RGB value manipulation not working as intended (Verilog) - verilog

I am writing code for an entity that takes in RGB values, averages them, then outputs the altered data.
My code looks like this:
module RGBAVG (
input clk,
input rst_n,
input [9:0] iVGA_R,
input [9:0] iVGA_G,
input [9:0] iVGA_B,
output reg [9:0] oVGA_R,
output reg [9:0] oVGA_G,
output reg [9:0] oVGA_B
integer avg;
integer count;
integer sum;
initial begin
count = 0;
sum = 0;
avg = 0;
always#(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin
if (!rst_n) begin //reset
sum = 0;
count = 0;
oVGA_R <= {10{1'b0}};
oVGA_G <= {10{1'b0}};
oVGA_B <= {10{1'b0}};
else begin //get RGB values from pixel, prepare for next avg evaluation
count = (count + 1)%307200; //640*480 = 307200
sum = sum + (iVGA_R + iVGA_G + iVGA_B)/3;
if (count == 0) begin
avg = sum/307200; //update avg
sum = 0;
oVGA_R <= avg;
oVGA_G <= avg;
oVGA_B <= avg;
However, when I upload the code, all I get is a black screen. What am I doing wrong?

When you say 'compile', do you mean synthesize for a specific target? Are you trying to simulate this, or load it onto an FPGA?
I cannot say exactly what that error means, though I might make a suggestions that may make it go away.
Your logic is somewhat strange to me and probably not synthesizeable. You have an asynchronous reset to your always block, and you're saying that:
Anytime I assert this asynchronous reset, increment the value of count and sum
This kind of construct does not really exist in typical hardware, your asynchronous reset should do only one thing, which is to reset the state of all your flops. Therefore I recommend to move all this:
count = (count + 1)%307200;
sum = sum + (iVGA_R + iVGA_G + iVGA_B)/3;
if (count == 0) begin
avg = sum/307200;
sum = 0;
into the else clause so that it doesn't try to write new register values on asynchronous reset. I suspect that this has something to do with your error. You probably want to reset the count and sum as well on reset, is my guess.


How to assign variable pins to a port in verilog?

I have a 32-bit input port pins and a 32-bit input enable pin_en, and want to generate a 16-bit output selected by the enables. I wrote verilog like this, but seems there are some errors.
How can I fix it or any other way to achive? Thanks!
ps: No more than 16 pins selected by en, but maybe less.
input [31:0] pins;
input [31:0] pin_en;
output [15:0] actual_pins;
genvar i;
localparam cnt = 0;
for(i = 0; (i < 'd32) & (cnt < 'd16); i = i + 'd1) begin : b1
if(pin_en[i]) begin
assign actual_pins[i] = pins[cnt];
cnt = cnt + 'd1;
if(cnt < 16)
assign actual_pins[16 : cnt] = 'b0;
I think that there are several errors in you code:
in generate blocks you cannot do any generation, based on the actual values of variables. The blocks are for the constant expressions only which could be resolved at compilation time, not at the run time. Also, you cannot modify anything in the generated blocks besides genvars. Paremeters (localparams) cannot be modified, so the cnt = cnt + 1 is just illegal there.
you messed up actual_pins and pins. by logic there should be actual_pins[cnt];
you use binary & operator, but you should have used logical && instead.
So, all your code should have been implemented in a run-time constructs, i.e., always blocks. You also need a trigger which will cause the always block to be evaluated. I created a small example where the always block is to be triggered by a clock.
module top (
input clk,
input [31:0] pins,
input [31:0] pin_en,
output reg [15:0] actual_pins
always #(posedge clk) begin
int cnt = 0;
int i;
for(i = 0; (i < 'd32) && (cnt < 'd16); i = i + 'd1) begin
if(pin_en[i]) begin
actual_pins[cnt] = pins[i];
cnt = cnt + 'd1;
for(; cnt < 16; cnt = cnt + 1)
actual_pins[j] = 1'b0;

