Null pointer exception in JavaFX line chart - javafx-2

I using a JavaFX LineChart in my Swing application and when try to clear the series data i get this exception.
My code just call the clear method, the call is made in the JavaFX thread using Platform.runLater, i using 1.7.0_09 on ubuntu, is there any problems with my code or is this a bug in JavaFX.
series is an XYChart.Series object
Exception in runnable
at javafx.scene.chart.LineChart.dataItemRemoved(
at javafx.scene.chart.XYChart.dataItemsChanged(
at javafx.scene.chart.XYChart.access$2500(
at javafx.scene.chart.XYChart$Series$1.onChanged(
at com.sun.javafx.collections.ListListenerHelper$SingleChange.fireValueChangedEvent(
at com.sun.javafx.collections.ListListenerHelper.fireValueChangedEvent(
at com.sun.javafx.collections.ObservableListWrapper.callObservers(
at com.sun.javafx.collections.ObservableListWrapper.clear(

The problem is now solved, it seems it is a bug of JavaFX.
I have solved by adding
lineChart.setAnimated(false); and it all works fine. In JIRA Kenai it has been proposed as bug by commenting lineChart.setCreateSymbols(false);
This also works but I think it is not the right answer, I can use .setCreateSymbols(false) or (true) having setted setAnimated(false);


Xcode8 beta adding self.view.layoutIfNeeded() in inputAccessoryView getter causing crash

Using Xcode8 Beta my simulator crashes when using an inputAccessoryView and adding the line self.view.layoutIfNeeded() in the getter of the inputAccessoryView override. It works fine on my devices but this one line causes the simulator to crash everytime
override var inputAccessoryView: UIView? {
get {
return customToolbar
The following message is displayed in the console:
libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type NSException
If I just remove the line: self.view.layoutIfNeeded() it will work fine on the simulator. I need that line though or else the collectionView momentarily bounces as the inputAccessoryView keyboard change notification is called.
You are probably fall into new layout loops. See changes in iOS 10 API here
Third party apps with custom UIView subclasses using Auto Layout that override layoutSubviews and dirty layout on self before calling super are at risk of triggering a layout feedback loop when they rebuild on iOS 10. When they are correctly sent subsequent layoutSubviews calls they must be sure to stop dirtying layout on self at some point (note that this call was skipped in release prior to iOS 10).

eclipse indigo - windowbuilder - eclipse doesn't regain focus

I have eclipse 3.7 indigo; I installed gwt plugin and its designer; The problem is (time after time) when I add new widget X to composite the
palette (keeps widget selected)
components (doesn't show the new widget in the tree)
properties (doesn't show the new widget properties) I cannot select another widget unless I resize the whole eclipse application to force its GUI repaint :(
It seems like palette and other managers don't get report "widget was added from windowbuilder" or similar :(
Moreover, I cannot edit widget's text if I have input method as "System" which is the default on btw so the only one input method which works is "X Input Method" but anyways it doesn't solve the mentioned focus regain problem;
That makes eclipse indigo really hard to use; So my question is... how to fix that?
eclipse 3.7 (indigo)
gwt plugin -
gwt designer -
gwt sdk 2.2
jdk 1.7
jre 1.7
OS Linux x64
I had to do my own research concerning the issue; I noticed there is some kind of "jobs order conflict" or similar with the default constructor based code style as :
public class MyTestUI extends Composite {
private FlowPanel flowPanel;
public MyTestUI() {
flowPanel = new FlowPanel();
}, as a workaround, I had to play with code generator as;
window -> preferences -> windowbuilder -> gwt
(combobox) method name for new statements : initComponents
variable generation : field
statement generation : flat
just to avoid having in-constructor init as a result I have code generated as :
public class MyTestUI extends Composite {
private FlowPanel flowPanel;
public MyTestUI() {
private void initComponents() {
flowPanel = new FlowPanel();
...btw there is a problem with focus regain if input method is "System" and initComponents() method generated first time; so before starting adding widgets I had to select "X input method" to avoid synch-ed jobs; So "X input method" needs to be the default one, as I can get it :)
The effect I faced very looks like bug 388170; So I tried to modify eclipse.ini argument as
It seems like the headless helps a bit but anyways eclipse sometimes does hang when using windowbuilder especially DnD :P
Anyways I want to point I faced the mentioned issue first time cause similar windows x32 eclipse indigo version works pretty fine with gwt;
The solution is not final (the hang problem still occurs on DnD evens) and I am still looking for a more optimal one; So do comment if you have some helpful tips or ideas;

