Updating the card.io plugin for phonegap 2.0 and above - phonegap-plugins

I am trying to upgrade the Card.io phonegap plugin to work for phonegap 2.0 or above. I've never upgraded a phonegap plugin before and am looking for some direction before I start the project. Who can help?

the updated PhoneGap plugin for Card.io can be found here https://github.com/card-io/card.io-iOS-SDK-PhoneGap
hope it helps!


AndroidStudio - plugin error messages on start after update to 4.1

After upgrade Android Studio to 4.1 I am getting error message on each start:
However, I can't see these plugins on list - to uninstall or disable them:
How to fix it? Also, I am not sure what are these plugins for? I won't be able to use DataBinding anymore? Does anybody know?
i have same issue then i just remove plugin from android studio
u can find them here
C:\Users\Your pc name\AppData\Roaming\Google\AndroidStudio4.1\plugins

Crashlytics not working after update Android Studio to 3.3

So also gradle plugin updated to 3.3 and Gradle updated to 4.10. After that, Crashlytics stopped working with error:
Crashlytics found an invalid API key: null
Any ideas? I am forced to revert Gradle to make it working again. Crashlytics configured with Firebase
Updating com.google.gms:google-services to 4.2.0 helped me
that helped me on gradle-wrapper.properties

phonegap build, connection plugin to check network connection

I am developing an HTML/CSS/JS app with Phonegap Build (using phonegap 2.9.0) and I am trying to check the network connection of the device.
I included the plugin in the config.xml file like this :
<gap:plugin name="org.apache.cordova.network-information" />
But when I compile on Phonegap Build I get :
plugin unsupported: org.apache.cordova.network-information
Can you help me figure this out?
I am not sure I want to updgrade to phonegap version 3.0.0 because it doesn't support Blackberry...
it seems that Phonegap 2.9.0 doesn't need to load this plugin, like other core plugins :
You don't need to use a plugin. Providing you are creating this app in HTML5 and Javascript, you can simply call the function:
if navigator.onLine; <!--PERFORM A FUNCTION--> else;
Read more on it here:
Worked for me on my phone gap build.

Change target sdk on Phonegap for nodejs

Im using phonegap on nodejs, but when I use the command
phonegap local build android
It automatically ask me for "Android 4.2 SDK"
Please install Android target 17 (the Android 4.2 SDK). Make sure you
have the latest Android tools installed as well.
How can I choose a lower vesion (android 4.1) of the sdk using phonegap for nodejs?
Short answer: you don't have to!
I struggled with this until I installed v17 and completed my first build. It turns out that the generated Androidmanifest.xml has minSdkVersion=10, so the minimum version required for your application is 2.3.3, it just needs to compile against v17.

Phonegap in Visual Studio 2012 : how to use console.log?

I'm using PhoneGap 3.0.0 and I need to debug a Windows Phone 8 App.
The PhoneGap WP8 documentation is outdated since it's about a downloaded version though NodeJS seems to be mandatory with version 3.0.0.
I can open the project generated by PhoneGap with VS2012 but I don't see any log in the console... Did anybody have the same problem ?
PhoneGap WP8 doc: http://docs.phonegap.com/en/edge/guide_platforms_wp8_index.md.html#Windows%20Phone%208%20Platform%20Guide
I've found the solution: you need to run the application in debug mode (unlike android).
During the Debugg process, go to Debug>Window>JavaScript Console or press Strg+Alt+V
Now you must see the console.log output
