SendInput VB Basic Example - excel

I hope someone can assist, I trying to find an example of a SendInput code that simulate keyboard commands, I wish to find the notepad window and enter a test message.
I had initially used SendKeys on a project I am working on, the SendKeys function enabled me to forward keyboard commands to a bespoke software that we are use at our workplace.
I hope someone can help, the examples on the internet does not seem to work.
Can anyone also advise if the SendInput method is intrusive, i.e. will it cause any damage to the recipient window.
The SendKey method worked, however the reliability seems to be very hit and miss.
Many Thanks
I have found the following code on the internet, is the following a SendInput method? As I notice that term 'SendKey' is used?
Private Declare Function SendInput Lib "user32.dll" _
(ByVal nInputs As Long, ByRef pInputs As Any, _
ByVal cbSize As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function VkKeyScan Lib "user32" Alias "VkKeyScanA" _
(ByVal cChar As Byte) As Integer
Private Type KeyboardInput ' typedef struct tagINPUT {
dwType As Long ' DWORD type;
wVK As Integer ' union {MOUSEINPUT mi;
wScan As Integer ' KEYBDINPUT ki;
dwFlags As Long ' HARDWAREINPUT hi;
dwTime As Long ' };
dwExtraInfo As Long ' }INPUT, *PINPUT;
dwPadding As Currency ' 8 extra bytes, because mouses take more.
End Type
Private Const INPUT_MOUSE As Long = 0
Private Const INPUT_KEYBOARD As Long = 1
Private Const KEYEVENTF_KEYUP As Long = 2
Private Const VK_LSHIFT = &HA0
Public Sub SendKey(ByVal Data As String)
Dim ki() As KeyboardInput
Dim i As Long
Dim o As Long ' output buffer position
Dim c As String ' character
ReDim ki(1 To Len(Data) * 4) As KeyboardInput
o = 1
For i = 1 To Len(Data)
c = Mid$(Data, i, 1)
Select Case c
Case "A" To "Z": ' upper case
ki(o).dwType = INPUT_KEYBOARD 'shift down
ki(o).wVK = VK_LSHIFT
ki(o + 1) = ki(o) ' key down
ki(o + 1).wVK = VkKeyScan(Asc(c))
ki(o + 2) = ki(o + 1) ' key up
ki(o + 2).dwFlags = KEYEVENTF_KEYUP
ki(o + 3) = ki(o) ' shift up
ki(o + 3).dwFlags = KEYEVENTF_KEYUP
o = o + 4
Case Else: ' lower case
ki(o).dwType = INPUT_KEYBOARD
ki(o).wVK = VkKeyScan(Asc(c))
ki(o + 1) = ki(o)
ki(o + 1).dwFlags = KEYEVENTF_KEYUP
o = o + 2
End Select
Next i
Debug.Print SendInput(o - 1, ki(1), LenB(ki(1))),
Debug.Print Err.LastDllError
End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Text1.Text = ""
Call SendKey("This Is A Test")
End Sub

The following code is not for but VB/VBA, its similar to the sendkeys method but probably a little more reliable as it sends the keys specifically to the target application. (the post where i got it shows the sendkeys method too)
Public Declare Function FindWindowX Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowExA" (ByVal hWnd1 As Long, _
ByVal hWnd2 As Long, ByVal lpsz1 As Long, ByVal lpsz2 As Long) As Long
Public Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowA" (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long
Private Declare Function PostMessage Lib "user32" Alias "PostMessageA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, _
ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long
Public Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Integer, ByVal lParam As Integer) As Long
Private Const WM_KEYDOWN = &H100
Private Const WM_KEYUP = &H101
Sub Three()
hWind = FindWindow(vbNullString, "Untitled - Notepad")
cWind = FindWindowX(hWind, 0, 0, 0)
Debug.Print PostMessage(cWind, WM_KEYDOWN, vbKeyA, 0)
Debug.Print PostMessage(cWind, WM_KEYDOWN, vbKeyB, 0)
Debug.Print PostMessage(cWind, WM_KEYDOWN, vbKeyC, 0)
End Sub
Code taken from this forum post
If you paste this into a new module in Excel/VBA and have an new instance of notepad running, when the sub is executed "abc" should appear in notepad.
I don't see how using this, or the sendkeys method could "damage" the target window. So long as you time the messages properly (not sending tonnes of characters to the window all at the same time) it shouldn't cause any problems.

I had managed to find another SendInput script online, I have copied it below for anyone else who may be interested.
I have been using SendKeys to copy data from a spreadsheet and enter these on a system at work, this saves valuable time as there is a vast amount of information that needs to be entered.
The SendKeys function worked without any issues (although due to reliability issues I had to consider alternatives), will the SendInput cause any issues to the other window i.e. other than simulating keyboard buttons will it interfere with any other functions of the target window?
Private Declare Function SendInput Lib "user32.dll" _
(ByVal nInputs As Long, ByRef pInputs As Any, _
ByVal cbSize As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function VkKeyScan Lib "user32" Alias "VkKeyScanA" _
(ByVal cChar As Byte) As Integer
Private Type KeyboardInput ' typedef struct tagINPUT {
dwType As Long ' DWORD type;
wVK As Integer ' union {MOUSEINPUT mi;
wScan As Integer ' KEYBDINPUT ki;
dwFlags As Long ' HARDWAREINPUT hi;
dwTime As Long ' };
dwExtraInfo As Long ' }INPUT, *PINPUT;
dwPadding As Currency ' 8 extra bytes, because mouses take more.