registering and resetting the convolution output in verilog

so I have a module that does convolution, it takes a data input and the filter input , where input is array of 9 numbers , every posedge of the clk these two inputs are being multiplied and then added accumulatively, i.e I save every new multiplication product into a register. after each 9 iterations I have to save the result and reset it , but I have to do it in one clock cycle, since my new data is coming on the next posedge. So the issue that I am facing is how to not save data and reset the out without losing data? Please help if you have any suggestions. It also need to be mentioned that my conv_module is a sub-module and I will be instantiating it in a top module , so I have to access all the inputs and outputs from uptop.
This is the code that I've written so far, but it does not work the way I want it, cause I cannot tap the array of output numbers from the top module.
module mult_conv( input clk,
input rst,
input signed [4:0] a,
input signed[2:0] b,
output reg signed[7:0] out
wire signed [7:0] mult;
reg signed [7:0] sum;
reg [3:0] counter;
reg do_write;
reg [7:0] out_top;
assign mult = {{3{a[4]}},a} * {{5{b[2]}},b};
always #(posedge clk or posedge rst)
if (rst)
counter <= 4'h0;
addr <= 'h0;
sum <= 0;
do_write <= 1'b0;
end // rst
if (counter == 4'h8)
begin // we have gathered 9 samples
counter <= 4'h0;
// start again so ignore old sum
sum <= mult;
out <= sum;
out_top <= out;
counter <= counter + 4'h1;
// Add results
sum <= sum + mult;
out <= 0;
out_top <= out_top;
// Write signal has to be set one cycle early
do_write = (counter==4'h7);
end // clocked
end // always
You have a plethora of errors in that code.
Apart from that you have a 3Mega bit memory from which you use only 1 in 9 locations.
You write out in two places. That does not work.
You use a %9. That can not be mapped onto hardware.
You have a sel signal which somehow controls your sum.
On top of that I understand you want to bring the whole memory out.
Your code because it needs to be drastically re-written.
But your biggest problem is that you definitely can't make the memory come out. What ever post-processing you want to do you have two choices:
Process the output data as it appears.
Store the data outside the module in a memory and have another process read that memory.
I think only (1) is the correct way because your signal can have infinite length.
As to fixing this code a bit:
Replace the %9 with a counter to count from 0 to 8.
Process out in in clocked section. See below
Move the addr and sel generating logic in here. Keep it all together.
Below is the basic code of how to do a 9-sequence convolution. I have to ignore 'sel' as I have no idea of the timing. I have also added address generation and a write signal so the result can be store in an external memory. But I still think you should process the result on the fly.
always #(posedge clk or posedge rts)
if (rst)
counter <= 4'h0;
addr <= 'h0;
sum <= 0;
do_write <= 1'b0;
end // rst
if (counter == 4'h8)
begin // we have gathered 9 samples
counter <= 4'h0;
addr <= addr + 1;
// start again so ignore old sum
sum <= mult;
counter <= counter + 4'h1;
// Add results
sum <= sum + mult;
// Write signal has to be set one cycle early
do_write = (counter==4'h7);
end // clocked
end // always
(Code above was entered on-the fly, may contain syntax, typing or other errors!!)
As you can see the trick is to know when to add the old result or when to ignore the old sum and start again.
(I spend about 3/4 of an hour on that so on my normal tariff you would have to pay me $93.75 :-)
I provided the basic code to let you work out the specifics. I did nothing with out but left that to you.
do_write and addr where for a possible memory to pick up the result. Without memory you can drop addr but do_write should tell you when a new convolution result is available, in which case you might want to give a it a different name. e.g. 'sum_valid'.

