Self concatenate strings on csh - string

I need to concatenate partial content from argv to one of my variable.
I will show you my code:
set stringList = ""
foreach param ($argv)
if($param !~ TEST) then
set stringList = $stringList " " $param
echo $stringList > /tmp/prova.txt
Of course, nothing is printed on the txt file.
Any solution? Thanks.

set stringList = $stringList " " $param
set stringList = "$stringList $param"


Error when combining string in c-shell [duplicate]

I need to concatenate partial content from argv to one of my variable.
I will show you my code:
set stringList = ""
foreach param ($argv)
if($param !~ TEST) then
set stringList = $stringList " " $param
echo $stringList > /tmp/prova.txt
Of course, nothing is printed on the txt file.
Any solution? Thanks.
set stringList = $stringList " " $param
set stringList = "$stringList $param"

Variable in a string

I have the following script, but no success executing it without errors. I want to put a variable into a URL and ping that URL.
#include <Excel.au3>
$sFilePath1 = "D:\Desktop\1.xlsx"
$oExcel = _ExcelBookOpen($sFilePath1, 0)
For $i = 1 To 2 ; Loop
Local $username = _ExcelReadcell($oExcel, $i, 1) ;Reading created Excel
Local $iPing = Ping(""$username"&btnG=Submit+Blog&hl=en", 2500)
If $iPing Then ; If a value greater than 0 was returned then display the following message.
MsgBox(0, "STATUS", "Ping Successful", 1)
MsgBox(0, "STATUS", "ERROR", 1)
As Teifun2 showed, you just need to write your text between quotes or dual quotes, and then put "&" between the last quote ad the variable, this way :
"I am writing this between double quotes at line # " & $i_Nbr & ' with simple quotes!'
Like Xenobiologist already said in comments to the question, this should just work fine:
#include <Excel.au3>
$sFilePath1 = "D:\Desktop\1.xlsx"
$oExcel = _ExcelBookOpen($sFilePath1, 0)
For $i = 1 To 2 ;Loop
Local $username = _ExcelReadcell($oExcel, $i, 1) ;Reading created Excel
Local $iPing = Ping(""&$username&"&btnG=Submit+Blog&hl=en", 2500)
If $iPing Then ; If a value greater than 0 was returned then display the following message.
MsgBox(0, "STATUS", "Ping Successful" ,1)
MsgBox(0, "STATUS", "ERROR" ,1)
You can concatenate the variable to the string
$id = 21622809
MsgBox(0, '', "" & $id & "/blah_blah_blah")
or enable the ExpandVarStrings option and use the variable
$id = 21622809
Opt("ExpandVarStrings", 1)
MsgBox(0, "", "$id$/blah_blah_blah")

how to combine two strings in TCL?

I have the following code in tcl:
set string1 "do the firstthing"
set string2 "do the secondthing"
how to make a combine two strings to have "do the firstthing do the secondthing"
You can use append like this:
% set string1 "do the firstthing"
% set string2 "do the secondthing"
% append string1 " " $string2
% puts $string1
do the firstthing do the secondthing
You can put them next to the other...
% set string1 "do the firstthing"
% set string2 "do the secondthing"
% puts "$string1 $string2"
do the firstthing do the secondthing
Or if your strings are in a list, you can use join and specify the connector...
% set listofstrings [list "do the firstthing" "do the secondthing"]
% puts [join $listofthings " "]
do the firstthing do the secondthing
String concatenation in tcl is just juxtaposition
set result "$string1$string2"
set result $string1$string
Use the append command:
set string1 "do the firstthing"
set string2 "do the secondthing"
append var $string1 "," $string2
puts $var
# Prints do the firstthing,do the secondthing

TCL string toupper (each word)

I have a snippet of code that I use for a program that I have [Thus some of the app specific code] ...Anyway I am trying to capitalize the first letter of each word unless the word is in caps.
for example: >>this is text THAT would be CHANGED.
The code that i have thus far is as follows.
Again some of this is app specific I am not able to use "puts," the result has to be returned as return "" this is the reason that I create a var and add to it word by word.
proc ToTitle {} {
set Input [sh_set clipboard]
set CleanedInput [string map {" " |} [string trimright [string trimleft $Input]]]
set InputList [split $CleanedInput "|"]
set wresult ""
set item 0
foreach line $InputList {
set List_Item [lindex $InputList $item];
if {[string is upper $List_Item] == 1} {
set newline $List_Item
set wresult "$wresult $newline"
incr item
} else {
set newline [string totitle $List_Item]
set wresult "$wresult $newline"
incr item
regsub -all {\u0020{2,}} $wresult " " wresult; #REMOVE ALL EXCESSIVE SPACE CHARACTERS
set $wresult [string trimright [string trimleft $wresult]]; # TRIM ALL OF THE WHITESPACE BEFORE AND AFTER THE STRING
return "$wresult"}
This is currently working the output would be:
This Is Text THAT Would Be Changed.
The issue is the "Changed." because of the "."
The question is What can I use to only read the word character on items that have special characters or word characters?
{[string is upper $List_Item] == 1}
I know there is something that I can add to that to check it...
Thankyou in advance for all the help.
I think there's a simpler solution. Try this:
set a "this is text THAT would be CHANGED."
set out ""
foreach word $a {
append out "[string toupper $word 0 0] "
puts $out
Running it gives this output:
% % % This Is Text THAT Would Be CHANGED.

