Nivo Slider - Hide thumbnails if there is only one image and prevent slideshow transitions - nivo-slider

I am using the Nivo Slider for the first time and it is absolutely awesome however I do have a couple of issues.
I have it integrated within a CMS and this allows the user to add up to 5 images.
If there is only one image however, I would like to just hide the thumbnails and stop any transitions, as in sliding the same image in again and again.
Now is this something I would do with JQuery or should I be editing the 'jquery.nivo.slider.js' file? Or is it potentially something I could potentially accomplis in both?
I guess I am looking to do something like:
if images < 1 {
transition = false;
thumbnails = hide;
Hopefully that makes sense.
Thanks for your time and help.
Okay so I have managed to hide the thumbnails if there is only one image by adding the following to the jquery.nivo.slider.js file:
if (vars.totalSlides < 2)
I now want to be able to change one of the settings in the following piece of code based on the same rule but am not sure how to do this:
$.fn.nivoSlider.defaults = {
pauseOnHover: 'false',

I would change the config array and initialize the slider like this:
// nivo config array
var nivoConfig = {
slices: 30, // For slice animations
boxCols: 16, // For box animations
// put all your init config here but exclude 'effects'
if(imagesCount < 2) {
nivoConfig['effects'] = 'none';
} else {
nivoConfig['effects'] = 'random';
Try it out, it should work in a way like this.

I had this exact same problem; Johnny's code worked perfectly, but I wanted to elaborate for people who may be having problems with this. You'll want to insert:
if (vars.totalSlides < 2) {
on or around line 158 in the jquery.nivo.slider.js file (within the if(settings.controlNav) {} conditional). Otherwise it won't work.


Is it possible to recolor a lottie animation programmatically?

If I have a lottie animation in the form of a json file, is there a way to recolor it in code or even within the json itself?
(To be clear, I hope there's a way to do it without involving After Effects. For instance if I decide to change my app's primary color, the whole app will change except the animation unless there's a way to do that.)
I figured it out. For this example, let's say I want to recolor a specific layer to Color.RED.
You'll need your LottieAnimationView, a KeyPath, and a LottieValueCallback
private LottieAnimationView lottieAnimationVIew;
private KeyPath mKeyPath;
private LottieValueCallback<Integer> mCallback;
Then in your onCreate (or onViewCreated for a fragment) you'll get the animation with findViewById, as well as "addLottieOnCompositionLoadedListener" to the lottieAnimationView, in which you will setup the "mKeyPath" and "mCallback":
lottieAnimationVIew = findViewById(;
lottieAnimationView.addLottieOnCompositionLoadedListener(new LottieOnCompositionLoadedListener() {
public void onCompositionLoaded(LottieComposition composition) {
mKeyPath = getKeyPath(); // This is your own method for getting the KeyPath you desire. More on that below.
mCallback = new LottieValueCallback<>();
checkBox.addValueCallback(mKeyPath, LottieProperty.COLOR, mCallback);
The argument "LottieProperty.COLOR" specifies which property I am changing.
There's probably a better way to do this, but here's my "getKeyPath" method for finding the specific thing I want to change. It will log every KeyPath so you can see which one you want. Then it returns it once you've supplied the correct index. I saw that the one I want is the 5th in the list, hence the hard-coded index of 4.
private KeyPath getKeyPath() {
List<KeyPath> keyPaths = lottieAnimationView.resolveKeyPath(new KeyPath("Fill", "Ellipse 1", "Fill 1"));
for (int i = 0; i < keyPaths.size(); i++) {
Log.i("KeyPath", keyPaths.get(i).toString());
if (keyPaths.size() == 5) {
return keyPaths.get(4);
else {
return null;
Note that the "Fill", "Ellipse 1", "Fill 1" are strings I supplied to narrow the list down to just the ones that have those keys, because I know that the layer I want will be among those. There's likely a better way to do this as well.
There is another thread on this topic with the same approach but a bit simplified:
How to add a color overlay to an animation in Lottie?
Here's directly an example (Kotlin):
KeyPath("whatever_keypath", "**"),
) {
You can find the names of the keypaths also in the Lottie editor.

Detect collision direction in Phaser3

I'm trying to create a 'Bomber-man' like game using Phaser3 library.
For this purpose I'd like to define a collision relationship between the player and the bricks,
and more importantly - detect the collision direction relative the the player.
I've noticed body properties like touching or blocked but they are always set to false. (please see below)
// bricks static group
this.scene.physics.add.staticGroup({ immovable: true });
// player defined in external file (as sprite)
this.player = new Player(this, 90, 90)
// player.js
// ...
function(player, brick) {
if(player.body.touching.left) { //ALWAYS FALSE!!!
this.isBlockedFromLeft = true;
}, else if(player.body.touching.right) {
this.isBlockedFromRight = true; // ALWAYS FALSE!!!
I'd appreciate any help. This is driving me crazy. Maybe there is a better way to do it and i'm missing something...
Thanks in advance.
So I finally figured it out.
The major issue was the way I defined the player movement. It should be
if (this.keyboard.right.isDown) {
rather than
if (this.keyboard.right.isDown) {
this.x += this.speed;
The second way prevent collision detection and the body.touching and body.blocked properties to be updated.
Furthermore, I've found out that when it comes to top-down tiled games, it's really easier to build up the game using the tile-map feature.
official examples can be found here:
and here is a tutorial of how to make a tiled-map using a light-weight software called 'Tiled'
Thank you all!

