JSF to Bean to JSF - jsf

So I'm having a problem trying to pass a String value.
The String value is entered through a login page as username.
The JSF then calls the Bean to verify log in information then proceeds to another JSF page.
I was wondering how to pass the username along to the new JSF page. Thank you.

If you're performing a navigation instead of a redirect, then you basically don't need to do anything. The information is also just available in the navigated page.
E.g. in login page,
<h:inputText value="#{bean.username}" />
and in the navigated page:
<p>You have entered the following username: #{bean.username}</p>
If you're however performing a redirect instead of a navigation, then you basically need to store the information in a bit broader scope. You didn't clearly elaborate the concrete functional requirement in the question, but if I guess it right, you just wanted to remember the currently logged-in user for the remaining of the HTTP session. In that case, just store it in the session scope during the login action.
public String login() {
// ...
User user = userService.find(username, password);
// ...
externalContext.getSessionMap().put("user", user);
// ...
return "nextpage?faces-redirect=true";
This way it's available by #{user} throughout the entire HTTP session.
<p>You're logged in as #{user.name}.</p>

You can also use <t:saveState> without using session scope. <t:saveState> is longer than the request scope but shorter than session scope.
This may help you : http://myfaces.apache.org/tomahawk-project/tomahawk12/tagdoc/t_saveState.html


Cookie set in web filter is not available in request bean

I'm trying to create a localized JSF web application which allows user to select a language via dropdown. When language is selected, I simulate a redirect to the same page but with URL parameter:
window.location.replace(urlToMyApp + '?locale=DE');
Next, I read 'locale' parameter in application's web filter and write it in a cookie with the same name:
String localeValue = httpRequest.getParameter("locale");
Cookie cookie = new Cookie("locale", localeValue);
Now when I try to read that cookie in request bean init method, cookie is not available. If I select another language via dropdown (EN for example), previously selected language (DE) is read in init method.
I assume that cookie written in filter is not available before next "request - response" cycle, can someone confirm that?
If that's true I'm asking for an idea to translate my application immediately after selecting another language.
Just one thing that I think I need to mention - language dropdown is not part of my application. It's part of some kind of framework for several applications to be included (like portal).
I assume that cookie written in filter is not available before next "request - response" cycle, can someone confirm that?
That's correct.
You've added the new cookie to the response, not to the request. So any attempt to read it from the same request won't work. The cookie will only be available in the request if the browser has actually sent it. But it can only do that if it has obtained the cookie data from a previous response.
If that's true I'm asking for an idea to translate my application immediately after selecting another language.
If the request scoped bean is managed by CDI #Named, then just inject it in the filter and set the locale over there.
private Bean bean;
public void doFilter(...) {
// ...
// ...
Else if it's not managed by CDI, but by the since JSF 2.3 deprecated #ManagedBean, then manually instantiate it and put it in request scope so that JSF will just reuse the same bean.
public void doFilter(...) {
// ...
Bean bean = new Bean();
bean.init(); // If necessary.
request.setAttribute("bean", bean); // "bean" is managed bean name.
// ...
See also:
Get JSF managed bean by name in any Servlet related class
Localization in JSF, how to remember selected locale per session instead of per request/view

How to write servlet filter to destroy all cookies related to domain on browser

I am new to servlet filter.
I am using JSF 2.2, Wildfly 8.1. I have figured out that if user clicks log out link when session is already expired then when user logs in again the system will continiously fire exception of session expired. BalusC wrote to write servlet filter which will delete all cookies of specific domain before user will see welcome page.
How to write servlet filter which will destroy all cookies related to specific domain (domain.com) when new session will start? I played with it and absolutely confused. sorry for my a little experience in jsf.
I think you need to set cookie.setMaxAge(0);for all the cookie for that domain.
Inside your filter(which should be used for Logout request only) or in Logout servlet(if any) you can write below line to delete all cookie.
Cookie[] cookies = req.getCookies();
if(cookies != null){
for(Cookie cookie : cookies){

How to detect session has been invalidated in JSF 2?

