Optimizing longest Collatz chain in Haskell - haskell

I've been doing project Euler problems to learn Haskell.
I've have some bumps on the way but managed to get to problem 14.
The question is, which starting number under 1 000 000 produces the longest Collatz chain (numbers are allowed to go above one million after the chain starts).
I've tried a couple of solutions but none of the worked.
I wanted to do a reverse. Starting from 1 and terminating when the number gets above one million but that obviously doesn't work since the terms can go higher than one million.
I've tried memoizing the normal algorithm but again, too large numbers, to much memoization.
I've read that the most obvious solution should work for this but for some reason, my solution takes over 10 seconds to get the maximum up to 20 000. Let alone 1 million.
This is the code I'm using at the moment:
reg_collatz 1 = 1
reg_collatz n
| even n = 1 + reg_collatz (n `div` 2)
| otherwise = 1 + reg_collatz (n * 3 + 1)
solution = foldl1 (\a n -> max a (reg_collatz n)) [1..20000]
Any help is very welcome.

The answer is simple: don’t memoise numbers above one million, but do that with numbers below.
module Main where
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.List
import Data.Ord
main = print $ fst $ maximumBy (comparing snd) $ M.toList ansMap
ansMap :: M.Map Integer Int
ansMap = M.fromAscList [(i, collatz i) | i <- [1..1000000]]
where collatz 1 = 0
collatz x = if x' <= 1000000 then 1 + ansMap M.! x'
else 1 + collatz x'
where x' = if even x then x `div` 2 else x*3 + 1

This is obv waaay late but I thought I'd post anyways for future readers' benefit (I imagine OP is long done with this problem).
I think we probably want to use the Data.Vector package for this problem (and similar types of problems).
Longer version:
According to the Haskell docs, a Map (from Data.Map) has O(log N) access time whereas a Vector (from Data.Vector) has O(1) access; we can see the difference in the results below: the vector implementation runs ~3x faster. (Both are way better than lists which have O(N) access time.)
A couple of benchmarks are included below. The tests were intentionally not run one after another so as to prevent any cache-based optimization.
A couple of observations:
The largest absolute improvement (from the code in the original post) was due to the addition of type signatures; without being explicitly told that the data was of type Int, Haskell's type system was inferring that the data was of type Integer (which is obv bigger and slower)
A bit counterintuitive but, results are virtually indistinguishable between foldl1' and foldl1. (I double checked the code and ran these a few times just to make sure.)
Vector and Array (and, to a certain extent, Map) allow for decent improvement primarily as a result of memoization. (Note that OP's solution is likely a lot faster than a list-based solution that tried to use memoization given lists' O(N) access time.)
Here are a couple of benchmarks (all compiled using O2):
Probably want to look
at these numbers
Data.Vector 0.35s user 0.10s system 97% cpu 0.468 total
Data.Array (Haskell.org) 0.31s user 0.21s system 98% cpu 0.530 total
Data.Map (above answer) 1.31s user 0.46s system 99% cpu 1.772 total
Control.Parallel (Haskell.org) 1.75s user 0.05s system 99% cpu 1.799 total
OP (`Int` type sigs + foldl') 3.60s user 0.06s system 99% cpu 3.674 total
OP (`Int` type sigs) 3.53s user 0.16s system 99% cpu 3.709 total
OP (verbatim) 3.36s user 4.77s system 99% cpu 8.146 total
Source of figures from Haskell.org: https://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Euler_problems/11_to_20#Problem_14
The Data.Vector implementation used to generate the above results:
import Data.Vector ( Vector, fromList, maxIndex, (!) )
main :: IO ()
main = putStrLn $ show $ largestCollatz 1000000
largestCollatz :: Int -> Int
largestCollatz n = maxIndex vector
vector :: Vector Int
vector = fromList $ 0 : 1 : [collatz x x 0 | x <- [2..n]]
collatz m i c =
case i < m of
True -> c + vector ! i
False -> let j = if even i then i `div` 2 else 3*i + 1
in collatz m j (c+1)


