I'm formatting f64 like this:
format!("{:.8}", x)
This returns strings like this:
I'm looking to remove all the extra zeros at the end of each so that the output is this:
I'm hoping to do this without any external crates or libraries (not a big deal if it has to happen though). Is there something built-in to Rust that can accomplish this? Or will I have to write a custom function to do so?
I should add that I can't simple do format("{}", x) because that will return strings like this:
Is there a way around that?
This currently solves the issue for me:
let y = (x * 100_000_000.0).round() / 100_000_000.0;
format!("{}", y);
I will keep an eye out for any better solutions. Thank you!
You can just do
format!("{}", x)
The {:.8} requires 8 places of precision, and thus, prints out extra zeros to that precision.
I just started Haskell and I'm struggling!!!
So I need to create a list om Haskell that has the formula
F(n) = (F(n-1)+F(n-2)) * F(n-3)/F(n-4)
and I have F(0) =1, F(1)=1,F(2)=1,F(3)=1
So I thought of initializing the first 4 elements of the list and then have a create a recursive function that runs for n>4 and appends the values to the list.
My code looks like this
let F=[1,1,1,1]
fib' n F
| n<4="less than 4"
|otherwise = (F(n-1)+F(n-2))*F(n-3)/F(n-4) : fib (n-1) F
My code looks conceptually right to me(not sure though), but I get an incorrect indentation error when i compile it. And am I allowed to initialize the elements of the list in the way that I have?
First off, variables in Haskell have to be lower case. Secondly, Haskell doesn't let you mix integers and fractions so freely as you may be used to from untyped or barely-typed languages. If you want to convert from an Int or an Integer to, say, a Double, you'll need to use fromIntegral. Thirdly, you can't stick a string in a context where you need a number. Fourthly, you may or may not have an indentation problem—be sure not to use tabs in your Haskell files, and to use the GHC option -fwarn-tabs to be sure.
Now we get to the heart of the matter: you're going about this all somewhat wrong. I'm going to give you a hint instead of a full answer:
thesequence = 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 : -- Something goes here that *uses* thesequence
I have a tiny DSL that actually works quite well. When I say
import language.CWMWL
main = runCWMWL $ do
out (matrixMult, A, 1, row, 1 3 44 6 7)
then runCWMWL is a function that is exported by language.CWMWL. This parses the experession and takes some action.
What I want to achieve is that there is some way to repeat this e.g. 1000 times and have the third element of the tuple consisting the numbers 1 to 1000. My own DSL is not complete enough to do this. Eventually I want to change the string in the last element as well.
Is there any possibility to do this without Quasi Quotes? Are Quasi Quotes the best tool for this?
What binops / primitives would my DSL need to contain or need to wrap in order to allow this in an elegant way?
Unless I'm misunderstanding, I don't think quasiquotation will get you something much nicer than
main = runCWMWL $
sequence [ out (matrixMult, A, n, row, 1 3 44 6 7) | n <- [1..1000] ]
You might also look into MonadComprehensions as well as RebindableSyntax for other ideas.
Classic way to define Haskell functions is
f1 :: String -> Int
f1 ('-' : cs) -> f1 cs + 1
f1 _ = 0
I'm kinda unsatisfied writing function name at every line. Now I usually write in the following way, using pattern guards extension and consider it more readable and modification friendly:
f2 :: String -> Int
f2 s
| '-' : cs <- s = f2 cs + 1
| otherwise = 0
Do you think that second example is more readable, modifiable and elegant? What about generated code? (Haven't time to see desugared output yet, sorry!). What are cons? The only I see is extension usage.
Well, you could always write it like this:
f3 :: String -> Int
f3 s = case s of
('-' : cs) -> f3 cs + 1
_ -> 0
Which means the same thing as the f1 version. If the function has a lengthy or otherwise hard-to-read name, and you want to match against lots of patterns, this probably would be an improvement. For your example here I'd use the conventional syntax.
There's nothing wrong with your f2 version, as such, but it seems a slightly frivolous use of a syntactic GHC extension that's not common enough to assume everyone will be familiar with it. For personal code it's not a big deal, but I'd stick with the case expression for anything you expect other people to be reading.
I prefer writing function name when I am pattern matching on something as is shown in your case. I find it more readable.
I prefer using guards when I have some conditions on the function arguments, which helps avoiding if else, which I would have to use if I was to follow the first pattern.
So to answer your questions
Do you think that second example is more readable, modifiable and elegant?
