how to get cursor position using GetSelection in text service framework windows8 application? - visual-c++

TF_SELECTION tfSelection;
ULONG uFetched;
//Obtain the default selection.
hr = _pContext->GetSelection(ec, TF_DEFAULT_SELECTION, 1, &tfSelection, &uFetched);
UINT ar=(UINT)uFetched;
if(SUCCEEDED(hr) && (uFetched > 0))
UINT ar=(UINT)uFetched;
//Work with the selection.
//Release the selection range object.
Hi all. I am implementing this code in the DoEditSession method. When I try to get the selection, I always get a value of 1 for uFetched. But the cursor position is not coming?
I am developing a text service for windows RT using Tsf interface. I
have integrated libraries that suggests words based on letters we type
in the candidate window. Now I need to get the letters before and
after the Cursor Position in the Document. So here I have
used GetSelection to retrieve the selected text. The problem is I am
not able to retrieve the caret position in the document (notepad). Is there any specific way in which i can get the letter/text around the caret/cursor position?

You can shift the start/end of the selection range without actually modifying the selection.


MFC MDI dynamically changing tab style from a property dialog

It has been 10 months since I worked on my app due to a death in the family, just started looking at it again and still not sure how to solve the problem.
The project inquires/help started here:
MFC MDI Collecting control states for the "apply" button routine
Since this is a specific focused question, I didn't want to muck up my other thread, so what I'd like to do is change the documents tab styles after the view is loaded. I know that this can be done because the master repository from Microsoft with all the code examples has a project called VCSamples-master\VCSamples-master\VC2010Samples\MFC\Visual C++ 2008 Feature Pack\TabControl which I have looked at. It dawns on me that even though I can follow its code, the calls are from within the MDI window itself where my issue is I'm trying to do this via a property page dialog using OnApply which changes things.
I was able to do part of this properly with the help of the thread above to the OutputPane successfully because I was able to get the Pane handle and execute. I was told that for the MDI tabs after creation that I need to parse the tabs, count them, and then execute. So my issue here is after I capture the to change their styles.
Here is the code as it stands:
BOOL CSettingsUserTabs::OnApply()
BOOL bResult = CMFCPropertyPage::OnApply();
if (bResult)
// Update Output Pane Tab Styles (Works 100%)
AfxGetApp()->WriteProfileInt(_T("Settings"), _T("UserTabStyle"), m_style_tabs); // Save value to registry
//Get the open file tabs in the MDI
for (POSITION pos = AfxGetApp()->GetFirstDocTemplatePosition(); pos != NULL; )
CDocTemplate* pTempl = AfxGetApp()->GetNextDocTemplate(pos);
for (POSITION pos1 = pTempl->GetFirstDocPosition(); pos1 != NULL; )
CDocument* pDoc = pTempl->GetNextDoc(pos1);
for (POSITION pos2 = pDoc->GetFirstViewPosition(); pos2 != NULL; )
CView* pView = pDoc->GetNextView(pos2);
if (pView->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CTrainView)))
return bResult;
If I can figure this last piece out, I'll be basically finished, I just can't seem to find a solution on how to do this via property sheet via OnApply.
Any suggestions or actual code examples I can see to solve my problem?
FYI: No, I haven't had any time to take additional OOP to solve this. I'm hoping someone can provide some guidance so I can move on after getting this sorted.
So I took a closer look at Constantine's suggestion and here is what I came up with:
BOOL CSettingsUserTabs::OnApply()
BOOL bResult = CMFCPropertyPage::OnApply();
if (bResult)
// Update Output Pane Tab Styles
AfxGetApp()->WriteProfileInt(_T("Settings"), _T("UserTabStyle"), m_style_tabs); // Save value to registry
CMFCTabCtrl& MDI_STYLES = ((CMainFrame*)AfxGetMainWnd())->GetMDITabs();
CMDIFrameWndEx* pMainFrame = DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST(CMDIFrameWndEx, GetTopLevelFrame());
return bResult;
The m_styles_tabs is getting the index value of 0-8 when I select the radio button. The code compiles and runs and I see the index value change when I break on it, but the tabs for the MDI are still not updating. Does the edited code make sense based on the members shown here:
I think this the right direction, am I missing something?

Find function not working

I am implementing a simple MFC text editor and I have run into trouble with my find function. Specfically in my 'find box' dialog class I have the following code:
ft.chrg.cpMin = 0;
ft.chrg.cpMax = -1;
ft.lpstrText = _T("wallaby");
long n = pmyRichEditCtrl->FindText(FR_MATCHCASE|FR_WHOLEWORD, &ft);
if (n != -1)
However, n is always -1 even when the word wallaby is typed into the control. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
It all depends where your current cursor selection is. If you typed the word then most likely your cursor will be positioned directly after the typed word. If you do not care about the position of the cursor then you can set the position to the beginning and start finding the text from the beginning:
pmyRichEditCtrl->SetSel( 0, 0 );
long n = pmyRichEditCtrl->FindText(FR_DOWN|FR_MATCHCASE|FR_WHOLEWORD, &ft);
Also, do not forget to set FR_DOWN parameter to search forward. If this parameter is not set it will search backward from FINDTEXTEX.chrg.cpMin:
Microsoft Rich Edit 2.0 and later: If set, the search is forward from
FINDTEXTEX.chrg.cpMin; if not set, the search is backward from
Microsoft Rich Edit 1.0: The FR_DOWN flag is ignored. The search is
always forward.

