I am building a web application using the Spotify Web API. The calls are pretty straight forward and I don't understand if it is me doing something wrong, or if there is something wrong with the Spotify service.
I implemented the lookup call (works fine) and then add track IDs to my database when a button is clicked next to one of the results. I then do an ajax call to display that track in the "Play Button" iframe.
Instead of showing my playlist now, I very often get a 502 Bad Gateway error. (This error also appears on the Spotify website where the example is supposed to be shown.)
Is this something I cause? My browser / system causes?
Thanks a lot in advance!
(This error also appears on the Spotify website where the example is supposed to be shown.)
This suggests that the problem is on Spotify's side, assuming you're giving the Play Button a valid Spotify URI. Hang tight for a while and it should sort itself out.
Today I was starting a web app I am developing that embeds a Spotify widget player in an iframe. Strangely it doesn't load the widget and instead reports this message
"open.spotify.com redirected you too many times"
I went to Spotify Widget examples page and it shows the same behaviour (here's a ).
I cleaned the the cache, cookies, but it doesn't seem to sort this. Should I assume there is an API request threshold that I've just hit?
Has anyone have had the same problem and has solution?
That was a temporary issue in our service. It's resolved now.
Recently, I wrote an app to synchronize photos in my Instagram to another platform. The GET /v1/users/self/media/recent?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN result should contains the links to my pictures, like
and it went very well. But today after clicking the link, it told me Invalid Request. I'm not sure what happened to this cdn link. Any hints would be appreciated.
This endpoint on Spotify's Web Api throws a 500 error for the username "spotify":
GET https://api.spotify.com/v1/users/{user_id}/playlists
Is this intentional on Spotify's end? Does Spotify not wants developers to access its playlists.
Note - All other usernames work fine
A 500 error should always be treated as being unintentional. If the server side wants to limit access a response code in the 400 range should be used instead, like 403 or possibly 401. It is likely that there are so many different public playlists for the Spotify account that one of them has triggered a bug. If for some reason the error code 500 is intentional, it is still a bug, but in the API, which should be fixed.
I work at Spotify, but don't have direct access to this system. I will let people know.
I recently just got through the beginning tutorial for creating a web app with the spotify api. https://developer.spotify.com/web-api/tutorial/. The tutorial was great for showing how to authenticate a user with oauth and log in a user.
The problem I am having is with the endpoint. I can't seem to figure out how to change the endpoint so that instead of displaying a users profile, I can see a list of a users track, better yet starred or top 10 tracks.
for a 10,000 view perspective of what I want to build is a app that would allow users to easily log in through their spotify account, take their stared or top tracks and push them to a radio that I am building with an raspberry pi.
I am new to working with the spotify api and working with api's in general so whatever advice would be awesome.
At the moment, there is no way to get the "starred"-playlist. (At least it's not documented)
I don't know what you mean with "Top 10 User tracks", since this doesn't exist as far as I know
To get a list of the account's current playlists, change the URL to:
With this URL, you will get a list of simple-playlist-objects wrapped inside a paging-object. Now you can select one of the playlists (or loop through them) and fetch its track this way
If you also want to fetch private playlists, make sure you use the scope playlist_read_private
I really hope someone can tell me more about what's going on, because I spent days searching the net and for the life of me can't say what is going on.
Here's what happened. I have a website 4nieuws.nl . On every article's page I put a like button using the Javascript SDK. All worked well. On facebook I created a fanpage for the website, facebook.com/4nieuws and every now and again I would copy an interesting article there. The like button and Javascript SDK on 4nieuws.nl uses the APP Id from an app I created specifically for that purpose.
Then I thought I might automate to publish the most popular articles on the fanpage using the PHP api. I set about getting the proper authorization key using the sequence explained on this page: http://www.typeoneerror.com/articles/post/permanent-facebook-sessions-and-posting-as-a-page
For this to work I authorized the previously mentioned app to publish on the facebook fanpages that I am admin of. And this works.
Now for the strange part. Ever since I authorized the app, if I go to 4nieuws.nl and like a page, or even 'post to facebook', the button shows 1 more like. But the like message never shows up on my personal wall. My wife, logged in to her own facebook account, gets a notification that I liked a page, but when she clicks the notification she is sent to a Facebook 404 page. When I subsequently reload the article, my 'like' is not there anymore.
Has anyone ever come across something like this ? I'm a bit anxious because I am not sure if other peoples likes on 4nieuws.nl are working as it should. I do see likes on pages but have no idea if those likes are actually registering on peoples walls.
Any help greatly appreciated.