Map unique number to a unique string of 6 characters - string

I have a database table where every row has its unique ID (RowID).
Is there a good way to convert this RowID to a unique key that is always 6 characters in length. Unique key characters can be {A-Za-z0-9}. One example of unique key would be: a5Fg3A.
Of course I do realize there's only certain number of keys I can generate using this method but that doesn't matter for my case.
I've thought much about this but I can't come up with an algorithm that would be able to do this properly.
One idea I had was:
Unique key = RowID
If RowID is lower than 100000 then append 0 in front of it, for example:
123 becomes 000123
1 becomes 000001
Then for numbers in the range of 100000 to 900000 I would replace first number to a string, e.g. 0 = a, 1 = b, 2 = c, ..., 9 = j.
Then I could do the same with capital letter, etc.
My problem is that my algorithm is very limited and generates low number of keys because it wouldn't utilize all possible characters.
So basically I should be able to generate 56800235584 unique keys assuming every key is of length 6 and utilizes these characters: {A-Za-z0-9}.
A-Z = 26 characters
a-z = 26 characters
0-9 = 10 characters
So it's 62^6 unique keys.
Any feedback would be appreciated on how this could be done properly (or even optimal) :-)

You can sort your IDs, and then attach an increasing lexicographical string to each.
Simple example where your alphabet is only {a,b} (for simplicity only), and Ids= [20,1,7,90]:
sort: Ids = [1,7,20,90]
Attach increasing strings:
1 = aaaaaa
7 = aaaaab
20 = aaaaba
90 = 0000bb
If you want it as a hash function of some sort, and not data dependent - you can just use the same binary encoding that is used to the number, and convert it similary (i.e. 1 = aaaaaa, 2 = aaaaab, 3 = aaaaac...)
[Edit: basically the same as base-62 suggested by #HighPerformanceMark in comments]
The advantages of the first approach: allows you to deal with up to 62^6 numbers, regardless of that their size is, while the second approach does not allow it.
The second approach however, allows you a consistent conversion from number to string, regardless on the specific data.

If you want to make A-Z a-z 0-9 to be the alphabet as you noticed you have base 62 number system. So encode the unique rowid in base 62, there is a standard algorithm to do so. If your application allows (needs) it you can add a few more printable characters like '+', '/', '!', '#'.. so you get more uniques. The ready made answer is base64 encoding, widely used.

There are many ways to do this - the challenge is picking the one that's "best" for whatever your criteria are. Some examples, but far from exhaustive (some already suggested elsewhere):
pad with an increasing sequence
base-62 representation (note: base-64 is in common use and might even already have code available for it in whatever libraries you have at hand)
truncated cryptographic hash (slow, but has some other properties that might be useful, depending on exactly why you need to do this; if you only have to do it once, the performance hit may be worth it)
other not-necessarily-cryptographic hash functions that might be considerably faster


Find if two strings are anagrams

Faced this question in an interview, which basically stated
Find if the given two strings are anagrams of each other in O(N) time without any extra space
I tried the usual solutions:
Using a character frequency count (O(N) time, O(26) space) (as a variation, iterating 26 times to calculate frequency of each character as well)
Sorting both strings and comparing (O(NlogN) time, constant space)
But the interviewer wanted a "better" approach. At the extreme end of the interview, he hinted at "XOR" for the question. Not sure how that works, since "aa" XOR "bb" should also be zero without being anagrams.
Long story short, are the given constraints possible? If so, what would be the algorithm?
Given word_a and word_b in the same length, I would try the following:
Define a variable counter and initialise the value to 0.
For each letter ii in the alphabet do the following:
2.1. for jj in length(word_a):
2.1.1. if word_a[jj] == ii increase counter by 1: counter += 1
2.1.2. if word_b[jj] == ii decrease the counter by 1: counter -= 1
2.2. if after passing all the characters in the words, counter is different than 0, you have a different number of ii characters in each word and in particular they are not anagrams, break out of the loop and return False
Return True
In case the words are anagrams, you have the same number of each of the characters, therefore the use of the histogram makes sense, but histograms require space. Using this method, you run over the n characters of the words exactly 26 times in the case of the English alphabet or any other constant c representing the number of letters in the alphabet. Therefor, the runtime of the process is O(c*n) = O(n) since c is constant and you do not use any other space besides the one variable
I haven't proven to myself that this is infallible yet, but it's a possible solution.
Go through both strings and calculate 3 values: the sum, the accumulated xor, and the count. If all 3 are equal then the strings should be anagrams.

