Consumer/Producer with order and constraint on consumed items - c#-4.0

I have the following scenario
I am writing a server that process files (jobs)
a file has a "prefix" and a time
the files should be processed according to time (older file first) but also take into account the prefix (files with same prefix can't be processed concurrently)
I have a thread (Task with Timer) that watches over a directory and adds files to a "queue" (producer)
I have several consumers that take the file from "queue" (consumer) - they should conform to the above rules.
the job of each task is kept in some list (this indicates the constraints)
There are several consumers, the number of consumers is determined at startup.
One of the requirement is to be able to gracefully stop the consumers (either immediately or let ongoing processes to finish).
I did something along this line:
while (processing)
//limits number of concurrent tasks
//Take next job when available or wait for cancel signal
currentwork = workQueue.Take(taskCancellationToken);
//check that it can actually process this work
if (CanProcess(currnetWork)
var task = CreateTask(currentwork)
task.ContinueWith((t) => { //release processing slot });
//release slot, return job? something else?
The cancellation tokens sources are in the caller code and can be cancelled. There are two in order to be able to stop queuing while not cancelling running tasks.
I tired to implement the "queue" as BlockingCollection wrapping a "safe" SortedSet. The general idea work (ordering by time) except the case in which I need to find a new job that matches the constraint. If I return the job to the queue and try to take again I will get the same one.
It is possible to take jobs from the queue until I find a proper one and then returning the "illegal" jobs back but this may cause issues with other consumers processing out of order jobs
Another alternative is to pass a simple collection and a way to lock it and just lock and do a simple search according to current constraints. Again, this means writing code that will possibly not be thread-safe.
Any other suggestion / pointers / data structures that can help?

I think Hans is right: if you already have a thread-safe SortedSet (that implements IProducerConsumerCollection, so it can be used in BlockingCollection), then all you need is to put only files that can be processed right now into the collection. If you finish a file which makes another file available for processing, add the other file to the collection at this point, not earlier.

I would have implemented your requirement(s) with TPL Dataflow. Look at the way you could implement the Producer-Consumer pattern with it. I believe this will meet all the requirements you have (including cancellation on the consumers).
EDIT (for those that do not like to read documentation, but who does...)
Here is an example of how you could implement the requirements with TPL Dataflow. The beauty of this implementation is that consumers are not bound to a single thread and only uses a pool thread when it needs to process data.
static void Main(string[] args)
BufferBlock<string> source = new BufferBlock<string>();
var cancellation = new CancellationTokenSource();
LinkConsumer(source, "A", cancellation.Token);
LinkConsumer(source, "B", cancellation.Token);
LinkConsumer(source, "C", cancellation.Token);
// Link an action that will process source values that are not processed by other
source.LinkTo(new ActionBlock<string>((s) => Console.WriteLine("Default action")));
while (cancellation.IsCancellationRequested == false)
ConsoleKey key = Console.ReadKey(true).Key;
switch (key)
case ConsoleKey.Escape:
Console.WriteLine("Posted value {0} on thread {1}.", key, Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
private static void LinkConsumer(ISourceBlock<string> source, string prefix, CancellationToken token)
// Link a consumer that will buffer and process all input of the specified prefix
var consumer = new ActionBlock<string>(new Action<string>(Process), new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions() { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 1, SingleProducerConstrained = true, CancellationToken = token, TaskScheduler = TaskScheduler.Default });
var linkDisposable = source.LinkTo(consumer, (p) => p == prefix);
// Dispose the link (remove the link) when cancellation is requested.
private static void Process(string arg)
Console.WriteLine("Processed value {0} in thread {1}", arg, Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
// Simulate work


How to parallelize an azure worker role?

