Haskell Ambiguous type error - haskell

I have the following definitions
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses,
FlexibleContexts #-}
import qualified Data.Map as M
class Graph g n e | g -> n e where
empty :: g -- returns an empty graph
type Matrix a = [[a]]
data MxGraph a b = MxGraph { nodeMap :: M.Map a Int, edgeMatrix :: Matrix (Maybe b) } deriving Show
instance (Ord n) => Graph (MxGraph n e) n e where
empty = MxGraph M.empty [[]]
When I try to call empty I get an ambiguous type error
*Main> empty
Ambiguous type variables `g0', `n0', `e0' in the constraint: ...
Why do I get this error? How can I fix it?

You are seeing this type error because Haskell is not provided with sufficient information to know the type of empty.
Any attempt to evaluate an expression though requires the type. The type is not defined yet because the instance cannot be selected yet. That is, as the functional dependency says, the instance can only be selected if type parameter g is known. Simply, it is not known because you do not specify it in any way (such as with a type annotation).
The type-class system makes an open world assumption. This means that there could be many instances for the type class in question and hence the type system is conservative in selecting an instance (even if currently there is only one instance that makes sense to you, but there could be more some other day and the system doesn't want to change its mind just because some other instances get into scope).


Apply constraint within constraint in Haskell

Is there anyway to apply a constraint within another constraint such that this
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
module Test where
type Con a = (Num a, Show a)
type App c a b = (c a, c b)
program :: App Con a b => a -> b -> String
program a b = show a ++ " " ++ show (b+1)
will work?
Currently GHC is giving me the following errors:
[1 of 1] Compiling Test ( Test.hs, interpreted )
Test.hs:9:12: error:
• Expected a constraint, but ‘App Con a b’ has kind ‘*’
• In the type signature: program :: App Con a b => a -> b -> String
9 | program :: App Con a b => a -> b -> String
| ^^^^^^^^^^^
Test.hs:9:16: error:
• Expected kind ‘* -> *’, but ‘Con’ has kind ‘* -> Constraint’
• In the first argument of ‘App’, namely ‘Con’
In the type signature: program :: App Con a b => a -> b -> String
9 | program :: App Con a b => a -> b -> String
| ^^^
Failed, no modules loaded.
An easy way to fix this is to use the LiberalTypeSynonyms extension. This extension allows GHC to first treat the type synonyms as substitutions and only afterwards check that the synonyms are fully applied. Note that GHC can be a little silly at kind inference, so you'll need to be very clear with it (i.e., an explicit signature). Try this:
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LiberalTypeSynonyms #-}
module Test where
import Data.Kind (Constraint)
type Con a = (Num a, Show a)
type App c a b = (c a, c b) :: Constraint
program :: App Con a b => a -> b -> String
program a b = show a ++ " " ++ show (b+1)
Before I understood that this could be solved with LiberalTypeSynonyms, I had a different solution, which I'll keep here in case anyone's interested.
Although the error message you're getting is a bit misleading, the fundamental problem with your code comes down to the fact that GHC does not support partial application of type synonyms, which you have in App Con a b. There are a few ways to fix this, but I find the simplest is to convert the type synonym constraint into a class constraint following this pattern:
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
type Con' a = (Num a, Show a)
class Con' a => Con a
instance Con' a => Con a
You can use this definition of Con anywhere you were intending to use your old one.
If you're interested in how/why this works, it's basically a trick to get around GHC's lack of support for partial type synonym/family application for the particular cases where those type synonyms/families define simple constraints.
What we're doing is defining a class, and every class comes with a constraint of the same name. Now, notice that the class has no body, but critically, the class itself has a constraint (in the above case Con' a), which means that every instance of the class must have that same constraint.
Next, we make an incredibly generic instance of Con, one that covers any type so long as the constraint Con' holds on that type. In essence, this assures that any type that is an instance of Con' is also an instance of Con, and the Con' constraint on the Con class instance assures that GHC knows that anything that's an instance of Con also satisfies Con'. In total, the Con constraint is functionally equivalent to Con', but it can be partially applied. Success!
As another side note, the GHC proposal for unsaturated type families was recently accepted, so there may be a not-too-far-off future where these tricks are unnecessary because partial application of type families becomes allowed.
Haskell does not support type-level lambdas, nor partial application of type families / type synonyms. Your Con must always be fully applied, it can not passed unapplied to another type synonym.
At best, we can try to use "defunctionalization" as follows, effectively giving names to the type-level lambdas we need.
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds, KindSignatures, TypeFamilies #-}
import Data.Kind
-- Generic application operator
type family Apply f x :: Constraint
-- A name for the type-level lambda we need
data Con
-- How it can be applied
type instance Apply Con x = (Show x, Num x)
-- The wanted type-level function
type App c a b = (Apply c a, Apply c b)
-- Con can now be passed since it's a name, not a function
program :: App Con a b => a -> b -> String
program a b = show a ++ " " ++ show (b+1)
To call App with a different first argument, one would need to repeat this technique: define a custom dummy type name (like Con) and describe how to apply it (using type instance Apply ... = ...).