End Type
Private Const INPUT_MOUSE As Long = 0
Private Const INPUT_KEYBOARD As Long = 1
Private Const KEYEVENTF_KEYUP As Long = 2
Private Const VK_LSHIFT = &HA0
Public Sub SendKey(ByVal Data As String)
Dim ki() As KeyboardInput
Dim i As Long
Dim o As Long ' output buffer position
Dim c As String ' character
ReDim ki(1 To Len(Data) * 4) As KeyboardInput
o = 1
For i = 1 To Len(Data)
c = Mid$(Data, i, 1)
Select Case c
Case "A" To "Z": ' upper case
ki(o).dwType = INPUT_KEYBOARD 'shift down
ki(o).wVK = VK_LSHIFT
ki(o + 1) = ki(o) ' key down
ki(o + 1).wVK = VkKeyScan(Asc(c))
ki(o + 2) = ki(o + 1) ' key up
ki(o + 2).dwFlags = KEYEVENTF_KEYUP
ki(o + 3) = ki(o) ' shift up
ki(o + 3).dwFlags = KEYEVENTF_KEYUP
o = o + 4
Case Else: ' lower case
ki(o).dwType = INPUT_KEYBOARD
ki(o).wVK = VkKeyScan(Asc(c))
ki(o + 1) = ki(o)
ki(o + 1).dwFlags = KEYEVENTF_KEYUP
o = o + 2
End Select
Next i
Debug.Print SendInput(o - 1, ki(1), LenB(ki(1))),
'Debug.Print Err.LastDllError
End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Text1.Text = ""
Call SendKey("This Is A Test")
End Sub


VBA to take screenshot of browser window and save it to a folder

I want to run a macro which will take a screenshot of webpage (one of the multiple tabs in the browser )open in another window and save the screenshot as png file to a folder (path and filename specified in a cell in excel sheet).
I searched for the same on google and got the code to change the active window and take the screenshot. But the below code will paste the screenshot in the active sheet. Instead I want to save it as a png or jpg file to a specific folder with a specific file name as given in excel sheet from where the program is triggered. So everytime the screenshot is triggered it will have a different file name picked from the active excel cell with some constant prefix.
Option explicit
Private Declare Sub keybd_event Lib "user32" (ByVal bVk As Byte, ByVal _
bScan As Byte, ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal dwExtraInfo As Long)
Private Const VK_SNAPSHOT = &H2C
Sub PrintScreen()
appactivate("Microsoft Word",wait)
keybd_event VK_SNAPSHOT, 1, 0, 0
end sub
This answer assumes that the browser you are using is Chrome ... change the relevant text in the call to AppActivate to be the relevant text for the browser you are using. Also assumed is the filename in the ActiveCell is just the file name (not including the file extension).
You will need to set the PREFIX text to the folder you want to save the file in. This can include a prefix for the filename itself if you want, but if just a folder, must end with a trailing backslash.
Private Declare PtrSafe Sub keybd_event Lib "user32" (ByVal bVk As Byte, ByVal bScan As Byte, _
ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal dwExtraInfo As LongPtr)
Private Const VK_SNAPSHOT = &H2C
Private Const KEYEVENTF_KEYUP = &H2
Private Const PREFIX As String = "<My folder>\"
Sub PrintScreen()
' grab filename
Dim fileName As String
fileName = ActiveCell.Value
' activate, for example, Chrome ... this will only work if Chrome is already in
' a 'normal' or 'maximized' window (ie not 'minimized')
AppActivate "Chrome", False
' take screenshot
keybd_event VK_SNAPSHOT, 0, 0, 0
' wait for screenshot
Dim t As Single
t = Timer + 0.1
Do While Timer < t
' paste screenshot to sheet and grab it ... the active sheet must be
' a Worksheet for this to work
Dim shp As Shape
Set shp = Selection.ShapeRange(1)
' save as file ... PNG in this case
If ExportPicture(shp, PREFIX & fileName & ".png", "png") Then
' do success stuff!
Debug.Print "Success"
' do failed stuff!
Debug.Print "Failed"
End If
' optionally, if required, delete the screenshot
End Sub
' Export Shape, as a picture, to a file
Function ExportPicture(shp As Shape, sFile As String, sFilter As String) As Boolean
On Error GoTo errExit
Dim ch As ChartObject
Set ch = shp.Parent.ChartObjects.Add(0, 0, shp.Width, shp.Height)
ch.ShapeRange.Fill.Visible = msoFalse ' to allow transparency if PNG
ch.ShapeRange.Line.Visible = msoFalse
ch.Chart.Export sFile, sFilter
ExportPicture = True
If Not ch Is Nothing Then ch.Delete
End Function
This function takes a screenshot and saves as a bmp file
' * Please leave any Trademarks or Credits in place.
' *
' * STEPHEN BULLEN, 15 November 1998 - Original PastPicture code
' * G HUDSON, 5 April 2010 - Pause Function
' * LUTZ GENTKOW, 23 July 2011 - Alt + PrtScrn
' * PAUL FRANCIS, 11 April 2013 - Putting all pieces together, bridging the 32 bit and 64 bit version.
' * CHRIS O, 12 April 2013 - Code suggestion to work on older versions of Access.
' *
' * DESCRIPTION: Creates a standard Picture object from whatever is on the clipboard.
' * This object is then saved to a location on the disc. Please note, this
' * can also be assigned to (for example) and Image control on a userform.
' *
' * The code requires a reference to the "OLE Automation" type library.
' *
' * The code in this module has been derived from a number of sources
' * discovered on MSDN, Access World Forum, VBForums.
' *
' * To use it, just copy this module into your project, then you can use:
' * SaveClip2Bit("C:\Pics\Sample.bmp")
' * to save this to a location on the Disc.
' * (Or)
' * Set ImageControl.Image = PastePicture
' * to paste a picture of whatever is on the clipboard into a standard image control.