I have got a Worker Role running in azure.
This worker processes a queue in which there are a large number of integers. For each integer I have to do processings quite long (from 1 second to 10 minutes according to the integer).
As this is quite time consuming, I would like to do these processings in parallel. Unfortunately, my parallelization seems to not be efficient when I test with a queue of 400 integers.
Here is my implementation :
public class WorkerRole : RoleEntryPoint {
private readonly CancellationTokenSource cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
private readonly ManualResetEvent runCompleteEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);
private readonly Manager _manager = Manager.Instance;
private static readonly LogManager logger = LogManager.Instance;
public override void Run() {
logger.Info("Worker is running");
try {
catch (Exception e) {
logger.Error(e, 0, "Error Run Worker: " + e);
finally {
public override bool OnStart() {
bool result = base.OnStart();
logger.Info("Worker has been started");
return result;
public override void OnStop() {
logger.Info("Worker is stopping");
logger.Info("Worker has stopped");
private async Task RunAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) {
while (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) {
try {
catch (Exception e) {
logger.Error(e, 0, "Error RunAsync Worker: " + e);
await Task.Delay(1000, cancellationToken);
And the implementation of the ProcessQueue:
public void ProcessQueue() {
try {
int? cachedMessageCount = _queue.ApproximateMessageCount;
if (cachedMessageCount != null && cachedMessageCount > 0) {
var listEntries = new List<CloudQueueMessage>();
Parallel.ForEach(listEntries, ProcessEntry);
catch (Exception e) {
logger.Error(e, 0, "Error ProcessQueue: " + e);
And ProcessEntry
private void ProcessEntry(CloudQueueMessage entry) {
try {
int id = Convert.ToInt32(entry.AsString);
catch (Exception e) {
logger.Error(e, 0, "Error ProcessEntry: " + e);
In the ProcessQueue function, I try with different values of MAX_ENTRIES: first =20 and then =2.
It seems to be slower with MAX_ENTRIES=20, but whatever the value of MAX_ENTRIES is, it seems quite slow.
My VM is a A2 medium.
I really don't know if I do the parallelization correctly ; maybe the problem comes from the worker itself (which may be it is hard to have this in parallel).
You haven't mentioned which Azure Messaging Queuing technology you are using, however for tasks where I want to process multiple messages in parallel I tend to use the Message Pump Pattern on Service Bus Queues and Subscriptions, leveraging the OnMessage() method available on both Service Bus Queue and Subscription Clients:
QueueClient OnMessage() -
SubscriptionClient OnMessage() -
An overview of how this stuff works :-) -
From MSDN:
When calling OnMessage(), the client starts an internal message pump
that constantly polls the queue or subscription. This message pump
consists of an infinite loop that issues a Receive() call. If the call
times out, it issues the next Receive() call.
This pattern allows you to use a delegate (or anonymous function in my preferred case) that handles the receipt of the Brokered Message instance on a separate thread on the WaWorkerHost process. In fact, to increase the level of throughput, you can specify the number of threads that the Message Pump should provide, thereby allowing you to receive and process 2, 4, 8 messages from the queue in parallel. You can additionally tell the Message Pump to automagically mark the message as complete when the delegate has successfully finished processing the message. Both the thread count and AutoComplete instructions are passed in the OnMessageOptions parameter on the overloaded method.
public override void Run()
var onMessageOptions = new OnMessageOptions()
AutoComplete = true, // Message-Pump will call Complete on messages after the callback has completed processing.
MaxConcurrentCalls = 2 // Max number of threads the Message-Pump can spawn to process messages.
sbQueueClient.OnMessage((brokeredMessage) =>
// Process the Brokered Message Instance here
}, onMessageOptions);
You can still leverage the RunAsync() method to perform additional tasks on the main Worker Role thread if required.
Finally, I would also recommend that you look at scaling your Worker Role instances out to a minimum of 2 (for fault tolerance and redundancy) to increase your overall throughput. From what I have seen with multiple production deployments of this pattern, OnMessage() performs perfectly when multiple Worker Role Instances are running.
A few things to consider here:
Are your individual tasks CPU intensive? If so, parallelism may not help. However, if they are mostly waiting on data processing tasks to be processed by other resources, parallelizing is a good idea.
If parallelizing is a good idea, consider not using Parallel.ForEach for queue processing. Parallel.Foreach has two issues that prevent you from being very optimal:
The code will wait until all kicked off threads finish processing before moving on. So, if you have 5 threads that need 10 seconds each and 1 thread that needs 10 minutes, the overall processing time for Parallel.Foreach will be 10 minutes.
Even though you are assuming that all of the threads will start processing at the same time, Parallel.Foreach does not work this way. It looks at number of cores on your server and other parameters and generally only kicks off number of threads it thinks it can handle, without knowing too much about what's in those threads. So, if you have a lot of non-CPU bound threads that /can/ be kicked off at the same time without causing CPU over-utilization, default behaviour will not likely run them optimally.
How to do this optimally:
I am sure there are a ton of solutions out there, but for reference, the way we've architected it in CloudMonix (that must kick off hundreds of independent threads and complete them as fast as possible) is by using ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem and manually keeping track number of threads that are running.
Basically, we use a Thread-safe collection to keep track of running threads that are started by ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem. Once threads complete, remove them from that collection. The queue-monitoring loop is indendent of executing logic in that collection. Queue-monitoring logic gets messages from the queue if the processing collection is not full up to the limit that you find most optimal. If there is space in the collection, it tries to pickup more messages from the queue, adds them to the collection and kick-start them via ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem. When processing completes, it kicks off a delegate that cleans up thread from the collection.
Hope this helps and makes sense

Async Logger. Can I lose/delay log entries?