How to make this Haskell program run faster

So I've been trying to learn Haskell by solving some problems on Codeforce.
And I am getting a lot of TLE (Time Limit Exceed) even though I think my time complexity is optimal.
My question is: is the way I wrote this program that makes it slow?
For example, here is the problem.
Basically the answer is to find an for a given n , where
an = 2*an-1 + D(n) and D(n) = the difference of the number of divisors between n and n-1.
(update: the top limit for n is 106).
Below is my program.
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
main = do t <- read <$> getLine
putStrLn . show $ solve t
solve :: Integer -> Integer
solve 0 = 1
solve 1 = 1
solve n = (2*(solve (n-1)) + (fact n) - (fact (n-1))) `mod` 998244353
where fact n = foldl (\s -> \t -> s*(snd t + 1)) 1 (Map.toList . factorization $ n)
--the number of divisors of a number
--copied from Internet,infinite prime list
primes :: [Integer]
primes = 2: 3: sieve (tail primes) [5,7..]
sieve (p:ps) xs = h ++ sieve ps [x | x <- t, x `rem` p /= 0]
where (h,~(_:t)) = span (< p*p) xs
--make factorization of a number
factorization :: Integer -> Map.Map Integer Integer
factorization 1 = Map.fromList []
factorization x = Map.insertWith (+) factor 1 (factorization (x `div` factor))
where factor = head $ filter (\s -> (x `mod` s) == 0) ls
ls = primes
This program failed to solve in the time limit.
So could anyone point me out where did I do wrong and how to fix it?
Or it just impossible to solve this problem using Haskell in time limit?
There are many ways in which your time complexity is not optimal. The most obvious one is a prime finder using trial division instead of, e.g., a sieve. Maybe it's fine because you only compute the primes once, but it does not inspire confidence.
factorization also has at least one glaring problem. Consider factoring a number like 78893012641, whose prime factorization is 280879^2. You will search each prime number up to 280879: expensive, but pretty much unavoidable. However, at this point you divide by 280879 and then try to factorize 280879, starting from 2 and scanning all the small primes again even though you just found out none of them are a factor!
As Li-yao Xia says in a comment, I would also be suspicious of the multiplication of very large Integers before taking their modulus, instead of taking a modulus after each multiplication.
You haven't copied the right piece of code from the "Internet". You should've instead copied primesTMWE for the primes list, but more importantly, primeFactors for the factorization algorithm.
Your foldl based calculation of the number of divisors from a number's factorization is perfectly fine, except perhaps foldl' should be used instead.
Notice that both solve n and solve (n-1) calculate fact (n-1), so better precalculate all of them..... perhaps a better algorithm exists to find the numbers of divisors for all numbers from 1 to n than calculating it for each number separately.
I suspect even with the right algorithms (which I link above) it's going to be tough, time-wise, if you're going to factorize each number independently (O(n) numbers, O(n1/2)) time to factorize each... each prime, at least).
Perhaps the thing to try here is the smallest-factor sieve which can be built in O(n log log n) time as usual with the sieve of Eratosthenes, and once it's built it lets you find the factorization of each number in O(log log n) time (it's the average number of prime factors for a number). It will have to be built up to n though (you can special-case the evens to halve the space requirements of course; or 6-coprimes to save another 1/6th). Probably as an STUArray (that link is an example; better codes can be found here on SO).
The smallest-factor sieve is just like the sieve of Eratosthenes, except it uses the smallest factor, not just a Boolean, as a mark.
To find a number's factorization then we just repeatedly delete by a number's smallest factor, n / sf(n) =: n1, repeating for n1 / sf(n1) =: n2, then n2, etc. until we hit a prime (which is any number which has itself as the smallest factor).
Since you only use those factors to calculate the number's total number of divisors, you can fuse the two calculations together into one joined loop, for extra efficiency.