What is the fastest way to sort n strings of length n each?

I have n strings, each of length n. I wish to sort them in ascending order.
The best algorithm I can think of is n^2 log n, which is quick sort. (Comparing two strings takes O(n) time). The challenge is to do it in O(n^2) time. How can I do it?
Also, radix sort methods are not permitted as you do not know the number of letters in the alphabet before hand.
Assume any letter is a to z.
Since no requirement for in-place sorting, create an array of linked list with length 26:
List[] sorted= new List[26]; // here each element is a list, where you can append
For a letter in that string, its sorted position is the difference of ascii: x-'a'.
For example, position for 'c' is 2, which will be put to position as
That way, sort one string only take n.
So sort all strings takes n^2.
For example, if you have "zdcbacdca".
z goes to sorted['z'-'a'].add('z'),
d goes to sorted['d'-'a'].add('d'),
After sort, one possible result looks like
0 1 2 3 ... 25 <br/>
a b c d ... z <br/>
a b c <br/>
Note: the assumption of letter collection decides the length of sorted array.
For small numbers of strings a regular comparison sort will probably be faster than a radix sort here, since radix sort takes time proportional to the number of bits required to store each character. For a 2-byte Unicode encoding, and making some (admittedly dubious) assumptions about equal constant factors, radix sort will only be faster if log2(n) > 16, i.e. when sorting more than about 65,000 strings.
One thing I haven't seen mentioned yet is the fact that a comparison sort of strings can be enhanced by exploiting known common prefixes.
Suppose our strings are S[0], S[1], ..., S[n-1]. Let's consider augmenting mergesort with a Longest Common Prefix (LCP) table. First, instead of moving entire strings around in memory, we will just manipulate lists of indices into a fixed table of strings.
Whenever we merge two sorted lists of string indices X[0], ..., X[k-1] and Y[0], ..., Y[k-1] to produce Z[0], ..., Z[2k-1], we will also be given 2 LCP tables (LCPX[0], ..., LCPX[k-1] for X and LCPY[0], ..., LCPY[k-1] for Y), and we need to produce LCPZ[0], ..., LCPZ[2k-1] too. LCPX[i] gives the length of the longest prefix of X[i] that is also a prefix of X[i-1], and similarly for LCPY and LCPZ.
The first comparison, between S[X[0]] and S[Y[0]], cannot use LCP information and we need a full O(n) character comparisons to determine the outcome. But after that, things speed up.
During this first comparison, between S[X[0]] and S[Y[0]], we can also compute the length of their LCP -- call that L. Set Z[0] to whichever of S[X[0]] and S[Y[0]] compared smaller, and set LCPZ[0] = 0. We will maintain in L the length of the LCP of the most recent comparison. We will also record in M the length of the LCP that the last "comparison loser" shares with the next string from its block: that is, if the most recent comparison, between two strings S[X[i]] and S[Y[j]], determined that S[X[i]] was smaller, then M = LCPX[i+1], otherwise M = LCPY[j+1].
The basic idea is: After the first string comparison in any merge step, every remaining string comparison between S[X[i]] and S[Y[j]] can start at the minimum of L and M, instead of at 0. That's because we know that S[X[i]] and S[Y[j]] must agree on at least this many characters at the start, so we don't need to bother comparing them. As larger and larger blocks of sorted strings are formed, adjacent strings in a block will tend to begin with longer common prefixes, and so these LCP values will become larger, eliminating more and more pointless character comparisons.
After each comparison between S[X[i]] and S[Y[j]], the string index of the "loser" is appended to Z as usual. Calculating the corresponding LCPZ value is easy: if the last 2 losers both came from X, take LCPX[i]; if they both came from Y, take LCPY[j]; and if they came from different blocks, take the previous value of L.
In fact, we can do even better. Suppose the last comparison found that S[X[i]] < S[Y[j]], so that X[i] was the string index most recently appended to Z. If M ( = LCPX[i+1]) > L, then we already know that S[X[i+1]] < S[Y[j]] without even doing any comparisons! That's because to get to our current state, we know that S[X[i]] and S[Y[j]] must have first differed at character position L, and it must have been that the character x in this position in S[X[i]] was less than the character y in this position in S[Y[j]], since we concluded that S[X[i]] < S[Y[j]] -- so if S[X[i+1]] shares at least the first L+1 characters with S[X[i]], it must also contain x at position L, and so it must also compare less than S[Y[j]]. (And of course the situation is symmetrical: if the last comparison found that S[Y[j]] < S[X[i]], just swap the names around.)
I don't know whether this will improve the complexity from O(n^2 log n) to something better, but it ought to help.
You can build a Trie, which will cost O(s*n),
Solving it for all cases should not be possible in better that O(N^2 Log N).
However if there are constraints that can relax the string comparison, it can be optimised.
-If the strings have high repetition rate and are from a finite ordered set. You can use ideas from count sort and use a map to store their count. later, sorting just the map keys should suffice. O(NMLogM) where M is the number of unique strings. You can even directly use TreeMap for this purpose.
-If the strings are not random but the suffixes of some super string this can well be done
O(N Log^2N).

