Transpose function reference error in google spreadsheets - google-docs

I am using a form spreadsheet to get data from users and on a separate sheet I am transposing the data using the "=transpose()" function on another sheet in the book. I am getting a Reference error when I delete the data from previous form submission on the first sheet. And when new data is imported to the 1st sheet the Transpose function still produces a reference error.
It looks like once the error is produced then I have to manually put the cell references back into the transpose function... very annoying.
Original: =TRANSPOSE(Sheet1!B2:F25)
My transpose functions all turn into this -------------> =TRANSPOSE({})
Is this happening to anyone else? Is there some kind of workaround?
Thanks for any help!

Got a great answer here and it works perfectly!!msg/docs/E5pE0-9kliU/j2cnXffV1XoJ

Just use the TRANSPOSE function in a cell where you want to transpose your array, then add the array to transpose into the function 's parameters Example:


Index and Match not working in a sheet. but the same formula works in the other

I am having a weird problem with my excel sheet. It is because I have been trying to use the Index(range;Match();column()) to extract information from a big data set.
The problem is that the above formula, when I apply into one sheet, then it shows #REF. But if I copy/paste or connect the data to another sheet and run the index(match()) command there, then it works like it should. Does anyone have any clue what could be the error?
It is because right now I have a data set of almost 800 rows, and I can not connect it to a second sheet, since I dont want to overburden the file. So has anyone ever faced this issue before with their excel files?
I have used the exact method formula in the second sheet and it works. But it is this one sheet where the problem arises. I have been using vlookup() in the same sheet and it worked fine.
I have also uploaded the result now as well.

Downloading File with importrange function failing - think it's a bug

I've been saving Google Sheets to Excel without any problems for a while. These sheets have always successfully saved and opened in Excel with the importrange function. However, recently it hasn't been successfully saving correctly.
It used to just have the static value (e.g, 40). There used to be an IFERROR in the first cell in the header row but now it exists in every single cell.
E.g, each cell would have something like this:
DUMMYFUNCTION throws an error and "40" is returned as a result. but "40" is a string, not an integer which messes up all my formulas.
I also know this isn't an Excel issue because OpenOffice is doing the same thing with the file.
I'm pretty sure this would be a bug because why would it be working for months and then suddenly stop working?
What should I do?
I'm thinking it's a bug too.
On Excel
Copy and paste as values only the ranges with IFERROR(__xludf.DUMMYFUNCTION(..., then use Excel's UI tools to convert numbers shown as text to numbers.
Selectively remove quotes on the IFERROR second argument of the cells causing problems
Remove =IFERROR(__xludf.DUMMYFUNCTION(),"value") except value (we could use Excel's built-in FIND & REPLACE for this)
On Google Sheets
Use Copy > Paste as values only on the range areas having formulas with non-compatible functions like IMPORTRANGE, QUERY, FILTER, etc.
If you only need the values, download it as CSV instead of XLSX
In order to help to prioritize this issue, send feedback to Google. To do this open a Google Sheets spreadsheet, click on Help > Report a problem, then fill the feedback form and submit it.
Related stuff
I posted 5 small articles about this in Spanish. You could find them listed on
We accidentally created a workaround for this bug with a different sheet that was just set up like this.
This works when you IMPORTRANGE into another Google Sheet. We are doing it into a Google Sheet with a single worksheet - haven't tried it with multiple.
It's going to sound a little nuts but it works for us.
In the first cell of your import range put a hyperlink in the original document you are importing from. This is in the first cell of the import range. We linked it to a worksheet in the original document. It has worked and failed with an external link. With an external link it worked when I linked it to an internal link, then changed it. But when I deleted the cell and just straight linked it to an external URL it didn't work.
Then #timbo was right - put data validation in. This can be in part of the document that isn't being imported into the second sheet. I put it in the first line of the import range but outside what I was importing. It might have to be the first line. I just put a date in one cell, then in the next cell data > data validation > then choose that one date as the data range.
For aesthetics I have hidden the first row in one Google Sheet I am importing into. In another I made the first cell link the title of the sheet and put the data validation outside the import range. Both of these work.
Let me know if this works for you.
Until this bug is fixed, a workaround is to put a data validation (Data > Data Validation) on the imported data (Any kind of data validation will do).

