Why semaphore object is not initialized? - semaphore

I'm learning to use semaphore object. But I can't initialize it.
A sem_init function always return value -1 rain or shine.
return value -1 indicates first argument is not valid pointer, say my reference.
But I can't find miss print in my code. I compiled my code in Xcode on OS X.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <semaphore.h>
void * thread_snd(void *arg);
void * thread_rcv(void* arg);
sem_t bin_sem;
int number = 0;
char thread1[] = "A thread";
char thread2[] = "B thread";
char thread3[] = "C thread";
int main(int argc, char** argv)
pthread_t t1, t2 ,t3;
void *thread_result;
int state;
state = sem_init(&bin_sem, 0, 0);
if(state != 0)
puts("fail to initialize semaphore");
pthread_create(&t1, NULL, thread_snd, &thread1);
pthread_create(&t2, NULL, thread_rcv, &thread2);
pthread_create(&t3, NULL, thread_rcv, &thread3);
pthread_join(t1, &thread_result);
pthread_join(t2, &thread_result);
pthread_join(t3, &thread_result);
printf("final number : %d \n", number);
return 0;
void * thread_snd(void * arg)
int i;
for(i = 0 ; i < 4; i++)
while(number != 0)
printf("execution : %s, number : %d \n", (char*) arg, number);
void * thread_rcv(void* arg)
int i;
for(i = 0 ; i < 2; i++)
printf("execution : %s number : %d \n", (char*)arg, number);

On Mac OS X (10.6.8) there is no sem_init() and sem_destroy().
Use sem_open() and sem_unlink() instead.
cat semaphore_test.c
"Why semaphore object is not initialized?",
compiled on Mac OS X 10.6.8 with:
gcc -ansi -pedantic -std=gnu99 -Os -Wall -Wextra -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-qual -Wstrict-prototypes \
-Wmissing-prototypes -Wformat=2 -Wreturn-type -Wunreachable-code -finline -l pthread -o semaphore_test semaphore_test.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <semaphore.h>
void * thread_snd(void *arg);
void * thread_rcv(void* arg);
//sem_t bin_sem;
static sem_t *bin_sem;
static const char *semname = "Semaphore";
static int number = 0;
char thread1[] = "A thread";
char thread2[] = "B thread";
char thread3[] = "C thread";
int main(void)
pthread_t t1, t2 ,t3;
void *thread_result;
int state;
state = sem_init(&bin_sem, 0, 0);
if(state != 0)
puts("fail to initialize semaphore");
bin_sem = sem_open(semname, O_CREAT, 0777, 0);
if (bin_sem == SEM_FAILED)
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", "ERROR creating semaphore semname");
pthread_create(&t1, NULL, thread_snd, &thread1);
pthread_create(&t2, NULL, thread_rcv, &thread2);
pthread_create(&t3, NULL, thread_rcv, &thread3);
pthread_join(t1, &thread_result);
pthread_join(t2, &thread_result);
pthread_join(t3, &thread_result);
printf("final number : %d \n", number);
return 0;
void * thread_snd(void * arg)
int i;
for(i = 0 ; i < 4; i++)
while(number != 0)
printf("snd execution : %s, number : %d \n", (char*) arg, number);
void * thread_rcv(void* arg)
int i;
for(i = 0 ; i < 2; i++)
printf("rcv execution : %s number : %d \n", (char*)arg, number);
See also:
sem_init on OS X
Program using Semaphores runs fine on Linux... unexpected results on Mac OS X


Pass a returned value from a thread to another thread

I'm learning posix thread programming and I'm struggling in the following program. So I've 2 threads with the ids: tid1 and tid2. I use the thread with tid1 to enter the values I want to sum each other into the second thread with tid2 but the result of the sum is not correct. So I've tried to display in tid2 the values I entered in tid1 but I realized that these are not correct too (didn't correspond to the entered values). Can you pleas tell me where I'm doing the error? The way I pass the pointer returned from a thread with tid1 to thread with tid2, is that correct?
Note: The values returned from tid1 are already correct because I checked it as you can also see in the main (line 56).
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <pthread.h>
void *entryValues(void *p)
int nbVal = *(int*)p;
int i = 0;
int val = 0;
int *tab;
while(i < nbVal){
printf("value %d: ", i);
scanf("%d", &val);
tab[i] = val;
void *sumValues(void *p)
int *values;
int sum = 0, i = 0;
memcpy(values, (int*)p, sizeof((int*)p));
printf("%d\n", values[0]);
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(values); i++)
//printf("value %d: %d\n", i, values[i]);
sum += values[i];
printf("The sum of the entered values is: %d\n", sum);
return NULL;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
pthread_t tid1;
pthread_t tid2;
int nbValues = 0;
int *arr;
printf("Please enter the number of values you want to sum each other: ");
scanf("%d", &nbValues);
if(pthread_create(&tid1, NULL, entryValues, &nbValues)!= 0)
fprintf(stderr, "creation of thread failed\n");
return -1;
pthread_join(tid1, (void**)&arr);
//printf("array: %d\n", arr[0]);
if(pthread_create(&tid2, NULL, sumValues, arr) != 0)
fprintf(stderr, "creation of thread failed\n");
return -1;
pthread_join(tid2, NULL);
/* Waiting for the termination of tid */
printf("End of main thread\n");