CodeJam 2014: Solution for The Repeater

I participated in code jam, I successfully solved small input of The Repeater Challenge but can't seem to figure out approach for multiple strings.
Can any one give the algorithm used for multiple strings. For 2 strings ( small input ) I am comparing strings character by character and doing operations to make them equal. However this approach would time out for large input.
Can some one explain their algorithm they used. I can see solutions of other users but can't figure out what have they done.
I can tell you my solution which worked fine for both small and large inputs.
First, we have to see if there is a solution, you do that by bringing all strings to their "simplest" form. If any of them does not match, there there is no solution.
aaabbbc => abc
abbbbbcc => abc
abbcca => abca
If only the first two were given, then a solution would be possible. As soon as the third is thrown into the mix, then it's impossible. The algorithm to do the "simplification" is to parse the string and eliminate any double character you see. As soon as a string does not equal the simplified form of the batch, bail out.
As for actual solution to the problem, i simply converted the strings to a [letter, repeat] format. So for example
qwerty => 1q,1w,1e,1r,1t,1y
qqqwweeertttyy => 3q,2w,3e,1r,3t,2y
(mind you the outputs are internal structures, not actual strings)
Imagine now you have 100 strings, you have already passed the test that there is a solution and you have all strings into the [letter, repeat] representation. Now go through every letter and find the least 'difference' of repetitions you have to do, to reach the same number. So for example
1a, 1a, 1a => 0 diff
1a, 2a, 2a => 1 diff
1a, 3a, 10a => 9 diff (to bring everything to 3)
the way to do this (i'm pretty sure there is a more efficient way) is to go from the min number to the max number and calculate the sum of all diffs. You are not guaranteed that the number will be one of the numbers in the set. For the last example, you would calculate the diff to bring everything to 1 (0,2,9 =11) then for 2 (1,1,8 =10), the for 3 (2,0,7 =9) and so on up to 10 and choose the min again. Strings are limited to 1000 characters so this is an easy calculation. On my moderate laptop, the results were instant.
Repeat the same for every letter of the strings and sum everything up and that is your solution.
This answer gives an example to explain why finding the median number of repeats produces the lowest cost.
Suppose we have values:
1 20 30 40 100
And we are trying to find the value which has shortest total distance to all these values.
We might guess the best answer is 50, with cost |50-1|+|50-20|+|50-30|+|50-40|+|50-100| = 159.
Split this into two sums, left and right, where left is the cost of all numbers to the left of our target, and right is the cost of all numbers to the right.
left = |50-1|+|50-20|+|50-30|+|50-40| = 50-1+50-20+50-30+50-40 = 109
right = |50-100| = 100-50 = 50
cost = left + right = 159
Now consider changing the value by x. Providing x is small enough such that the same numbers are on the left, then the values will change to:
left(x) = |50+x-1|+|50+x-20|+|50+x-30|+|50+x-40| = 109 + 4x
right(x) = |50+x-100| = 50 - x
cost(x) = left(x)+right(x) = 159+3x
So if we set x=-1 we will decrease our cost by 3, therefore the best answer is not 50.
The amount our cost will change if we move is given by difference between the number to our left (4) and the number to our right (1).
Therefore, as long as these are different we can always decrease our cost by moving towards the median.
Therefore the median gives the lowest cost.
If there are an even number of points, such as 1,100 then all numbers between the two middle points will give identical costs, so any of these values can be chosen.
Since Thanasis already explained the solution, I'm providing here my source code in Ruby. It's really short (only 400B) and following his algorithm exactly.
def solve(strs)
form = strs.first.squeeze { |str|
return 'Fegla Won' if form != str.squeeze
str.chars.chunk { |c| c }.map { |arr|
} { |row|*row.minmax).map { |n| { |r|
(r - n).abs
}.reduce :+
}.reduce :+
gets.to_i.times { |i|
result = solve { gets.chomp }
puts "Case ##{i+1}: #{result}"
It uses a method squeeze on strings, which removes all the duplicate characters. This way, you just compare every squeezed line to the reference (variable form). If there's an inconsistency, you just return that Fegla Won.
Next you use a chunk method on char array, which collects all consecutive characters. This way you can count them easily.

