Use literal operators (eg "and", "or") in Groovy expressions? - groovy

My current work project allows user-provided expressions to be evaluated in specific contexts, as a way for them to extend and influence the workflow. These expressions the usual logical ones f. To make it a bit palatable for non-programmers, I'd like to give them the option of using literal operators (e.g. and, or, not instead of &, |, !).
A simple search & replace is not sufficient, as the data might contains those words within quotes and building a parser, while doable, may not be the most elegant and efficient solution.
To make the question clear: is there a way in Groovy to allow the users to write
x > 10 and y = 20 or not z
but have Groovy evaluate it as if it were:
x > 10 && y == 20 || !z
Thank you.

Recent versions of Groovy support Command chains, so it's indeed possible to write this:
compute x > 10 and y == 20 or not(z)
The word "compute" here is arbitrary, but it cannot be omitted, because it's the first "verb" in the command chain. Everything that follows alternates between verb and noun:
compute x > 10 and y == 20 or not(z)
───┬─── ──┬─── ─┬─ ───┬─── ─┬─ ──┬───
verb noun verb noun verb noun
A command chain is compiled like this:
so the example above is compiled to:
compute(x > 10).and(y == 20).or(not(z))
There are many ways to implement this. Here is just a quick & dirty proof of concept, that doesn't implement operator precedence, among other things:
class Compute {
private value
Compute(boolean v) { value = v }
def or (boolean w) { value = value || w; this }
def and(boolean w) { value = value && w; this }
String toString() { value }
def compute(v) { new Compute(v) }
def not(boolean v) { !v }
You can use command chains by themselves (as top-level statements) or to the right-hand side of an assignment operator (local variable or property assignment), but not inside other expressions.

If you can swap operators like > and = for the facelets-like gt and eq, respectively, i THINK your case may be doable, though it will require a lot of effort:
x gt 10 and y eq 20 or not z
resolves to:
And this will be hell to parse.
The way #Brian Henry suggested is the easiest way, though not user-friendly, since it needs the parens and dots.
Well, considering we can swap the operators, you could try to intercept the to start expressions. Having the missing properties in a script being resolved to operations can solve your new keywords problem. Then you can build expressions and save them to a list, executing them in the end of the script. It's not finished, but i came along with this:
// the operators that can be used in the script
enum Operation { eq, and, gt, not }
// every unresolved variable here will try to be resolved as an Operation
def propertyMissing(String property) { Operation.find { == property} }
// a class to contain what should be executed in the end of the script
class Instruction { def left; Operation operation; def right }
// a class to handle the next allowed tokens
class Expression {
Closure handler; Instruction instruction
def methodMissing(String method, args) {
println "method=$method, args=$args"
handler method, args
// a list to contain the instructions that will need to be parsed
def instructions = []
// the start of the whole mess: an integer will get this called
Integer.metaClass {
call = { Operation op ->
instruction = new Instruction(operation: op, left: delegate)
instructions << instruction
new Expression(
instruction: instruction,
handler:{ String method, args ->
instruction.right = method.toInteger()
println instructions
x = 12
y = 19
z = false
x gt 10 and y eq 20 or not z
Which will give an exception, due the not() part not being implemented, but it can build two Instruction objects before failing:
[Instruction(12, gt, 10), Instruction(19, eq, 20)]
Not sure if it is worth it.

The GDK tacks on and() and or() methods to Boolean. If you supplied a method like
Boolean not(Boolean b) {return !b}
you could write something like
(x > 10).and(y == 20).or(not(4 == 1))
I'm not sure that's particularly easy to write, though.


Groovy: Constructor hash collision

I have the following groovy code:
def script
String credentials_id
String repository_path
String relative_directory
String repository_url
CredentialsWrapper(script, credentials_id, repository_name, repository_group, relative_directory=null) {
this(script, credentials_id, '' + repository_group +'/' + repository_name + '.git', relative_directory);
CredentialsWrapper(script, credentials_id, repository_url, relative_directory=null) {
this.script = script;
this.credentials_id = credentials_id;
this.repository_url = repository_url;
if (null == relative_directory) {
int lastSeparatorIndex = repository_url.lastIndexOf("/");
int indexOfExt = repository_url.indexOf(".git");
this.relative_directory = repository_url.substring(lastSeparatorIndex+1, indexOfExt);
Jenkins gives me the following:
Unable to compile class due to hash collision in constructors # line 30, column 7.
I do not understand why, the constructors are different, they do not have the same number of arguments.
Also, "script" is an instance from "WorkflowScript", but I do not know what I should import to access this class, which would allow me to declare script explicitly instead of using "def"
Any idea ?
When you call the Constructor with four parameters, would you like to call the first or the second one?
If you write an constructor/method with default values, groovy will actually generate two or more versions.
Test(String x, String y ="test")
will result in
Test(String x, String y) {...}
Test(String x) {new Test(x, "test")}
So your code would like to compile to 4 constructors, but it contains the constructor with the signature
CredentialsWrapper(def, def, def, def)
two times.
If I understand your code correctly, you can omit one or both of the =null. The result will be the same, but you will get only two or three signatures. Then you can choose between both versions by calling calling them with the right parameter count.

