I'm trying to write a really simple editor like "ed".
In this program I'm trying to use a mapping for building the control which translate string-command in actions to perform.
Here's a piece of code:
commands :: Map String ([Handle] -> IO ())
commands = fromAscList [
("o",\list -> print "Insert name of the file to be opened" >> getLine >>= \nomefile ->
openFile nomefile ReadWriteMode >>= \handle -> editor (handle:list)),
("i",\list -> case list of { [] -> print "No buffer open" ; handle:res -> write handle } >> editor list),
("q",\list -> if list == [] then return () else mapM_ hClose list >> return ())
editor :: [Handle] -> IO()
editor list = do
command <- getLine
let action = lookup command commands
case action of
Nothing -> print "Unknown command" >> editor list
Just act -> act list
The problem is that when I execute the editor function, either in ghci or in an executable file, when I type "o" I get the message "Unknown command" instead of the call to the function to open the file. I've tryed the same code using associative list instead of Map and in this case it works. So what could be the problem here?
What's more odd is that if I call keys on the mapping commands in ghci it return a list containing the string "o" too.
I thank in advance for any help.
commands :: Map String ([Handle] -> IO ())
commands = fromAscList [
ghci> Data.List.sort ["o","i","q"]
You were lying to Data.Map, so it constructed a Map that didn't satisfy the required invariants. Thus looking up things in the Map didn't work, since the request was sent down the wrong branch (sometimes).
I'm trying to learn how to work with IO in Haskell by writing a function that, if there is a flag, will take a list of points from a file, and if there is no flag, it asks the user to enter them.
dispatch :: [String] -> IO ()
dispatch argList = do
if "file" `elem` argList
then do
let (path : otherArgs) = argList
points <- getPointsFile path
print "Enter a point in the format: x;y"
input <- getLine
if (input == "exit")
then do
print "The user inputted list:"
print $ reverse xs
else (inputStrings (input:xs))
if "help" `elem` argList
then help
else return ()
dispatch [] = return ()
dispatch _ = error "Error: invalid args"
getPointsFile :: String -> IO ([(Double, Double)])
getPointsFile path = do
handle <- openFile path ReadMode
contents <- hGetContents handle
let points_str = lines contents
let points = foldl (\l d -> l ++ [tuplify2 $ splitOn ";" d]) [] points_str
hClose handle
return points
I get this: do-notation in pattern Possibly caused by a missing 'do'?` after `if "file" `elem` argList.
I'm also worried about the binding issue, assuming that I have another flag that says which method will be used to process the points. Obviously it waits for points, but I don't know how to make points visible not only in if then else, constructs. In imperative languages I would write something like:
init points
if ... { points = a}
else points = b
some actions with points
How I can do something similar in Haskell?
Here's a fairly minimal example that I've done half a dozen times when I'm writing something quick and dirty, don't have a complicated argument structure, and so can't be bothered to do a proper job of setting up one of the usual command-line parsing libraries. It doesn't explain what went wrong with your approach -- there's an existing good answer there -- it's just an attempt to show what this kind of thing looks like when done idiomatically.
import System.Environment
import System.Exit
import System.IO
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
pts <- case args of
["--help"] -> usage stdout ExitSuccess
["--file", f] -> getPointsFile f
[] -> getPointsNoFile
_ -> usage stderr (ExitFailure 1)
print (frobnicate pts)
usage :: Handle -> ExitCode -> IO a
usage h c = do
nm <- getProgName
hPutStrLn h $ "Usage: " ++ nm ++ " [--file FILE]"
hPutStrLn h $ "Frobnicate the points in FILE, or from stdin if no file is supplied."
exitWith c
getPointsFile :: FilePath -> IO [(Double, Double)]
getPointsFile = {- ... -}
getPointsNoFile :: IO [(Double, Double)]
getPointsNoFile = {- ... -}
frobnicate :: [(Double, Double)] -> Double
frobnicate = {- ... -}
if in Haskell doesn't inherently have anything to do with control flow, it just switches between expressions. Which, in Haskell, happen to include do blocks of statements (if we want to call them that), but you still always need to make that explicit, i.e. you need to say both then do and else do if there are multiple statements in each branch.
Also, all the statements in a do block need to be indented to the same level. So in your case
if "file" `elem` argList
if "help" `elem` argList
Or alternatively, if the help check should only happen in the else branch, it needs to be indented to the statements in that do block.
Independent of all that, I would recommend to avoid parsing anything in an IO context. It is usually much less hassle and easier testable to first parse the strings into a pure data structure, which can then easily be processed by the part of the code that does IO. There are libraries like cmdargs and optparse-applicative that help with the parsing part.
