Two Redmine 1.4 instances on same machine with very different performance on WEBrick - windows-server-2003

I installed Redmine 1.4 on Windows Server 2003 and MySQL. As after some time the instance became used by more people, I needed another one for testing (i.e. a development environment). As I also wanted to be able to test plugins without the risk of destroying the production Redmine instance, I copied the original Redmine (say redmine_prod) folder to another one (say redmine_devel). I created a new, empty Redmine database for redmine_devel. I only defined production environment in the first one and development in the second. Both instances run on Webrick started as Windows service, on different ports. Yet, there is a big difference in performance of both these instances - the old, production one runs very fast, whereas development runs slowly (several seconds to bring up pages, which doesn't alter with time).
I also tested running redmine_devel on thin server, which doesn't improve the performance a bit.
What can be the reason? They both run in literally same conditions.
Any hints appreciated.

OK, it's the default log level for environments other than production in Redmine. I.e. production uses :info as default, whereas other environments use :debug. This can be altered by editing config\environments\[your_env].rb and adding:
config.logger.level = Logger::INFO
to the chosed environment. There are also other options available, naturally.


Separate environments for learning or trying out vs production (sandboxes?)

Can you suggest me a way of separating learning/trying out vs production in the same computer? I am in such a place that I know a lot of JS and production ready skills whilst sometimes require probing or trying out simpler stuff or basics. I presume that a lot of engineers are also in a similar place.
This is the situation I am facing with right now.
I wanted to install redis and configure it while trying out something interested.
In a separate project I needed another clean redis configuration and installation.
In front-end side I tried and installed a few npm packages globally.
At some point I installed python 3.4 now require 3.6
At some point I installed nginx and configured it, now need another configuration and wipe the previous one out,
If I start a big project right now I feel like my computer will eventually let me down due to several attempts I previously done
et cetera, these all create friction on both my learning and exploration
Now, it crosses mind to use separate virtual box installations for trying out things, but this answer is trivial, please suggest something else.
P.S.: I am using Linux Mint.
You can install and use Docker, which is also trivial,
however, if your environment is Linux you can use LXC
There isn't really a single good answer to this sort of question of course; but some things that are generally a good idea are:
use git repos to keep the source "backed up" (obviously your local pc should not be the git server); commit your changes all the time, if you can't hold your breath for as long as the timespan between 2 commits, then you're doing it wrong (or you may have asthma, see a doctor).
Always build your project with there being not just multiple, but a variable amount of "deployments" in mind. That means not hardcoding absolute paths and database names/ports/hostnames and things like that. If your project needs database/api credentials then that should be in a configfile of sorts (or in the env); that configfile should be stored outside the codebase and shouldn't be checked into your git repos (though there can ofcourse be a config template in there).
Always have at least 2 deployments of any project actually deployed. Next to the (obvious) "live"/"production" deployment, which your clients/users use, you want a "dev"-version for yourself where you can freely shit the bed, and for bigger projects you may well want multiple. Each deployment would have its own database, and it's own copy of the code/assets.
It can be useful to deploy everything inside podman or docker containers, that makes it easier to have a near-identical system in both development and production (incase those are different servers), but that may be too much overhead for you.
Have a method (maybe a script) that makes it very easy to deploy updates from your gitrepo or dev-deployment, to the production deployment. Based on your description, i'm guessing if a client tells you she wants some minor cosmetic changes done, you do them straight on the live version; very convenient and fast, but a horrible thing in practice. once you switch from that workflow to having a seperate dev-deploy, you'll feel slowed down by that (which you are), but if you optimize that workflow over time you'll get to the point where you could still deploy cosmetic changes in a minute orso, while having fully separated deployments, it is worth the time investment.
Have a personal devtools git repo or something similar. You're likely using an IDE such as VS code ? Back up your vs code user config in that repo, update it reasonably frequently. Use a texteditor, photoshop/editor, etc etc, same deal. You hear that ticking sound ? that's the bomb that's been placed on your motherboard. It might go off tonight, it might not go off for years, but you never know, always expect it could be today or tomorrow, so have stuff backed up externally and/or on offline media.
There's a lot more but those are some of the basics that spring to mind.
I though Docker was only for containerizing your app with all the installation files and configurations before pushing to the production
Docker is useful whenever you need to configure the runtime environment in an isolated manner. Production, local development, other environments - all need the same runtime. All benefit from the runtime definition and isolation that docker provides. Arguably docker is even more useful in workstation-centric development, than it is in production.
I wanted to install redis and configure it while trying out something interested.
Instead of installing redis on your os directly, run the preexisting docker image for redis.
In a separate project I needed another clean redis configuration and installation.
Instantiate the docker image again and now you have 2 isolated redis servers running locally.
In front-end side I tried and installed a few npm packages globally.
Run your npm code within a nodejs docker container
At some point I installed python 3.4 now require 3.6
Different versions of python is a great use case for docker containers, which will tagged with specific python versions.
At some point I installed nginx and configured it, now need another configuration and wipe the previous one out,
Nginx also has a very useful official container.
If I start a big project right now I feel like my computer will eventually let me down due to several attempts I previously done
Yeah, it gets messy quick. That's why docker is such a great solution. Give every project dedicated services and use docker-compose to simplify the networking and building components. Fight the temptation to use a docker container for more than one service - instead stitch them together with docker networks.
Read to get started with docker.