Excel 2007 - Generate unique ID based on text?

I have a sheet with a list of names in Column B and an ID column in A. I was wondering if there is some kind of formula that can take the value in column B of that row and generate some kind of ID based on the text? Each name is also unique and is never repeated in any way.
It would be best if I didn't have to use VBA really. But if I have to, so be it.
Solution Without VBA.
Logic based on First 8 characters + number of character in a cell.
= CODE(cell) which returns Code number for first letter
= CODE(MID(cell,2,1)) returns Code number for second letter
= IFERROR(CODE(MID(cell,9,1)) If 9th character does not exist then return 0
= LEN(cell) number of character in a cell
Concatenating firs 8 codes + adding length of character on the end
If 8 character is not enough, then replicate additional codes for next characters in a string.
Final function:
Sorry, I didn't found a solution with formula only even if this thread might help (trying to calculate the points in a scrabble game) but I didn't find a way to be sure the generated hash would be unique.
Yet, here is my solution, based on a UDF (Used-Defined Function):
Put the code in a module:
Public Function genId(ByVal sName As String) As Long
'Function to create a unique hash by summing the ascii value of each character of a given string
Dim sLetter As String
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To Len(sName)
genId = Asc(Mid(sName, i, 1)) * i + genId
Next i
End Function
And call it in your worksheet like a formula:
[EDIT] Added the * i to take into account the order. It works on my unit tests
May be OTT for your needs, but you can use a call to CoCreateGuid to get a real GUID
Private Declare Function CoCreateGuid Lib "ole32" (ID As Any) As Long
Function GUID() As String
Dim ID(0 To 15) As Byte
Dim i As Long
If CoCreateGuid(ID(0)) = 0 Then
For i = 0 To 15
GUID = GUID & Format(Hex$(ID(i)), "00")
GUID = "Error while creating GUID!"
End If
End Function
Test using
Sub testGUID()
End Sub
How to best implement depends on your needs. One way would be to write a macro to get a GUID populate a column where names exist. (note, using it as a udf as is is no good, since it will return a new GUID when recalculated)
See this answer for creating a SHA1 hash of a string
Do you just want an incrementing numeric id column to sit next to your values? If so, and if your values will always be unique, you can very easily do this with formulae.
If your values were in column B, starting in B2 underneath your headers for example, in A2 you would type the formula "=IF(B2="","",1+MAX(A$1:A1))". You can copy and paste that down as far as your data extends, and it will increment a numeric identifier for each row in column B which isn't blank.
If you need to do anything more complicated, like identify and re-identify repeating values, or make identifiers 'freeze' once they're populated, let me know. Currently, when you clear or add values to your list the identifers will toggle themselves up and down, so you need to be careful if your data changes.
Unique identifier based on the number of specific characters in text. I used an identifier based on vowels and numbers.
You say you are confident that there are no duplicate values in your words. To push it further, are you confident that the first 8 characters in any word would be unique?
