WSO2 BAM-database other than Cassandra - cassandra

Can we plug into any other database other than Cassandra , as all published data goes into Cassandra ?

No. At the moment WSO2 BAM supports Cassandra by default. But, by extending the Stream Definition Store and Event Persistence interfaces another database can be integrated if required.


Is Apache Ignite suitable for my usecase(load oracle tables to cache,do join between these tables, and reflect changes to oracle data)

I would ask whether Ignite is suitable for my use case which is:
Load all the data of oracle tables to the Ignite cache, and then do various SQL queries(aggregation/join/sub-query) against the data in the cache.
When oracle has newly created data or some data are updated, there are some way that these data can be inserted into the cache or update the corresponding entry in the cache
When the cache is down, there should be some way to restore the data from oracle?
Not sure Ignite SQLGrid can fit in this use case.
Also, I notice that IgniteRDD is not immutable, is IgniteRDD suitable for this use case? That is, I first load the data in oracle into IgniteRDD,
and make the corresponding changes to IgniteRDD with the newly created/updated data to oracle? But it looks that IgniteRDD doesn't support complicated SQL?( aggregation/join/sub-query)
This is one of the basic use cases supported by Ignite.
Data can pre-loaded from Oracle using one of the methods covered in this documentation section.
If you're planning to update the data in Ignite first and propagate to Oracle after (which is preferred way), then it makes sense to use Oracle as a CacheStore in write-through/read-through mode. Ignite will make sure to sync up data with the persistent layer. Moreover, it'll be straightforward to pre-load data from Oracle if the cluster is restarted.
Finally, you can take advantage of GridGain Web Console by connecting to Oracle and map Oracle's scheme to Ignite caches configuration and POJO objects.
As I mentioned, it's recommended to make all the updates through Ignite first which will persist them to Oracle. But if Oracle is updated by other applications that are not aware of Ignite you need to update Ignite cluster on your own somehow. Ignite doesn't have any feature that covers this use case. However, this can be easily implemented with GridGain, that is built on top of Ignite, with it's Oracle Golden Gate Integration.
Once the data is in the Ignite Cluster use SQL Grid to query and/or update your data. SQL Grid engine is ANSI-99 compliant and doesn't have any limitations.
As for Ignite Shared RDD, it stores data in a distributed Ignite cache. This is why it's mutable which is opposite to Spark native RDDs. Shared RDDs SQL capabilities are absolutely the same - it's just one more API on top of SQL Grid.

Cassandra connection with anorm

Is there a way to connect to Cassandra using anorm framework in scala.?
We are using Cassandra as primary DB and evaluating connection options our application needs. As part of that, I am checking the possibility to establish connectivity with Cassandra using anorm frame framework. I could not find any concrete examples yet.

Hub-Spoke model with Cassandra

I'm trying to create Hub-Spoke topology with Cassandra. I want to have one centralised C* server and many spoke c* servers. Whenever a new records comes to any of the spoke, it should be moved to Hub c* server. I tried with replication startegies but its seems to be bi-directional. Means, If i insert a record in node1 and i'm able to see the record in all the nodes in my cluster.any suggestions/guidance will highly appreciated here.
This is a feature introduced in DataStax Enterprise 5.0. You can find all the details in the docs, but super summarized the DSE Advanced Replication provides a unidirectional replication from remote clusters to a central hubs which also supports prioritization of data streams.

Quartz Scheduler with Cassandra NoSQL database for Cluster failover mechanism

I am using Weblogic 12c in a cluster environment,
I am using Cassandra for database operations.
My requirement is to execute a batch which picks up records from DB, process them and upload to a webservice.
For this I am looking at Quartz JDBCJobStore implementation.
For normal sql database we can achieve it by JDBC JobStore
However I am struggling to get on how to implement on Cassandra
I want to create JDBC JobStore for NoSQL database like Cassandra
Any help would be great on this.
It would be helpful if some example implementation of and table script is given
Update: This delivers an answer for a SQL DB. I want the same for NoSQL DB

Using Zookeeper + Play + Cassandra DB (via Kundera)

Have anyone tried using Play framework(2.0.4) application with connect to cassandra db via kundera? I want to implement Zookeeper on top of cassandra DB. Have anyone tried combining them before?
I guess integration with play framework via Kundera is possible. Implementing zookeeper on top of cassandra is also possible, i guess. Did you look into cage API for this?
