stable releases, all the way back to 4.2.2 when it worked. But 4.2.2 is too old for the latest codebase.
Is this hardware related... is there a system requirement that might affect this? (info on the Mac is below) I can't see anything in requirements that should case this. Does anyone know of something else I can try, or check?
This is not my screen capture, but demonstrates the same problem: https://imgur.com/a/HS9ufow
About the Macbook Pro:
It's a 2015 Macbook Pro, so Intel based, and I am definitely downloading the "Mac with Intel chip" version. It's "2.7 GHz Dual-Core Intel Core i5" and 8GB of RAM. I know this isn't new hardware, but I can't see a system requirement that should be a problem.
After first having this problem, already Monterey, just one recent update behind, I installed the latest Monterey patch. Following the OS reboot and trying Android Studio again, the splash screen actually did appear, and offered to use the old version's prefs, which I did, but the IDE never opened. Now, even after reboots, and several attempts at installing different versions, nothing.

Has official 32bit support for cmake on Linux been dropped?

I don't mean the version(s) provided by the various distributions but the binary from the official website.
I have an old VM running 32bit OpenSUSE 12.1 that is configured for a project I'm working on at work. I need to install WebKitGTK. The problem is that the cmake in the repositories is ancient 2.x, while WebKitGTK at least 3.6 (or similar). So I went to the official website and (my fault) without looking too much into it downloaded the 3.10 installation for Linux.
Upon executing the binary that was installed I got the error that the file could not be run. I checked the execution rights and it was fine. Then it struck me...I ran file cmake and got 64 instead of the required 32bit.
I went back to the website and all I could find were 32bit versions for Windows but none for Linux.
I can build it from source but just out of curiousity would like to know if support has been dropped. I was unable to find any information so far.
32-bit support for CMake hasn't been dropped. They just don't provide binaries for it on their website as of CMake 3.7.0

Check if Windows Imaging Component on Windows 8.1 64bit

I was trying to install Ansys 15 64-bit on my Windows 8.1 64bit. In prerequisite check, it did not detect WIC as installed. The installer worked on my other laptop (also Windows 8.1 64 bit).
Solutions Tried
I knew WIC comes preinstalled and there is no installer for Windows 8.1. (A setup for XP was available...tried to install it anyway, unsuccessfully).
So, I tried updating my windows, checking system using SFC /SCANNOW etc.
1.How can I detect if WIC is installed on Windows 8.1?
(A similar question for XP was asked. Its solutions don't apply here)
2.How to install WIC on Windows 8.1? (I don't want to reinstall Windows)
I found the answer after going through my other laptop's registry. It seems that many programs (like Ansys etc.) determine the availability of WIC by the presence of the following registry key:
Once I added this key the Prerequisite Check program detected WIC as installed.

eclipse installation in linux

I am trying to install the eclipse IDE for c++ developers. I have downloaded the tar.gz from the eclipse and unzip/unarchived it using tar -xzvf... but now when I double click, or run eclipse nothing happens. I have done this before using the same method and it worked. I dont know why nothing happens now.
I also am aware of the sudo apt-get install eclipse-platform method. But I do not want to install the eclipse platform, just the IDE for c/c++ developers.
any suggestions?
For Eclipse, you need to have a JVM up and running, since it's a Java application. You can install the JRE of your choice (I personally use OpenJDK 6 since I also do Java development).
Try chmod +x eclipse in a terminal or run it from terminal: ./eclipse.
With the information of your comments in this answer, you have a 32bit system and your eclipse is a 64bit version. You can't run 64bit applications on a 32bit system.
So you have to download the 32bit version of eclipse (or virtualize an 64bit system with VMWare, for example).