QProcess outputs with delay threads' stdout/stderr of multithreaded application

My platform:
Ubuntu 17.10 32-bit (Vbox VM)
Qt Creator 3.5.1 (opensource)
Qt 5.5.1 (GCC 4.9.1 20140922 (Red Hat 4.9.1-10), 32 bit
I am trying to invoke a multithreaded program (with arguments) using QProcess.start().
My program runs fine on terminal, i.e. periodically prints on stdout.
Using a TextEdit to log the stdout/stderr of the program I have connected QProcess readyReadStandardOutput/Error signals.
The stdout/stderr that comes from the main thread of the program is correctly shown on the TextEdit, the rest of the output (the one from all the other threads) is not shown.
On the main thread an HTTP server is listening.
If a HTTP request is performed by browser at the url "" (port 32001 is hard coded in the QT code), when the HTTP request is received the program appends the HTTP packet and all the pending output from the other thread (moduleThread) to the TextEdit, so it could be a problem of flushing.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <semaphore.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/signal.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include "http_server.h"
static pthread_t moduleThr;
static pthread_attr_t moduleThread_attr;
static bool one_second_elapsed;
static sem_t oneSecondSem;
void *moduleThread(void *arg0)
bool one_second_elapsed_local;
while (1)
one_second_elapsed_local = one_second_elapsed;
one_second_elapsed = false;
if (one_second_elapsed_local)
fprintf(stdout, "Hello world each second!\r\n");
static void oneSecElapsed(int signum)
one_second_elapsed = true;
static void TIMER_1sec_init(void)
struct sigaction sa;
struct itimerval timer;
/* Install timer_handler as the signal handler for SIGALRM. */
memset (&sa, 0, sizeof (sa));
sa.sa_handler = &oneSecElapsed;
sigaction (SIGALRM, &sa, NULL);
/* Configure the timer to expire after 1 sec... */
timer.it_value.tv_sec = 1;
timer.it_value.tv_usec = 0;
/* ... and every 1 sec after that... */
timer.it_interval.tv_sec = 1;
timer.it_interval.tv_usec = 0;
/* Start a virtual timer. It counts down whenever this process is
executing. */
setitimer (ITIMER_REAL, &timer, NULL);
* ======== main ========
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
const char *tcpport;
if (argc > 2)
fprintf(stdout, "id = %s\r\n", argv[1]);
fprintf(stdout, "tcpport = %s\r\n", argv[2]);
tcpport = argv[2];
sem_init(&oneSecondSem, 0, 1);
one_second_elapsed = false;
/* Create thread quadro manager */
pthread_attr_setstacksize(&moduleThread_attr, 2048);
pthread_create(&moduleThr, &moduleThread_attr, moduleThread, NULL);
/* should never return */
return (0);
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h> /* memset() */
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/signal.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include "module.h"
typedef struct { char *name, *value; } header_t;
static header_t reqhdr[17] = { {"\0", "\0"} };
//#define PORT "32001" /* Port to listen on */
#define BACKLOG 10 /* Passed to listen() */
static char *buf;
static char *method; // "GET" or "POST"
static char *uri; // "/index.html" things before '?'
static char *qs; // "a=1&b=2" things after '?'
static char *prot; // "HTTP/1.1"
static char *payload; // for POST
static int payload_size;
// get request header
char *request_header(const char* name)
header_t *h = reqhdr;
while(h->name) {
if (strcmp(h->name, name) == 0) return h->value;
return NULL;
void handle(int newsock)
//static int count = 0;
/* recv(), send(), close() */
int rcvd;
buf = malloc(65535);
rcvd=recv(newsock, buf, 65535, 0);
if (rcvd<0) // receive error
fprintf(stderr,("recv() error\n"));
else if (rcvd==0) // receive socket closed
fprintf(stderr,"Client disconnected unexpectedly.\n");
else // message received
buf[rcvd] = '\0';
//fputs(buf, stdout);
//fprintf(stdout, "count = %d\n", count);
method = strtok(buf, " \t\r\n");
uri = strtok(NULL, " \t");
prot = strtok(NULL, " \t\r\n");
fprintf(stderr, "\x1b[32m + [%s] %s\x1b[0m\n", method, uri);
if ((qs = strchr(uri, '?')))
*qs++ = '\0'; //split URI
} else {
qs = uri - 1; //use an empty string
header_t *h = reqhdr;
char *t = (char *)reqhdr;
char *t2;
while(h < reqhdr+16) {
char *k,*v;
k = strtok(NULL, "\r\n: \t");
if (!k)
v = strtok(NULL, "\r\n");
while(*v && *v==' ')
h->name = k;
h->value = v;
fprintf(stderr, "[H] %s: %s\n", k, v);
t = v + 1 + strlen(v);
if (t[1] == '\r' && t[2] == '\n')
t++; // now the *t shall be the beginning of user payload
t2 = request_header("content-length"); // and the related header if there is
payload = t;
payload_size = t2 ? atol(t2) : (rcvd-(t-buf));
fprintf(stdout, "-- payload len = %d >", payload_size);
fputs(payload, stdout);
fprintf(stdout, "<\r\n");
if (strcmp(method, "GET") == 0)
fprintf(stdout, "\nit's a GET!\r\n");
else if (strcmp(method, "POST") == 0)
fprintf(stdout, "\nit's a POST!\r\n");
sprintf(buf, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\r\n");
send(newsock, buf, strlen(buf), 0);
int HTTPSERVER_init(const char *tcpport)
int sock;
struct addrinfo hints, *res;
int reuseaddr = 1; /* True */
sigset_t sigset, oldset;
pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &sigset, &oldset);
/* Get the address info */
memset(&hints, 0, sizeof hints);
hints.ai_family = AF_INET;
hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
if (getaddrinfo(NULL, tcpport, &hints, &res) != 0) {
return 1;
/* Create the socket */
sock = socket(res->ai_family, res->ai_socktype, res->ai_protocol);
if (sock == -1) {
return 1;
/* Enable the socket to reuse the address */
if (setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &reuseaddr, sizeof(int)) == -1) {
return 1;
/* Bind to the address */
if (bind(sock, res->ai_addr, res->ai_addrlen) == -1) {
return 1;
/* Listen */
if (listen(sock, BACKLOG) == -1) {
return 1;
/* Main loop */
while (1) {
printf("waiting on accept\n");
socklen_t size = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
struct sockaddr_in their_addr;
int newsock = accept(sock, (struct sockaddr*)&their_addr, &size);
if (newsock == -1) {
else {
printf("Got a connection from %s on port %d\n",
inet_ntoa(their_addr.sin_addr), htons(their_addr.sin_port));
return 0;
As pointed out by #eyllanesc, the pending strings "Hello world each second!\r\n" come out eventually after several seconds.
The moduleThread shoud be a thread and not a different process: this is verified by commadn "ps aux" that shows only "../program/testApp test 32001".
Could any of you kindly give me a hint on what is going on here please?
Thanks for your time,

