Windows Azure RDP / FTP - azure

Using the new interface for Windows Azure, how do I enable RDP? I am using a cloud service and my site is In my publish settings, I enabled RDP. Where do I find my RDP credentials? How do I enable FTP, if possible? Here are the instructions that I followed:
I see no hosted services tab in the new layout.
When I try to RDP, I receive an instant failure message that I cannot connect. I am using Windows 8 and I tried Windows 7.

For RDP, assuming you've followed all the steps and the configuration is right, you need to use the management portal, click on cloud services on the left and select the service whose instance you want to RDP into, select instances in the menu at the top and then pick the instance you want to RDP into.
The bottom toolbar should include a connect option, clicking on it should download an RDP file you can open to RDP into the machine, this will prompt you for the credentials you need to provide (as provided in your project configuration).
You can actually save this RDP file and re-use it for the deployment, but it may become invalid if you re-deploy as port numbers change.
As for FTP, much has been written about it, for example this, but you really need to consider the note in this article, for example - files you upload to the role instance will disappear if the role needs to be recycled for whatever reason.


View file structure of my Azure Linux VM

I'm new to Azure; I wanted to take advantage of being able to run PrestaShop (e-commerce software) and Azure marketplace has single VM plan. I followed this video and got it up and running. Trouble is to login to the site's Admin interface you need to know the secret folder that is randomly created by the installer. I have tried the Azure Storage Explorer , but nothing useful is displayed. I also tried to login using putty and SSH, but keep getting access denied. I suspect I need to configure an endpoint for port 22, as described here in order to get ftp working, but apparently this is not possible with a free subscription (?).
Any help as to how I can find that folder name would be appreciated.
With Azure Free Trial Subscription, I can successfully login into the PrestaShop Azure Linux VM without any issue.
Note: No need to configure an endpoint for port 22.
To connect to your Linux virtual machine using SSH, use the following command: ssh username#IPAddress and password.
If you are facing an issue with your login, you can reset the password.

Windows server 2016 datacenter vpn installation fails

I have a VPS with Windows Server 2016 Datacenter, which I access through Remote Desktop. I would like to access it through VPN, so I tried to repeat the working configuration I have in another VPS with Windows Server 2008 Standard.
Both servers have a single Network Interface with a public address and a second internal address ( As I said, VPN works perfectly on 2008.
The procedure I followed is described perfectly with screenshots in an article by Thomas Mauer
So, briefly, I added the Remote Access role with the Remote Access and Routing features. The role and features get installed without any problem and then I am directed to a wizard, though which I try to initialize the VPN-only feature with a custom configuration. When I finally get into the "old" Routing and Remote Access Management console and try to right-click on the server node to "Configure and Enable Routing and Remote Access" this procedure never ends. A rotating clock icon stays there forever, so I have to kill the management console from the task manager.
When I reopen the management console, either with or without restarting the server, the server looks like running. Then I right-click on the server and select "Properties" in order to define the tunneling protocol for VPN as well as the internal address range that will be provided to the connected clients. The problem here is that this properties popup never gets saved. The "Apply" button does nothing, the "OK" button does not close the form and only the "Cancel" button closes the form without changing anything.
Has anybody seen this behaviour? Am I missing something?
Best regards,
I don't know why, but for this service to work the user "Network Service" needs to have "Logon as Service" permission, other services do not seam to require that...
You can grant this permission either by using secpol.msc or by just switching the service to run as e. g. "Local System" and back to "Network Service" (empty password fields).
To answer my question, it turned out that, for reasons I don't know, when the routing and remote access was being installed, the "Remote Access Management Service" was not starting. And after the server's restart it was always at "Starting" status.
This service is installed to run under the "Network Service" credentials with an Automatic (Delayed start) start type. When I changed to "Local Service" and manual, I was able to install the Role and initialize it without any problem. And then when I went back to Network Service and Automatic it runs without any more problems.
Strange ...

