"Edit source" button for Google Chrome extensions - google-chrome-extension

I'm looking for a way to quickly test and debug Google Chrome extensions. Is there any way to add an "edit source" button next to each extension on the Chrome Extensions page, using an extension?

The TamperMonkey extension allows all installed userscripts to be viewed and edited within Chrome- this is the best "work-around" that I've found for this problem so far. I don't yet know whether it can synchronize scripts between Chrome installations - hopefully this feature will be implemented soon.


Are there any chrome extensions that are free to inspect and understand?

So I have recently started working on building a Google chrome extension, and found the entire landscape fascinating to say the least. While I was checking to understand how some of these extensions work, I found that many of them have blocked 'inspect element'. I found only 'Adblock Plus' which allows it.
My question:
Are there any more complex interesting chrome extensions that allow inspection?
Any way to find such extensions or how to get around the ones that have blocked viewing?
As a beginner, I would appreciate any advice or tips in this area.
You can inspect and debug all extensions right in the browser.
You may need to use a different method of invoking devtools.
To inspect the popup you can enable developer mode switch in chrome://extensions and then right-click the extension's icon in the toolbar or click ... inside the puzzle piece menu that lists all extensions, then choose Inspect popup.
Similarly, to inspect something shown in the tab, you can open devtools via the standard hotkeys like (F12 or Ctrl-Shift-i in PC) when the cursor is focused on the toolbar even if the page actively intercepts these hotkeys and/or the context menu.
You can also open devtools from the browser menu "More tools".
There's also chrome://inspect.

Is there a better way to keep removing and reloading "unpacked" chrome extension when doing development

Is there a better way to keep removing and reloading "unpacked" chrome extension when doing development? I found myself doing this for a very long period of time already and start to think this doesn't feel like the "right way" to develop it. There must be a way it would automatically "compile" right?
I use the following chrome extension to reload all unpacked chrome extensions during development, when pressing the extension icon in the topbar.
Extensions Reloader
Additionally the options page for the extension provides a feature to reload the active tab, when pressing the extension icon.
Hope it helps.

How can I reload my Chrome extension when it is not possible to do so from chrome://extensions because of my extension?

I'm testing out Chrome Extension development and was testing how to do a page redirect through Chrome Extension.
Well it works, but now because of that I can't access the extension settings page.
How do I manually reload/disable the extension? Or do that from the Mac terminal?
My Chrome is pretty much unusable now thanks to my own code.
Thank you!
Your question seems to be "How can I reload my Chrome extension when it is not possible to do so from chrome://extensions because of my extension?"
A possible answer is:
Press Shift + Esc to open the task manager (or click on the hamburger menu -> More tools -> Task manager).
Select your extension.
Click on the "End process" button.
Now you can visit chrome://extensions and reload your extension in the usual way.
The previous only works if there is an extension process, not if your extension is purely a content script extension. If you still want to use the above method, you can force an extension process to become visible by opening chrome-extension://[extension id here]/manifest.json in a new tab.

Can i have a install button for a chrome extension on my website?

i was wondering if it's possible for a user to install a Chrome extension through my website in any possible way instead via Google's marketplace.
According to the documentation from Google, users can install your extension via your website. The recommended way is for you to enable inline installation of your extension; otherwise, users will need to do the following:
Download the extension file from the website and save it to your computer.
Click the Chrome menu icon Chrome menu on the browser toolbar.
Select Tools > Extensions.
Locate the extension file on your computer and drag the file onto the Extensions page.
Review the list of permissions in the dialog that appears. If you would like to proceed, click Install.

Shortcut for reloading extensions in Chrome

Is there any shortcut or an extension to reload extensions in Chrome? This is a really big pain while developing extension for Chrome.
I think the best way to do this is to actually open the popup in a page. To do this use the URL:
This allows you to use Chrome Developer tools and when you press refresh the extension is refreshed with the latest code changes. It also updated the extension popup.
