How to get last login details/time for all users? - sharepoint

I am trying to remove the user accounts which are inactive from last 30 days.
I tried fetching User Information List. Checked all of it's properties and fields but coudn't find anything related to last login time.

You can do something like this
public DateTime Get(string attr, string UserName)
DomainConfiguration domainConfig = new DomainConfiguration();
using (new SPMonitoredScope("AD Properties"))
using (DirectoryEntry domain = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://" + domainConfig.DomainName, domainConfig.UserName, domainConfig.Password))
//DirectorySearcher searcher = new DirectorySearcher(domain, "(|(objectClass=organizationalUnit)(objectClass=container)(objectClass=builtinDomain)(objectClass=domainDNS))");
DirectorySearcher searcher = new DirectorySearcher(domain);
searcher.PageSize = 1000;
searcher.Filter = "(SAMAccountName='" + UserName + "')";
//searcher.Filter = "(|(objectCategory=group)(objectCategory=person))";
searcher.Filter = "(&(objectClass=user) (cn=" + UserName + "))";
var user = searcher.FindOne();
DateTime LastLogon = DateTime.FromFileTime((Int64)user.Properties["lastLogon"].Value);
return LastLogon;
Hope this Helps you.

I do not know why it does gives me the some older dates than i expected.
but at least it will compile and run.
using System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement;
private static DateTime? GetUserIdFromDisplayName(string displayName)
// set up domain context
using (PrincipalContext ctx = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain))
// find user by display name
UserPrincipal user = UserPrincipal.FindByIdentity(ctx, displayName);
if (user != null)
return user.LastLogon;
return null;


How do I add an EPTimecardDetail record to a timecard?