Short-circuiting in functional Groovy?

"When you've found the treasure, stop digging!"
I'm wanting to use more functional programming in Groovy, and thought rewriting the following method would be good training. It's harder than it looks because Groovy doesn't appear to build short-circuiting into its more functional features.
Here's an imperative function to do the job:
fullyQualifiedNames = ['a/b/c/d/e', 'f/g/h/i/j', 'f/g/h/d/e']
String shortestUniqueName(String nameToShorten) {
def currentLevel = 1
String shortName = ''
def separator = '/'
while (fullyQualifiedNames.findAll { fqName ->
shortName = nameToShorten.tokenize(separator)[-currentLevel..-1].join(separator)
}.size() > 1) {
return shortName
println shortestUniqueName('a/b/c/d/e')
Result: c/d/e
It scans a list of fully-qualified filenames and returns the shortest unique form. There are potentially hundreds of fully-qualified names.
As soon as the method finds a short name with only one match, that short name is the right answer, and the iteration can stop. There's no need to scan the rest of the name or do any more expensive list searches.
But turning to a more functional flow in Groovy, neither return nor break can drop you out of the iteration:
return simply returns from the present iteration, not from the whole .each so it doesn't short-circuit.
break isn't allowed outside of a loop, and .each {} and .eachWithIndex {} are not considered loop constructs.
I can't use .find() instead of .findAll() because my program logic requires that I scan all elements of the list, nut just stop at the first.
There are plenty of reasons not to use try..catch blocks, but the best I've read is from here:
Exceptions are basically non-local goto statements with all the
consequences of the latter. Using exceptions for flow control
violates the principle of least astonishment, make programs hard to read
(remember that programs are written for programmers first).
Some of the usual ways around this problem are detailed here including a solution based on a new flavour of .each. This is the closest to a solution I've found so far, but I need to use .eachWithIndex() for my use case (in progress.)
Here's my own poor attempt at a short-circuiting functional solution:
fullyQualifiedNames = ['a/b/c/d/e', 'f/g/h/i/j', 'f/g/h/d/e']
def shortestUniqueName(String nameToShorten) {
def found = ''
def final separator = '/'
def nameComponents = nameToShorten.tokenize(separator).reverse()
nameComponents.eachWithIndex { String _, int i ->
if (!found) {
def candidate = nameComponents[0..i].reverse().join(separator)
def matches = fullyQualifiedNames.findAll { String fqName ->
fqName.endsWith candidate
if (matches.size() == 1) {
found = candidate
return found
println shortestUniqueName('a/b/c/d/e')
Result: c/d/e
Please shoot me down if there is a more idiomatic way to short-circuit in Groovy that I haven't thought of. Thank you!
There's probably a cleaner looking (and easier to read) solution, but you can do this sort of thing:
String shortestUniqueName(String nameToShorten) {
// Split the name to shorten, and make a list of all sequential combinations of elements
nameToShorten.split('/').reverse().inject([]) { agg, l ->
if(agg) agg + [agg[-1] + l] else agg << [l]
// Starting with the smallest element
.find { elements ->
fullyQualifiedNames.findAll { name ->
}.size() == 1
?: ''