Resolving type ambiguities using available class instances

Given the following code:
import Data.Word
data T = T deriving (Eq, Show)
class C a where f :: a -> ()
instance C T where f _ = ()
instance C Word16 where f _ = ()
main = return $ f 0x16
GHC complains that it can't infer what the type for the literal 0x16 should be with the error:
No instance for (Num a0) arising from the literal ‘22’
The type variable ‘a0’ is ambiguous
It is easy to see why this would be -- Haskell allows numeric literals to be of any type which has an instance of Num, and here we can't disambiguate what the type for the literal 0x16 (or 22) should be.
It's also clear as a human reading this what I intended to do -- there is only one available instance of the class C which satisfies the Num constraint, so obviously I intended to use that one so 0x16 should be treated as a Word16.
There are two ways that I know to fix it: Either annotate the literal with its type:
main = return $ f (0x16 :: Word16)
or define a function which essentially does that annotation for you:
w16 x = x :: Word16
main = return $ f (w16 0x16)
I have tried a third way, sticking default (Word16) at the top of the file in the hope that Haskell would pick that as the default type for numeric literals, but I guess I'm misunderstanding what the default keyword is supposed to do because that didn't work.
I understand that typeclasses are open, so just because you can make the assumption in the context quoted above that Word16 is the only numeric instance of C that may not hold in some other module. But my question is: is there some mechanism by which I can assume/enforce that property, so that it is possible to use f and have Haskell resolve the type of its numeric argument to Word16 without explicit annotations at the call site?
The context is that I am implementing an EDSL, and I would rather not have to include manual type hints when I know that my parameters will either be Word16 or some other non-numeric type. I am open to a bit of dirty types/extensions abuse if it makes the EDSL feel more natural! Although if solutions do involve the naughty pragmas I'd definitely appreciate hints on what I should be wary about when using them.
Quick solution with "naughty pragmas" with GHC 7.10:
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, FlexibleInstances #-}
class C a where f :: a -> ()
instance C T where f _ = ()
instance {-# INCOHERENT #-} (w ~ Word16) => C w where f _ = ()
And with GHC 7.8:
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, FlexibleInstances, IncoherentInstances #-}
class C a where f :: a -> ()
instance C T where f _ = ()
instance (w ~ Word16) => C w where f _ = ()
Here, GHC essentially picks an arbitrary most specific instance that remains after trying to unify the instances heads and constraints.
You should only use this if
You have a fixed set of instances and don't export the class.
For all use cases of the class method, there is a single possible most specific instance (given the constraints).
Many people advise against ever using IncoherentInstances, but I think it can be quite fun for DSL-s, if we observe the above considerations.
For anybody else wondering about default (I know I was!)
Quoting section 4.3.4:
In situations where an ambiguous type is discovered, an ambiguous type variable, v, is defaultable if:
v appears only in constraints of the form C v, where C is a class, and
at least one of these classes is a numeric class, (that is, Num or a subclass of Num), and
all of these classes are defined in the Prelude or a standard library.
So that explains why your default clause is being completely ignored; C is not a standard library type-class.
(As to why this is the rule… can't help you there. Presumably to avoid breaking arbitrary user-defined code.)

Can I parameterise the empty constraint type?