write_proc is not invoked when written from userspace

I am trying to understand procfs for communication between userspace and kernel module. My module has basic two functions for procfs write_proc, driver_mmap.
I call multiple times write_proc by calling fputs("123456789",fd). where fd is file descriptor to procfs entry in /proc directory. But I don't see write_proc called multiple time. Code is attached by here.
#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/pci.h>
#include <linux/slab.h>
#include <sound/core.h>
#include <sound/initval.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/proc_fs.h>
#include <asm/uaccess.h>
#include <linux/interrupt.h>
#include <linux/io.h>
#include <linux/mm.h> /* mmap related stuff */
#define BUF_SIZE 64 * 1024
int *MmapBuffer;
int Factor = 1;
static int write_proc(struct file *filp, int *buf, size_t count, loff_t *offp)
int rc,i;
printk("in Write \n");
for (i = 1; i <= 16*1024 ; i++)
MmapBuffer[i-1] = (i+1)*Factor;
return count;
static int driver_mmap(struct file *file, struct vm_area_struct *vma)
int ret;
vma->vm_flags |= VM_LOCKED|VM_SHARED;
ret = remap_pfn_range(vma, vma->vm_start,
virt_to_phys(MmapBuffer) >> PAGE_SHIFT,
vma->vm_end-vma->vm_start, vma->vm_page_prot);
if(ret != 0)
printk("MMAP Failed \n");
printk("MMAP Succeeded \n");
return 0;
// file operations
struct file_operations proc_fops =
.write = write_proc,
.mmap = driver_mmap,
// init module
int init_module_test(void)
printk("<1>Hello world\n");
MmapBuffer = kzalloc(BUF_SIZE,__GFP_COLD|GFP_DMA);
if(MmapBuffer == NULL)
printk("Kzalloc failed. reduce buffer size \n");
proc_create ("Test_fs",0,NULL, &proc_fops);
return 0;
// exit module
void cleanup_module_test(void)
remove_proc_entry ("Test_fs", NULL);
printk("Goodbye world\n");
Application code
#include <fcntl.h>
int main(void)
int fd;
int i,j;
int *msg ;
printf("Allocation started \n ");
if(msg == NULL)
printf("Allocation failed \n");
//unsigned int *addr;
printf("Starting opening \n ");
if((fd=open("/proc/Test_fs", O_RDONLY ))<0)
printf("File not opened ");
printf("Starting mapping \n ");
msg = mmap(NULL, 64*1024, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED , fd, 0);
printf("done from module \n ");
if(msg == MAP_FAILED)
printf("MAP failed and error is %s", strerror(errno));
return 0;
printf("Successful mapping");
FILE *f;
f=fopen("/proc/Test_fs", "wr");
printf("File not opened ");
for (j = 0; j < 10 ; j++)
if(fputs("1234567890,",f) <= 0)
printf("write failed, ");
for (i = 0; i < 16*1024 ; i++)
printf("%d, ", msg[i]);
printf("\n \n done \n \n ");
return 0;