No, I prefer the first one which is simple and readable. But more or less it depends on your personal taste.
What about generated code?
I dont think there will be any difference in the generated code. Both are just patternmatching.
What are cons?
Well patternguards are useful to patternmatch instead of using let or something more cleanly.
addLookup env var1 var2
| Just val1 <- lookup env var1
, Just val2 <- lookup env var2
= val1 + val2
Well the con is ofcourse you need to use an extension and also it is not Haskell98 (which you might not consider much of a con)
On the other hand for trivial pattern matching on function arguments I will just use the first method, which is simple and readable.
For example, I would write:
x = 2
y = x + 4
x = 5
And it would output:
6 (=2+4)
9 (=5+4)
Also, are there any cases where this could actually be useful?
Clarification: Yes, lambdas etc. solve this problem (they were how I arrived at this idea); I was wondering if there were specific languages where this was the default: no function or lambda keywords required or needed.
Haskell will meet you halfway, because essentially everything is a function, but variables are only bound once (meaning you cannot reassign x in the same scope).
It's easy to consider y = x + 4 a variable assignment, but when you look at y = map (+4) [1..] (which means add 4 to every number in the infinite list from 1 upwards), what is y now? Is it an infinite list, or is it a function that returns an infinite list? (Hint: it's the second one.) In this case, treating variables as functions can be extremely beneficial, if not an absolute necessity, when taking advantage of laziness.
Really, in Haskell, your definition of y is a function accepting no arguments and returning x+4, where x is also a function that takes no arguments, but returns the value 2.
In any language with first order functions, it's trivial to assign anonymous functions to variables, but for most languages you'll have to add the parentheses to indicate a function call.
Example Lua code:
x = function() return 2 end
y = function() return x() + 4 end
x = function() return 5 end
$ lua x.lua
Or the same thing in Python (sticking with first-order functions, but we could have just used plain integers for x):
x = lambda: 2
y = lambda: x() + 4
x = lambda: 5
$ python x.py
you can use func expressions in C#
Func<int, int> y = (x) => x + 5;
Console.WriteLine(y(5)); // 10
Console.WriteLine(y(3)); // 8
... or ...
int x = 0;
Func<int> y = () => x + 5;
x = 5;
Console.WriteLine(y()); // 10
x = 3;
Console.WriteLine(y()); // 8
... if you are really wanting to program in a functional style the first option would probably be best.
it looks more like the stuff you saw in math class.
you don't have to worry about external state.
Check out various functional languages like F#, Haskell, and Scala. Scala treats functions as objects that have an apply() method, and you can store them in variables and pass them around like you can any other kind of object. I don't know that you can print out the definition of a Scala function as code though.
Update: I seem to recall that at least some Lisps allow you to pretty-print a function as code (eg, Scheme's pretty-print function).
This is the way spreadsheets work.
It is also related to call by name semantics for evaluating function arguments. Algol 60 had that, but it didn't catch on, too complicated to implement.
The programming language Lucid does this, although it calls x and y "streams" rather than functions.
The program would be written:
y = x + 4
And then you'd input:
x(0): 2
y = 6
x(1): 5
y = 7
Of course, Lucid (like most interesting programming languages) is fairly obscure, so I'm not surprised that nobody else found it. (or looked for it)
Try checking out F# here and on Wikipedia about Functional programming languages.
I myself have not yet worked on these types of languages since I've been concentrated on OOP, but will be delving soon once F# is out.
Hope this helps!
The closest I've seen of these have been part of Technical Analysis systems in charting components. (Tradestation, metastock, etc), but mainly they focus on returning multiple sets of metadata (eg buy/sell signals) which can be then fed into other functions that accept either meta data, or financial data, or plotted directly.
My 2c:
I'd say a language as you suggest would be highly confusing to say the least. Functions are generally r-values for good reason. This code (javascript) shows how enforcing functions as r-values increases readability (and therefore maintenance) n-fold:
var x = 2;
var y = function() { return x+2; }
x= 5;
Self makes no distinction between fields and methods, both are slots and can be accessed in exactly the same way. A slot can contain a value or a function (so those two are still separate entities), but the distinction doesn't matter to the user of the slot.
In Scala, you have lazy values and call-by-name arguments in functions.
def foo(x : => Int) {
println(x) // x is evaluated again!
In some way, this can have the effect you looked for.
I believe the mathematically oriented languages like Octave, R and Maxima do that. I could be wrong, but no one else has mentioned them, so I thought I would.