Will it require me to use VBA if I want to 'copy/paste' data in workbook 2 after being entered into workbook 1?

I have started to build a couple of workbooks that I would like to communicate with each other. My goal is to take entries from column1 # midnight,6am,noon, 6pm, and 11pm in workbook1 and 'copy/paste' them to row1 with the same labels in workbook 2. My main question is do I need VBA for this? My research leads me to believe that I do. However, I know that if I am doing this between spreadsheets in the same workbook I don't. I just use code such as ='Sht1'!A1 on spreadsheet 2 and it will copy and paste that entry from spreadsheet 1, so is there a similar way to do so with workbooks? Thanks for any input!
I figured it out. INDEX function was correct, at least in this instance. The correct formula was not far off because I had my row and column messed up, so the answer was:
=INDEX('[May 2018.xlsm]1st'!$A$13:$D13,1,3)
To break it down for people that do not want to use VBA and struggle with coding like me :)
INDEX() is my function
'[May 2018.xlsm]1st'! is the name of the workbook and sheet that I want to reference and ! means that the workbook is macro-enabled
$A$13 is the beginning of my range (A,13)
$D$13 is the end of my range (D,13)
So my range is 1 row and 4 columns (Think of it like a table), yours could be whatever you want (2x4 or 6x6 or whatever size you need)
1 is the row in the range that I want to reference
3 is the column in the range that I want reference
Be sure to close the function with )
I turned out making this more complicated than it should have been, because I had merged cells and I was technically referencing the right row, but not the right column. I was using (1,2) as my row and column which was referencing my first cell.
Hope this helps.
EDIT: I found later that this only works for referencing static data, so if you use it for a template or another spreadsheet that gets updates, this is not the answer for that situation. I will update again if I figure it out.
EDIT 2: For this to work with a updating spreadsheet, do the following.
=('[June''18 7Q10.xlsm]1st'!$C$13:$D$13)
Its actually much simpler to perform than I originally made it out, but going back to my beginner programming classes I wanted to make sure I understand why it worked not only how to perform it.
The process via LINK is:
Open both workbooks (Source workbook = 1 and Updated = 2)
Find the cell you want to have the data 'Pasted' TO in (2) and edit it with =(.
Now go to (1) and click the cell the that you want to 'Copy' data FROM. This will generate a reference point for you.
Now go back to (2) and finish the function out by closing the argument with ).
Finally, simultaneously press Shift, Control, and Enter and the spreadsheets/workbooks will link, likely leaving you with your result or a 0.0 until data is updated.

SUMPRODUCT reference to another tab

I am currently using this formula: =SUMPRODUCT(1*(YEAR(E2:E81)=2018)) However i want to run this formula on a summary tab and the data will be on another sheet called "BRIDGE". I tried =SUMPRODUCT(BRIDGE!1*(YEAR(E2:E81)=2018)) but I get an error
Rather than putting the sheet reference as you have, put it prior to the range instead.

VLOOKUP function issue in VBA excel

I did a lot of research on this topic, but could not find a solution.
I created a macro to search for value and put it in the cell.
My program returns me error i.e 1004 which means data not found.
I debugged the program and found that the value, when it was fetched it was "TSK0000000788", but when I incorporated that variable in the VLOOKUP function it changed it to "TSK788".
I also tried to change the format of cell, just to see if it helps, when I changed it to Text, Formula was not working. By default it was set to General only.
Is this error common?
I have tested VLOOKUP function with various formats in the Table, so Long as your Lookup value is ("TSK788") in the function, it works correctly. Please try your function on a new workbook on a new sheet after pasting data on some Text Editor like Note Tab Light or Note pad and the again copying and pasting data to your new worksheet. Please see if the problem still persists.