I'm implementing my own logging framework. Following is my BaseLogger which receives the log entries and push it to the actual Logger which implements the abstract Log method.
I use the C# TPL for logging in an Async manner. I use Threads instead of TPL. (TPL task doesn't hold a real thread. So if all threads of the application end, tasks will stop as well, which will cause all 'waiting' log entries to be lost.)
public abstract class BaseLogger
// ... Omitted properties constructor .etc. ... //
public virtual void AddLogEntry(LogEntry entry)
if (!AsyncSupported)
// the underlying logger doesn't support Async.
// Simply call the log method and return.
// Logger supports Async.
private void LogAsync(LogEntry entry)
lock (LogQueueSyncRoot) // Make sure we ave a lock before accessing the queue.
if (LogThread == null || LogThread.ThreadState == ThreadState.Stopped)
{ // either the thread is completed, or this is the first time we're logging to this logger.
LogTask = new new Thread(new ThreadStart(() =>
while (true)
LogEntry logEntry;
lock (LogQueueSyncRoot)
if (LogQueue.Count > 0)
logEntry = LogQueue.Dequeue();
// is it possible for a message to be added,
// right after the break and I leanve the lock {} but
// before I exit the loop and task gets 'completed' ??
// Actual logger implimentations will impliment this method.
protected abstract void Log(LogEntry entry);
Note that AddLogEntry can be called from multiple threads at the same time.
My question is, is it possible for this implementation to lose log entries ?
I'm worried that, is it possible to add a log entry to the queue, right after my thread exists the loop with the break statement and exits the lock block, and which is in the else clause, and the thread is still in the 'Running' state.
I do realize that, because I'm using a queue, even if I miss an entry, the next request to log, will push the missed entry as well. But this is not acceptable, specially if this happens for the last log entry of the application.
Also, please let me know whether and how I can implement the same, but using the new C# 5.0 async and await keywords with a cleaner code. I don't mind requiring .NET 4.5.
Thanks in Advance.
While you could likely get this to work, in my experience, I'd recommend, if possible, use an existing logging framework :) For instance, there are various options for async logging/appenders with log4net, such as this async appender wrapper thingy.
Otherwise, IMHO since you're going to be blocking a threadpool thread during your logging operation anyway, I would instead just start a dedicated thread for your logging. You seem to be kind-of going for that approach already, just via Task so that you'd not hold a threadpool thread when nothing is logging. However, the simplification in implementation I think benefits just having the dedicated thread.
Once you have a dedicated logging thread, you then only need have an intermediate ConcurrentQueue. At that point, your log method just adds to the queue and your dedicated logging thread just does that while loop you already have. You can wrap with BlockingCollection if you need blocking/bounded behavior.
By having the dedicated thread as the only thing that writes, it eliminates any possibility of having multiple threads/tasks pulling off queue entries and trying to write log entries at the same time (painful race condition). Since the log method is now just adding to a collection, it doesn't need to be async and you don't need to deal with the TPL at all, making it simpler and easier to reason about (and hopefully in the category of 'obviously correct' or thereabouts :)
This 'dedicated logging thread' approach is what I believe the log4net appender I linked to does as well, FWIW, in case that helps serve as an example.
I see two race conditions off the top of my head:
You can spin up more than one Thread if multiple threads call AddLogEntry. This won't cause lost events but is inefficient.
Yes, an event can be queued while the Thread is exiting, and in that case it would be "lost".
Also, there's a serious performance issue here: unless you're logging constantly (thousands of times a second), you're going to be spinning up a new Thread for each log entry. That will get expensive quickly.
Like James, I agree that you should use an established logging library. Logging is not as trivial as it seems, and there are already many solutions.
That said, if you want a nice .NET 4.5-based approach, it's pretty easy:
public abstract class BaseLogger
private readonly ActionBlock<LogEntry> block;
protected BaseLogger(int maxDegreeOfParallelism = 1)
block = new ActionBlock<LogEntry>(
entry =>
new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions
MaxDegreeOfParallelism = maxDegreeOfParallelism,
public virtual void AddLogEntry(LogEntry entry)
protected abstract void Log(LogEntry entry);
Regarding the loosing waiting messages on app crush because of unhandled exception, I've bound a handler to the event AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DomainUnload. Goes like this:
protected ManualResetEvent flushing = new ManualResetEvent(true);
protected AsyncLogger() // ctor of logger
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DomainUnload += CurrentDomain_DomainUnload;
protected void CurrentDomain_DomainUnload(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsEmpty)
Maybe not too clean, but works.

