RewritePath not working in IIS 7.5 integrated mode - iis

I got an issue when using HttpContext.RewritePath in HttpModule for URL rewriting.
Environment: Windows Server 2008 R2, IIS 7.5 integrated mode, .Net 4.0
In my project, most URLs will be rewritten to the same aspx page(Handler.aspx). The aspx page will do different thing based on the URL.
"/en/abc/" will be written to Handler.aspx. [Page output: This is abc]
"/en/test/" will be written to Handler.aspx. [Page output: This is test]
"/en/test/a.html" will be written to Handler.aspx as well. [Page output: This is test]. As I only check the string "test" and ignore the sting "/a.html", the output is same as the URL "/en/test/". And a.html doesn't exist in wwwroot folder, the URL is a bad case for testing.
I got a issue, if 2 or more requests that contain htm/html extension come simultaneously
Example: "/en/test/a.htm" or "/en/test/a.html"
HttpContext.RewritePath will not work for any request after that. Handler.aspx won't be called any more, and the page output will always be 'This is test' no matter what URL entered. Http status code is 200 when the issue occurs. Also if visit the real aspx page(Handler.aspx), it will display the same content 'This is test' as well. It seems like a server-side cache. And this issue can be resolved by recycling app pool in IIS.
In following cases, the issue won't occur:
Visit these two requests with a delay, for example visit "/en/test/a.html" first and wait 3-5 seconds, then visit "en/test/a.html" again. Everything works fine.
Change IIS pipeline from integrated mode to classic mode. If visit "/en/test/a.html", a IIS 404 page will be displayed.
Use Server.Transfer instead of HttpContext.RewritePath, everything works fine.
The URL contains .php, .jsp, .xml won't cause the issue
I have to find the root cause of it. Any potential reason may cause this issue?


Fix razor WebPages with friendly URL returning 404 error

I have a website written as razor ASP.Net code wit the extension .cshtml. I wrote the site using WebMatrix and the site runs fine when i run it on web martix's "LocalHost". The links and all my code work, but as soon as I try to run the website from my IIS server the page links no longer work properly. When I click on a link it returns the 404 error page. If I type in the .cshtml extension the page loads correctly and all is right with the world except the file extension. The only page that still works is the index page because it is a default page.
Every place I've checked says that it should run without the extension as a default of or if it doesn't run as default then use the url re-write plugin.
The Default isn't running and I am unable to use the URL rewrite tool.
What can I do to get the default to work or is there another way to have the extensions not display without using URL re-write
ps. I know that if I put the files in a folder with the link name and rename them to index.cshtml This will work but I feel it is a very backhanded way of doing it so I would prefer not to do it that way.
pps. before any one suggests a solution for mvc I am explicitly NOT USING MVC Logic. thank you.
Try two things:
Set the application pool to ASP.NET 4.0. Then restart I IIS.
Add the following key to <system.webServer> section of Web.Config:
<modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true" />

ColdFusion 10 Update 11 404 handler not firing

I know CF 10 has a number of issues surrounding 404 handling. This seems to be different from the other reports. Details:
Win2k8 R2/64 and IIS7.5
Upgrading from identical config on separate server. Only difference is CF9 -> CF 10. All works fine on CF9. Adobe CF9 Lockdown implemented on original server, CF10 Lockdown implemented on this server.
missing template handler set in CF Admin as /404.cfm, which should translate to the Cfusion root (c:\ColdFusion10\cfusion\wwwroot).
IIS has been config'd to trace failed 404 requests
IIS 404 handling is default (originally executed a CF URL but removed to simplify debug).
Coldfusion webroot where missing template handler resides is default install location
IIS site root is entirely different: c:\Other\Place\SiteRoot\
A sitewide error handler is also set in CF Admin in the same ColdFusion webroot and works as expected.
404.cfm is very simple:
statustext="Not Found">
<h1>404</h1><p>Page not found</p>
Inputting the bad url [domain]/foo.cfm should display the above template. Instead I get an IIS error screen. The CF missing template handler is ignored. The IIS failed request trace says the url is
and a detail view shows at Step 1
I've seen plenty of issues surrounding CF10 and 404's, but never that the missing template handler assignment is completely ignored. In CF9 this will generate output as expected. Anyone seen anything like this?
I have also tried config'ing this to match a different CF9 server I have running: Added a CF mapping to the web root of the site. Then placed the missing template handler in the web site's root rather than the CF default web root, lastly in cfadmin pointed to the missing template handler in the web site's root using the mapped folder. Same problem. Works fine in CF9 and not at all using CF10.
As Miguel F pointed out in the comments, you can shut off HTML error codes in CF Admin and this will let the Missing Template Handler fire... BUT you get a 200 header to go with it. Apparently cfheader statements are ignored as I have tried placing the cfheader at the beginning and end of the template... still yields a 200. Visually fine but insofar as SEO is concerned thats a disaster. Just looked and my CF9 servers do not require this setting to be unchecked for their handlers to work.
Dana Kowalski's solution displays detailed IIS errors to the public, so for a 404 on, say, a made-up extension (, the screen will show file paths. Default behavior is to NOT display detailed errors except when running templates locally, and display custom error pages to visitors. The CF error template should work fine with that setting.
I stepped back to ColdFusion 9 as part of debugging this problem, and may have discovered the solution while debugging a separate related issue.
In the IIS Manager, click on the site in question. Select the Error Pages option. Select the 'Edit Feature Settings' link on the right side. Check that the 'Detailed Errors' option is selected.
If you have either of the other two selected, there are times IIS 7.x will take over and not let ColdFusion handle it.