' *
' * PastePicture : The entry point for 'Setting' the Image
' * CreatePicture : Private function to convert a bitmap or metafile handle to an OLE reference
' * fnOLEError : Get the error text for an OLE error code
' * SaveClip2Bit : The entry point for 'Saving' the Image, calls for PastePicture
' * AltPrintScreen: Performs the automation of Alt + PrtScrn, for getting the Active Window.
' * Pause : Makes the program wait, to make sure proper screen capture takes place.
Option Explicit
Option Compare Text
'Declare a UDT to store a GUID for the IPicture OLE Interface
Private Type GUID
Data1 As Long
Data2 As Integer
Data3 As Integer
Data4(0 To 7) As Byte
End Type
'Declare a UDT to store the bitmap information
Private Type uPicDesc
Size As Long
Type As Long
hPic As Long
hPal As Long
End Type
'Windows API Function Declarations
#If Win64 = 1 And VBA7 = 1 Then
'Does the clipboard contain a bitmap/metafile?
Private Declare PtrSafe Function IsClipboardFormatAvailable Lib "user32" (ByVal wFormat As Integer) As Long
'Open the clipboard to read
Private Declare PtrSafe Function OpenClipboard Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long
'Get a pointer to the bitmap/metafile
Private Declare PtrSafe Function GetClipboardData Lib "user32" (ByVal wFormat As Integer) As Long
'Close the clipboard
Private Declare PtrSafe Function CloseClipboard Lib "user32" () As Long
'Convert the handle into an OLE IPicture interface.
Private Declare PtrSafe Function OleCreatePictureIndirect Lib "oleaut32.dll" (PicDesc As uPicDesc, RefIID As GUID, ByVal fPictureOwnsHandle As Long, IPic As IPicture) As Long
'Create our own copy of the metafile, so it doesn't get wiped out by subsequent clipboard updates.
Declare PtrSafe Function CopyEnhMetaFile Lib "gdi32" Alias "CopyEnhMetaFileA" (ByVal hemfSrc As Long, ByVal lpszFile As String) As Long
'Create our own copy of the bitmap, so it doesn't get wiped out by subsequent clipboard updates.
Declare PtrSafe Function CopyImage Lib "user32" (ByVal handle As Long, ByVal un1 As Long, ByVal n1 As Long, ByVal n2 As Long, ByVal un2 As Long) As Long
'Uses the Keyboard simulation
Private Declare PtrSafe Sub keybd_event Lib "user32" (ByVal bVk As Byte, ByVal bScan As Byte, ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal dwExtraInfo As Long)
'Does the clipboard contain a bitmap/metafile?
Private Declare Function IsClipboardFormatAvailable Lib "user32" (ByVal wFormat As Integer) As Long
'Open the clipboard to read
Private Declare Function OpenClipboard Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long
'Get a pointer to the bitmap/metafile
Private Declare Function GetClipboardData Lib "user32" (ByVal wFormat As Integer) As Long
'Close the clipboard
Private Declare Function CloseClipboard Lib "user32" () As Long
'Convert the handle into an OLE IPicture interface.
Private Declare Function OleCreatePictureIndirect Lib "oleaut32.dll" (PicDesc As uPicDesc, RefIID As GUID, ByVal fPictureOwnsHandle As Long, IPic As IPicture) As Long
'Create our own copy of the metafile, so it doesn't get wiped out by subsequent clipboard updates.
Declare Function CopyEnhMetaFile Lib "gdi32" Alias "CopyEnhMetaFileA" (ByVal hemfSrc As Long, ByVal lpszFile As String) As Long
'Create our own copy of the bitmap, so it doesn't get wiped out by subsequent clipboard updates.
Declare Function CopyImage Lib "user32" (ByVal handle As Long, ByVal un1 As Long, ByVal n1 As Long, ByVal n2 As Long, ByVal un2 As Long) As Long
'Uses the Keyboard simulation
Private Declare Sub keybd_event Lib "user32" (ByVal bVk As Byte, ByVal bScan As Byte, ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal dwExtraInfo As Long)
#End If
'The API format types we're interested in
Const CF_BITMAP = 2
Const CF_PALETTE = 9
Private Const KEYEVENTF_KEYUP = &H2
Private Const VK_SNAPSHOT = &H2C
Private Const VK_MENU = &H12
' Subroutine : AltPrintScreen
' Purpose : Capture the Active window, and places on the Clipboard.
Sub AltPrintScreen()
keybd_event VK_MENU, 0, 0, 0
keybd_event VK_SNAPSHOT, 0, 0, 0
keybd_event VK_MENU, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0
End Sub
Sub PrintScreen()
keybd_event VK_SNAPSHOT, 1, 0, 0
End Sub
' Subroutine : PastePicture
' Purpose : Get a Picture object showing whatever's on the clipboard.
Function PastePicture() As IPicture
'Some pointers
Dim h As Long, hPtr As Long, hPal As Long, lPicType As Long, hCopy As Long
'Check if the clipboard contains the required format
If IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_BITMAP) Then
'Get access to the clipboard
h = OpenClipboard(0&)
If h > 0 Then
'Get a handle to the image data
hPtr = GetClipboardData(CF_BITMAP)
hCopy = CopyImage(hPtr, IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_COPYRETURNORG)
'Release the clipboard to other programs
h = CloseClipboard
'If we got a handle to the image, convert it into a Picture object and return it
If hPtr <> 0 Then Set PastePicture = CreatePicture(hCopy, 0, CF_BITMAP)
End If
End If
End Function
' Subroutine : CreatePicture
' Purpose : Converts a image (and palette) handle into a Picture object.
