Nearest Neighbor Search - graphics

I want an algorithm for Nearest Neighbor Search(NNS) Problem. The problem is related to Computational Geometry field. I searched a lot, but i did not find an algorithm for that. I think locality sensitive hash(LSH) algorithm will be good for this problem, but unfortunately i didn't find an algorithm for this. Exactly i want an article to learn LSH.
Can any one help me?

IMHO LSH are quite hard to implement correctly.
Great articles about NNS is at wiki. I'm using kd-tree for NNS for solving nearest neighbor problem when merge two triangle meshes together and it works quite well and pretty fast. It's also not that hard to implement (some implementations might be found by google easily).

If you are looking for a C++ library, you can have a look at this CGAL package. There is also the ANN library.

Do you need nearest neighbour or approximate nearest neighbour? In how many dimensions?
I would also recommend trying kd-tree search before LSH.


Simple toolkits for emotion (sentiment) analysis (not using machine learning)

I am looking for a tool that can analyze the emotion of short texts. I searched for a week and I couldn't find a good one that is publicly available. The ideal tool is one that takes a short text as input and guesses the emotion. It is preferably a standalone application or library.
I don't need tools that is trained by texts. And although similar questions are asked before no satisfactory answers are got.
I searched the Internet and read some papers but I can't find a good tool I want. Currently I found SentiStrength, but the accuracy is not good. I am using emotional dictionaries right now. I felt that some syntax parsing may be necessary but it's too complex for me to build one. Furthermore, it's researched by some people and I don't want to reinvent the wheels. Does anyone know such publicly/research available software? I need a tool that doesn't need training before using.
Thanks in advance.
I think that you will not find a more accurate program than SentiStrength (or SoCal) for this task - other than machine learning methods in a specific narrow domain. If you have a lot (>1000) of hand-coded data for a specific domain then you might like to try a generic machine learning approach based on your data. If not, then I would stop looking for anything better ;)
Identifying entities and extracting precise information from short texts, let alone sentiment, is a very challenging problem specially with short text because of lack of context. Hovewer, there are few unsupervised approaches to extracting sentiments from texts mainly proposed by Turney (2000). Look at that and may be you can adopt the method of extracting sentiments based on adjectives in the short text for your use-case. It is hovewer important to note that this might require you to efficiently POSTag your short text accordingly.
Maybe EmoLib could be of help.

Evaluate the content of a paragraph

We are building a database of scientific papers and performing analysis on the abstracts. The goal is to be able to say "Interest in this topic has gone up 20% from last year". I've already tried key word analysis and haven't really liked the results. So now I am trying to move onto phrases and proximity of words to each other and realize I'm am in over my head. Can anyone point me to a better solution to this, or at very least give me a good term to google to learn more?
The language used is python but I don't think that really affects your answer. Thanks in advance for the help.
It is a big subject, but a good introduction to NLP like this can be found with the NLTK toolkit. This is intended for teaching and works with Python - ie. good for dabbling and experimenting. Also there's a very good open source book (also in paper form from O'Reilly) on the NLTK website.
This is just a guess; not sure if this approach will work. If you're looking at phrases and proximity of words, perhaps you can build up a Markov Chain? That way you can get an idea of the frequency of certain phrases/words in relation to others (based on the order of your Markov Chain).
So you build a Markov Chain and frequency distribution for the year 2009. Then you build another one at the end of 2010 and compare the frequencies (of certain phrases and words). You might have to normalize the text though.
Other than that, something that comes to mind is Natural-Language-Processing techniques (there is a lot of literature surrounding the topic!).

