Why do I have extraneous objects in my Core Data object? - core-data

I have an app which uses Core Data. I have defined the Entities with their respective attributes several times. Now, I pretty much have it finalized, looking like this:
I deleted the old sqlite d/b, re-ran the program which creates a new Sqlite d/b, and it looks like this (using SQLite Database Browser). The areas highlighted in yellow are the ones that don't belong there (IMHO)... how do I clear the old junk out of there when the Sqlite d/b is re-built from Core Data?

The motivation is quite simple.
When you use entity inheritance, Core Data, under the hood, creates a (relational) table that has all the properties for the parent entity as well as its child (or children).
Although this feature is very useful, you should be aware of such a mechanism to avoid performance penalties.
Anyway, you should not work with the db created for you. You should think only in terms of object graph. You will simplify your life.
Hope that helps.


How can I execute a piece of code after doing an automatic lightweight migration?

I have a core data model, and I want to delete an entity in another new core data model, but when doing it (or after), I will like to execute some code (let's say, save old entities into a XML file or similar using a ObjC snippet).
I know migrating a model that only deletes an entity is easy and can be done automatically using lightweight migration, but not sure about execute some code.
Perhaps I have no choice and have to create something more complex like a mapping model, use NSRemoveEntityMappingType, subclass NSEntityMigrationPolicy and rewrite something like beginEntityMapping:manager:error: or maybe createDestinationInstancesForSourceInstance:entityMapping:manager:error: but not sure about this last one because there is no new entity, as what I want is removing it.
Any thoughts are welcome.
Thanks a lot for your time.

Core Data: make object-by-object copy of database

I would like to make a backup copy of my Core Data database, without using either the File Manager to make a copy of the sqlite file, or using the Persistent Store Coordinator's migratePersistentStore method (for reasons that are too long to explain here). What I want to do is to open a new persistent store with the same MOMD as the original file, create a new Managed Object Context, then iterate over all the objects in my database and insert them into the new context.
This will work for simple entities, but the problem is that my model has about 20 entities, many of them with one-to-many and many-to-many relationships. The slightly more complex solution would be to insert every object into the new MOC, and then hold all the new Managed Objects in memory and use them to tie up all the relationships between the objects in a subsequent passes. But it seems like a really messy solution.
Is there a clean, elegant way to achieve this, that might work for any kind of data model, not just a customized solution for my own model, and without having to hold every object in memory at the same time?
Copying the persistent store is far and above the easiest way to do this – I'd suggest revisiting your reasons against it or explaining what they are.
Copying objects from one context to another – from one on-disk persistent store to another – doesn't necessarily hold them all in memory at the same time. Core Data can turn them into faults.

Is Monotouch.Dialog a suitable replacement for all UITableviews?

This question is mainly targeted towards Miguel as the creator of MT.Dialog but I would like to hear opinions of others as well.
I'm currently refactoring a project that has many table views. I'm wondering if I should replace All of them with MT.Dialog.
My pros are:
easy to use
simple code
hope that Xamarin will offer it cross platform one day
my cells are complete custom made. Does it make sense in that case?
performance? Is that an issue?
breaking the MVC paradigms (source no longer separated from view and controller)
Is it in general better to just use MT.Dialog or inherit from it for specific use cases? What are your experiences?
To address some of your questions.
The major difference between MonoTouch.Dialog and UITableView is that with the former you "load" all the data that you want to render upfront, and then forget about it. You let MonoTouch.Dialog take care of rendering it, pushing views and taking care of sections/elements. With UITableView you need so provide callback methods for returning the number of sections, the titles for the sections and the data itself.
UITableView has the advantage that to render say a million rows with the same size and the same cells, you dont really have to load all the data upfront, you can just wait to be called back. That being said, this breaks quickly if you use cells with different heights, as UITableView will have to query for the sizes of all of your rows.
So in short:
(1) yes, even if you use custom cells, you will benefit from shorter code and a simpler programming model. Whether you use the other features of it or not, is up to you.
(2) For performance, the issue boils down to how many rows you will have. Like I mentioned before, if you are browsing a potentially large data set, you would have to load all of those cells in memory up front, or like TweetStation, add features to load "on-demand".
The reality is that it will consume more memory, because you need to load your data in MonoTouch.Dialog. Your best optimization technique is to keep your Elements very lightweight. Tweetstation for example uses a "TweetElement" that merely holds the ID to the tweet, and loads the actual contents on demand, to keep the size of the TweetElement in memory very small.
With UITableView, you do not pay for that price. But if you are not using a database of some sort, the data will still be in memory.
If your application calls for the data to be in memory, then you might as well move the data to be elements and use that as your model.
(3) This is a little bit of a straw man. Your data "source" is never really independent of UIKit. I know that people like to talk about these models as being reusable, but in practice, you wont ever be able to reuse a UITableViewSource as a source for anything but a UITableView. It's main use is to support scalable controls that do not require data to be loaded in memory up-front, it is not really about separating the Model from the View.
So what you really have is an adaptor class that bridges the world of the UITableView with your actual data model (a database, an XML list, an in-memory array, a Redis connection).
With UITableView, your adaptor code lives in the constructor and the UITableViewSource. With MonoTouch.Dialog your adatpro code lives in the code that populates the initial RootElement to DialogViewController.
So there are reasons to use UITableView over MonoTouch.Dialog, but it is none of those three Cons.
I use MonoTouch.Dialog (and it's brother QuickDialog for objc) pretty much every time I use a tableview. It does help a lot to simplify the code, and gives you a better abstraction of a table.
There's one exception, though, which is when the table will have thousands and thousands of rows, and the data is in a database. MT.D/QD requires you to load all the data upfront, so you can create the sections, and that's simply too slow if you don't already have the objects in memory.
Regarding "breaking MVC", I kind of agree with you. I never really use the reflection bindings in MT.D because of that fact. Usually I end up creating the root from scratch in code, or use something like JSON (in my fork https://github.com/escoz/MonoMobile.Forms), so that my domain objects don't need to know about MT.D.