' NOTE : Requires a reference to the "OLE Automation" type library
Private Function CreatePicture(ByVal hPic As Long, ByVal hPal As Long, ByVal lPicType) As IPicture
' IPicture requires a reference to "OLE Automation"
Dim r As Long, uPicInfo As uPicDesc, IID_IDispatch As GUID, IPic As IPicture
'OLE Picture types
' Create the Interface GUID (for the IPicture interface)
With IID_IDispatch
.Data1 = &H7BF80980
.Data2 = &HBF32
.Data3 = &H101A
.Data4(0) = &H8B
.Data4(1) = &HBB
.Data4(2) = &H0
.Data4(3) = &HAA
.Data4(4) = &H0
.Data4(5) = &H30
.Data4(6) = &HC
.Data4(7) = &HAB
End With
' Fill uPicInfo with necessary parts.
With uPicInfo
.Size = Len(uPicInfo) ' Length of structure.
.Type = PICTYPE_BITMAP ' Type of Picture
.hPic = hPic ' Handle to image.
.hPal = hPal ' Handle to palette (if bitmap).
End With
' Create the Picture object.
r = OleCreatePictureIndirect(uPicInfo, IID_IDispatch, True, IPic)
' If an error occurred, show the description
If r <> 0 Then Debug.Print "Create Picture: " & fnOLEError(r)
' Return the new Picture object.
Set CreatePicture = IPic
End Function
' Subroutine : fnOLEError
' Purpose : Gets the message text for standard OLE errors
Private Function fnOLEError(lErrNum As Long) As String
'OLECreatePictureIndirect return values
Const E_ABORT = &H80004004
Const E_ACCESSDENIED = &H80070005
Const E_FAIL = &H80004005
Const E_HANDLE = &H80070006
Const E_INVALIDARG = &H80070057
Const E_NOINTERFACE = &H80004002
Const E_NOTIMPL = &H80004001
Const E_OUTOFMEMORY = &H8007000E
Const E_POINTER = &H80004003
Const S_OK = &H0
Select Case lErrNum
fnOLEError = " Aborted"
fnOLEError = " Access Denied"
fnOLEError = " General Failure"
fnOLEError = " Bad/Missing Handle"
fnOLEError = " Invalid Argument"
fnOLEError = " No Interface"
fnOLEError = " Not Implemented"
fnOLEError = " Out of Memory"
fnOLEError = " Invalid Pointer"
fnOLEError = " Unknown Error"
Case S_OK
fnOLEError = " Success!"
End Select
End Function
' Routine : SaveClip2Bit
' Purpose : Saves Picture object to desired location.
' Arguments : Path to save the file
Public Sub SaveClip2Bit(savePath As String)
On Error GoTo errHandler:
Pause (3)
SavePicture PastePicture, savePath
Exit Sub
Debug.Print "Save Picture: (" & Err.Number & ") - " & Err.Description
Resume errExit
End Sub
' Routine : Pause
' Purpose : Gives a short interval for proper image capture.
' Arguments : Seconds to wait.
Public Function Pause(NumberOfSeconds As Variant)
On Error GoTo Err_Pause
Dim PauseTime As Variant, start As Variant
PauseTime = NumberOfSeconds
start = Timer
Do While Timer < start + PauseTime
Exit Function
MsgBox Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description, vbCritical, "Pause()"
Resume Exit_Pause
End Function
Use like this:
SaveClip2Bit "C:\test\test.bmp"

VBA code to combine move cursor + left click + then automatically adding/writing the required values + then executing the rest of task

Currently I am having a task of automating an Excel addin. This excel addin consist of software worflows of an application.
I have to click on login somewhere on ribbon(for which I need to move the cursor) then I have to click on it(left click). Then a login pop-up will appear in which I have to enter the user name and password and click on proceed button(move and click the left click ->Enter the username and password->Click on proceed). Then I have to check few cells values and show that value in message pop-up.
Few line of VBA code that I tried to...
'Declare mouse events
Public Declare Function SetCursorPos Lib "user32" (ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long) As Long
Public Declare Sub mouse_event Lib "user32" (ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal dx As Long, ByVal dy As Long, ByVal cButtons As Long, ByVal dwExtraInfo As Long)
Public Const MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTUP As Long = &H10
'Declare sleep
Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)
Sub LeftClick(ByVal i As Integer, ByVal j As Integer)
SetCursorPos i, j 'x and y position
mouse_event MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN, 0, 0, 0, 0
mouse_event MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP, 0, 0, 0, 0
End Sub
Public Sub CreateAWorkbook()
Dim Asset_Id As String
Dim Current_Mark As String
Dim DateTimeStamp As String, WorkbookName As String
Call LeftClick(481, 38)
Call LeftClick(336, 69)
Asset_Id = Range("F2").Value
Current_Mark = Range("I2").Value
If IsEmpty(Range("F2").Value) = False And IsEmpty(Range("I2").Value) = False Then
MessageToDisplay = "The Asset id is : " & Asset_Id & " and current mark is: " & Current_Mark
MsgBox (MessageToDisplay)
MessageToDisplay = "The Asset id is not present"
MsgBox (MessageToDisplay)
End If
End Sub
I am able to check the values but the left click is not working plus I do not know how to simply enter username on pop-up, as that pop-up is not the part of excel.
Can anyone please help , I am in super need of it?

VBA to Close a PDF Document from Excel

I have this lovely little procedure that is supposed to either shut down the window with the Acrobat display or just one document in it. Only the design is of my own making, meaning I don't fully understand the code, but I do know that it works only partially. It will quit Adobe Acrobat in full, regardless of how many documents are displayed but it can't close just one (as the original from which it was transcribed claimed that it could and should).