I am trying to make a function that takes a list of strings and executes the command putStrLn or print (I think they are basically equivalent, please correct me if I am wrong as I'm still new to Haskell) to every element and have it printed out on my terminal screen. I was experimenting with the map function and also with lambda/anonymous functions as I already know how to do this recursively but wanted to try a more complex non recursive version. map returned a list of the type IO() which was not what I was going for and my attempts at lambda functions did not go according to plan. The basic code was:
test :: [String] -> something
test x = map (\a->putStrLn a) x -- output for this function would have to be [IO()]
Not entirely sure what the output of the function was supposed to be either which also gave me issues.
I was thinking of making a temp :: String variable and have each String appended to temp and then putStrLn temp but was not sure how to do that entirely. I though using where would be viable but I still ran into issues. I know how to do this in languages like java and C but I am still quite new to Haskell. Any help would be appreciated.
There is a special version of map that works with monadic functions, it's called mapM:
test :: [String] -> IO [()]
test x = mapM putStrLn x
Note that this way the return type of test is a list of units - that's because each call to putStrLn returns a unit, so result of applying it to each element in a list would be a list of units. If you'd rather not deal with this silliness and have the return type be a plain unit, use the special version mapM_:
test :: [String] -> IO ()
test x = mapM_ putStrLn x
I was thinking of making a temp :: String variable and have each String appended to temp and then putStrLn temp
Good idea. A pattern of "render the message" then a separate "emit the message" is often nice to have long term.
test xs = let temp = unlines (map show xs)
in putStrLn temp
Or just
test xs = putStrLn (unlines (show <$> xs))
test = putStrLn . unlines . map show
Not entirely sure what the output of the function was supposed to be either which also gave me issues.
Well you made a list of IO actions:
test :: [String] -> [IO ()]
test x = map (\a->putStrLn a) x
So with this list of IO actions when do you want to execute them? Now? Just once? The first one many times the rest never? In what order?
Presumably you want to execute them all now. Let's also eta reduce (\a -> putStrLn a) to just putStrLn since that means the same thing:
test :: [String] -> IO ()
test x = sequence_ (map (\a->putStrLn a) x)
I'm doing my first steps using Haskell. I created a project using stack and changed the Main.hs into
module Main where
my_fkt :: String -> String
my_fkt input = show (length input)
main :: IO ()
main = interact my_fkt
I build the project via stack build, run it via stack exec firststeps-exe, enter "abcd" and finish input via <CTRL>-D. In the console I now see
The %is inverted. If I use a text file containing the "abcd" (without line break) and execute more sample.txt | stack exec firststeps-exe I see
Why do I get one additional character in the second case and what is the inverted percentage sign?
That is because the definition of interact uses putStr instead of putStrLn.
You can take a look at the source code here.
interact :: (String -> String) -> IO ()
interact f = do s <- getContents
putStr (f s)
To remedy your issue I would go on and create a similar function
interact' :: (String -> String) -> IO ()
interact' f = do s <- getContents
putStrLn (f s)
or if you like to mix it up and write a bit terser code
interact' f = putStrLn =<< (f <$> getContents)
I don't know what the % is or why it is showing up, my guess would be that it is the escaped CTRL-D.
With regards to your second question about the additional "non-existing" character, I am also not sure, but here my guess would be that this is the \EOF.
Btw. you can always check using more testinput | wc -c it should yield the same result as your haskell program.
I'm trying to read in multiple lines from standard input in Haskell, plus one argument, then do something with the current line and write something to the standard output.
In my case I am trying to normalize lambda expressions. The program may receive 1 or more lambda expressions to normalize and then it has to write the result (normalized form or error) to the standard output. And the program may receive an argument (the max number of reductions). Here is the main function:
main :: IO ()
main = do
params <- getArgs
fullLambda <- getLine
let lambda = convertInput fullLambda
let redNum | (length params) == 1 = read (head params)
| otherwise = 100
case (parsing lambda) of
Left errorExp -> putStrLn ("ERROR: " ++ lambda)
Right lambdaExp -> do
let normalizedLambdaExp = reduction lambdaExp redNum
if (isNormalForm normalizedLambdaExp) && (isClosed lambdaExp)
then putStrLn ("OK: " ++ show normalizedLambdaExp)
else putStrLn ("ERROR: " ++ lambda)
convertInput :: String -> String
convertInput ('\"':xs) = take ((length xs) - 2) xs
convertInput input = input
So this code handles one line and completes the reductions and then writes something to the standard output. How can I change this to handle multiple lines? I've read about replicateM but I can't seem to grasp it. My mind is very OO so I was thinking maybe some looping somehow, but that is surely not the preferred way.