Pthread program returning expected declaration specifiers or â...â before â&â token

I am getting the same error multiple times when compiling the following pthreads program in linux using:
gcc -c -lpthread proj2_part1.c -lrt
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <semaphore.h>
#define BUFFER_SIZE 10
#define TRUE 1
struct cQueue{
int *buffer;
int front, rear;
int count;
pthread_mutex_t mutex;
sem_t full, empty;
int main(int argc,char* argv[])
int a=0, b=0, count =0, buff[BUFFER_SIZE];
int p = atoi(argv[1]), c = atoi(argv[2]);
unsigned int s = atoi(argv[0]);
pthread_t prothread[p], conthread[c];
/*Initialize Semaphores*/
if (sem_init(&full,0,0) == -1)
if (sem_init(&empty,0,BUFFER_SIZE) == -1)
pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, NULL);
/*Initialize Circular Queue*/
queue->front = queue->buffer[0];
queue->rear = queue->buffer[0];
fprintf(stderr,"Syntax: ./a.out <int> <int> <int>");
return -1;
fprintf(stderr,"Argument %d must be positive value\n",s);
return -1;
/*Create producer threads*/
int i;
for (i=0; i<p; i++)
b = pthread_create(&prothread[i], NULL, producerThread, (void*)argv[1]);
if (b<0)
printf("Error: unable to create thread, %d\n",b);
return -1;
/*Create consumer threads*/
int j;
for (j=0; j<c; j++)
a = pthread_create(&conthread[j], NULL, consumerThread, (void*)argv[2]);
if (a<0)
printf("Error: unable to create thread, %d\n",a);
return -1;
return 0;
I am receiving the following error. I think it has something to do with my semaphore declaration.
proj2_part1.c:147:81: error: expected â)â before â;â token
a = pthread_create(&conthread[j], NULL, consumerThread, (void*)argv[2]);
proj2_part1.c:153:6: error: expected â;â before â}â token}
proj2_part1.c: At top level:
proj2_part1.c:156:6: error: expected identifier or â(â before âreturnâ
return 0;
proj2_part1.c:157:1: error: expected identifier or â(â before â}â token
You've used a ( where you meant {:
for (j=0; j<c; j++)

