How to install libjpeg-turbo8 on Ubuntu 12.0.4 - linux

As suggested by Google, I'm trying to get working on my Ubuntu server, but I'm getting the error:
"jpegtran: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"
A Google search told me to install (via apt-get) libjpeg-turbo8, however apt-get can't find the package. My own Ubuntu computer (running 12.0.10) can find the package just fine.
I tried installing with no luck.
Am I doing something wrong or have I missed something? How do I get jpegtran working?

This question may be old, but i was trying to run the glassfish updatetool and it failed because of the lack of the libjpeg library.
Steps i did take:
1. install libjpeg62:i386 (for 64 bit ubuntu amd6)
I hope it helps someone


Error shared libraries missing

I'm working on Raspberry Pi Raspbian GNU/Linux 8 (jessie).
I have installed
-Tesseract 4.00.00alpha
- leptonica-1.74.1
-libjpeg 6b (libjpeg-turbo 1.3.1) : libpng 1.2.50 : libtiff 4.0.3 : zlib 1.2.8
-OpenCV 2.4.11
Installed openalpr but I am not able to use it, only I can do is watch man alpr. Any other thing I try to do with this throws an error.
alpr: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I thought this was because I didn't have OpenCV3.1.0 installed, but installed it and the error is still there.
This file is inside /usr/local/lib, maybe I have to put it somewhere else but I don't know where, or do I have to reinstall Openalpr to get compile all of this from scratch?
Made it work..
After installing OpenCV3.1.0 just had to run sudo ldconfig command.
And thats all.

Sundials installed but not running in python with assimulo

I am trying to use Assimulo 2.9. on a Mac OS X. For that I downloaded and installed sundials via cmake by creating a builddir to the Download file and ../Downloads/sundials-2.7.0 running
$cmake ../Downloads/sundials-2.7.0
$make install
This should install everything in /usr/local.
It gives me no error warning when doing this. But when I am trying to use assimulo in python, following error message occurs:
from .sundials import IDA, CVode
ImportError: No module named sundials
Any suggestions?
Thank you very much.
The trick was to install everything through homebrew and get the missing file. It seems that the current assimulo-2.9 distribution on pypi does not provide this shared object library and therefore triggers this error message.
I got the same error, in Anaconda(Ubuntu 18.04). I installed pyfmi first, and then installed the dependencies (assimulo, sundials) according to the error message. After everything was installed, the pyfmi was not working by running an fmu example.
But i uninstalled all the related software. Then i reinstalled everything with certain order. I found the order of installation matters, which are: sundials --> assimulo --> pyfmi.
Everything is good now.

Ubuntu/Darling - dyld: Failed to load native library:

I'm attempting to use Darling directly built from source on Github, I ran in to a few issues with building and dependencies, but with the help of apt-file I got through all the little problems. Now, I'm trying to run Sourcetree From Atlassian (as Wine can't seem to handle the windows version) and am getting the following error. Would anyone happen to have an idea on why? Currently running Ubuntu 13.04 64bit.
dyld: Cannot execute binary file: Failed to load native library: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I just had this error myself. The error message tells you already everything you need to know: The appropriate library - libsimplewebkit - was not found and needs to be installed. Just search for simplewebkit with your distros package manager and install the appropriate package. If it doesn't find anything you will need to compile it yourself.

Installing gearman on windows 7 through cygwin and get "configure: error: Unable to find libevent"

I'm a newbie trying to install gearman on windows through cygwin using the tutorial here:
I need to install gearman to develop on my windows 7 laptop.
I've installed libevent in my C:\cygwin\libeventInstall directory but when I do a ./configure on gearman it gives me the error: configure: error: Unable to find libevent
I've read that I need to install libevent-devel. I don't know what libevent-devel is and how I go about installing it through cygwin. I've found a bunch of .rpm install files for libevent-devel but I don't think I can install that on windows. I've also found a libevent-devel-2.0.11-1.tar.bz2 but it contains a bunch of header files and no configure file. There doesn't seem to be any documentation on exactly how to install libevent-devel on cygwin.
Been stuck for a few days. Any pointers would be helpful. Thanks!
You need to build LibEvent, it is not included in Cygwin. I haven't tried this, but a google search led to the following instructions:
you need
unpack into you cygwin folder about this files read site
in libevent http.c file add line ---> #define EAI_SYSTEM 11
now install libevent
make install
I also found this SO thread interesting since the Libevent devs were commenting.
Gave up on using cygwin. Tried a reinstalling libevent as per the above and re-running gearman ./configure and the "configure: error: Unable to find libevent" persists.
Took James Butler's advice and am using virtualbox instead. Thanks.

Problem installing sqlite3-ruby on cygwin

I'm getting error while trying to install sqlite3-ruby gem:
gem install sqlite3-ruby-1.3.1.gem
Building native extensions. This could take a while...
ERROR: Error installing sqlite3-ruby-1.3.1.gem:
ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.
/usr/bin/ruby.exe extconf.rb
Gem files will remain installed in /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/sqlite3-ruby-1.3.1 for inspection.
Results logged to /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/sqlite3-ruby-1.3.1/ext/sqlite3/gem_make.out
Same using:
gem install sqlite3-ruby-1.3.1
And that worked:
gem install sqlite3-ruby-1.3.1-x86-mswin32-60.gem
However I discovered I had had installed sqlite-ruby-1.2.5
Well my question is how 'gem' is installing these things? Why it can't choose sqlite3-ruby-1.3.1-x86-mswin32-60.gem version automatically. Does 'gem' is aware of running on linux or windows? What is native extension for it and why it is failing to install predownloaded sqlite3-ruby-1.3.1.gem
Thanks in advance
Lots of people seem to be having this issue. I'm surprised this doesn't work out of the box, as I would have guessed cygwin+ruby+sqlite is a supercommon configuration. Anyway. Many people concentrate on sqlite3.h, which is what appears are missing in the error output. However, my problem was that gcc wasn't installed correctly. Apparently gcc can fail to install correctly under cygwin. I fixed that and it was fine. Also, make sure you install libsql3-devel in cygwin.
I've been down this road before. I failed installing Ruby in Windows to work with Cygwin and I failed on Ubuntu.
What you do to save yourself the time and trouble is get a VM running with a Linux image (Fedora seemed to work well) and work with Ruby in that.
