I think I have found an error in GE V7.0.1.8244. I create a KML route file and display it with setAltitudeMode set to ALTITUDE_CLAMP_TO_GROUND. In GE V6.2.2.6613 it displays correctly but in V7.0.1.8244 (currently beta) it does not. Same program source, same data. See attached image here:
Any ideas anybody other than installing an other version of GE?

This is clearly a bug in GE 7.0. A few of the elements in the KML test file are out of order but nothing to cause this problem. Even if you drop the altitude values and change altitudeMode to relativeToGround it gets worse not better. Neither DirectX or OpenGL mode makes a difference.
You can report the issue here to get any updates on the problem:
Might be an error in elevation data. You can also see this error in the sample line example if you zoom close to the path.
Only short-term fix is reverting back to GE 6.2.2 if want to view this KML correctly, otherwise, wait for a fix.
UPDATE: Issue in Google Earth issue tracker can be found here.

It does look like a bug, rather than down grading though you could look to use one of the Google Earth extensions - specifically the gx:altitudeOffset element. From the docs...
A KML extension, in the Google extension namespace, that modifies how
the altitude values are rendered. This offset allows you to move an
entire LinearRing up or down as a unit without modifying all the
individual coordinate values that make up the LinearRing. (Although
the LinearRing is displayed using the altitude offset value, the
original altitude values are preserved in the KML file.) Units are in
This should allow you to raise the path by a meter so that the clipping doesn't occur.
It is also worth noting that...
In Google Earth, a Polygon with an of clampToGround
follows lines of constant bearing; however, a LinearRing (by itself)
with an of clampToGround follows great circle lines.
So perhaps you need to adjust your path to account for this discrepancy?


Upgrading from Inkscape 0.91 to 0.92 or higher breaks object dpi scaling

Following an upgrade from Inkscape 0.91 to any newer version I found that it broke the scaling on a number of my objects which are used for interactive display.
It appears a change in the DPI setting from 90 to 69 is the issue.
When opening some of my old drawings I get a dialogue box prompt asking which action I should take; Having tried all of those with none giving me the expected (working) output.
But not all of my drawing files would trigger this dialogue but they would still have there objects rescaled on load/save.
I also tried updating the version number in the .svg file manually but this didn't work either.
How can I work with my original files but gain the rewards of the newer(est) version(s) of Inkscape?
It turns out I was not alone in this problem. After much searching I found this thread over on the Inkscape forum.
To summarise and make it easy for people to find without wading though all the posts there are two things you need to do/check in order to upgrade without issue.
Install the new version to a different path if you are able.
Backup your original files.
With your favourite sane editor open the original .svg file directly and observe the header section;
inkscape:version="0.91 r13725"
That should be replaced with the version of Inkscape you are upgrading too. In my case it is;
inkscape:version="1.0 (4035a4fb49, 2020-05-01)"
Next look for the height and width settings and note they may not have a unit defined as in my case;
Check in your original drawing what scale you had been using for your page size. It could be px, mm etc. The update the height/width section to include those units as shows below;
Save the edited .svg file.
You should then be able to open/work on your old drawings in the current version of Inkscape without breaking scaling and display compatibility.

What type of KML data is being displayed in this picture?

I'm trying to make a KML that displays the red lines in a similar fashion. I would like to use it for training on setting up satellites for television.
I'm not sure how to create this or what it's called. I know the Azimuth, Altitude and distance information is being displayed. I have been searching for hours and I can't find anything on how to do this or what it is called.
It is a tessellate KML. I needed to increased the altitude for each point manually by editing the file. I was able to achieve the end state this way.

Add a label to the center of a polygon in kml

Can anyone tell me how I would add a label to the center of a polygon by way of kml like the ones in the link: I don't want a marker and I don't need the info to pop up when its clicked, I need it to be there from load, it would just have the zip code for the particular polygon. I wont be drawing the entire US zip code, maybe just a few at a time. Oh, and I'm using mapquest API not google or anything else
Use the Leaflet.label plugin, that does exactly this.

Strange colors in Mapquest Open Aerial tiles

I have previously used Mapquest Open Arial tiles without any trouble. However, after the last server change I get tiles with weird colors. Their example tile still looks fine:
But, the ones I'm trying to download look like this:
The most striking problem is that the vegetation is red.
Does anyone know what's causing this or perhaps how I can correct the colors (I have tried playing around with them a bit in gimp but I couldn't find a solution)?
Disclaimer: I work at MapQuest. Unfortunately there was bad data in the last round of open aerial imagery updates that caused some areas (we've noticed Texas) to be seeded with discoloration from zoom level 12 and up. We've got this on our backlog, but I don't have an estimate as to when this issue will be resolved. Thanks for your interest in our Open Tiles!

Stop dimming / color change of overlapping placemarks on Google Earth

I'm using Google Earth to display point data as placemarks. The data is on a color-coded scale, and so it's pretty important that they keep their colors (which are set via a series of differently colored icons)
However, Google Earth seems to have a 'feature' whereby it dims some placemarks if they overlap. I can find no reference to this feature, nor any way to avoid it, turn it off, using KML or otherwise.
The question was originally asked here:!topic/earth/DTl6yGLvPvw
Where there are also screenshots of the problem.