Private Sub CloseReaderDC(Optional ByVal MailIdx As Integer)
Dim WinId As String
Dim Wnd As LongPtr
If MailIdx Then
WinId = AcrobatWindowID(Mail(MailIdx))
Wnd = FindWindow(vbNullString, WinId)
PostMessage Wnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, ByVal 0&
WinId = AcrobatWindowID
Wnd = FindWindow(WinId, vbNullString)
SendMessage Wnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, ByVal 0&
End If
End Sub
The logic is that the parameter MailIdx identifies a file name which is sufficient to find a top window. If no value is given the app should be shut down. This part works. The other part also works, but only if there is a single document open, in which case not the document is closed but the entire application. I believe this shutdown may be caused by Acrobat Reader itself which doesn't see a reason for staying open with no document to display. I also think that the window handle may not be found if there are several documents because FindWindow finds a top window only and the one I want to close would be the second one. In practice, I tried both, to close the existing before opening another one and after. In the one case the app gets shut down, in the other nothing happens.
I don't know why my tutor uses SendMessage in one case and PostMessage in the other. I also don't know if the window I'm after is a Child Window or how to get a handle on it if it is. Any suggestions?
Edit 11 Jan 2021
I used the following code to test #FaneDuru's solution.
Private Sub Test_CloseReaderDC()
ReDim Mail(2)
Mail(0) = ""
Mail(1) = "File1.PDF"
Mail(2) = "File2.PDF"
CloseReaderDC 1
End Sub
Private Sub CloseReaderDC(Optional ByVal MailIdx As Integer)
' NIC 003 ++ 10 Jan 2021
Dim WinTitle As String
Dim WinCap As String
Dim Wnd As LongPtr
WinTitle = AcrobatWindowID
If MailIdx Then
WinCap = AcrobatWindowID(Mail(MailIdx))
Wnd = FindWindow(vbNullString, WinCap)
Debug.Print Wnd
SendMessage Wnd, WM_CloseClick, 6038, ByVal 0&
Wnd = FindWindow(WinTitle, vbNullString)
Debug.Print Wnd
SendMessage Wnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, ByVal 0&
End If
End Sub
Function AcrobatWindowID(Optional ByVal Wn As String)
' NIC 003 ++ 07 Jan 2021
Dim Fun As Boolean
Fun = CBool(Len(Wn))
If Fun Then Wn = Wn & " - "
AcrobatWindowID = Wn & Split("AcrobatSDIWindow,Adobe Acrobat Reader DC", ",")(Abs(Fun))
End Function
The code worked perfectly for both 1 or 2 files, not closing the app until called with a parameter of 0. But on second try it failed to find the window and therefore took no action.
I started Acrobat and selected the 2 previously opened files from its File>Open menu. File1 was in the first tab, File2 in the second, active. Then I attempted to delete File1 which failed. Then I called the code with 2 as parameter which closed the top file. Thereafter the code found the window for File1 and closed it.
I don't think the apparent rule is followed consistently, however. How the files were opened seems to make a difference. In my project the files are opened by hyperlink, one at a time. My above test therefore is not indicative of how FaneDuru's suggestion will work in my project but it proves that the solution works.
You did not say anything about my comment regarding closing the active document by programmatically pressing the File menu "Close File" control...
This way of closing does not make Acrobat application quitting. It stay open, even if only a document was open in the moment of running the code.
So, test the next code line, please. You need the Acrobat Reader DC handler and the necessary arguments, like following:
Const WM_CloseClick = &H111
SendMessage Wnd, WM_CloseClick, 6038, ByVal 0&
6038 is the 'Close File' File menu control ID.
I could determine it using the next function:
Private Function findControlID(mainWHwnd As LongPtr, ctlNo As Long) As Long
Dim aMenu As LongPtr, sMenu As LongPtr
aMenu = GetMenu(mainWHwnd): Debug.Print "Main menu = " & Hex(aMenu)
sMenu = GetSubMenu(aMenu, 0&): Debug.Print "File menu = " & Hex(sMenu)
mCount = GetMenuItemCount(sMenu): Debug.Print "File menu no of controls: " & mCount 'check if it is 28
findControlID = GetMenuItemID(sMenu, ctlNo - 1) 'Menu controls are counted starting from 0
End Function
The above function was called in this way:
Sub testFindCloseControlID()
Dim Wnd As LongPtr
'Wnd = findWindowByPartialTitle("Adobe Acrobat Reader DC") 'you will obtain it in your way
Debug.Print findControlID(Wnd, 15) '15 means the fiftheenth control of the File menu (0)
End Sub
15 has been obtained counting the horizontal controls separators, too.
In order to find "Adobe Acrobat Reader DC" window handler I used the function mentioned above, but this does not matter too much. You may use your way of determining it...