docker and product versions

I am working for a product company and we do make lot of releases of the product. In the current approach to test multiple releases, we create separate VM and install all infrastructure softwares(db, app server etc) on top of it. Later we deploy the application WARs on the respective VM. Recently, I came across docker and it seems to be much helpful. Hence I started exploring it with the examples listed on the site. But, I am not able to find a way as how docker can be applied to build environment suitable to various releases?
Each product version will have db schema changes.
Each application WARs will have enhancements/defects etc.
Consider below example.
Every month, our company is releasing a new version of software and hence in order to support/fix defects we create VMs per release. Given the fact that if the application's overall size is 2 gb and OS takes close to 5 gb (apart from space it will also take up system resources for extra overhead). The VMs are required to restore any release and test any support issues reported against it. But looking at the additional infrastructure requirements, it seems that its very costly affair.
Can docker have everything required to run an application inside a container/image?
Can docker pack an application which consists of multiple WARs/DB schemas and when started allocate appropriate port?
Will there be any space/memory/speed differences compared to VM and docker assuming above scenario?
Do you think docker is still appropriate solution or should we continue using VMs? Can someone share pointers on how I can achieve above requirements with docker?
tl;dr: Yes, docker can run most applications inside a container.
Docker runs a single process inside each container. When using VMs or real servers, this one process is usually the init system which starts all system services. With docker it is usually your app.
This difference will get you faster startup times for your app (not starting the whole operating system). The trade off is that, if you depend on system services (such as cron, sshd…) you will need to start them yourself. There are some base images that provide a more "VM-like" environment… check phusion's baseimage for instance. To start more than a single process, you can also use a process manager such as supervisord.
Going forward, the recommended (although not required) approach is to start one process in each container (one per application server, one per database server, and so on) and not use containers as VMs.
Docker has no problems allocating ports either. It even has an explicit command on the Dockerfile: EXPOSE. Exposed ports can also be published on the docker host with the --publish argument of run so you don't even need to know the IP assigned to the container.
Regarding used space, you will probably see important savings. Docker images are created by stacking filesystem layers… this means that the common layers are only stored once on the server. In your setup, you will likely only have one copy of the base operating system layer (with VMs, you have a copy on each VM).
On memory you will probably see less significant savings (mostly caused by not starting all the operating system services). Speed is still a subject of research… A few things clear so far is that for faster IO you will need to use docker volumes and that for network heavy use cases you should use host networking. Check the IBM research "An Updated Performance Comparison of Virtual Machines and Linux Containers" for details. Or a summary like InfoQ's.

Keeping Multiple Servers in a Cluster In-Sync?