I’m writing a customization to add records to a timecard and I’m trying to create a new record to add to the timecard. Using the logic in T230 I’m creating a variable and I’m being told by the compiler that EPTimecardDetail cannot be found.
I’ve added using PX.Objects.EP and PX.Objects.PM but I figure that if TimeCardMaint can be found then EPTimecardDetail should be able be found as well. I’ve included my using code as well but I think I’m missing something else.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using PX.Data;
using PX.Data.BQL.Fluent;
using PX.Data.BQL;
using PX.Objects.CS;
using PX.Objects.PM;
using PX.Objects.EP;
using PX.Objects.CR;
using PX.Objects.AR;
using PX.Objects.CT;
using PX.Objects.GL.FinPeriods;
using PX.TM;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace TimecardImport
public class NLTimecardLineEntry : PXGraph<NLTimecardLineEntry>
private static void DoPopulateTimeCard(Int32 employeeID, DateTime startDate, NLTimecardLine record)
TimeCardMaint graph = PXGraph.CreateInstance<TimeCardMaint>();
Int32 cardWeekID = PXWeekSelector2Attribute.GetWeekID(graph, startDate);
//look for an employee timecard with the current weekID
EPTimeCard card = PXSelectReadonly<EPTimeCard,
Where<EPTimeCard.employeeID, Equal<Required<EPTimeCard.employeeID>>,
And<EPTimeCard.weekId, Equal<Required<EPTimeCard.weekId>>>>>.SelectWindowed(graph, 0, 1, employeeID, cardWeekID);
if (card == null) //if a card was not found, create one
card = (EPTimeCard)graph.Document.Cache.CreateInstance();
card.WeekID = cardWeekID;
card.EmployeeID = employeeID;
card = graph.Document.Insert(card);
//at this point card is the card that we're going to work with
var detailLine = (EPTimecardDetail)graph.Activities.Cache.CreateCopy(
//detailLine.SetValueExt<detailLine.Date_Date>(record, record.InDate);
//detailLine.EarningTypeID = "RG";
//detailLine = graph.Activities.Update(detailLine);
The error I'm getting is "The type or namespace name 'EPTimecardDetail' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)".
EPTimecardDetail is defined within PX.Objects.EP so I'm not sure why I'm having a problem there. Or, perhaps this is not the way to add records to the Details tab of the Employee Time Card screen?
For the namespace issue you can declare using PX.Object.EP and refer to the type as TimeCardMaint.EPTimecardDetail
Or you can declare using static PX.Objects.EP.TimeCardMaint and refer to the type as EPTimecardDetail
For inserting the record check the source code in file TimeCardMaint.cs There are examples on how to insert this DAC record.
Make sure the fields used for SQL joins like OrigNoteID and RefNoteID have the proper value (non null).
This example is from the Correct action in TimeCardMaint:
[PXUIField(DisplayName = Messages.Correct)]
[PXButton(ImageKey = PX.Web.UI.Sprite.Main.Release)]
public virtual IEnumerable Correct(PXAdapter adapter)
if (Document.Current != null)
EPTimeCard source = GetLastCorrection(Document.Current);
if (source.IsReleased != true)
return new EPTimeCard[] { source };
EPTimeCard newCard = (EPTimeCard)Document.Cache.CreateInstance();
newCard.WeekID = source.WeekID;
newCard.OrigTimeCardCD = source.TimeCardCD;
newCard = Document.Insert(newCard);
newCard.EmployeeID = source.EmployeeID;
PXNoteAttribute.CopyNoteAndFiles(Document.Cache, source, Document.Cache, newCard, true, true);
bool failed = false;
Dictionary<string, TimeCardSummaryCopiedInfo> summaryDescriptions = new Dictionary<string, TimeCardSummaryCopiedInfo>();
foreach (EPTimeCardSummary summary in Summary.View.SelectMultiBound(new object[] { source }))
string key = GetSummaryKey(summary);
if (!summaryDescriptions.ContainsKey(key))
string note = PXNoteAttribute.GetNote(Summary.Cache, summary);
var info = new TimeCardSummaryCopiedInfo(summary.Description, note);
summaryDescriptions.Add(key, info);
foreach (EPTimecardDetail act in TimecardActivities.View.SelectMultiBound(new object[] { source }))
EPTimecardDetail newActivity = PXCache<EPTimecardDetail>.CreateCopy(act);
newActivity.Released = false;
newActivity.Billed = false;
newActivity.NoteID = null;
newActivity.TimeCardCD = null;
newActivity.TimeSheetCD = null;
newActivity.OrigNoteID = act.NoteID; //relation between the original activity and the corrected one.
newActivity.Date = act.Date;
newActivity.Billed = false;
newActivity.SummaryLineNbr = null;
newActivity.NoteID = null;
newActivity.ContractCD = null;
isCreateCorrectionFlag = true;
newActivity = Activities.Insert(newActivity);
catch (PXSetPropertyException ex)
failed = true;
Activities.Cache.RaiseExceptionHandling<EPTimecardDetail.summary>(act, act.Summary, new PXSetPropertyException(ex.MessageNoPrefix, PXErrorLevel.RowError));
newActivity.TrackTime = act.TrackTime; //copy as is.
isCreateCorrectionFlag = false;
newActivity.ApprovalStatus = ActivityStatusAttribute.Completed;
newActivity.RefNoteID = act.NoteID == act.RefNoteID ? newActivity.NoteID : act.RefNoteID;
newActivity.ContractCD = act.ContractCD;
PXNoteAttribute.CopyNoteAndFiles(Activities.Cache, act, Activities.Cache, newActivity);
Activities.Cache.SetValue<EPTimecardDetail.isCorrected>(act, true);
Activities.Cache.SetStatus(act, PXEntryStatus.Updated);
if (failed)
throw new PXException(Messages.FailedToCreateCorrectionTC);
foreach (EPTimeCardItem item in Items.View.SelectMultiBound(new object[] { source }))
EPTimeCardItem record = Items.Insert();
record.ProjectID = item.ProjectID;
record.TaskID = item.TaskID;
record.Description = item.Description;
record.InventoryID = item.InventoryID;
record.CostCodeID = item.CostCodeID;
record.UOM = item.UOM;
record.Mon = item.Mon;
record.Tue = item.Tue;
record.Wed = item.Wed;
record.Thu = item.Thu;
record.Fri = item.Fri;
record.Sat = item.Sat;
record.Sun = item.Sun;
record.OrigLineNbr = item.LineNbr;//relation between the original activity and the corrected one.
foreach (EPTimeCardSummary summary in Summary.Select())
string key = GetSummaryKey(summary);
if (summaryDescriptions.ContainsKey(key))
PXNoteAttribute.SetNote(Summary.Cache, summary, summaryDescriptions[key].Note);
Summary.Cache.SetValue<EPTimeCardSummary.description>(summary, summaryDescriptions[key].Description);
return new EPTimeCard[] { newCard };
return adapter.Get();