Please, test the above way and send some comments
In order to extract the applications menu(s) captions, I use the next declarations:
Option Explicit
'APIs for identify a window handler
Private Declare PtrSafe Function FindWindow Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowA" _
(ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As LongPtr
Private Declare PtrSafe Function GetWindowTextLength Lib "user32" Alias "GetWindowTextLengthA" (ByVal hwnd As LongPtr) As Long
Private Declare PtrSafe Function GetWindowText Lib "user32" Alias "GetWindowTextA" (ByVal hwnd As LongPtr, _
ByVal lpString As String, ByVal cch As Long) As Long
Private Declare PtrSafe Function GetWindow Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As LongPtr, ByVal wCmd As Long) As Long
'Menu related APIs
Private Declare PtrSafe Function GetMenu Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal hwnd As LongPtr) As LongPtr
Private Declare PtrSafe Function GetSubMenu Lib "user32" (ByVal hMenu As LongPtr, ByVal nPos As Long) As LongPtr
Private Declare PtrSafe Function GetMenuItemID Lib "user32" _
(ByVal hMenu As LongPtr, ByVal nPos As Long) As Long
Private Declare PtrSafe Function GetMenuItemCount Lib "user32" (ByVal hMenu As LongPtr) As Long
Private Declare PtrSafe Function GetMenuItemInfo Lib "user32" Alias "GetMenuItemInfoA" (ByVal hMenu As LongPtr, _
ByVal Un As Long, ByVal b As Long, lpMenuItemInfo As MENUITEMINFO) As Long
Private Declare PtrSafe Function GetMenuString Lib "user32" Alias "GetMenuStringA" (ByVal hMenu As LongPtr, _
ByVal wIDItem As Long, ByVal lpString As String, ByVal nMaxCount As Long, ByVal wFlag As Long) As Long
cbSize As Long
fMask As Long
fType As Long
fState As Long
wID As Long
hSubMenu As LongPtr
hbmpChecked As LongPtr
hbmpUnchecked As LongPtr
dwItemData As LongPtr
dwTypeData As String
cch As Long
hbmpItem As LongPtr
End Type
Private Const GW_HWNDNEXT = 2
And the next functions/subs:
To find any window knowing only its partial title:
Sub testFindWindByPartTitle()
Debug.Print findWindowByPartialTitle("Notepad")
End Sub
Private Function findWindowByPartialTitle(ByVal sCaption As String, Optional strSecond As String) As LongPtr
Dim lhWndP As LongPtr
Dim sStr As String
findWindowByPartialTitle = CLngPtr(0)
lhWndP = FindWindow(vbNullString, vbNullString) 'PARENT WINDOW
Do While lhWndP <> 0
sStr = String(GetWindowTextLength(lhWndP) + 1, Chr$(0))
GetWindowText lhWndP, sStr, Len(sStr)
If Len(sStr) > 0 Then sStr = left$(sStr, Len(sStr) - 1)
If InStr(1, sStr, sCaption) > 0 And _
IIf(strSecond <> "", InStr(1, sStr, strSecond) > 0, 1 = 1) Then
findWindowByPartialTitle = lhWndP
Exit Do
End If
lhWndP = GetWindow(lhWndP, GW_HWNDNEXT)
End Function
A version of extract the necessary ID by control caption, but it works only for Notepad:
Private Sub TestfindMenuItemsByCaption()
Const NotePApp As String = "Notepad"
Debug.Print findMenuIDByString(NotePApp, "Save") 'it does work
Const pdfApp As String = "Adobe Acrobat Reader DC"
Debug.Print findMenuIDByString(pdfApp, "Close") 'it does not work
End Sub
Private Function findMenuIDByString(pdfApp As String, searchString As String) As Long
Dim mainWHwnd As LongPtr, aMenu As LongPtr, mCount As Long
Dim LookFor As Long, sMenu As LongPtr, sCount As Long
Dim LookSub As Long, sID As Long, sString As String
mainWHwnd = findWindowByPartialTitle(pdfApp)
aMenu = GetMenu(mainWHwnd): Debug.Print "Main menu = " & Hex(aMenu)
sMenu = GetSubMenu(aMenu, 0): Debug.Print "File menu = " & Hex(sMenu)
sCount& = GetMenuItemCount(sMenu)
For LookSub& = 0 To sCount& - 1
sID& = GetMenuItemID(sMenu, LookSub&): Debug.Print "ID = " & sID: 'Stop
sString$ = String$(100, " ")
Call GetMenuString(sMenu, sID&, sString$, 100&, 1&) ' 1&)
Debug.Print sString$ ': Stop
If InStr(LCase(sString$), LCase(searchString$)) Then
findMenuIDByString = sID
Exit Function
End If
Next LookSub&
End Function
And a second version, unfortunately working exactly in the same way. I mean, returning the ID only for Notepad:
Private Sub TestfindMenuItemsByCaptionBis()
Const NotePApp As String = "Notepad"
Debug.Print findMenuItemIDByCaption(NotePApp, "Save")
Const pdfApp As String = "Adobe Acrobat Reader DC"
Debug.Print findMenuItemIDByCaption(pdfApp, "Close")
End Sub
Private Function findMenuItemIDByCaption(strApp As String, strCaption As String)
Dim appHwnd As LongPtr, hMenu As LongPtr, fMenu As LongPtr, i As Long
Dim retval As Long, mii As MENUITEMINFO 'mii receives information about each item
Const WM_SaveClick = &H111, MIIM_STATE = &H1, MIIM_STRING = &H40&, MIIM_ID = &H2&, MIIM_CHECKMARKS = &H8&
Const MIIM_SUBMENU = &H4&, MIIM_TYPE = &H10, MIIM_FTYPE = &H100&, MIIM_DATA = &H20&
appHwnd = findWindowByPartialTitle(strApp)
If appHwnd = 0 Then MsgBox "No application window found...": Exit Function
hMenu = GetMenu(appHwnd) 'application window Menu
fMenu = GetSubMenu(hMenu, 0) 'app window 'File' Submenu
For i = 0 To GetMenuItemCount(fMenu)
With mii
.cbSize = Len(mii)
.dwTypeData = space(256)
.cch = 256
retval = GetMenuItemInfo(fMenu, i, 1, mii) '2 = the third menu item
Debug.Print left(.dwTypeData, .cch)
If InStr(left(.dwTypeData, .cch), strCaption) > 0 Then
findMenuItemIDByCaption = GetMenuItemID(fMenu, i): Exit Function
End If
End With
Next i
End Function
I tried all constants as I could find, but not success... If we would find a way, a subroutine could also read the recent files list and activate the needed one, if is not the active one is the necessary one.

Excel VBA Copy file but NOT paste

I cant belive this is so hard to find (or unexisting) but I would like to write a macro that would copy a file(word,pdf,txt) at predefined path and then I could right click with a mouse in folder and paste it.