Caching requests to reduce processing (TPL?)

I'm currently trying to reduce the number of similar requests being processed in a business layer by:
Caching the requests a method receives
Performing the slow processing task (once for all similar requests)
Return the result to each requesting method calls
Things to note, are that:
The original method calls are not currently in a async BeginMethod() / EndMethod(IAsyncResult)
The requests arrive faster than the time it takes to generate the output
I'm trying to use TPL where possible, as I am currently trying to learn more about this library
eg. Improving the following
byte[] RequestSlowOperation(string operationParameter)
Perform slow task here...
Any thoughts?
Follow up:
class SomeClass
private int _threadCount;
public SomeClass(int threadCount)
_threadCount = threadCount;
int parameter = 0;
var taskFactory = Task<int>.Factory;
for (int i = 0; i < threadCount; i++)
int i1 = i;
.StartNew(() => RequestSlowOperation(parameter))
.ContinueWith(result => Console.WriteLine("Result {0} : {1}", result.Result, i1));
private int RequestSlowOperation(int parameter)
Lazy<int> result2;
var result = _cacheMap.GetOrAdd(parameter, new Lazy<int>(() => RequestSlowOperation2(parameter))).Value;
//_cacheMap.TryRemove(parameter, out result2); <<<<< Thought I could remove immediately, but this causes blobby behaviour
return result;
static ConcurrentDictionary<int, Lazy<int>> _cacheMap = new ConcurrentDictionary<int, Lazy<int>>();
private int RequestSlowOperation2(int parameter)
return parameter;
Here is a fast, safe and maintainable way to do this:
static var cacheMap = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, Lazy<byte[]>>();
byte[] RequestSlowOperation(string operationParameter)
return cacheMap.GetOrAdd(operationParameter, () => new Lazy<byte[]>(() => RequestSlowOperation2(operationParameter))).Value;
byte[] RequestSlowOperation2(string operationParameter)
Perform slow task here...
This will execute RequestSlowOperation2 at most once per key. Please be aware that the memory held by the dictionary will never be released.
The user delegate passed to the ConcurrentDictionary is not executed under lock, meaning that it could execute multiple times! My solution allows multiple lazies to be created but only one of them will ever be published and materialized.
Regarding locking: this solution will take locks, but it does not matter because the work items are far more expensive than the (few) lock operations.
Honestly, the use of TPL as a technology here is not really important, this is just a straight up concurrency problem. You're trying to protect access to a shared resource (the cached data) and, to do that, the only approach is to lock. Either that or, if the cache entry does not already exist, you could allow all incoming threads to generate it and then subsequent requesters benefit from the cached value once it's stored, but there's little value in that if the resource is slow/expensive to generate and cache.
Perhaps some more details will make it clear on exactly why you're trying to accomplish this without a lock. I'll happily to revise my answer if more detail makes it clearer what you're trying to do.

