UML BPMN examples [closed] - uml

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am looking for a basic business process (a ordering service or something similar) modeled using UML and/or BPMN for learning purposes. Are there any examples I can get my hand on?

You can find some examples here:
BPMN examples:
UML examples:
Select a project and click the green button to clone an example.

You can find some examples on the main bpmn web site:;
you can click on the tab "examples" and you will find some BPMN model examples.
I also suggest downloading BonitaStudio, where you can find some examples and you can run them.

You may try downloading Bonita Open Solution from Bonitasoft's site. The tool comes with a set of Business Processes provided as example like a hiring process. You'll also have the possibility to find some processes on BOS community.
Check here:
(Disclaimer: I work at Bonitasoft.)
Maybe other vendors/tools/community provide some examples.


How to write calabash features in a optimized way? Refer me any source to learn? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am a newbie of calabash-android. i did learn how to write scripts for automation testing. please refer me some "books" or "articles" to learn how to write scripts in a optimized way.
I recently started a new job as an automated tester for a mobile app and found the following book a good introduction to the Cucumber framework:
It doesn't go into lots of detail about Calabash specifically but does have lots of information on writing tests in general.
Once you have your feature files in place you just write the underlying code (Ruby in my case) to make the app do what you want (ie. touch, swipe).
It's also good to use:
query('*') whilst in the calabash-android console. It dumps out the all the information you need to know for example what ID's and text to check for on any given screen.

Nice free tool to create UML Communication (=Collaboration) diagrams [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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UML 1 uses the name Collaboration Diagram. UML 2 uses the name Communication Diagram. In this link you can find the definition and one nice example. Here you can find a nice reference about how to create them.
Unfortunately, I didn't find this diagram in the software I have been using lately: DIA. I think it is not available in WhiteStarUML either. There is a tutorial in the help, but I wasn't able to make it work. As WhiteStarUML is a fork of StartUML, maybe it is just not done yet.
WhiteStarUML Screenshot: there is a folder for Collaboration Diagram but not a file inside to double click it to create it (like the Class Diagrams or UseCase Diagrams)
What your favourite free tool to create those diagrams?
Again, free community edition of Visual Paradygm UML. Until you use one diagram for a project it even can be printed without water signs.
But the communication diagram is very simple, you could easily simulate it with some free diagraming tool. There are many of them, they are easy, simply try and find what you like - intuitivity is too personal thing.
It may not be intuitive but in WhiteStarUML ones creates diagrams (including Collaboration Diagram) using the context menu of the Model Explorer (right click on a package) or chosing from the main menu "Model - Add Diagram". In the Diagram Explorer you only see the existing diagrams.

Free online UML tool [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am looking for free online (flash, silverlight, or javascript - simply "browser-based") tool for creating UML diagrams & ER diagrams. In the past, there was great tools like,,, or But now, they are all paid or limited for free users.
So, is there any free online tools, which can do that?
Thank you for your tips.
GenMyModel seems to match: UML tool. It is an online modeler in the cloud. It does more than drawing as you get models conforming the UML metamodel. It's free and online. Presently for class diagrams and use case diagrams.
EverGraph is free for use and despite being notation agnostic can handle program structure / architecture visualization:

Use case diagrams [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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What are the free options for creating use case diagrams under Windows? I need some simple use case diagrams for a school project.
Why install anything when you can use free online tools such as
There are multiple options, but not yet mentioned are:
Cacoo - web tool for creating various diagrams,
Dia - standalone toolf for creating diagrams, with Win32 version also available in downloads,
When I remember right, there is a community edition of Magic Draw (the leading app?):
I already used Poseidon (Community) and ArgoUML, both not really convenient.
Recently I found a great tool called yEd: This can be run via web start. Not really UML but use cases are perfect with yEd.
Apparently there is already something in Eclipse: I did use it to test. Not yet convincing usability.
Wikipedia says:
Don't miss the stackoverflow search top right of this page.
There's a pretty nice tool called UML Pad.

Where can i download some good software design document? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Right now i am designing a software, and i need some good documents for reference.
Where can i download some good system design or UI design documents ?
by the way, i don't want just some document template.
Thanks in advance!
It's a bit hard to answer your question because it's a little vague. Are you talking technical documentation (eg low-level and/or high-level designs, architecture documents, etc) or more business-level documentation (eg requirements, functional specification)?
I would say of these the func spec is the most important, in which case I'd suggest reading:
Painless Functional Specifications - Part 1: Why Bother?
Painless Functional Specifications - Part 2: What's a Spec?
The Project Aardvark Spec
for a good intro and a good sample func spec (last link).