Using non-deterministic list monad to find long Collatz sequences

I wrote the following code to solve Project Euler's No. 14:
The following iterative (Collatz) sequence is defined for the set of positive integers:
n → n/2 (n is even)
n → 3n + 1 (n is odd)
Q: Which starting number, under one million, produces the longest chain?
And my code:
collatz :: Integer -> [Integer]
collatz 1 = [1]
collatz n =
filter (< 1000000) prev >>= poss
where prev = collatz (n - 1)
poss :: Integer -> [Integer]
poss prev
| even prev && prev `mod` 3 == 1 && (prev - 1) `div` 3 > 1 = [2 * prev, (prev - 1) `div` 3]
| otherwise = [2 * prev]
Where collatz n returns a list of numbers that will generate a Collatz chain of length n. The problem is, I can only either not restrict the result or restrict the whole chain, instead of only the seed number, to be under 1000,000. Is it possible to use this model to solve the problem at all?
I think that this approach - while interesting - is fundamentally doomed. Suppose I discover that all the seeds which result in a chain of length 500 are above 2,000,000. How can I know that I won't find that in three more steps there's a seed under 1,000,000 that gets me there? I see no way to know when you're done.
The only viable approach I see to this problem is to compute the collatz length for every number from 1 to 999,999 and then do something like:
main :: IO ()
main = do
let collatzMax = maximumBy (compare `on` collatzLength) [1..999999]
print collatzMax
On the other hand, this provides a great opportunity to learn about CAFs since the function collatzLength could be naively defined as:
collatzLength 1 = 1
collatzLength n | n `mod` 2 == 0 = 1 + collatzLength (n `div` 2)
collatzLength n = 1 + collatzLength (3 * n + 1)
And that kind of recursion screams out for a CAF.
Sure, there are memoization modules that will go and build the CAF for you, but building one yourself is a useful exercise. It's a whole little mini-course in lazy infinitely-recursive data structures.
If that defeats you, you can glance at this spoiler of how to use a CAF and then rewrite it using a different data structure. (what about a 10-way tree instead of a binary tree? What about traversing the tree in a different order? Can you remove the call to showIntAtBase?)
Your idea is interesting, although not the most efficient one. It could be worth trying, although it'll be probably memory intensive. Some thoughts:
As some chains can go over 1000000, so you can't just filter out everything less in collatz. You need to keep all the numbers in each pass.
Calling collatz this way is inefficient, as it computes the sets all over again. Making it an infinite list that shares values would be more efficient:
collatz :: [[Integer]]
collatz = [1] : map (>>= poss) collatz
You need to figure out when you're done. For this you'd need to go through the number lists generated by collatz and count how many of them are below 1000000. When you have seen all the numbers below the limit, the last list will contain the numbers with the longest chain.
That said, I'm afraid this approach isn't computationally feasible. In particular, you'll generate exponentially many numbers and exponentially large ones. For example, if the longest chain would be 500, the result of collatz in that step would contain numbers up to 2^500. And as mentioned, there is no way to tell which of these huge numbers might be the one leading to the solution, so you can't just discard them.

Improving Haskell code performance (BangPatterns, LazyByteString)