Access MDB database. Linux: how to get a very odd pattern from the DB?

I'm in a VERY difficult problem.
I have a Microsoft Access Data Base, but it was made in the most chaotic way possible. The DB has like 150+ tables, Only uses like 50% of the tables. The relations are almost random. But, somehow, it delivers some information.
I need to get a particular component of the DB, but is so tangled that I can not manage to get into the table that creates that value. I revised every table, one by one, and found nothing.
I used mdbtools for Linux to try to inspect with more details the DB. But unfortunately has not been developed in years, and it closes every time. Maybe because the DB is "big" ? -700 mg-
I'm wondering: is there a way to see all the relations the arrives to the particular value I'm looking? Or to decompile the DB? I have no idea in which language it was made. I'm suspecting that it was made in Visual, just because is rather crappy.
Well, waiting for some help.
I would suggest using (still) MS Access for this. But, if relationships look messy on the diagram, you can query one of the system tables (MSysRelationships) directly to get ALL the relationships you need (e.g. for particular table etc.):
To unhide system tables in early versions of Access (97-2003), follow the instructions here:
For Access 2007, do the following:

Concerns about Core Data

I'm getting ready to dive into my first Core Data adventure. While evaluating the framework two questions came up that really got me thinking about using Core Data at all for this project or to stick with SQLite.
My app will heavily rely upon importing data from an external source. I'm aware that one can import into Core Data but handling complex relationships seems complicated and tedious. Is there an easy way to accomplish complex imports?
The app has to be able to execute complex queries spanning multiple tables or having multiple conditions. Building these predicates and expressions simply scares me...
Is it worth to take the plunge and use Core Data or should I stick with SQLite?
As I and others have said before, Core Data is really an object-graph management framework. It manages the relationships between model objects, including constraints on their cardinality, and manages cascading deletes etc. It also manages constraints on individual attributes. Core Data just happens to also be able to persist that object graph to disk. It can do this in a number of formats, including XML, binary, and via SQLite. Thus, Core Data is really orthogonal to SQLite. If your task is dealing with an embedded SQL-compatible database, go with SQLite. If your task is managing the model layer of an MVC app, go with Core Data. In specific answers to your questions:
There is no magic that can automatically import complex data into any model. That said, it is relatively easy in Core Data. Taking a multi-pass approach and using the SQLite backend can help with memory consumption by allowing you to keep only a subset of the data in memory at a time. If the data sets can be kept in memory, you can write a custom persistent store format that reads/writes directly to your legacy data format from within Core Data (see the Atomic Store Programming Guide).
Building a complex NSPredicate declaratively is somewhat verbose but shouldn't scare you. The Predicate Programming Guide is a good place to start. You can, of course, also write predicates using a string format, much like a string-formatted SQL statement. It's worth noting that, as described above, the predicates in Core Data are on the objects and object graph, not on the SQL tables. If you really want to think at the level of tables, stick with SQLite and write your own wrapper.
I can't really speak to your first point.
However, regarding your second point, using Core Data means you don't have to really worry about complex queries since you can just pretend that all the relationships are properly established in memory already (Apple's implementation details aside). It doesn't matter how complex a join it might be in a database environment because you really aren't in a database environment. If you need to get the fourth child of the grandparent of your current object and then find that child's pet's name and breed, all you do is traverse up the object tree in code using a series of messages or properties. No worries about joins or anything. The only problem is it might be really slow depending on your objects' relationships, but I can't really speak accurately to that since I haven't actually implemented anything using Core Data (I've just read about it extensively on Apple's and others' websites).
If the data importer from an external source is written based on the same core data model (for the targeted/destination side of the import) - nothing will be conceptually different as compare to using/updating the same data (through the core data stack from your actual application).
If you create the data importer without using the core data stack, make sure you learn well the db schema that would be generated/expected by the core data based model. There is nothing magic there - just make sure you follow how the cross entity relationships are implemented and how entity hierarchies are stored.
I had to create recently a data importer from Access database into the core data based Sqlite store as a .NET app. Once my destination core data model was define, I created a small app that populated the Sqlite store with randomly generated entities (including all the expected relationships). Then, I reverse engineered how the core data actually created the Sqlite store for the model and how it handles the relationships by learning from the generated and persisted data. Then, I implemented the .NET based importer/data-transformer according to my observations. At the end, I got perfect core data friendly data store that could be open an modified from the application that was using the core data stack on Mac OSX.