If so, you can use the below formula. It works by individually taking each character's ASCII code - 40 [assuming normal characters, this puts numbers at between 8 & 57, and letters at between 57 & 122], and multiplying that characters code by 10 ^ [that character's digit placement in the word]. Basically it takes that character code [-40], and concatenates each code onto the next.
EDIT Note that this code no longer requires that at least 8 characters exist in your word to prevent an error, as the actual word to be coded has 8 "0"'s appended to it.
Note that as this uses the ASCII values of the characters, the ID # could be used to identify the name directly - this does not really create anonymity, it just turns 8 unique characters into a unique number. It is obfuscated with the -40, but not really 'safe' in that sense. The -40 is just to get normal letters and numbers in the 2 digit range, so that multiplying by 10^0,2,4 etc. will create a 2 digit unique add-on to the created code.
I had previously attempted to do this so that it would look at each letter of the alphabet, count the number of times it appears in the word, and then multiply that by 10*[that letter's position in the alphabet]. The problem with doing this (see comment below for formula) is that it required a number of 10^26-1, which is beyond Excel's floating point precision. However, I have a modified version of that method:
By limiting the number of allowed characters in the alphabet, we can get the max total size possible to 10^15-1, which Excel can properly calculate. The formula looks like this:
[The RIGHT("00000000000000"... portion of the formula is meant to keep all codes the same number of characters]
Note that here, Alphabet is a named string which holds the characters: "abcdehilmnorstu". For example, using the above formula, the word "asdf" counts the instances of a, s, and d, but not 'f' which isn't in my contracted alphabet. The code of "asdf" would be:
This only works with the following assumptions:
The letters not listed (nor numbers / special characters) are not required to make each name unique. For example, asdf & asd would have the same code in the above method.
The order of the letters is not required to make each name unique. For example, asd & dsa would have the same code in the above method.

hashing string to an int between 0-19

I was wondering how I would hash a string value (ex: "myObjectName") to int values between 0-19
I'm guaranteed to have no more than 20 unique string values.
Adding my comment as an answer as suggested:
I would suggest that hashing isn't the exact path you should follow here.
One method would be using a dictionary (like the built in data structure in Python) that has a key-value pair of your string and a number from 1-20 (or 0 - 19)
As you read or see each string, you could check to see if a dictionary entry exists, if so, do whatever needs to be done, if not, create a new dictionary entry with the next available number (generated by looking at the number of existing entries in the dictionary).
You could use any sort of hashing you like, but in this case, you could do with adding up the ASCII values (or unicode code point, if you like) of the characters, and apply modulo 20 to the result. It will give you a number from 0 to 19.
But this is nog guaranteed to result in a number that uniquely identifies your 20 strings. No hashing algorithm will guarantee that hashing a collection of 20 random strings will result in a unique code for each string..
Do md5 sum, convert to number and do modulo 20. E.g. in PHP:
hexdec(substr(md5("hello"), 1, 8)) % 20
The substr() is needed so that the number can be converted to integer.