I've used BangPatterns, Lazy ByteString. Don't know what else to do to improve performance of this code. Any ideas and suggestions? It's clearly not the fastest version as it exceeds time limit.
-- Find the sum of all the multiples of 3 or 5 below N
-- Input Format
-- First line contains T that denotes the number of test cases. This is followed by T lines, each containing an integer, N.
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -O2 -optc-O2 #-}
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import Control.Monad (mapM_)
readInt :: L.ByteString -> Int
readInt !s = L.foldl' (\x c -> 10 * x + fromIntegral c - 48) 0 s
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- don't need the number of inputs, since it is read lazily.
-- split input by lines
(_:ls) <- L.split 10 `fmap` L.getContents
-- length ls <= 10^5
mapM_ (print . f . readInt) ls
-- n <= 10^9
f :: Int -> Int
f n = go 0 0
go !i !a | i == n = a
go !i !a | i `mod` 3 == 0
|| i `mod` 5 == 0 = go (i+1) (a+i)
go !i !a = go (i+1) a
danidiaz has already discussed the input and output issue somewhat.
One fast way to produce multiples of 3 or 5 is to use a "wheel" of the sort commonly used for prime sieves.
multiples3or5 = go 0 $ cycle [3,2,1,3,1,2,3]
go n (x : xs) = n : go (n+x) xs
go n [] = error "impossible"
In fact, since the circular list never ends, it's cleaner to use a different type. And since you're using Int, it might as well be specialized and unpacked for performance. Note that the UNPACK pragma in this context is not needed for GHC version 7.8 or above.
data IntStream = {-# UNPACK #-} !Int :> IntStream
infixr 5 :>
wheel :: IntStream
wheel = 3 :> 2 :> 1 :> 3 :> 1 :> 2 :> 3 :> wheel
multiples3or5 = go 0 wheel
go !n (x :> xs) = n : go (n+x) xs
As fgv commented, this is in the nature of an anamorphism. You can see this by writing
multiples3or5 = unfoldr go (0, wheel) where
go (!n, (x :> xs)) = Just (n, (n+x, xs))
but note that unfoldr did not become efficient enough to be much use for anything until base 4.8, which has not officially been released.
When printing out the results, the system has to divide a lot of things by 10. I don't know if those routines are specially optimized, but I do know that GHC's native code generator does not currently optimize division by a known divisor unless that divisor is a power of 2. So you might find that you can improve performance by using -fllvm, and being careful to use a compatible version of LLVM.
See Chad Groft's answer for a better way.
Your use of print in the line
mapM_ (print . f . readInt) ls
may be introducing some overhead, because print depends on the Show instance for Int, meaning a conversion to inefficient Strings will take place.
Add the following imports
import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as BB
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import Data.List.Split (chunksOf) -- from the "split" package
import System.IO -- for stdout
and try to change that line with something like
let resultList = map (f . readInt) ls
F.mapM_ (BB.hPutBuilder stdout . F.foldMap BB.intDec) (chunksOf 1000 resultList)
that takes chunks of size 1000 from the list of Ints and uses the efficient Builder type and the specialized hPutBuilder function to write them to stdout.
(I added the chunking because otherwise I feared constructing the Builder would force the whole input list into memory. And we don't want that, because the list is being read lazily.)
I'm not sure if that's the main bottleneck, though.
If you're really concerned with efficiency, rethink the algorithm. Your main bottleneck is that you're manually summing a bunch of numbers between 1 and N, which will perform poorly on large N no matter what you do.
Instead, think mathematically. The sum of all multiples of 3 or 5 up to N is almost the sum of all multiples of 3 up to N (call this S_3), plus the sum of all multiples of 5 up to N (call this S_5). I say "almost" because some numbers get double-counted; call their sum T. Now the sum you want is exactly S_3 + S_5 – T, and each term has a nice closed formula (what is it?). Calculating these three numbers is much faster than what you're doing.
Here you the formula without those "think about" mentor answers
sumMultiplesOf::Integral n=>n->n->n
sumMultiplesOf k n = d * (1 + d) `div` 2 * k where d = (n - 1) `div` k
sumMultiplesOf3or5::Integral n=>n->n
sumMultiplesOf3or5 n = sumMultiplesOf 3 n + sumMultiplesOf 5 n - sumMultiplesOf 15 n

Stack space overflow error while running recursive compiled code. Fine tune algorithm, or give more resources?