Instantiate a module based on a condition in Verilog

I have a 1023 bit vector in Verilog. All I want to do is check if the ith bit is 1 and if it is 1 , I have to add 'i' to another variable .
In C , it would be something like :
int sum=0;
int i=0;
for(i=0;i<1023;i++) {
if(a[i]==1) {
Of course , the addition that I am doing is over a Galois Field . So, I have a module called Galois_Field_Adder to do the computation .
So, my question now is how do I conditionally check if a specific bit is 1 and if so call my module to do that specific addition .
NOTE: The 1023 bit vector is declared as an input .
It's hard to answer your question without seeing your module, as we can't gage where you are in your Verilog. You always have to think of how your code translates in gates. If we want to translate your C code into synthesizable logic, we can take the same algorithm, go through each bit one after the other, and add to the sum depending on each bit. You would use something like this:
module gallois (
input wire clk,
input wire rst,
input wire [1022:0] a,
input wire a_valid,
output reg [18:0] sum,
output reg sum_valid
reg [9:0] cnt;
reg [1021:0] shift_a;
always #(posedge clk)
if (rst)
sum[18:0] <= {19{1'bx}};
sum_valid <= 1'b0;
cnt[9:0] <= 10'd0;
shift_a[1021:0] <= {1022{1'bx}};
if (a_valid)
sum[18:0] <= 19'd0;
sum_valid <= 1'b0;
cnt[9:0] <= 10'd1;
shift_a[1021:0] <= a[1022:1];
else if (cnt[9:0])
if (cnt[9:0] == 10'd1022)
sum_valid <= 1'b1;
cnt[9:0] <= 10'd0;
cnt[9:0] <= cnt[9:0] + 10'd1;
if (shift_a[0])
sum[18:0] <= sum[18:0] + cnt[9:0];
shift_a[1021:0] <= {1'bx, shift_a[1021:1]};
You will get your result after 1023 clock cycles. This code needs to be modified depending on what goes around it, what interface you want etc...
Of importance here is that we use a shift register to test each bit, so that the logic adding your sum only takes shift_a[0], sum and cnt as an input.
Code based on the following would also work in simulation:
if (a[cnt[9:0])
sum[18:0] <= sum[18:0] + cnt[9:0];
but the logic adding to sum would in effect take all 1023 bits of a[] as an input. This would be quite hard to turn into actual lookup tables.
In simulation, you can also implement something very crude such as this:
reg [1022:0]a;
reg [9:0] sum;
integer i;
always #(a)
sum[9:0] = 10'd0;
for (i=0; i < 1023; i=i+1)
if (a[i])
sum[9:0] = sum[9:0] + i;
If you were to try to synthesize this, sum would actually turn into a chunk of combinatorial logic, as the 'always' block doesn't rely on a clock. This code is in fact equivalent to this:
always #(a)
1023'd0: sum[18:0] = 19'd0;
1023'd1: sum[18:0] = 19'd1;
1023'd2: sum[18:0] = 19'd3;
Needless to say that a lookup table with 1023 input bits is a VERY big memory...
Then if you want to improve your code, and use your FPGA as an FPGA and not like a CPU, you need to start thinking about parallelism, for instance working in parallel on different ranges of your input a. But this is another thread...