FTP access to Azure websites - connecting to the wrong site

I have about 6 different Azure websites all on the same subscription.
When I look at the FTP deployment address they all have the same address ( but different usernames/passwords.
The problem is that at least using Windows explorer there appears to be NO way to access a second deployment once it's already remembered that I've connected to a previous one. I've tried editing the address to include the username (ftp://username:password#wasa....) but no luck, I've tried shutting down all explorer windows, clearing the credential cache etc. etc, but no dice - it still keeps connecting to whichever one I first authenticated with at least since I last logged into Windows.
Does this basically mean I'll have to use a different FTP client that doesn't cache credentials like this? Bit surprised I can't find any forum posts suggesting other people haven't had this issue.
You can always right click in Windows Explorer and choose Login As option which will allow you to use a different set of credentials.
To understand how FTP credentials work for Azure App Service, check out Azure same FTP url for all azure websites sharing same appservice plan

How to upload a solution from local system to a server accessible via RDP

I've developed a solution and tested it. It's uploaded to Azure using the convenient method of publishing XML file. Now I realize that it's supposed to be put in on-premise local server (it's an internal application not requiring access to the Internet).
When I go to the server, I use the RDP to access a system. In there, I execute a connection to another RDP. The second system is the one hosting both SQL Server and IIS where the application will reside.
Is it at all possible to construct such a publish XML? If so - how? If not - what should I request form the IT department to open/install on the innermost RDP so I can shove in my stuff by the oh-my-god-I'm-so-lazy press of a button?
You must install webdeploy on your host machine. With IIS and webdeploy installed you can use same publishing techniques as you did with Azure.
I think it goes without saying that you must have direct access to host. If it's on external network you have to open webdeploy's and IIS ports, if you do not want to open this externally I recommend VPN (maybe basic point-to-point) that will create direct line between your dev and host machine.

Setting Up And Using Web Deploy with Azure WebRole in Visual Studio (One-Click partial update)

I am using Windows Azure, and find it a lot difficult and useless make a new "Package" each time you make a small change, and want to test it on the Cloud. I heard about the opportunity to update the web roles without re-deploy the whole instance each time (about 15 minutes), and do a Web Deploy - upload just the modified files (some seconds).
None of the resources found on the web seems to describe this particular situation.
There are tutorials, on how to enable Web Deploy on Azure Web Roles, but not a one how to set it up. [This tutorial is showing the settings, but not for Azure]
To enable web deploy you first need to be able to do a standard Publish (not Package) from the CloudConfiguration project.
there are some good tutorials how to do that.
While the Publish dialog is open, make sure to select this option, and make a normal publish.
After this configuration is published, you are ready to set up the Publish settings for the Web Role project. Note, the CloudCongiguration project is used for Package deployment, and the Web project is used to deploy to Azure via Web Deploy as deploying to normal web hosting.
When you click on the "Publish" context menu of the Web project, a "Publish Web" dialog appears. All settings are easy to guess/standard, except the second tab: Connection.
Here the things go little hard, if you have not messed with Web Deployment before.
Must select the Web Deploy method
The URL to your Web Role (DNS or IP address found on Windows Azure Management portal)
The name of the web site in the IIS on the Host machine. In our case this is the Azure WebRole instance. So Login via RDP, start "Server Management", navigate to: Roles->WebServer(IIS)-> Internet Information Services Manager. In the Connections Pane (The Left part of the Manager) expand the tree-view pointing to the "localhost" service -> Sites -> and there you find the Website Name (should be something like : xxxxx_IN_0_Web)
This is the username you use for RDP connections /and the password below/
is that strange URL, that is pointing to the Web deploy Service, that will eventually update our website content.
you can check, if the Package deployment went OK, in the Azure Management portal, on the Overview page of the web deployment if the port 8172 is open.
Now "Validate Connection" should succeed!
If not, try "http://{0}" for Destination URL