Efficient consumer thread with multiple producers

I am trying to make a producer/consumer thread situation more efficient by skipping expensive event operations if necessary with something like:
//cas(variable, compare, set) is atomic compare and swap
//queue is already lock free
running = false
// dd item to queue – producer thread(s)
if(cas(running, false, true))
// We effectively obtained a lock on signalling the event
// Most of the time if things are busy we should not be signalling the event
if(cas(running, false, true))
// Process queue, single consumer thread
wait_for_auto_reset_event() // Preferably IOCP
for(int i = 0; i &lt SpinCount; ++i)
cas(running, true, false)
if(cas(running, false, true))
Obviously trying to get these things correct is a little tricky(!) so is the above pseudo code correct? A solution that signals the event more than is exactly needed is ok but not one that does so for every item.
This falls into the sub-category of "stop messing about and go back to work" known as "premature optimisation". :-)
If the "expensive" event operations are taking up a significant portion of time, your design is wrong, and rather than use a producer/consumer you should use a critical section/mutex and just do the work from the calling thread.
I suggest you profile your application if you are really concerned.
Correct answer:
AddToQueue(pQueue, pItem)
nCheckQuitInterval = 100; // Every 100 ms consumer checks if it should quit.
Item* pCurrentItem = NULL;
pCurrentItem = RemoveFromQueue(pQueue);
pCurrentItem = NULL;
// Wait for items to be added.
WaitForSingleObject(pQueue->hEvent, nCheckQuitInterval);
The event is a manual-reset event.
The operations protected by the critical section are quick. The event is only set or reset when the queue transitions to/from empty state. It has to be set/reset within the critical section to avoid a race condition.
This means the critical section is only held for a short time. so contention will be rare.
Critical sections don't block unless they are contended. So context switches will be rare.
This is a real problem not homework.
Producers and consumers spend most of their time doing other stuff, i.e. getting the items ready for the queue, processing them after removing them from the queue.
If they are spending most of the time doing the actual queue operations, you shouldn't be using a queue. I hope that is obvious.
Went thru a bunch of cases, can't see an issue. But it's kinda complicated. I thought maybe you would have an issue with queue_not_empty / add_to_queue racing. But looks like the post-dominating CAS in both paths covers this case.
CAS is expensive (not as expensive as signal). If you expect skipping the signal to be common, I would code the CAS as follows:
bool cas(variable, old_val, new_val) {
if (variable != old_val) return false
asm cmpxchg
Lock-free structures like this is the stuff that Jinx (the product I work on) is very good at testing. So you might want to use an eval license to test the lock-free queue and signal optimization logic.
Edit: maybe you can simplify this logic.
running = false
// add item to queue – producer thread(s)
if (cas(running, false, true)) {
// Process queue, single consumer thread
wait_for_auto_reset_event() // Preferably IOCP
for(int i = 0; i &lt SpinCount; ++i)
cas(running, true, false) // this could just be a memory barriered store of false
if(cas(running, false, true))
Now that the cas/signal are always next to each other they can be moved into a subroutine.
Why not just associate a bool with the event? Use cas to set it to true, and if the cas succeeds then signal the event because the event must have been clear. The waiter can then just clear the flag before it waits
bool flag=false;
// producer
// consumer
cas(flag,true,false); // clear the flag
This way, you only wait if there are no elements on the queue, and you only signal the event once for each batch of items.
I believe, you want to achieve something like in this question:
WinForms Multithreading: Execute a GUI update only if the previous one has finished. It is specific on C# and Winforms, but the structure may well apply for you.

How can I accomplish ThreadPool.Join?

I am writing a windows service that uses ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(). Each thread is a short-lived task.
When the service is stopped, I need to make sure that all the threads that are currently executing complete. Is there some way of waiting until the queue clears itself?
You could create an event (e.g. ManualResetEvent) in each thread, and keep it in a synchronised list (using the lock construct). Set the event or remove it from the list when the task is finished.
When you want to join, you can use WaitHandle.WaitAll (MSDN documentation) to wait for all the events to be signalled.
It's a hack, but I can't see how to reduce it to anything simpler!
Edit: additionally, you could ensure that no new events get posted, then wait a couple of seconds. If they are indeed short-lived, you'll have no problem. Even simpler, but more hacky.
Finally, if it's just a short amount of time, the service won't exit until all threads have died (unless they are background threads); so if it's a short amount of time, the service control manager won't mind a second or so - you can just leave them to expire - in my experience.
The standard pattern for doing this is to use a counter which holds the number of pending work items and one ManualResetEvent that is signalled when the counter reaches zero. This is generally better than using a WaitHandle for each work item as that does not scale very well when there are a lot of simultaneous work items. Plus, some of the static WaitHandle method only accept a maximum of 64 instances anyway.
// Initialize to 1 because we are going to treat the current thread as
// a work item as well. This is to avoid a race that could occur when
// one work item gets queued and completed before the next work item
// is queued.
int count = 1;
var finished = new ManualResetEvent(false);
while (...)
Interlocked.Increment(ref counter);
delegate(object state)
// Your task goes here.
// Decrement the counter to indicate the work item is done.
if (Interlocked.Decrement(ref count) == 0)
// Decrement the counter to indicate the queueing thread is done.
if (Interlocked.Decrement(ref count) == 0)