Can't get LineChartBuilder to compile

I'm creating an application that uses JavaFX 2.2 and have run into a problem. I'm trying to use a LineChartBuilder, like so:
LineChart<Number, Number> chart = LineChartBuilder.<Number, Number>
.XAxis(NumberAxisBuilder.create().label("X axis").build())
.YAxis(NumberAxisBuilder.create().label("Y axis").build())
However, I'm getting the following compiler errors:
java: reference to create is ambiguous, both method create() in
javafx.scene.layout.RegionBuilder and method <X,Y>create() in
javafx.scene.chart.LineChartBuilder match
java: cannot find symbol
symbol: method XAxis(javafx.scene.chart.NumberAxis)
location: class javafx.scene.layout.RegionBuilder<capture#1 of ?>
I know the first error means LineChartBuilder descends from RegionBuilder and both define a create() method, and the second means it's assuming the method comes from RegionBuilder and therefore cannot find the XAxis method. I've even tried casting it,
LineChart<Number, Number> chart =
((LineChartBuilder<Number, Number, ?>)
LineChartBuilder.<Number, Number>create())....
But I get the same compiler errors.
My question is, is this a mistake in LineChartBuilder or am I using it wrong? Maybe there's even a workaround?
Are you sure you are running with JavaFX 2.2 and not a JDK8 pre-release?
JDK8 will experience these issues with builders coded for JavaFX 2.2: see RT-24272.
Workaround is to use new LineChart(xaxis, yaxis). See also the Oracle forum thread post on this issue.

Java Thread Safety v Displaying a Dialog from separate Thread

Hi noticed some code in our application when I first started Java programming. I had noticed it created a dialog from a separate thread, but never batted an eye lid as it 'seemed to work'. I then wrapped this method up through my code to display dialogs.
This is as follows:
public class DialogModalVisibleThread
extends Thread {
private JDialog jDialog;
public DialogModalVisibleThread(JDialog dialog, String dialogName) {
this.setName("Set " + dialogName + " Visable");
jDialog = dialog;
public void run() {
WarnUserDifferenceDialog dialog = new WarnUserDifferenceDialog( _tableDifferenceCache.size() );
DialogModalVisibleThread dmvt = new DialogModalVisibleThread( dialog, "Warn User About Report Diffs");
Now, as far as I am now aware, you should never create or modify swing components from a separate thread. All updates must be carried out on the Event Dispatch Thread. Surely this applies to the above code?
EDT on WikiPedia
However, the above code has worked.
But lately, there have been countless repaint issues. For example, click on a JButton which then calls DialogModalVisibleThread to display a dialog. It caused buttons alongside the clicked button not to redraw properly.
The repaint problem is more frequent on my machine and not the other developers machine. The other developer has a laptop with his desktop extended onto a 21" monitor - the monitor being his main display. He is running Windows 7 with Java version 1.6.0_27.
I am running on a laptop with Windows 7 and Java version 1.6.0_24. I have 2 additional monitors with my desktop extended onto both.
In the meantime I am going to upgrade to Java 1.6 update 27.
I wondered if the above code could cause repaint problems or are there any other people out there with related paint issues?
Are there any easy ways to diagnose these problems?
So, you're breaking a rule, having problems, and wondering if these problems could be cause by the fact that you broke the rule. The answer is Yes. Respect the rules!
To detect the violations, you might be interested by the following page:
The easiest way to check if your problems are being caused by breaking the rules is to fix them (You should fix them anyway :-)
Just use SwingWorker.invokeLater() from the thread you want to update to UI from to easily adhere to Swing's contract. Something like this should do the trick:
public void run() {
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
EDIT: You should make the 'jDialog' variable final for this to work.

Silverlight 5: print outside the UI thread?

Is it possible to print in Silverlight without blocking the UI thread?
I have to print a lot of pages, and consequently my UI freezes for a while. I would like to print on a background thread instead (and update a progress bar if possible), but can't figure out how.
I tried calling the Print() method of my PrintDocument inside the DoWork() method of a BackgroundWorker, but that gives me an UnauthorizedAccessException "Invalid cross-thread access".
It seems that even initiating a PrintDocument is not possible outside the UI thread:
PrintDocument pd = new PrintDocument(); in BackgroundWorker.DoWork() throws the same exception.
I found a lot of posts where people say that printing has to happen on the UI thread, but no documentation of this. I'm new to multithreading, so any pointers in the right direction would be appreciated.
I had this problem and came across this question which unfortunately didn't have the answer i was hoping for. But I thought that for anyone else who comes across this problem, this may at least shed some light.
I was following this article on printing in Silverlight, It works like a charm for regular printing on the UI Thread, but for actually trying to print on a separate thread I don't think it's possible. I switched out the last line of code in the example
printDocument.Print("SLPrintDemo document");
with an alternate one to see if it would work
new Thread(() => printDocument.Print("SLPrintDemo document")).Start();
To see if the print job itself would spawn in a separate thread. However though the code compiles and runs fine, the document does not print. The reason seems to be that once the Print command is fired, it then fires up the printing options dialog for choosing printer and other options etc. At this point it is no longer on the UI thread so nothing happens ( No exceptions, so i'm assuming they're swallowed somewhere)
So as far as I can tell at the moment, there is no way to print in Silverlight that is not in the UI thread.
Use Dispatcher for updating your UI. For example:
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
ProgressBar.Value = 100;