I am working on project Euler #14, and have a solution to get the answer, but am getting a stack space overflow error when I try to run the code. The algorithm works OK in the interactive GHCI (on low numbers), but wont work when I throw a really big number at it and try to compile it.
Here is a rough idea of what it does in the interactive GHCI. It takes about 10 seconds to calculate "answer 50000" on my computer.
After letting GHCI run the problem for a few minutes, it spits out the correct answer.
*Euler System.IO> answer 1000000
But that doesn't solve the stack overflow error when compiling the program to run natively.
*Euler System.IO> answer 10
*Euler System.IO> answer 100
*Euler System.IO> answer 1000
*Euler System.IO> answer 10000
*Euler System.IO> answer 50000
What should I do to get the answer to for "answer 1000000"? I imagine my algorithm needs to be fine tuned a bit, but I have no idea how to go about doing that.
module Main
import System.IO
import Control.Monad
main = print (answer 1000000)
-- Count the length of the sequences
-- count' creates a tuple with the second value
-- being the starting number of the game
-- and the first value being the total
-- length of the chain
count' n = (cSeq n, n)
cSeq n = length $ game n
-- Find the maximum chain value of the game
answer n = maximum $ map count' [1..n]
-- Working game.
-- game 13 = [13,40,20,10,5,16,8,4,2,1]
game n = n : play n
play x
| x <= 0 = [] -- is negative or 0
| x == 1 = [] -- is 1
| even x = doEven x : play ((doEven x)) -- even
| otherwise = doOdd x : play ((doOdd x)) -- odd
where doOdd x = (3 * x) + 1
doEven x = (x `div` 2)
The problem here is that maximum is too lazy. Instead of keeping track of the largest element as it goes along, it builds up a huge tree of max thunks. This is because maximum is defined in terms of foldl, so the evaluation goes as follows:
maximum [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
foldl max 1 [2, 3, 4, 5]
foldl max (max 1 2) [3, 4, 5]
foldl max (max (max 1 2) 3) [4, 5]
foldl max (max (max (max 1 2) 3) 4) [5]
foldl max (max (max (max (max 1 2) 3) 4) 5) []
max (max (max (max 1 2) 3) 4) 5 -- this expression will be huge for large lists
Trying to evaluate too many of these nested max calls causes a stack overflow.
The solution is to force it to evaluate these as it goes along by using the strict version foldl', (or, in this case, its cousin foldl1'). This prevents the max's from building up by reducing them at each step:
foldl1' max [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
foldl' max 1 [2, 3, 4, 5]
foldl' max 2 [3, 4, 5]
foldl' max 3 [4, 5]
foldl' max 4 [5]
foldl' max 5 []
GHC can often solve these kinds of problems on its own if you compile with -O2 which (among other things) runs a strictness analysis of your program. However, I think it's good practice to write programs that don't need to rely on optimizations to work.
Note: After fixing this, the resulting program is still very slow. You might want to look into using memoization for this problem.
#hammar already pointed out the problem that maximum is too lazy, and how to resolve that (using foldl1', the strict version of foldl1).
But there are further inefficiencies in the code.
cSeq n = length $ game n
cSeq lets game construct a list, only to calculate its length. Unfortunately, length is not a "good consumer", so the construction of the intermediate list is not fused away. That's quite a bit of unnecessary allocation and costs time. Eliminating these lists
cSeq n = coll (1 :: Int) n
coll acc 1 = acc
coll acc m
| even m = coll (acc + 1) (m `div` 2)
| otherwise = coll (acc + 1) (3*m+1)
cuts down the allocation by something like 65% and the running time by about 20% (still slow). Next point, you're using div, which performs a sign check in addition to the normal division. Since all numbers involved are positive, using quot instead does speed it up a bit more (not much here, but it will become important later).
The next big point is that, since you haven't given type signatures, the type of the numbers (except where it was determined by the use of length or by the expression type signature (1 :: Int) in my rewrite) is Integer. The operations on Integer are considerably slower than the corresponding operations on Int, so if possible, you should use Int (or Word) rather than Integer when speed matters. If you have a 64-bit GHC, Int is sufficient for these computations, that reduces the running time by about half when using div, by about 70% when using quot, when using the native code generator, and when using the LLVM backend, the running time is reduced by about 70% when using div and by about 95% when using quot.
The difference between the native code generator and the LLVM backend is mostly due to some elementary low-level optimisations.
even and odd are defined
even, odd :: (Integral a) => a -> Bool
even n = n `rem` 2 == 0
odd = not . even
in GHC.Real. When the type is Int, LLVM knows to replace the division by 2 used to determine the modulus with a bitwise and (n .&. 1 == 0). The native code generator does not (yet) do many of these low-level optimisations. If you do that by hand, the code produced by the NCG and the LLVM backend performs nearly identically.
When using div, both, the NCG and LLVM, are not able to replace the division with a short shift-and-add sequence, so you get the relatively slow machine division instruction with the sign-test. With quot, both are able to do that for Int, so you get much faster code.