So copying to windows clipboard.
Try this method:
You need to define the path at the end:
afile(0) = "c:\bdlog.txt" 'The file actually exists
The code to try:
Option Explicit
' Required data structures
Private Type POINTAPI
x As Long
y As Long
End Type
' Clipboard Manager Functions
Private Declare Function EmptyClipboard Lib "user32" () As Long
Private Declare Function OpenClipboard Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function CloseClipboard Lib "user32" () As Long
Private Declare Function SetClipboardData Lib "user32" (ByVal wFormat As Long, ByVal hMem As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetClipboardData Lib "user32" (ByVal wFormat As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function IsClipboardFormatAvailable Lib "user32" (ByVal wFormat As Long) As Long
' Other required Win32 APIs
Private Declare Function DragQueryFile Lib "shell32.dll" Alias "DragQueryFileA" (ByVal hDrop As Long, ByVal UINT As Long, ByVal lpStr As String, ByVal ch As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function DragQueryPoint Lib "shell32.dll" (ByVal hDrop As Long, lpPoint As POINTAPI) As Long
Private Declare Function GlobalAlloc Lib "kernel32" (ByVal wFlags As Long, ByVal dwBytes As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GlobalFree Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hMem As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GlobalLock Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hMem As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GlobalUnlock Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hMem As Long) As Long
Private Declare Sub CopyMem Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long)
' Predefined Clipboard Formats
Private Const CF_TEXT = 1
Private Const CF_BITMAP = 2
Private Const CF_METAFILEPICT = 3
Private Const CF_SYLK = 4
Private Const CF_DIF = 5
Private Const CF_TIFF = 6
Private Const CF_OEMTEXT = 7
Private Const CF_DIB = 8
Private Const CF_PALETTE = 9
Private Const CF_PENDATA = 10
Private Const CF_RIFF = 11
Private Const CF_WAVE = 12
Private Const CF_UNICODETEXT = 13
Private Const CF_ENHMETAFILE = 14
Private Const CF_HDROP = 15
Private Const CF_LOCALE = 16
Private Const CF_MAX = 17
' New shell-oriented clipboard formats
Private Const CFSTR_SHELLIDLIST As String = "Shell IDList Array"
Private Const CFSTR_SHELLIDLISTOFFSET As String = "Shell Object Offsets"
Private Const CFSTR_NETRESOURCES As String = "Net Resource"
Private Const CFSTR_FILEDESCRIPTOR As String = "FileGroupDescriptor"
Private Const CFSTR_FILECONTENTS As String = "FileContents"
Private Const CFSTR_FILENAME As String = "FileName"
Private Const CFSTR_PRINTERGROUP As String = "PrinterFriendlyName"
Private Const CFSTR_FILENAMEMAP As String = "FileNameMap"
' Global Memory Flags
Private Const GMEM_FIXED = &H0
Private Const GMEM_MOVEABLE = &H2
Private Const GMEM_NOCOMPACT = &H10
Private Const GMEM_NODISCARD = &H20
Private Const GMEM_ZEROINIT = &H40
Private Const GMEM_MODIFY = &H80
Private Const GMEM_DISCARDABLE = &H100
Private Const GMEM_NOT_BANKED = &H1000
Private Const GMEM_SHARE = &H2000
Private Const GMEM_DDESHARE = &H2000
Private Const GMEM_NOTIFY = &H4000
Private Const GMEM_VALID_FLAGS = &H7F72
Private Const GMEM_INVALID_HANDLE = &H8000
Private Type DROPFILES
pFiles As Long
fNC As Long
fWide As Long
End Type
Public Function ClipboardCopyFiles(Files() As String) As Boolean
Dim data As String
Dim hGlobal As Long
Dim lpGlobal As Long
Dim i As Long
' Open and clear existing crud off clipboard.
If OpenClipboard(0&) Then
Call EmptyClipboard
' Build double-null terminated list of files.
For i = LBound(Files) To UBound(Files)
data = data & Files(i) & vbNullChar
data = data & vbNullChar
' Allocate and get pointer to global memory,
' then copy file list to it.
hGlobal = GlobalAlloc(GHND, Len(df) + Len(data))
If hGlobal Then
lpGlobal = GlobalLock(hGlobal)
' Build DROPFILES structure in global memory.
df.pFiles = Len(df)
Call CopyMem(ByVal lpGlobal, df, Len(df))
Call CopyMem(ByVal (lpGlobal + Len(df)), ByVal data, Len(data))
Call GlobalUnlock(hGlobal)
' Copy data to clipboard, and return success.
If SetClipboardData(CF_HDROP, hGlobal) Then
ClipboardCopyFiles = True
End If
End If
' Clean up
Call CloseClipboard
End If
End Function
Public Function ClipboardPasteFiles(Files() As String) As Long
Dim hDrop As Long
Dim nFiles As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim desc As String
Dim filename As String
Const MAX_PATH As Long = 260
' Insure desired format is there, and open clipboard.
If IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_HDROP) Then
If OpenClipboard(0&) Then
' Get handle to Dropped Filelist data, and number of files.
hDrop = GetClipboardData(CF_HDROP)
nFiles = DragQueryFile(hDrop, -1&, "", 0)
' Allocate space for return and working variables.
ReDim Files(0 To nFiles - 1) As String
filename = Space(MAX_PATH)
' Retrieve each filename in Dropped Filelist.
For i = 0 To nFiles - 1
Call DragQueryFile(hDrop, i, filename, Len(filename))
Files(i) = TrimNull(filename)
' Clean up
Call CloseClipboard
End If
' Assign return value equal to number of files dropped.