Natural Language Processing Algorithm for mood of an email

One simple question (but I haven't quite found an obvious answer in the NLP stuff I've been reading, which I'm very new to):
I want to classify emails with a probability along certain dimensions of mood. Is there an NLP package out there specifically dealing with this? Is there an obvious starting point in the literature I start reading at?
For example, if I got a short email something like "Hi, I'm not very impressed with your last email - you said the order amount would only be $15.95! Regards, Tom" then it might get 8/10 for Frustration and 0/10 for Happiness.
The actual list of moods isn't so important, but a short list of generally positive vs generally negative moods would be useful.
Thanks in advance!
--Trindaz on Fedang #NLP
You can do this with a number of different NLP tools, but nothing to my knowledge comes with it ready out of the box. Perhaps the easiest place to start would be with LingPipe (java), and you can use their very good sentiment analysis tutorial. You could also use NLTK if python is more your bent. There are some good blog posts over at Streamhacker that describe how you would use Naive Bayes to implement that.
Check out AlchemyAPI for sentiment analysis tools and scikit-learn or any other open machine learning library for the classifier.
if you have not decided to code the implementation, you can also have the data classified by some other tool. google prediction api may be an alternative.
Either way, you will need some labeled data and do the preprocessing. But if you use a tool that may help you get better accuracy easily.

How to choose a Feature Selection Algorithm? - advice

Is there a research paper/book that I can read which can tell me for the problem at hand what sort of feature selection algorithm would work best.
I am trying to simply identify twitter messages as pos/neg (to begin with). I started out with Frequency based feature selection (having started with NLTK book) but soon realised that for a similar problem various individuals have choosen different algorithms
Although I can try Frequency based, mutual information, information gain and various other algorithms the list seems endless.. and was wondering if there an efficient way then trial and error.
any advice
Have you tried the book I recommended upon your last question? It's freely available online and entirely about the task you are dealing with: Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining by Pang and Lee. Chapter 4 ("Extraction and Classification") is just what you need!
I did an NLP course last term, and it came pretty clear that sentiment analysis is something that nobody really knows how to do well (yet). Doing this with unsupervised learning is of course even harder.
There's quite a lot of research going on regarding this, some of it commercial and thus not open to the public. I can't point you to any research papers but the book we used for the course was this (google books preview). That said, the book covers a lot of material and might not be the quickest way to find a solution to this particular problem.
The only other thing I can point you towards is to try googling around, maybe in for "sentiment analysis" or "opinion mining".
Have a look at the NLTK movie_reviews corpus. The reviews are already pos/neg categorized and might help you with training your classifier. Although the language you find in Twitter is probably very different from those.
As a last note, please post any successes (or failures for that matter) here. This issue will come up later for sure at some point.
Unfortunately, there is no silver bullet for anything when dealing with machine learning. It's usually referred to as the "No Free Lunch" theorem. Basically a number of algorithms work for a problem, and some do better on some problems and worse on others. Over all, they all perform about the same. The same feature set may cause one algorithm to perform better and another to perform worse for a given data set. For a different data set, the situation could be completely reversed.
Usually what I do is pick a few feature selection algorithms that have worked for others on similar tasks and then start with those. If the performance I get using my favorite classifiers is acceptable, scrounging for another half percentage point probably isn't worth my time. But if it's not acceptable, then it's time to re-evaluate my approach, or to look for more feature selection methods.

Resources for graph structure?

I have a problem related to graph.
I am not a computer science grad hence needed a some quick intro on what is graph and were can i read about graph and how to solve graph related problem in c++ or in general.
The boost graph library may be a starting point and give you some code for solving your graph related problems.
Please see Graph problems in the Stony Brook Algorithm Repository,
and a cute lecture by Xavier Llora.
I would start by studying a few specific algorithms. Dijkstra's algorithm and the graph closure algorithm are good places to start. Also most introductory computer science (eg. Data Structures) texts have a section on graphs. I used this book, mostly after I was already pretty comfortable with most of the material though. It takes a pretty formal approach, so if your maths is strong you might like it.
The community might be able to give you better pointers if you mentioned something specific that you're trying to solve (if there is such a thing).
This is a very cool tool for representing graphs