The knowledge that all occurring numbers are positive allows us to replace the division by 2 with a simple right shift, without any code to correct for negative arguments, that speeds up the code produced by the LLVM backend by another ~33%, oddly it doesn't make a difference for the NCG.
So from the original that took eight second plus/minus a bit (a little less with the NCG, a little more with the LLVM backend), we've gone to
module Main (main)
import Data.List
import Data.Bits
main = print (answer (1000000 :: Int))
-- Count the length of the sequences
-- count' creates a tuple with the second value
-- being the starting number of the game
-- and the first value being the total
-- length of the chain
count' n = (cSeq n, n)
cSeq n = go (1 :: Int) n
go !acc 1 = acc
go acc m
| even' m = go (acc+1) (m `shiftR` 1)
| otherwise = go (acc+1) (3*m+1)
even' :: Int -> Bool
even' m = m .&. 1 == 0
-- Find the maximum chain value of the game
answer n = foldl1' max $ map count' [1..n]
which takes 0.37 seconds with the NCG, and 0.27 seconds with the LLVM backend on my setup.
A minute improvement in running time, but a huge reduction of allocation can be obtained by replacing the foldl1' max with a manual recursion,
answer n = go 1 1 2
go ml mi i
| n < i = (ml,mi)
| l > ml = go l i (i+1)
| otherwise = go ml mi (i+1)
l = cSeq i
that makes it 0.35 resp. 0.25 seconds (and produces a tiny 52,936 bytes allocated in the heap).
Now if that is still too slow, you can worry about a good memoisation strategy. The best I know(1) is to use an unboxed array to store the chain lengths for the numbers not exceeding the limit,
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
module Main (main) where
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import Data.Array.ST
import Data.Array.Base
import Control.Monad.ST
import Data.Bits
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
let bd = case args of
a:_ -> read a
_ -> 100000
print $ mxColl bd
mxColl :: Int -> (Int,Int)
mxColl bd = runST $ do
arr <- newArray (0,bd) 0
unsafeWrite arr 1 1
goColl arr bd 1 1 2
goColl :: STUArray s Int Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> ST s (Int,Int)
goColl arr bd ms ml i
| bd < i = return (ms,ml)
| otherwise = do
nln <- collatzLength arr bd i
if ml < nln
then goColl arr bd i nln (i+1)
else goColl arr bd ms ml (i+1)
collatzLength :: STUArray s Int Int -> Int -> Int -> ST s Int
collatzLength arr bd n = go 1 n
go !l 1 = return l
go l m
| bd < m = go (l+1) $ case m .&. 1 of
0 -> m `shiftR` 1
_ -> 3*m+1
| otherwise = do
l' <- unsafeRead arr m
case l' of
0 -> do
l'' <- go 1 $ case m .&. 1 of
0 -> m `shiftR` 1
_ -> 3*m+1
unsafeWrite arr m (l''+1)
return (l + l'')
_ -> return (l+l'-1)
which does the job for a limit of 1000000 in 0.04 seconds when compiled with the NCG, 0.05 with the LLVM backend (apparently, that is not as good at optimising STUArray code as the NCG is).
If you don't have a 64-bit GHC, you can't simply use Int, since that would overflow then for some inputs.
But the overwhelming part of the computation is still performed in Int range, so you should use that where possible and only move to Integer where required.
switch :: Int
switch = (maxBound - 1) `quot` 3
back :: Integer
back = 2 * fromIntegral (maxBound :: Int)
cSeq :: Int -> Int
cSeq n = goInt 1 n
goInt acc 1 = acc
goInt acc m
| m .&. 1 == 0 = goInt (acc+1) (m `shiftR` 1)
| m > switch = goInteger (acc+1) (3*toInteger m + 1)
| otherwise = goInt (acc+1) (3*m+1)
goInteger acc m
| fromInteger m .&. (1 :: Int) == 1 = goInteger (acc+1) (3*m+1)
| m > back = goInteger (acc+1) (m `quot` 2) -- yup, quot is faster than shift for Integer here
| otherwise = goInt (acc + 1) (fromInteger $ m `quot` 2)
makes it harder to optimise the loop(s), so it is slower than the single loop using Int, but still decent. Here (where the Integer loop is never run), it takes 0.42 seconds with the NCG and 0.37 with the LLVM backend (which is pretty much the same as using quot in the pure Int version).
Using a similar trick for the memoised version has similar consequences, it's considerably slower than the pure Int version, but still blazingly fast compared to unmemoised versions.
(1) For this special (type of) problem, where you need to memoise the results for a contiguous range of arguments. For other problems, a Map or some other data structure will be the better choice.
It seems that the maximum function is the culprit as already pointed out, but you shouldn't have to worry about it if you compile your program with the -O2 flag.
The program is still quite slow, this is because the problem is supposed to teach you about memoization. One good way of doing this is haskell is by using Data.Memocombinators:
import Data.MemoCombinators
import Control.Arrow
import Data.List
import Data.Ord
import System.Environment
play m = maximumBy (comparing snd) . map (second threeNPuzzle) $ zip [1..] [1..m]
threeNPuzzle = arrayRange (1,m) memoized
memoized n
| n == 1 = 1
| odd n = 1 + threeNPuzzle (3*n + 1)
| even n = 1 + threeNPuzzle (n `div` 2)
main = getArgs >>= print . play . read . head
The above program runs in under a second when compiled with -O2 on my machine.
Note that in this case it is not a good idea to memoize all values found by threeNPuzzle, the program above memoizes the ones up until the limit (1000000 in the problem).