CPLD Breathing LED with flexible set points

This is my first post and my first attempt at using a PLD.
I have written some code to make a breathing LED with 7 set points. The code produces a pwm output according to the first set point. It then slowly increases/decreases the pwm towards the next set point (7 in total).
The code works but I think it can be done better as I need to put 16 instantiations of this into a Lattice 4256 CPLD (not possible with my code).
I am keen to learn how a professional Verilog programmer would tackle this.
Many thanks in advance for your support.
PWM Generation
module LED_breath (led, tmr_clk);
output reg led;
input tmr_clk;
reg [7:0] cnt;
reg [6:0] pwm_cnt;
reg [6:0] pwm_val;
reg [2:0] pat_cnt;
reg [9:0] delay_cnt;
reg [6:0] cur_pat;
reg [6:0] nxt_pat;
parameter pattern = {7'h00, 7'h00, 7'h00, 7'h00, 7'h00, 7'h00, 7'h00, 7'h00};
always #(posedge tmr_clk)
pwm_cnt = cnt[7] ? ~cnt[6:0] : cnt[6:0]; //Generate triangle wave
if(pwm_cnt > pwm_val) //Generate pwm
led <= 1'b0;
if(pwm_cnt < pwm_val)
led <= 1'b1;
cnt = cnt + 1;
always #(posedge tmr_clk) //breathing pattern
if(!delay_cnt) //Add delay
cur_pat <= ((pattern >> (7*pat_cnt)) & 7'b1111111); //Find correct pattern No. from parameter list
if((pat_cnt+1) == 8) //Check for last pattern - overflow, set to 0
nxt_pat <= (pattern & 7'b1111111);
nxt_pat <= ((pattern >> (7*(pat_cnt+1))) & 7'b1111111);
if(pwm_val == nxt_pat) //If pwm is at max or min increment count to get next pattern
pat_cnt <= pat_cnt + 1;
if(cur_pat <= nxt_pat) //Current pattern < next pattern, count up
pwm_val <= pwm_val + 1;
if(cur_pat >= nxt_pat) //Current pattern < next pattern, count down
pwm_val <= pwm_val - 1;
delay_cnt <= delay_cnt + 1;
module top (led_0, led_1, led_2, led_3);
output led_0;
output led_1;
output led_2;
output led_3;
defparam I1.TIMER_DIV = "128";
OSCTIMER I1 (.DYNOSCDIS(1'b0), .TIMERRES(1'b0), .OSCOUT(osc_clk), .TIMEROUT(tmr_clk));
LED_breath #(.pattern({7'h20, 7'h70, 7'h50, 7'h70, 7'h40, 7'h10, 7'h60, 7'h10})) led_A(
.led (led_0),
.tmr_clk (tmr_clk)
LED_breath #(.pattern({7'h70, 7'h10, 7'h30, 7'h20, 7'h60, 7'h40, 7'h70, 7'h10})) led_B(
.led (led_1),
.tmr_clk (tmr_clk)
LED_breath #(.pattern({7'h10, 7'h30, 7'h10, 7'h18, 7'h40, 7'h50, 7'h30, 7'h60})) led_C(
.led (led_2),
.tmr_clk (tmr_clk)
LED_breath #(.pattern({7'h50, 7'h70, 7'h40, 7'h50, 7'h40, 7'h70, 7'h60, 7'h70})) led_D(
.led (led_3),
.tmr_clk (tmr_clk)
Can you explain a bit what you are trying to achieve in this always block ?
always #(posedge tmr_clk)
I think you're using a fixed frequency and changing duty cycle to get desired breathing effect.
1) Is my thinking correct ?
2) If yes, how do you decide when to change the pattern ?

Verilog design: Where should my counter live?

I am coding in Verilog a typical count-to-n-then-reset-to-0 counter. My module has the logic to increment and reset the counter.
My issue is that I don't know where the counter itself should be defined.
I could pass the counter (as inout?) to the module. That's ok, but the counter still has to be defined somewhere so it this doesn't do me any good.
Nothing else except this module should touch the counter, so I'd like to have the counter created within this module, and not passed in or out.
Is this reasonably standard, and if so, will someone point to a reference please on how to instantiate the counter?
(I'm on day 2 of Verilog, so be afraid, heh)
EDIT - here's the code. As far as I can tell, it works. I haven't implemented DIR == REVERSE yet.
Couple of interesting gotchas. The (now commented out) STEPPER=0 line was causing an error in a schematic; it thought that STEPPER was tied to ground as well as other logic.
Also, I use = instead of <= in some places involving counter - I was getting timing problems (I suppose.) The procedural assignment removed (hid?) the problem.
module cam(
input [7:0] DIVISOR,
input DIR,
input SPINDLE,
output reg STEPPER
parameter FORWARD = 1'b1;
parameter REVERSE = !FORWARD;
reg[7:0] counter = 0;
always #(posedge SPINDLE) begin
// STEPPER = 0;
if (DIR == FORWARD) begin
counter = counter + 1;
if (counter == DIVISOR) counter = 0;
else begin
// counter <= counter - 1;
// if (counter == (-1)) counter <= DIVISOR;
always #(negedge SPINDLE) begin
STEPPER = (counter == 0) ? 1 : 0;
Should just be defined as a register within the module. Here's an example from some of my code.
module trigger(clk, rxReady, rxData, txBusy, txStart, txData);
input clk;
input [7:0] rxData;
input rxReady;
input txBusy;
output reg txStart;
output reg[7:0] txData;
integer count81; // Number of cells received over serial (start solving after 81)
reg[8:0] data[0:8][0:8];
integer state;
always #(posedge clk) begin
case (state)
if (rxReady) begin
data[count81 % 9][count81 / 9] = rxData ? 1<<(rxData-1) : -1;
if (count81 < 80) count81 <= count81 + 1;
else begin
count81 <= 0;
state <= solving;
Congrats on getting out of the Java world for the time being. FPGAs are the only thing that seems exciting anymore.