Check admin privileges on cross-domain workstation C#

I am trying to check if a user is an admin on a particular machine.
I have the following code that works fine when the computer is on the same domain:
public bool CheckAdmins(string computerName)
var identity = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent();
var principal = new WindowsPrincipal(identity);
string branchnumber = computerName.Substring(0, 3);
bool admin = false;
if (logonUser.authenticate())
using (DirectoryEntry machine = new DirectoryEntry("WinNT://" + logonUser.Domain + "/" + computerName,logonUser.Domain + "\\" + logonUser.UserID,logonUser.Password))
//get local admin group
using (DirectoryEntry group = machine.Children.Find("Administrators","group"))
//get all members of local admin group
object members = group.Invoke("Members", null);
foreach (object member in (IEnumerable)members)
//get account name
string accountName = new DirectoryEntry(member).Name;
bool isAdmin = principal.IsInRole(accountName);
if (isAdmin == true) { admin = true; }
return admin;
However, across domain, this simply comes back with 'network path not found'.
I have been experimenting with LDAP but not getting too far. I have tried a number of methods and ideally need an example. This is what I am using currently:
String strPath = "LDAP://,OU=258,DC=net,DC=test,DC=co,DC=uk";
DirectoryEntry myDE = new DirectoryEntry(strPath, "testdom\user", "password");
List<string> memberof = new List<string>();
foreach (object oMember in myDE.Properties["memberOf"])
However doesn't seem to contain anything. All help appreciated!
I needed to append the FQDN to the computername, like so
using (DirectoryEntry machine = new DirectoryEntry("WinNT://" + computerName + "",logonUser.Domain + "\\" + logonUser.UserID,logonUser.Password))
This fixed my issue.

Get the User Id - SharePoint 2010

I have a column that has names of the user. The column type is Single line of Text and the user name is stored in the format LastName, FirstName;
I would like to get the user id and email address of the stored user name.
I tried
string fieldValue = item["ProjectManager"] as string;
SPFieldUserValueCollection users = new SPFieldUserValueCollection(item.Web, fieldValue);
if (users != null)
/* The users.count is always zero */
foreach (SPFieldUserValue user in users)
if (user.User != null)
I cannot change the column type to Person or Group and it would remain as Single Line of Text. Please let me know how can I achieve this . I have been trying this for couple of hours now.
Try this:
public SPUser GetUser(SPWeb web, string userstring)
var user = FetchUser(web, userstring);
if (user == null)
SPPrincipalInfo info = SPUtility.ResolvePrincipal(web, userstring, SPPrincipalType.User, SPPrincipalSource.All, null, false);
if (info!=null)
user = FetchUser(web, info.LoginName);
return user;
public SPUser FetchUser(SPWeb web, string userstring)
return web.AllUsers.Cast<SPUser>().FirstOrDefault(
i => i.Name == userstring || i.LoginName == userstring || i.Email == userstring);
From SPUser you get get the user ID.
Get SPUser in your case with:
var user = GetUser(item.Web,fieldValue )

Detect Change in EntityFrameWork

In my current project I need write in a table all values are changed in the application.
Ex. the guy update the UserName, I need put in a table UserName old value "1" new value "2".
I tried use the ObjectStateEntry but this return all fields. I think the FW return all because my code.
public USER Save(USER obj)
using(TPPTEntities db = new TPPTEntities())
USER o = (from n in db.USERs where n.ID == obj.ID select n).FirstOrDefault();
if (o == null)
o = new USER()
BruteForce = 0,
Email = obj.Email,
IsBlock = false,
LastLogin = DateTime.Now,
Name = obj.Name,
UserName = obj.UserName,
UserPassword = new byte[0],
o.Email = obj.Email;
o.Name = obj.Name;
o.UserName = obj.UserName;
return obj;
A way to get old and new values is this:
var ose = this.ObjectStateManager.GetObjectStateEntry(o.EntityKey);
foreach (string propName in ose.GetModifiedProperties())
string.Format("Property '{0}', old value: {1}, new value: {2}",
propName, ose.OriginalValues[propName], ose.CurrentValues[propName]);
This is pretty useless, of course, but I'm sure you'll know what to do in the foreach loop to store the changes.
Is this a WCF Service? In that case, the changes will probably never come trough since changes to the Object Graph are made where the Object Context is not available. Consider using Self-Tracking Entities

Check if a List Column Exists using SharePoint Client Object Model?