I'm currently managing a cluster of PHP-FPM servers, all of which tend to get out of sync with each other. The application that I'm using on top of the app servers (Magento) allows for admins to modify various files on the system, but now that the site is in a clustered set up modifying a file only modifies it on a single instance (on one of the app servers) of the various machines in the cluster.
Is there an open-source application for Linux that may allow me to keep all of these servers in sync? I have no problem with creating a small VM instance that can listen for changes from machines to sync. In theory, the perfect application would have small clients that run on each machine to be synced, which would talk to the master server which would then decide how/what to sync from each machine.
I have already examined the possibilities of running a centralized file server, but unfortunately my app servers are spread out between EC2 and physical machines, which makes this unfeasible. As there are multiple app servers (some of which are dynamically created depending on the load of the site), simply setting up a rsync cron job is not efficient as the cron job would have to be modified on each machine to send files to every other machine in the cluster, and that would just be a whole bunch of unnecessary data transfers/ssh connections.
I'm dealing with setting up a similar solution. I'm half way there. I would recommend you use lsyncd, which basically monitors the disk for changes and then immediately (or whatever interval you want) automatically syncs files to a list of servers using rsync.
The only issue I'm having is keeping the server lists up to date, since I can spin up additional servers at any time, I would need to have each machine in the cluster notified whenever a machine is added or removed from the cluster.
I think lsyncd is a great solution that you should look into. The issue I'm having may turn out to be a problem for you as well, and that remains to be solved.
Instead of keeping tens or hundreds of servers cross-synchronized it would be much more efficient, reliable, and most of all simple maintaining just one "admin node" and replicating changes from that to all your "worker nodes".
For instance at our company we use a Development server -> Staging server -> Live backends workflow where all the changes are transferred across servers using a custom php+rsync front end. That allows the developers to push updates to a Staging server in the live environment, test out changes, and roll them to Live backends incrementally.
A similar approach could very well work in your case as well. Obviously it's not a plug-and-play solution, but I see it as the easiest way to go - both in terms of maintainability and scalability.

Dev environment for multiple server setup - Nodejs

This is my first time building out something with multiple servers. I wanted to know if anyone could point me towards a guide for setting up a dev environment (windows) for a backend that will be set up on multiple servers ie one server for the API, one for another set of processes (ie file compression) and one for everything else.
Again, just trying to figure out if it's possible to set up a dev environment to test out the system on my local machine.
You almost certainly want to run virtual machines (on something like VMWare or VirtualBox) to really test multi-machine stuff. However, I also develop for multiple machines every day (we have an array of app servers, an array of background worker servers, e-commerce servers, cache stores and front proxies—and I still just develop on one virtual machine that has all that stuff running on it. Provided you make hostnames and ports configurable for everything, there's not much difference between localhost port 9000 and some.server.tld port 8080. Actually running all the VMs on a single computer would likely be painful, both in terms of system resources and complexity.
There are tools to help with setting up VMs with similar or the same configurations too. Take a look at and also
Just my $0.02.

Linux development environment for a small team

Approach (A)
From my experience I saw that for a small team there's a dedicated server with all development tools (e.g. compiler, debugger, editor etc.) installed on it. Testing is done on dedicated per developer machine.
Approach (B)
On my new place there's team utilizing a different approach. Each developer has a dedicated PC which is used both as development and testing server. For testing an in-house platform is installed on the PC to run application over it. The platform executes several modules on kernel space and several processes on user space.
Now there are additional 2 small teams (~ 6 developers at all) joining to work on the exactly same OS and development environment. The teams don't use the mentioned platform and can execute application over plain Linux, so no need in dedicated machine for testing. We'd like to adopt approach (A) for all 3 teams, but the server must be stable and installing on it in-house platform, described above, is highly not desirable.
What would you advise?
What is practice for development environmentin your place - one server per team(s) or dedicated PC/server per developer?
We've started developing on VMs that run on the individual developers' computers, with a common subversion repository.
Developers work on multiple projects simultaneously; one VM per project.
It's easy to create a snapshot (or simply to copy the VM) at any time, particularly before those "what happens if I try something clever" moments. A few clicks will restore the VM to its previous (working) state. For you, this means you needn't worry about kernel-space bugs "blowing up" a machine.
Similarly, it's trivial to duplicate one developer's environment so, for example, a temporary consultant can help troubleshoot. Best-practices warning: It's tempting to simply copy the VM each time you need a new development machine. Be sure you can reproduce the environment from your repository!
It doesn't really matter where the VMs run, so you can host them either locally or on a common server; the developers can still either collaborate or work independently.
Good luck — and enjoy the luxury of 6 additional developers!