Also, this program has to be able to run like this:
echo "(\x.x) (\x.x)" | Main 25
And will produce:
OK: (\x.x)
And if there are multiple lines, it has to produce the same kind of output for each line, in new lines.
But also has to work without the argument, and has to handle multiple lines. I spent time on google and here, but I'm not sure how the argument reading will happen. I need to read in the argument once and the line(s) once or many times. Does someone know a not too lengthy solution to this problem?
I've tried it like this, too (imperatively):
main :: IO ()
main = do
params <- getArgs
mainHelper params
mainHelper :: [String] -> IO ()
mainHelper params = do
fullLambda <- getLine
And so on, but then it puts this to the standard output as well:
Main: <stdin>: hGetLine: end of file
Thank you in advance!
It appears you want to:
Parse a command line option which may or may not exist.
For each line of input process it with some function.
Here is an approach using lazy IO:
import System.Environment
import Control.Monad
main = do args <- getArgs
let option = case args of
[] -> ... the default value...
(a:_) -> read a
contents <- getContents
forM_ (lines contents) $ \aline -> do
process option aline
I am assuming your processing function has type process :: Int -> String -> IO (). For instance, it could look like:
process :: Int -> String -> IO ()
process option str = do
if length str < option
then putStrLn $ "OK: " ++ str
else putStrLn $ "NOT OK: line too long"
Here's how it works:
contents <- getContents reads all of standard input into the variable contents
lines contents breaks up the input into lines
forM_ ... iterates over each line, passing the line to the process function
The trick is that getContents reads standard input lazily so that you'll get some output after each line is read.
You should be aware that there are issues with lazy IO which you may run into when your program becomes more complex. However, for this simple use case lazy IO is perfectly fine and works well.
I'm trying to use the interact function, but I'm having an issue with the following code:
main = interact test
test :: String -> String
test [] = show 0
test a = show 3
I'm using EclipseFP and taking one input it seems like there is an error. Trying to run main again leads to a:
*** Exception: <stdin>: hGetContents: illegal operation (handle is closed)
I'm not sure why this is not working, the type of test is String -> String and show is Show a => a -> String, so it seems like it should be a valid input for interact.
I've tried the following and it works fine. How does the use of unlines and lines cause interact to work as expected?
main = interact respondPalindromes
respondPalindromes :: String -> String
respondPalindromes =
unlines .
map (\xs -> if isPal xs then "palindrome" else "not a palindrome") .
isPal :: String -> Bool
isPal xs = xs == reverse xs
GHCi and Unsafe I/O
You can reduce this problem (the exception) to:
main = getContents >> return ()
(interact calls getContents)
The problem is that stdin (getContents is really hGetContents stdin) remains evaluated in GHCi in-between calls to main. If you look up stdin, it's implemented as:
stdin :: Handle
stdin = unsafePerformIO $ ...
To see why this is a problem, you could load this into GHCi:
import System.IO.Unsafe
f :: ()
f = unsafePerformIO $ putStrLn "Hi!"
Then, in GHCi:
*Main> f
*Main> f
Since we've used unsafePerformIO and told the compiler that f is a pure function, it thinks it doesn't need to evaluate it a second time. In the case of stdin, all of the initialization on the handle isn't run a second time and it's still in a semi-closed state (which hGetContents puts it in), which causes the exception. So I think that GHCi is "correct" in this case and the problem lies in the definition of stdin which is a practical convenience for compiled programs that will just evaluate stdin once.
Interact and Lazy I/O
As for why interact quits after a single line of input while the unlines . lines version continues, let's try reducing that as well:
main :: IO ()
main = interact (const "response\n")
If you test the above version, interact won't even wait for input before printing response. Why? Here's the source for interact (in GHC):
interact f = do s <- getContents
putStr (f s)
getContents is lazy I/O, and since f in this case doesn't need s, nothing is read from stdin.
If you change your test program to:
main :: IO ()
main = interact test
test :: String -> String
test [] = show 0
test a = show a
you should notice different behavior. And that suggests that in your original version (test a = show 3), the compiler is smart enough to realize that it only needs enough input to determine if the string read is empty or not (because if it's not empty, it doesn't need to know what a is, it just needs to print "3"). Since the input is presumably line-buffered on a terminal, it reads up until you press the return key.