Problems overloading Groovy comparison operators

I am building an analytic application using Groovy and require very forgiving math operators regardless of data format. I achieve this through operator overloading, in many cases improving (in my case) on the default Groovy type flexibility. As an example, I need 123.45f + "05" to equal 128.45f. By default Groovy downgrades to String and I get 123.4505.
In most cases my overloading works very well, but not for comparison operators. I've followed a couple of discussions on this, but I'm not getting to an answer and I'm looking for ideas. I recognize that the goal is to overload compareTo() (vs. something like lessThan), but Groovy seems to ignore this and instead attempts its own smart comparison - e.g. DefaultTypeTransformation.compareTo(Object left, Object right), which fails on mixed types.
Unfortunately this is a must have for me, because improperly comparing two values compromises the whole solution and I don't have control over some of the data types being analyzed (e.g. vendor data structures).
For example, I need the following to work:
Float f = 123.45f;
String s = "0300";
Assert.assertTrue( f < s );
I have many permutations of these, but my attempt to overload includes (let's just assume my JavaTypeUtil does what I need if I can get Groovy to call it):
// overloads on startup, trying to catch all cases
Float.metaClass.compareTo = {
Object o -> JavaTypeUtil.compareTo(delegate, o) }
Float.metaClass.compareTo = {
String s -> JavaTypeUtil.compareTo(delegate, s) }
Object.metaClass.compareTo = {
String s -> JavaTypeUtil.compareTo(delegate, s) }
Object.metaClass.compareTo = {
Object o -> JavaTypeUtil.compareTo(delegate, o) }
When I try the above test, none of these are called and instead I get:
java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.lang.Float
at java.lang.Float.compareTo(
at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.typehandling.DefaultTypeTransformation.compareToWithEqualityCheck(
at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.typehandling.DefaultTypeTransformation.compareTo(
at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.ScriptBytecodeAdapter.compareTo(
at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.ScriptBytecodeAdapter.compareLessThan(
at com.modelshop.datacore.generator.GroovyMathTests.testMath(GroovyMathTests.groovy:32)
Debugging through I see that the < operator goes right to ScriptBytecodeAdapter.compareLessThan(), and the implementation of that seems to ignore the overloaded compareTo() here:
In (2.4.3)
if (!equalityCheckOnly || left.getClass().isAssignableFrom(right.getClass())
|| (right.getClass() != Object.class && right.getClass().isAssignableFrom(left.getClass())) //GROOVY-4046
|| (left instanceof GString && right instanceof String)) {
Comparable comparable = (Comparable) left;
return comparable.compareTo(right); // <--- ***
In a desperate attempt, I've also tried to overload compareLessThan, but I'm grasping now, I don't know that there's any way to jump in front of the < mapping in Groovy.
Float.metaClass.compareLessThan << {
Object right -> JavaTypeUtil.compareTo(delegate, right) < 0 }
Float.metaClass.compareLessThan << {
String right -> JavaTypeUtil.compareTo(delegate, right) < 0 }
Any thoughts on a work-around? Thanks!
Part of it is you need to include static, like this
Float.metaClass.static.compareTo = { String s -> 0 }
This makes f.compareTo(s) work, but the < operator still won't work. This is a known limitation. The only operators that can be overloaded are mentioned in the documentation. Possibly you could do a custom AST to change all those operators to a compareTo().
But this isn't the whole story. f <=> s also doesn't work, despite <=> delegating to compareTo(). I believe this is because Float doesn't implement Comparable<Object> or Comparable<String>, only Comparable<Float>. Although I'm not sure where exactly in the chain Groovy makes the decision not to use that method, you can see it's not limited to Groovy's math classes. This also doesn't work
Foo.metaClass.compareTo = { String s -> 99 }
new Foo() <=> ''
class Foo implements Comparable<Foo> {
int compareTo(Foo o) {
I think Groovy is doing some pre-parsing validation that's preventing the metaclass stuff from working. Whatever validation it's doing definitely inspects the interfaces implemented, because this fails for a different reason
Foo.metaClass.compareTo = { String s -> 99 }
new Foo() <=> ''
class Foo {
int compareTo(Foo o) {
In both of these examples, replacing <=> with compareTo() works.
This question has been asked a couple times before, but I haven't seen a good explanation for why. You might try asking on the user mailing list. I'm sure Jochen or Cedric would be able to explain why.
I guess the point is that your compareTo closure is expecting an Object; so when you invoke compareTo with a String, your closure doesn't get called at all.
I can only think of the following; being precise when specifying closure input parameter type:
Float.metaClass.compareTo = { Integer n -> aStaticHelperMethod(n) }
Float.metaClass.compareTo = { String s -> aStaticHelperMethod(s) }
Float.metaClass.compareTo = { SomeOtherType o -> aStaticHelperMethod(o) }

Need help understanding currying using groovy closures?