In my application I have a quit button, on clicking of which the session for the current user is invalidated by the following piece of the code..
And I redirect the user to a different page.
But now I want if user click on the back button I will take him to the start page of the application instead of the last page visted by him.
I have an application phase listener which sets the page cache related headers to 'none', now all I want is to detect that for that user session has been invalidated.
But I guess whenever the user is clicking the back button it is creating a new session for the user. Is there any way to prevent it?
How to detect session has been invalidated in JSF 2?
Check if the user has requested a session ID which is not valid.
HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) externalContext.getRequest();
if (request.getRequestedSessionId() != null && !request.isRequestedSessionIdValid()) {
// Session has been invalidated during the previous request.
it is creating a new session for the user. Is there any way to prevent it?
Just don't let your application code create the session then. The session will implicitly be created when your application needs to store something in the session, e.g. view or session scoped beans, or the view state of a <h:form>, etc.
I have an application phase listener which sets the page cache related headers to 'none'
A servlet filter is a better place for this. See also Avoid back button on JSF web application

Keep a session alive for an indefinite amount of time

Is there a way to keep a page's session active without resorting to sending the state to the client? I'm not able to set the STATE_SAVING_METHOD to client and I'd prefer to not use the a4j:keepalive.
I've tried using a simple hidden iframe that submits to the Bean in question but it invalidates the main page.
I am using JSF 1.2 and myfaces.
This is to get around a ViewExpiredException on a page that does not require the user to log in. The majority of the existing site requires the user to log in.
Implement an ajax poll as a "heartbeat" to keep the session alive. At its simplest you can achieve this as follows with help of a little jQuery to avoid boilerplate code of 100 lines to get it to work across all different browsers the world is aware of:
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.min.js"></script>
$(document).ready(function() {
setInterval(function() {
}, ${(pageContext.session.maxInactiveInterval - 10) * 1000});
The ${pageContext.session.maxInactiveInterval} prints the remaining seconds the session has yet to live according to the server side configuration (which is by the way controllable by <session-timeout> in web.xml) and is been deducted with 10 seconds, just to be on time before it automatically expires, and converted to milliseconds so that it suits what setInterval() expects.
The $.get() sends an ajax GET request on the given URL. For the above example, you need to map a servlet on the URL pattern of /poll and does basically the following in the doGet() method:
request.getSession(); // Keep session alive.
That should be it.
BalusC's answer helped me to meet this requirement in my app, but since I'm using PrimeFaces, I wanted to share how BalusC's answer inspired the code i'm using to do this.
xhtml page
<p:poll listener="#{pf_usersController.keepUserSessionAlive()}"
interval="#{session.maxInactiveInterval - 10}" />
public void keepUserSessionAlive() {
FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) context.getExternalContext().getRequest();
as always, thank you, BalusC!
EDIT: An enduser put this to the test this morning, and it is working great! my app usually forces session timeout 15 minutes after full page refresh (redirect to sessionExpired.xhtml via meta refresh based on session.maxInactiveInterval and session timeout value in web.xml); if user is on one page doing a bunch of AJAX requests, session will timeout, since AJAX != full page refresh, but this code allowed enduser to 'keep session alive' while enduser was on payroll page in the app, and session stayed alive for 1 to 2 hours! :)

What to do to restrict the user from seeing the page with out login the website?

I want a page has to appear to user after logged in. But if we use that link we can see the page and its content only thing is that it wont be having user data. what to do to prevent this. what can be done in this scenario ?
You can declare a PhaseListener where to redirect to the homepage instead the user is not logged
public void afterPhase(PhaseEvent evt) {
User user =
if (user == null) {
The phase listener can be defined globally, or at view-level with:
<f:view afterPhase="#{bean.afterPhase}">...</f:view>
(in facelets the attribute is called afterPhaseListener)
Use a ServletFilter to check existence of UserData in Session.
If "yes: then forward else forward to error page.
Another option is to use the rendered attribute on tags to check the existence of UserData object.
I'm not familiar with JSF or if it has built in authentication/authorization. But you should be able to apply authentication/access rules directly on your web server.