Using the Client Object Model (C#) in SharePoint 2010, how can I determine if a specified column (field) name exists in a given List?
Thanks, MagicAndi.
Just found this while searching for the same thing, but it looks like Sharepoint 2010 has something built in for this, at least for the Server model: list.Fields.ContainsField("fieldName");
Not sure if it exists for Client side though. Figured it would be a good place to store this information however.
Server Object Model
string siteUrl = "http://mysite";
using (SPSite site = new SPSite(siteUrl))
using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
SPList list = web.Lists["my forum"];
for (int i = 0; i < list.Fields.Count; i++)
if (list.Fields[i].Title == "xyz")
Client Object Model
string siteUrl = "http://MyServer/sites/MySiteCollection";
ClientContext clientContext = new ClientContext(siteUrl);
SP.List List = clientContext.Web.Lists.GetByTitle("my forum");
for (int i = 0; i < list.Fields.Count; i++)
if (list.Fields[i].Title == "xyz")
The following method demonstrates how to determine whether a specified column exists in a List using CSOM:
static class FieldCollectionExtensions
public static bool ContainsField(this List list,string fieldName)
var ctx = list.Context;
var result = ctx.LoadQuery(list.Fields.Where(f => f.InternalName == fieldName));
return result.Any();
using(var ctx = new ClientContext(webUrl))
var list = ctx.Web.Lists.GetByTitle(listTitle);
Here's an extension code (CSOM) for sharepoint list
public static bool DoesFieldExist(this List list, ClientContext clientContext, string internalFieldname)
bool exists = false;
clientContext.Load(list.Fields, fCol => fCol.Include(
f => f.InternalName
).Where(field => field.InternalName == internalFieldname));
if (list.Fields != null && list.Fields.Count > 0)
exists = true;
return exists;
List targetList = this.Context.Web.Lists.GetById(<ListID>);
targetList.DoesFieldExist(<ClientContext>, <Field internal Name>)
enjoy :)
I ended up retrieving the details of the list's fields prior to my operation, and saving them in a generic list of structs (containing details of each field). I then query this (generic) list to see if the current field actually exists in the given (SharePoint) list.
// Retrieve detail sof all fields in specified list
using (ClientContext clientContext = new ClientContext(SharePointSiteUrl))
List list = clientContext.Web.Lists.GetByTitle(listName);
_listFieldDetails = new List<SPFieldDetails>();
// get fields name and their types
ClientObjectPrototype allFields = list.Fields.RetrieveItems();
allFields.Retrieve( FieldPropertyNames.Title,
foreach (Field field in list.Fields)
SPFieldDetails fieldDetails = new SPFieldDetails();
fieldDetails.Title = field.Title;
fieldDetails.InternalName = field.InternalName;
fieldDetails.Type = field.FieldTypeKind;
fieldDetails.ID = field.Id;
fieldDetails.ReadOnly = field.ReadOnlyField;
// Check if field name exists
_listFieldDetails.Exists(field => field.Title == fieldName);
// Struct to hold details of the field
public struct SPFieldDetails
public string Title { get; set; }
public string InternalName { get; set; }
public Guid ID { get; set; }
public FieldType Type { get; set; }
public bool ReadOnly { get; set; }
Some good answers above. I personally used this one:
List list = ctx.Web.Lists.GetByTitle("Some list");
FieldCollection fields = list.Fields;
IEnumerable<Field> fieldsColl = ctx.LoadQuery(fields.Include(f => f.InternalName));
bool fieldMissing = fieldsColl.Any(f => f.InternalName != "Internal_Name");
You can also use 'Where' after Include method and check if returned collection/field is null. It's about personal preference, because both options are querying on client side.
I prefer the SharePoint Plus Library as it is really clean:
$SP().list("My List").get({
where:"Author = '[Me]'"
},function getData(row) {
You could setup a for loop to loop through the row and check if the column you're looking for exists.
A cut down and simplified version of Mitya's extension method:
public static bool FieldExists(this List list, string internalFieldname)
using (ClientContext clientContext = list.Context as ClientContext)
clientContext.Load(list.Fields, fCol => fCol.Include(
f => f.InternalName
).Where(field => field.InternalName == internalFieldname));
return (list.Fields != null) && (list.Fields.Count > 0);
There's no need to pass in a separate client context parameter when you can already use the context that comes in with the list.
to much code use this
load Fields first then
bool exists= clientContext2.Site.RootWeb.Fields.Any(o => o.Id.ToString() == a.Id.ToString());
