Location and visibility of the SharePoint users group - sharepoint

I created a group of users in the SharePoint subsite, i.e. pressed Create Group button on a ribbon of this particular subsite Permissions page. Nevertheless I see this group in the list of groups in my parent site.
Does this mean that all SharePoint groups are stored on the site collection level? Meaning that all groups are relevant to any site in the collection?
If this is so, what were the reasons for this design?

Yes, you can access all groups from the main site and any website in the collection. And I guess the reason is to give you the ability to use any group in any website under your collection.


List Permissions for O365 Group Members does not apply

I have a O365 Group and a Team site but not Teams enabled.
In that site I have a list called Portfolio. I have a bunch of users added as owners and members of the O365 group and they are added in to SharePoint online groups respectively.
We are managing permissions for users on individual lists and libraries which seem to be working. However when I try to have unique permissions with Owners and Members Read only access on the list, they still have full control on the list.
As shown in the image here:
The Part I don't understand is that it says "The following factors also affect the level of access for Ashar Khan"
Where are these policies set and how do I change them?
By default, O365 group owners would have site collection admin access to the team site. Site collection administrators are given full control over all Web sites in the site collection.
To remove the group owners from site collection administrators, go to site permission settings->Site Collection Administrators:

User in SharePoint Group get access is required message

I have a SharePoint Site where I created a List and I want to give read and add access to this list only to a limited group of people.
First I created in the SP site the List "ListX"
In the ListX settings I went to list permissions and I stopped inheriting permissions from the site and I created unique permissions
On the site advanced permission settings I created a new permission level "Add and View Only" where I selected the following options:
On the list permissions section
(a) Add Items - Add items to lists and add documents to document libraries
(b) View Items - View items in lists and documents in document libraries
The moment I selected those two options the following options have been automatically selected for me on the site permissions section:
(a) View Pages - View pages in a Web site
(b) Open - Allows users to open a Web site, list, or folder in order to access items inside that container
Then on the site permission I created a SharePoint group "ListX Users" and I gave the permission level "Add and View Only"
Then I added several users in the SP group "ListX Users"
Then I granted permissions on the ListX permissions to the "ListX Users" SP group
However the user gets the message "Sorry you don't have access" when they try to go to the top level of the site so that they can click on the ListX link and they are prompted to request access.
Any idea why that happens and how to give such Add and View access to the ListX only? Thanks
Best (and easiest) imo is to work down. Give them permissions on site level and break inheritance on each library that shouldn't be visible for everyone.
That way the navigation is the easiest and for maintenance has the easiest overview.
I partially solved my issue by adding two more options in the List permissions permission levels of "Add and View Only". See below.
Open Items - View the source of documents with server-side file handlers
View Application Pages - View forms, views, and application pages. Enumerate lists
However in this case the user need to have a direct link to the list and cannot navigate via the site.

Regain access to unreachable Sharepoint subsites or libraries

I have a full control permission of our team's Sharepoint site (I think it's Sharepoint 2010, but could also be 2013... I can't tell). For test purpose I created a subsite within this site. I set the subsite to not inherit the parent site's permission and make myself the only user who can see and access the subsite. Later I removed myself as the user of this subsite (i.e. this subsite has no user and no admin). Now whenever I am in the main site, I still can see the link to this subsite, but I cannot access it (it says 'access denied'... I also can't delete this subsite). I would consider this a flaw that Sharepoint lets me make my subsite unreachable, but is there any away I can regain access to this subsite?
Is there perhaps any permission that is more powerful than Full Control?
p.s. this can also happen with document libraries, list, etc.
If you have permission for it, make yourself Site Collection Owner. After that you can access your subsite again.
Add or change a site collection administrator
At the top level of your site collection, click Site Actions and
then Site Settings.
Under Users and Permissions, click Site Collection Administrators.
In the Site Collection Administrators field, type or browse to find
the name of the person you want to designate a site collection
Click OK.

Are custom Sharepoint Security Groups saved with a Sharepoint site temaplate

When a save a Sharepoint site that contains custom security groups as an stp file, does that stp file retain the groups?
Can someone validate this:
I think this makes sense that the Sharepoint groups are not exported with the sts file.
The sts file represents a Site.
The Sharepoint groups are scoped at the Site Collection level.
Creating other sites within a Site Collection allows you to share the same security groups across the site collection.
They will be include in the stp file, but i'm pretty sure they'll be broken if deployed to another site collection.
If you stay inside the same collection they'll continue to work. Security information is persisted in an stp.
P.S. I will vote to close this question, since it belongs on superuser.

Changing the default page based on security group in SharePoint

We have a SharePoint site collection. In this site collection we have a home site and 6 other sites. Each of these sites belongs to a department in our company. Right now if you are a member of department A security group you would see homepage and your department site/tab when you navigate to the site. What they want me to do is to redirect the users directly to the department site/tab whenever they navigate to the site.
Is there any way to do this without coding or with coding?
With coding, you could write a very simple web control and include that on the home page. It would test which group a user belongs to and then redirect accordingly.
There are various ways to check if a user belongs to a group. One method is to get a reference to each SPGroup object and use SPGroup.ContainsCurrentUser.
You might also like to consider creating a custom list that maps SPGroup name against department URL, so you can manage behaviour of the control through the SharePoint UI.
