What programming languages do not have an "If" statement? [closed] - programming-languages

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Closed 10 years ago.
Out of curiosity, what programming languages do not have an "If" statement?
First language that somehow operates completely without
an If Then control structure gets the answer.
-1 given to languages no one has actually heard of (eg: "My friend made a programming language in college called 'EwoK' that used a 'when' statement instead...")

Most assembly languages do not have an if statement, instead, they branch or jump to another location based on the result of a logical comparison or processor flag check.


Are there any major programming languages that have subtypes like Ada? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
The community is reviewing whether to reopen this question as of 23 days ago.
I am getting a little in to c++/qt programming and used to program with Ada at university. One thing I really miss are the subtypes you can create in Ada.
For example you would subtype integer to currency and to weight. And Ada would make sure that you wouldn't assign currency variables to weight variables. Both are basically integers with all functionality intact. You just can't assign them. Is there something like this in any major language? I really miss this.
An example in C++ would be much appreciated. Super complex class constructions and template tinkering does not count :).

Easiest programing language for string manipulation [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I want to code a program that given a paragraph of text (letters and numbers), it formats it in a custom way, totally different from the initial source.
The thing I'm wondering is which programming language to use to make it easier to code.
Right now I know some Lua, VB, C and a little less of Python and Java, but I wouldn't mind using other monogramming languages if its easy enough to code it.
If it is okay for you to use a non-mainstream language, have a look at Unicon. It is a successor of SNOBOL, the grandfather of all string processing languages.
If you prefer a mainstream language, I would recommend Python.

Minimalistic programming languages [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
Which programming languages have a small number of keywords and/or a limited syntax?
(PS. Please list languages that get real world usage, rather than esoteric languages.)
Smalltalk-80 only six "keywords" are reserved in Smalltalk: true, false, nil, self, super, and thisContext
I'd say that the most minimalistic language that is still in use today would be, lambda calculus, but I seriously doubt that could be called a programming language. LISP-family, and Python are among the most widely used languages with less instructions. If you are into expert systems CLIPS is also used for research and game dev. and it contains very few instructions (it is based on logic)
Here you have some more answers
What is the most minimal functional programming language?

BitC programming language, what's your stance about it? [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 12 years ago.
What is your opinion about BitC as programming language?
Seems like a promising solution to "high level language with excellent performance that is pleasant to use" category.
What do you like and dislike about it? Do you think it has a chance to find its niche, or it is just yet another obscure programming language no one cares about.

Med-PC Programming Language [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
There's this programming language called Med-PC that works with animal behavior. I'm trying to learn a bit about it, but i can't seem to find any kind of books or material about it.
I've "google it" but all i seem to find are some references about it and a PDF explaining the installing of the program itself and sensors(for the experiments), not actual programming instructions.
I'm looking for some kind of guidance, documents or books, some kind of reference where i can improve and learn about this language, or if it is based on some other language. I just need some reference about it.
So i've resorted to StackOverFlow to see if anybody has worked, knows about it or can point me some links/books about it.
The Med-PC program itself comes with a programming manual that teaches the language. Alternatively, it's based off of the Pascal programming language and it accepts inline pascal code.