ClipboardPasteFiles = nFiles
End If
End Function
Private Function TrimNull(ByVal sTmp As String) As String
Dim nNul As Long
' Truncate input sTmpg at first Null.
' If no Nulls, perform ordinary Trim.
nNul = InStr(sTmp, vbNullChar)
Select Case nNul
Case Is > 1
TrimNull = Left(sTmp, nNul - 1)
Case 1
TrimNull = ""
Case 0
TrimNull = Trim(sTmp)
End Select
Sub maaa()
'i = "c:\" & ActiveDocument.Name
'ActiveDocument.SaveAs i
Dim afile(0) As String
afile(0) = "c:\070206.excel" 'The file actually exists
MsgBox ClipboardCopyFiles(afile)
End Sub

Excel VBA : Get hwnd value of a CommandButton

I'm going nuts here...
How do you find the "hwnd" value of a CommandButton, in an Excel 2007 Form ?
I've Googled, I've tried all kinds of suggestions (most of which suggest that a command button has a .hwnd member property - but it doesn't) and haven't found an answer.
I can get the Form's hwnd value, and (in theory) should be able to use a EnumChildWindows to find sub-windows, including my button, but this also doesn't work.
Has anyone managed to do this ?
I'm afraid you can't, MS Forms controls like CommandButtons are not windows at all, they are "Windowless controls" i.e they are drawn by the MS Forms Runtime onto the userform surface as purely graphical abstractions, so no HWND.
' this may format
' in a worksheet have driver buttons for
Option Explicit: Option Compare Text
Private Sub ControlsDet_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub PaintValid_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub ShowForm_Click()
UFS.Show False
End Sub
Private Sub TextON_Click()
End Sub
' then have a form UFS and put in some controls from the tool box
'put in frames and listboxes and whatever
.have a code module as
Option Explicit: Option Compare Text
' to look at the useage of CtrlName.[_GethWnd] function
' VB has a function for hWnd but VBA hides its brother as [_GetwHnd]
' in VBA there are haves and have_nots
' better than finding each control's position in pixels and then using
'Private Declare Function WindowFromPoint& Lib "user32" (ByVal xPoint&, ByVal yPoint&)
Type RECT ' any type with 4 long int will do
Left As Long
Top As Long
Right As Long
Bottom As Long
End Type
Type RECTxy
X1 As Long
Y1 As Long
X2 As Long
Y2 As Long
End Type
' OK as Private here or public elsewhere
Declare Function GetClientRect& Lib "User32.dll" (ByVal hwnd&, ByRef lpRECT As RECTxy)
Declare Function CreateSolidBrush Lib "gdi32" (ByVal crColor As Long) As Long
Declare Function DeleteObject& Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hndobj&)
Declare Function FillRectXY& Lib "User32.dll" Alias "FillRect" (ByVal Hdc&, lpRECT As RECTxy, ByVal hBrush&)
Declare Function GetDC& Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd&)
Declare Function DeleteDC& Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hwnd&)
Declare Function TextOut& Lib "GDI32.dll" Alias "TextOutA" (ByVal Hdc&, ByVal x&, ByVal y&, _
ByVal lpString$, ByVal nCount&)
Function RndPale&(Optional R% = 150, Optional G% = 170, Optional B% = 140)
RndPale = RGB(R + Rnd() * (250 - R), G + Rnd() * (255 - G), B + Rnd() * (250 - G))
End Function
Sub PaintAll()
Dim Wc As Control
For Each Wc In UFS.Controls
Showrec Wc
Next Wc
End Sub
Sub Showrec(WCtrl As Control)
Dim hBrush&, Outwr As RECTxy, WCtrlhWnd&, WCtrlHDC&
WCtrlhWnd = WCtrl.[_GethWnd]
If WCtrlhWnd <> 0 Then ' has handle
WCtrlHDC = GetDC(WCtrlhWnd)
GetClientRect WCtrlhWnd, Outwr
hBrush = CreateSolidBrush(RndPale)
FillRectXY WCtrlHDC, Outwr, hBrush
DeleteObject hBrush
DeleteDC WCtrlHDC
DeleteObject WCtrlhWnd
End If
End Sub
Sub LookFrames()
Dim WCtrl As Control, rI%, Ra As Range
Dim Outwr As RECTxy, WCtrlhWnd&
Set Ra = ActiveSheet.Range("e4:r30")
Ra.NumberFormat = "0.0"
UFS.Show False
rI = 4
For Each WCtrl In UFS.Controls
WCtrlhWnd = WCtrl.[_GethWnd]
rI = rI + 1
Cells(rI, 5) = WCtrl.Name
Cells(rI, 6) = TypeName(WCtrl)
Cells(rI, 7) = WCtrlhWnd
Cells(rI, 8) = WCtrl.Left
Cells(rI, 9) = WCtrl.Top
Cells(rI, 10) = WCtrl.Width
Cells(rI, 11) = WCtrl.Height
If WCtrlhWnd <> 0 Then
GetClientRect WCtrlhWnd, Outwr
Cells(rI, 12) = Outwr.X1
Cells(rI, 13) = Outwr.Y1
Cells(rI, 14) = Outwr.X2
Cells(rI, 15) = Outwr.Y2
DeleteObject WCtrlhWnd
End If
Next WCtrl
End Sub
Sub DoTextOn()
UFS.Show False
Dim WHnd&, FHdc&, Tout$, Wc As Control
For Each Wc In UFS.Controls
WHnd = Wc.[_GethWnd]
If WHnd <> 0 Then
FHdc = GetDC(WHnd)
Tout = Wc.Name & " as " & WHnd
TextOut FHdc, 10, 20, Tout, Len(Tout)
DeleteDC FHdc
DeleteObject WHnd
End If
Next Wc
End Sub