I am trying to understand how currying works in functional programming. I have gone through wiki and a couple of questions about the same on SO.
Need help understanding lambda (currying)
What is 'Currying'?
I understand that currying is all about splitting a function that takes n arguments into n or less functions with one argument each. I theoretically comprehend it but I am not able to connect the dots while coding for the same. Perhaps it is my lack of knowledge in functional programming languages or C# (as many answers in the above questions deal with).
Anyway, I understand groovy & java. So I tried to get an outline for the standard add(a,b) function in groovy but I couldn't finish it.
def closure = { arg ->
// ??
def add(anotherClosure , a){
return closure // ??
Can someone help me understand currying using groovy closures?
You can roll your own currying functionality by writing a closure that takes another closure and a curried parameter to set, and returns a closure that uses this value.
// Our closure that takes 2 parameters and returns a String
def greet = { greeting, person -> "$greeting $person" }
// This takes a closure and a default parameter
// And returns another closure that only requires the
// missing parameter
def currier = { fn, param ->
{ person -> fn( param, person ) }
// We can then call our currying closure
def hi = currier( greet, 'Hi' )
// And test it out
hi( 'Vamsi' )
But you're better sticking with the inbuilt Groovy curry method as shown by jalopaba. (there is also rcurry and ncurry which curry from the right, and at a given position respectively)
It should be said, that the Groovy curry method is a misnomer as it is more a case of partial application as you do not need to get down to a closure requiring only a single parameter, ie:
def addAndTimes = { a, b, c -> ( a + b ) * c }
println addAndTimes( 1, 2, 3 ) // 9
def partial = addAndTimes.curry( 1 )
println partial( 2, 3 ) // 9
You can set a fixed value for one or more arguments to a closure instance using the curry() method:
def add = { a, b -> a + b }
def addFive = add.curry(5)
addFive(3) // 5 + 3 = 8
Another example:
def greeter = { greeting, name -> println "${greeting}, ${name}!" }
def sayHello = greeter.curry("Hello")
sayHello("Vamsi") // Hello, Vamsi!
def sayHi = greeter.curry("Hi")
sayHi("Vamsi") // Hi, Vamsi!

EachWithIndex groovy statement

I am new to groovy and I've been facing some issues understanding the each{} and eachwithindex{} statements in groovy.
Are each and eachWithIndex actually methods? If so what are the arguments that they take?
In the groovy documentation there is this certain example:
def numbers = [ 5, 7, 9, 12 ]
numbers.eachWithIndex{ num, idx -> println "$idx: $num" } //prints each index and number
Well, I see that numbers is an array. What are num and idx in the above statement? What does the -> operator do?
I do know that $idx and $num prints the value, but how is it that idx and num are automatically being associated with the index and contents of the array? What is the logic behind this? Please help.
These are plain methods but they follow quite a specific pattern - they take a Closure as their last argument. A Closure is a piece of functionality that you can pass around and call when applicable.
For example, method eachWithIndex might look like this (roughly):
void eachWithIndex(Closure operation) {
for (int i = 0; this.hasNext(); i++) {
operation(, i); // Here closure passed as parameter is being called
This approach allows one to build generic algorithms (like iteration over items) and change the concrete processing logic at runtime by passing different closures.
Regarding the parameters part, as you see in the example above we call the closure (operation) with two parameters - the current element and current index. This means that the eachWithIndex method expects to receive not just any closure but one which would accept these two parameters. From a syntax prospective one defines the parameters during closure definition like this:
{ elem, index ->
// logic
So -> is used to separate arguments part of closure definition from its logic. When a closure takes only one argument, its parameter definition can be omitted and then the parameter will be accessible within the closure's scope with the name it (implicit name for the first argument). For example:
[1,2,3].each {
println it
It could be rewritten like this:
[1,2,3].each({ elem ->
println elem
As you see the Groovy language adds some syntax sugar to make such constructions look prettier.
each and eachWithIndex are, amongst many others, taking so called Closure as an argument. The closure is just a piece of Groovy code wrapped in {} braces. In the code with array:
def numbers = [ 5, 7, 9, 12 ]
numbers.eachWithIndex{ num, idx -> println "$idx: $num" }
there is only one argument (closure, or more precisely: function), please note that in Groovy () braces are sometime optional. num and idx are just an optional aliases for closure (function) arguments, when we need just one argument, this is equivalent (it is implicit name of the first closure argument, very convenient):
def numbers = [ 5, 7, 9, 12 ]
numbers.each {println "$it" }
Normally, if you are using a functional programing language such as Groovy, you would want to avoid using each and eachWithIndex since they encourage you to modify state within the closure or do things that have side effects.
If possible, you may want to do your operations using other groovy collection methods such as .collect or .inject or findResult etc.
However, to use these for your problem, i.e print the list elements with their index, you will need to use the withIndex method on the original collection which will transform the collection to a collection of pairs of [element, index]
For example,
println(['a', 'b', 'c'].withIndex())
EachWithIndex can be used as follows:
package json
import groovy.json.*
def project = testRunner.testCase.testSuite.project
def testCase = testRunner.testCase;
def strArray = new String[200]
//Response for a step you want the json from
def response = context.expand('${Offers#Response#$[\'Data\']}').toString()
def json = new JsonSlurper().parseText(response)
//Value you want to compare with in your array
def offername = project.getPropertyValue("Offername")
Boolean flagpresent = false
Boolean flagnotpresent = false
strArray = json.Name
def id = 0;
//To find the offername in the array of offers displayed
name, index ->
if("${name}" != offername)
flagnotpresent= false;
id = "${index}";
flagpresent = true;"${index}.${name}")