ABCpdf (AddImageUrl) not working in IIS 7.5 for localhost

We have been using ABCpdf for years now. In fact we are on version 6.1 still. It has just always worked. But we have recently upgraded to Windows 2008 x64 / IIS 7.5.
Our code that converts HTML pages (Invoices) to PDF now does not work. The basics are that there is a QueryString based URL that renders the Invoice in HTML, this allows us to "preview" it, then to send it to the client we use ASP .NET to execute the ABCpdf code (calling that same URL from the server to the server). This time the output is PDF, and that's what is attached to an email and sent off to the client.
Pretty simple and straight forward stuff right?
This is what we noticed about ABCpdf:
1) PdfObj.AddImageUrl("http://localhost/..."); // Localhost does not work.
2) PdfObj.AddImageUrl(""); // Local IP does not work.
3) PdfObj.AddImageUrl("http://41.XX.XX.XX/..."); // Live IP does not work.
Now this:
4) PdfObj.AddImageUrl(""); // Works perfectly!
So we know the code and everything about it technically can and does work.
But it seems that any time the AddImageUrl() function calls a location that points to itself, the page does not render and we get "Unable to render HTML. Page load timed out. Unable to load page."
I know it's not to do with the timeout because if I use Fiddler (on the server) to execute the exact same code, it works perfectly.
I suspect this is to do with permissions... what what permissions? I read this: "... this is because ABCpdf uses the Microsoft MSHTML component" but how do I set the permissions on this component. I have already turned off "IE ESC".
What am I missing?
So it turned out after fiddling with just about every setting, that it came down to the fact that IIS did not allow URL calls from w3wp.exe to the same "site" within the same IIS.
There is more on that here:
It wasn't the "MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.3.0" requests, these seems to work - and why it was so confusing. But in ABC PDF, there is obviously something similar, and so IIS was blocking it... in fact the entire "site" locked up while it was failing.
In the end all it took was to make a clone of the main site ("site2"), and changing the URL that was parsed to ABC pdf to use the clone site.

ServiceStack Rockstars - why does it not redirect to folder/ with IIS Express?

I'm trying out ServiceStack, and have cloned the RazorRockstars sample from Github.
If I open in Visual Studio 2012 and start RazorRockstars.WebHost project, it all runs fine in VS development server.
If I then change the project to use IIS Express 8, the URLs in the dead/alive menus no longer work correctly.
It turns out that the link in the menu points to directory name without a slash: http://localhost:2000/stars/alive/vedder, and when executed, the server will send back a 302 and redirect to http://localhost:2000/stars/alive/vedder/ (note the trailing slash), and after that all is well.
In IIS Express however, this redirect doesn't happen, and the url in the browser remains without a slash, which in turn breaks the page.
The interesting part, however, is that the default.cshtml page will execute from the directory, but the included partial will not. It looks as if SS is aware this was a folder and will look correctly for default.cshtml, but then somehow fails to look for partial.
Is this a bug with SS implementation or expected behavior? Presumably it would make sense for ServiceStack itself to return a 301 in this situation.
I just had the same issue.
I had to download the URL rewrite module for IIS. And create a rewrite rule in the web.config file in the RazorRockstars.WebHost project.
See this link for more detailed explaination.

IIS 404 Custom Error: URL return response code 200 instead

I'm trying to return a custom 404 page using IIS6. (I have a site that is mostly .shtml pages built using movable type). I have tried it 2 ways:
1) set the 404 error handler in IIS to be type "file" with the path \404.html. This works, but it also means that I can't import the header and footer of my site (hence the .shtml) Trying to point the 404 error handler to 404.shtml results in the default 404 page...i guess IIS can't process shtml files in the 404.
2) set the type to "URL". This works great, except that the response code is no longer 404! Its a 200.
How can I get IIS to respond with a 404 response code with the content of my 404.shtml file?
Given that it's IIS, adding
<% Response.Status = "404 Not Found" %>
to the top of 404.shtml should change the response code to 404.
I am not on a windows machine so I am unable to test it at the moment to verify.
I was finally able to run a few tests on a IIS 6. As you mentioned in a comment to my post, an .shtml file does not allow script commands to run. So there are at least two ways to work around this:
Instead of naming your custom 404 handling page 404.shtml, name it 404.asp. The user should never see the actual name of the page so it shouldn't cause any issues. Note that "Active Server Pages" must be set to 'Allowed' in the Web Service Extensions folder of IIS.
Modify the page extension mapping for .shtml to use asp.dll instead of ssinc.dll. You can do this from IIS by selecting the website and viewing Properties -> Home Directory tab -> Configuration -> Mappings tab. Note that this is far from an ideal solution because now all your .shtml files will be processed by asp.dll. This could cause your pages to render more slowly (assuming asp.dll processes files more slowly than ssinc.dll due to greater complexity) and violates the principle of least privilege.
If neither of the options fit your situation, then it may still be possible but the solution isn't immediately obvious to me.
In IIS Manager, open the Properties of your Web site (or virtual dir) and go to the Custom Errors tab. There you can set which file is sent in case of each error code, including 404.