Fast Way to Find Difference between Two Strings of Equal Length in Perl

Given pairs of string like this.
my $s1 = "ACTGGA";
my $s2 = "AGTG-A";
# Note the string can be longer than this.
I would like to find position and character in in $s1 where it differs with $s2.
In this case the answer would be:
#String Position 0-based
# First col = Base in S1
# Second col = Base in S2
# Third col = Position in S1 where they differ
C G 1
G - 4
I can achieve that easily with substr(). But it is horribly slow.
Typically I need to compare millions of such pairs.
Is there a fast way to achieve that?
Stringwise ^ is your friend:
use strict;
use warnings;
my $s1 = "ACTGGA";
my $s2 = "AGTG-A";
my $mask = $s1 ^ $s2;
while ($mask =~ /[^\0]/g) {
print substr($s1,$-[0],1), ' ', substr($s2,$-[0],1), ' ', $-[0], "\n";
The ^ (exclusive or) operator, when used on strings, returns a string composed of the result of an exclusive or on each bit of the numeric value of each character. Breaking down an example into equivalent code:
"AB" ^ "ab"
( "A" ^ "a" ) . ( "B" ^ "b" )
chr( ord("A") ^ ord("a") ) . chr( ord("B") ^ ord("b") )
chr( 65 ^ 97 ) . chr( 66 ^ 98 )
chr(32) . chr(32)
" " . " "
" "
The useful feature of this here is that a nul character ("\0") occurs when and only when the two strings have the same character at a given position. So ^ can be used to efficiently compare every character of the two strings in one quick operation, and the result can be searched for non-nul characters (indicating a difference). The search can be repeated using the /g regex flag in scalar context, and the position of each character difference found using $-[0], which gives the offset of the beginning of the last successful match.
Use binary bit ops on the complete strings.
Things like $s1 & $s2 or $s1 ^ $s2 run incredibly fast, and work with strings of arbitrary length.
I was bored on Thanksgiving break 2012 and answered the question and more. It will work on strings of equal length. It will work if they are not. I added a help, opt handling just for fun. I thought someone might find it useful.
If you are new to PERL add don't know. Don't add any code in your script below DATA to the program.
Have fun.
./diftxt -h
usage: diftxt [-v ] string1 string2
-v = Verbose
diftxt [-V|--version]
diftxt [-h|--help] "This help!"
Examples: diftxt test text
diftxt "This is a test" "this is real"
Place Holders: space = "·" , no charater = "ζ"
cat ./diftxt
----------- cut ✂----------
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Std;
my %options=();
getopts("Vhv", \%options);
my $helptxt='
usage: diftxt [-v ] string1 string2
-v = Verbose
diftxt [-V|--version]
diftxt [-h|--help] "This help!"
Examples: diftxt test text
diftxt "This is a test" "this is real"
Place Holders: space = "·" , no charater = "ζ"';
my $Version = "inital-release 1.0 - Quincey Craig 11/21/2012";
print "$helptxt\n\n" if defined $options{h};
print "$Version\n" if defined $options{V};
if (#ARGV == 0 ) {
if (not defined $options{h}) {usage()};
my $s1 = "$ARGV[0]";
my $s2 = "$ARGV[1]";
my $mask = $s1 ^ $s2;
# setup unicode output to STDOUT
binmode DATA, ":utf8";
my $ustring = <DATA>;
binmode STDOUT, ":utf8";
my $_DIFF = '';
my $_CHAR1 = '';
my $_CHAR2 = '';
sub usage
print "\n";
print "usage: diftxt [-v ] string1 string2\n";
print " -v = Verbose \n";
print " diftxt [-V|--version]\n";
print " diftxt [-h|--help]\n\n";
sub main
print "\nOrig\tDiff\tPos\n----\t----\t----\n" if defined $options{v};
while ($mask =~ /[^\0]/g) {
### redirect stderr to allow for test of empty variable with error message from substr
open STDERR, '>/dev/null';
if (substr($s2,$-[0],1) eq "") {$_CHAR2 = "\x{03B6}";close STDERR;} else {$_CHAR2 = substr($s2,$-[0],1)};
if (substr($s2,$-[0],1) eq " ") {$_CHAR2 = "\x{00B7}"};
$_CHAR1 = substr($s1,$-[0],1);
if ($_CHAR1 eq "") {$_CHAR1 = "\x{03B6}"} else {$_CHAR1 = substr($s1,$-[0],1)};
if ($_CHAR1 eq " ") {$_CHAR1 = "\x{00B7}"};
### Print verbose Data
print $_CHAR1, "\t", $_CHAR2, "\t", $+[0], "\n" if defined $options{v};
### Build difference list
$_DIFF = "$_DIFF$_CHAR2";
### Build mask
substr($s1,"$-[0]",1) = "\x{00B7}";
} ### end loop
print "\n" if defined $options{v};
print "$_DIFF, ";
print "Mask: \"$s1\"\n";
} ### end main
if ($#ARGV == 1) {main()};
This is the easiest form you can get
my $s1 = "ACTGGA";
my $s2 = "AGTG-A";
my #s1 = split //,$s1;
my #s2 = split //,$s2;
my $i = 0;
foreach (#s1) {
if ($_ ne $s2[$i]) {
print "$_, $s2[$i] $i\n";