Delete a character from string realbasic

I have a virtual keyboard created in RealBasic.
When I press letters, numbers I append it to a textfield all its ok but, how do I delete characters from that textfield from current cursor position when I press "Delete" button from virtual keyboard?
To append letters or numbers to the textfields I use:
TextField1.Text = TextField1.text + me.Caption //to append caption
TextField1.SelStart = Len(TextField1.text) // to move cursor at the end of string
Paul's solution works if you only plan to delete the last typed character.
But beware: If you let the user also move the cursor left and right, you have to delete the text at the position of the cursor, of course. And if you also allow the user to select text, then it's even more complicated.
I suggest that your virtual keyboard simply send the typed key to the system as if the user had pressed the key. That way, the TextEdit field will do everything for you.
To make this work, however, you need custom solutions for each OS platform you want to support.
Let me know which platforms you plan to support and I'll see what I can find. I have some code for OSX but not for Windows, yet.
Doing what Thomas said means:
dim n as String = TextField1.Text
n = newText.left(TextField1.selStart) + n.right(n.len - textField1.selStart - 1)
textField1.text = n
Just lop off the last character:
TextField1.Text = TextField1.Text.Left(TextField1.Len-1)

Is there a way to get the cursor position in a mfc application?

I'm using the OnKeyDown handler to detect for an Enter key press:
void CShortestPathFinderView::OnKeyDown(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags)
if( nChar == VK_RETURN) //Enter key is pressed
CClientDC aDC(this);
rubberbanding = 0;
m_pTempElement->vertices[i++]= /*cursor position??*/;
In the 3rd line of the if statement I need to store the cursor position in an array, but how do I acquire that point? Does the handler provide me with it? or is there a separate function to do so?
To get the current cursor position, you can call GetCursorPos. I don't believe MFC provides a wrapper for this, so it'll just be the Win32 ::GetCursorPos. It returns the point in screen coordinates, so you'll (almost certainly) want to use ScreenToClient to convert that to client area coordinates before storing it.
Note, however, that GetCursorPos will return the position of the cursor when you call it. That may or may not be quite the same as the position the cursor was at when the key was pressed (though it will normally be at least quite close).
Usually, to add a cursor position like this, you'd want to react to the user clicking the mouse button (e.g., WM_LBUTTONDOWN). That message will tell you the position of the mouse when the button was clicked.

HowTo: Visio SDK page Re-Layout FlowChart Top to Bottom

I'm creating a dynamic VSD from a hierarchical set of data that represents a flowchart. I don't want/need to fuddle with absolute positioning of these elements - the automatic layout options will work just fine.
The problem is I can't figure out how to perform this command via code. In the UI (Visio 2010), the commands are on the ribbon here: Design (tab) -> Layout (group) -> Re-Layout (SplitButton).
Any of these will do. Looking through the Visio SDK documentation and Googling for a couple days have turned up nothing of very much use.
Any ideas? (using C#, but VB/VBA would do)
The Page.Layout() method itself is not enough.
In the WBSTreeView.sln sample project (VB.Net) I found how to accomplish this, but couldn't post my answer until 8 hours later :-x
The other layout types are possible by looking through the enums used below.
Compact -> DownRight just ended up being better for most of the flows we're creating.
Translated to C#:
// auto-layout, Compact Tree -> Down then Right
var layoutCell = this._page.PageSheet.get_CellsSRC(
layoutCell = this._page.PageSheet.get_CellsSRC(
//// to change page orientation
//layoutCell = this._page.PageSheet.get_CellsSRC(
// (short)VisSectionIndices.visSectionObject,
// (short)VisRowIndices.visRowPrintProperties,
// (short)VisCellIndices.visPrintPropertiesPageOrientation);
// VisUnitCodes.visPageUnits,
// (short)VisCellVals.visPPOLandscape);
// curved connector lines
layoutCell = this._page.PageSheet.get_CellsSRC(
// perform the layout
// optionally resize the page to fit the space taken by its shapes
Changing Connector Line Colors
If you're unfamiliar with how formulas for colors work, this might also be very frustrating. By default you can give an int as a string to get pre-defined colors, but this isn't very helpful because there isn't an easy way to figure out what each of those colors are. (There is a Page.Colors collection, but you have to inspect each of their RGB values and figure out the color from them.)
Instead, you can use your own RGB values for the formula.
private void SetConnectorLineColor(Shape connector, string colorFormula)
var cell = connector.get_Cells("LineColor");
cell.Formula = colorFormula;
internal static class AnswerColorFormula
public static string Green = "RGB(0,200,0)";
public static string Orange = "RGB(255,100,0)";
public static string Yellow = "RGB(255,200,0)";
public static string Red = "RGB(255,5,5)";
Call the Layout method on the Page object. If there are shapes selected on this page then this method will only operate on the current selection. You may want to call DeselectAll on the ActiveWindow first.