Message queue/shared memory method

I have a bit of a problem in using IPC (inter-process communication) program below.
Please let me explain:
I want to pass Linux commands such as "ls" or "wc file.txt"
from a parent to a child to execute using the message queue, and
then have the child returning the command outputs back to
the parent process using shared memory method.
But this is what I got: The parent process always got the output 1 step behind;
in the following fashion:
Step1) ls file.txt
(Nothing showed up.)
Step2) wc file.txt
(Output of earlier command "ls file.txt" showed up here instead.)
Step 3) cat file.txt
(Output of earlier command "wc file.txt" showed up instead.)
Any help is appreciated.
To compile: gcc -o program ./program.c
To run: -./program -v
#define BUFSZ 512
#define ERRBUFSZ 512
#define SHM_SIZE 5120
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/shm.h>
static sigjmp_buf jmpbuf;
int timed_io(char* buf, int len, FILE* rfp, int sec);
static void sigalrm_handler(int signo);
void do_cmd(char *buf, int len, int linenum, char *errbuf);
int parse_cmd(char *buf, char **vbuf, char *errbuf);
int process_cmd_ipc(char *argv, int linenum, char *errbuf);
struct my_msgbuf {
long mtype;
char mtext[256];
static void sigalrm_handler(int signo)
siglongjmp(jmpbuf, 1);
int timed_io(char* buf, int len, FILE* rfp, int sec)
struct sigaction nsigaction[1];
struct sigaction osigaction[1];
int prev_alrm;
int st = 0;
if(sigsetjmp(jmpbuf, 1) == 0)
nsigaction->sa_handler = sigalrm_handler;
nsigaction->sa_flags = SA_RESTART;
prev_alrm = alarm(0);
sigaction(SIGALRM, nsigaction, osigaction);
if (fgets(buf, len, rfp) == NULL)
st = -1; // EOF
buf[strlen(buf) - 1] = 0;
else { st = -2; } // Time-out
alarm(0); // Reset old alarm and handler
sigaction(SIGALRM, osigaction, 0);
return st;
int process_cmd_ipc(char *argv, int linenum, char* errbuf)
struct my_msgbuf buf;
int msqid, msqid_parent, st, shmid, str_len;
key_t key, key_shm;
char* shared_buf;
FILE *fd;
// create key for shared memory segment
if ((key_shm = ftok("shm_key.txt", 'R')) == -1) {
// Connect to shared memory segment
if ((shmid = shmget(key_shm, SHM_SIZE, 0644 | IPC_CREAT)) == -1)
// Attach to shared memory segment
shared_buf = shmat(shmid, (void *) 0, 0);
if (shared_buf == (char *) (-1)) {
// End of shared memory section` //
// Begin: message queue section
pid_t cpid=fork();
if (cpid<0) {
fprintf(stderr,"ERR: \"fork\" error! (Line=%d)\n", linenum);
exit (-1);
} else if (cpid==0) // child process
{ // Begin: message queue
if ((key = ftok("mysh.c", 'B')) == -1) {
if ((msqid = msgget(key, 0644)) == -1) {
perror("msgget from child");
memset(buf.mtext, 0, sizeof(buf.mtext)); // Clear buffer
if(msgrcv(msqid, (struct msgbuf*) &buf, sizeof(buf), 0,0) == -1)
// End: message queue
// begin: shared memory segment
memset(shared_buf, 0, SHM_SIZE); // zeroize shared_buf
fd = popen(buf.mtext, "r");
str_len = 0;
while(fgets(shared_buf + str_len, SHM_SIZE, fd) != NULL)
{ str_len = strlen(shared_buf); }
// end: shared memory segment
else { // parent
// Begin - message queue
if ((key = ftok("mysh.c", 'B')) == -1) {
if ((msqid_parent = msgget(key, 0644 | IPC_CREAT)) == -1) {
perror("msgget from parent");
buf.mtype = 1;
strncpy(buf.mtext, argv, strlen(argv));
if(msgsnd(msqid_parent, (struct my_msgbuf*) &buf, strlen(buf.mtext), 0) == -1)
// End - message queue
// Begin - shared memory
// usleep(10000);
printf("%s", shared_buf);
// End - shared memory
} // if-else fork
int parse_cmd(char *buf, char **vbuf, char *errbuf)
int i=0;
char *delim=" ,\t\n";
char *tok;
while (tok) {
vbuf[i]=(char *)malloc(BUFSZ*sizeof(char));
return i;
void do_cmd(char *buf, int len, int linenum, char *errbuf) {
int i=0; int numargs;
char *vbuf[128];
char* copy = (char *) malloc(strlen(buf) + 1);
int maxargs=sizeof(vbuf)/sizeof(char *);
strcpy(copy, buf);
numargs = parse_cmd(copy,vbuf,errbuf);
process_cmd_ipc(buf,linenum, errbuf);
for (i=0;i<numargs; i++) { free(vbuf[i]); }
copy = NULL;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
int i; int st; int linenum=0;
char *buf=(char *)malloc(BUFSZ*sizeof(char));
char *errbuf=(char *)malloc(ERRBUFSZ*sizeof(char));
char *mysh = "";
FILE *rfp=stdin;
if (isatty(fileno(rfp))) {
mysh = "mysh (Ctrl-C to exit)>";
st = timed_io(buf, BUFSZ, stdin, TIMEOUT_TIMEDIO);
if (st != 0)
fprintf(stderr, "ERR: No input %s (Status=%d)\n", errbuf, st);
return -1;
if (*buf)
{ do_cmd(buf, BUFSZ, linenum,errbuf); }
if (mysh)