Haskell Space Overflow

I've compiled this program and am trying to run it.
import Data.List
import Data.Ord
import qualified Data.MemoCombinators as Memo
collatzLength :: Int -> Int
collatzLength = Memo.arrayRange (1, 1000000) collatzLength'
collatzLength' 1 = 1
collatzLength' n | odd n = 1 + collatzLength (3 * n + 1)
| even n = 1 + collatzLength (n `quot` 2)
main = print $ maximumBy (comparing fst) $ [(collatzLength n, n) | n <- [1..1000000]]
I'm getting the following from GHC
Stack space overflow: current size 8388608 bytes.
Use `+RTS -Ksize -RTS' to increase it.
I assume this is one of the "space overflow" things I've been hearing about. (I'm pretty new to Haskell.) How do I fix it? Do I have to rewrite collatzLength to be tail recursive?
As the author of the code in question, I am now slightly embarrassed because it has not one but two possible stack overflow bugs.
It uses Int. On a 32-bit system this will overflow, as the Collatz sequence can go quite a bit higher than the starting number. This overflow can cause infinite recursion as the function jumps back and forth between negative and positive values.
In the case of numbers between one and a million, the worst starting point is 704511, which goes as high as 56,991,483,520 before coming back down towards 1. This is well outside the 32-bit range.
It uses maximumBy. This function is not strict, so it will cause a stack overflow when used on long lists. One million elements is more than enough for this to happen with the default stack size. It still works with optimizations enabled, though, due to the strictness analysis performed by GHC.
The solution is to use a strict version. Since none is available in the standard libraries, we can use the strict left fold ourselves.
Here is an updated version which should (hopefully) be stack overflow-free, even without optimizations.
import Data.List
import Data.Ord
import qualified Data.MemoCombinators as Memo
collatzLength :: Integer -> Integer
collatzLength = Memo.arrayRange (1,1000000) collatzLength'
collatzLength' 1 = 1
collatzLength' n | odd n = 1 + collatzLength (3 * n + 1)
| even n = 1 + collatzLength (n `quot` 2)
main = print $ foldl1' max $ [(collatzLength n, n) | n <- [1..1000000]]
Here's a shorter program that fails in the same way:
main = print (maximum [0..1000000])
$ ghc --make harmless.hs && ./harmless
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( harmless.hs, harmless.o )
Linking harmless ...
Stack space overflow: current size 8388608 bytes.
Use `+RTS -Ksize -RTS' to increase it.
With -O2 it works. What do I make of it? I don't know :( These space mysteries are a serious gotcha.
Thx to hammar for pointing out the culprit.
Changing your program to use
maximum' = foldl1' max
Makes it work without -O2. The implementation of Prelude's maximum is lazy and so doesn't quite work for long lists without compiler magic dust.
I think it's most likely that you're hitting integer overflow with some of the Collatz sequences, and then ending up in an "artificial" cycle that contains overflows but never hits 1. That would produce an infinite recursion.
Remember that some Collatz sequences get very much larger than their starting number before they finally (?) end up at 1.
Try to see if it fixes your problem to use Integer instead of Int.
Use the optimizer (via the -O2 flag) any time you are concerned about performance. GHC's optimizations are hugely important not just to run time but to stack use. I've tested this with GHC 7.2 and optimization takes care of your issue.
EDIT: In addtion, if you're on a 32 bit machine be sure to use Int64 or Word64. You'll overflow the size of a 32 bit int and cause non-termination otherwise (thanks to Henning for this, upvote his answer).