Select and manipulate particular paths within a path group fabric.js

I am making an app that involves shapes like cylinders and boxes, and need to be able to do this with fabric.js. I know about three.js but for my purposes, it must be in 2D.
Initially I thought I would just create them in 3D software and render images which can then be added to the canvas, which I did successfully...
However, I have run into a hurdle where fabric only allows patterns to be filled onto paths or objects (rect, circle etc.)....not images (png).
Since I absolutely need patterns, I now need to create these cylinders in SVG. I have gotten as far as making the cylinders in Illustrator, saving them as SVG's and then using them on the canvas, then adding fill patterns on them. So far so good.
Now I want to be able to fill a different pattern for the top of the cylinder, and a different pattern to the side BUT still have it as one object.
So...How can I select and manipulate particular paths within a path group? Is there anyway to give each path within the group a custom attribute (eg. name) which I can then target? Do I need to create two seperate SVG files and then add them seperately, and if so, how can I do this and still have it as one object?
Here's how I am adding the svg to the canvas...
fabric.loadSVGFromURL("/shapes/50-250R.png", function(objects) {
var oImg = fabric.util.groupSVGElements(objects);
oImg.perPixelTargetFind = true;
oImg.targetFindTolerance = 4;
oImg.componentType = "Shape";
oImg.lockUniScaling = true;
oImg.lockScalingX = true;
oImg.lockScalingY = true;
oImg.setControlsVisibility({'tl': false, 'tr': false, 'bl': false, 'br': false});
Here is how I am adding the pattern...
var textureIMG = new Image;
textureIMG.crossOrigin = "anonymous";
textureIMG.src = texture.image;
obj.setFill(); //For some reason, the fill doesn't happen without this line.
var pattern = new fabric.Pattern({
source: textureIMG,
repeat: 'repeat'
if (obj instanceof fabric.PathGroup) {
obj.getObjects().forEach(function(o) {
} else {
Thanks in advance.
So I managed to figure this out. Each path within the path group is stored in the 'paths' array of the object.
I can now add a pattern to the top of the cylinder using...
var obj = canvas.getActiveObject();
obj.paths[0].fill = patternOne;
and to the sides using...
obj.paths[1].fill = patternTwo;

Highlighting or Bolding the Borders of a kml Polygon

Hey after loading a kml file to google earth I was trying to have when a user clicks a certain polygon from the kml, to have that polygon highlighted.
So far I can record the click event, get the event type (KmlPlacemark) and grab its kml markup.
I tried doing something similar to this example where they add a placemark to the getFeatures of the kmlObject but both target and type don't seem to have 'getFeatures'. After looking around the documentation I think I might either want setOutline from Kml Polystyle class or setWidth() from KmlLineStyle class but am not sure. Also when I try something like target.setOutline(true); it doesn't work.
Can anyone tell me if I'm on the right track, hints to what I'm doing wrong, and if there's a better way to do this?
function recordEvent(event) {
var target = event.getTarget();
var type = target.getType();
if(type == "KmlPolygon") {
alert("KMLPolygon ");
}else if(type == "KmlPlacemark") {
// // get the data you want from the target.
var description = target.getDescription();
var balloon = target.getBalloonHtml();
var outputKml = target.getKml();
if ('getFeatures' in event) {
// target.setOutline(true);
};, 'click', recordEvent);
I find the best way to do what you are asking is to:
Detect click events like you currently do
If clicked, create a new Style, then assign it to the target
var newStyle = ge.createStyle('');
// Assign your Style's attributes such as LabelStyle and IconStyle
// eg to set the scale of your label
// Set the Style
Edit to add in this link of a Google example showing it more in depth

MonoTouch.Dialog row animations

Just wondering if it is possible to have no animations in section when adding/removing elements in the section. Or even when adding/removing the section itself.
On ViewWillAppear I check a global boolean to see if the app has been exited/reopened. This will then cause it to reload new data. (Did have RefreshRequested set up, but the client wanted it this way). So on ViewWillAppear we call a function called UpdateCells which does the following.
// Using Bottom animation as its the closest to none (none has no fade effects
// but makes solid cells move upwards in the TableView and then suddenly disappear)
Root.Remove(mySection1, UITableViewRowAnimation.Bottom);
Root.Remove(mySection2, UITableViewRowAnimation.Bottom);
// Load stuff from SQLite DB and populate sections. Adding looks like:
// if (isThisWeek)
// {
// section1.Insert(0, UITableViewRowAnimation.None, newElement);
// }
// else
// {
// section2.Insert(0. UITableViewRowAnimation.None, newElement);
// }
// Now finally add sections back into Root if there exists elements in them.
if (sectionThisWeek.Count > 0)
Root.Insert(1, UITableViewRowAnimation.None, sectionThisWeek);
if (sectionCommingUp.Count > 0)
Root.Insert(1, UITableViewRowAnimation.None, sectionCommingUp);
I was hoping for some sort of, pause everything in the DialogViewController, work on it, then do a ReloadComplete() with no animations.. somehow...
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong, or a better way to do what I am trying to do.
If you are reloading all the data at once, you can just assign the entire new value to the Root property on the DialogViewController and no animations would be shown.