I have a class for queues which allows the instance to define the constraints it places on the elements. For example, a priority queue requires its elements to be orderable:
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, ConstraintKinds, FunctionalDependencies #-}
class Queue q c | q -> c where
empty :: q a
qpop :: c a => q a -> Maybe (a, q a)
qpush :: c a => a -> q a -> q a
data PriorityQueue a = ...
instance Queue PriorityQueue Ord where
This works a charm: inside the instance declaration for PriorityQueue I can operate on elements of the queue using members of Ord such as (>).
I've got stuck trying to define a queue which places no requirements on its elements:
newtype LIFO a = LIFO [a]
instance Queue LIFO () where
empty = LIFO []
qpop (LIFO []) = Nothing
qpop (LIFO (x:xs)) = Just (x, LIFO xs)
qpush x (LIFO xs) = LIFO $ x:xs
This fails, with the following error message from GHC:
The second argument of `Queue' should have kind `* -> Constraint',
but `()' has kind `*'
In the instance declaration for `Queue LIFO ()'
This error message makes sense to me. Eq accepts a type parameter (we typically write Eq a => ...) whereas () has no parameters - it's a plain old kind mismatch.
I had a crack at writing a type function which ignores its second argument, which would allow me to write instance Queue LIFO (Const ()):
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, KindSignatures, PolyKinds #-}
type family Const a b :: k -> k2 -> k
type instance Const a b = a
I find this interaction of type families and kind polymorphism quite beautiful, so I was rather disappointed when it didn't work (I really thought it would!):
Expecting two more arguments to `a'
The first argument of `Const' should have kind `*',
but `a' has kind `k0 -> k1 -> k0'
In the type `a'
In the type instance declaration for `Const'
I have a feeling this last example is something stupid like a syntax mistake (I'm new to type families). How can I write a Constraint which doesn't place any restrictions on its argument?
This should work:
class NoConstraint a where
instance NoConstraint a where
instance Queue LIFO NoConstraint where
The above defines a constraint which is satisfied by all types. As such, the obligations c a where c = NoConstraint can always be discharged.
Also, since there are no members in that class, it should have zero (or nearly zero) run-time cost.
The "constraint" () you are trying to use is not seen as an empty constraint set by GHC, but as the unit type () :: *. This causes Const () :: k2 -> *, which triggers the kind error.
If you do not want to use a custom class, you might try e.g. Const (Eq ()) or Const (Num Int), which have the right kind k2 -> Constraint. I do not recommend this, though, since I find it less readable than using a custom class.
(This requires to enable some extensions, as Benjamin Hodgson points out below in a comment.)

How can I use restricted constraints with GADTs?

I have the following code, and I would like this to fail type checking:
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
import Control.Lens
data GADT e a where
One :: Greet e => String -> GADT e String
Two :: Increment e => Int -> GADT e Int
class Greet a where
_Greet :: Prism' a String
class Increment a where
_Increment :: Prism' a Int
instance Greet (Either String Int) where
_Greet = _Left
instance Increment (Either String Int) where
_Increment = _Right
run :: GADT e a -> Either String Int
run = go
go (One x) = review _Greet x
go (Two x) = review _Greet "Hello"
The idea is that each entry in the GADT has an associated error, which I'm modelling with a Prism into some larger structure. When I "interpret" this GADT, I provide a concrete type for e that has instances for all of these Prisms. However, for each individual case, I don't want to be able to use instances that weren't declared in the constructor's associated context.
The above code should be an error, because when I pattern match on Two I should learn that I can only use Increment e, but I'm using Greet. I can see why this works - Either String Int has an instance for Greet, so everything checks out.
I'm not sure what the best way to fix this is. Maybe I can use entailment from Data.Constraint, or perhaps there's a trick with higher rank types.
Any ideas?
The problem is you're fixing the final result type, so the instance exists and the type checker can find it.
Try something like:
run :: GADT e a -> e
Now the result type can't pick the instance for review and parametricity enforces your invariant.

Defining an algebra module using constructive-algebra package

The package constructive-algebra allows you to define instances of algebraic modules (like vectorial spaces but using a ring where a field was required)
This is my try at defining a module:
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeSynonymInstances #-}
module A where
import Algebra.Structures.Module
import Algebra.Structures.CommutativeRing
import Algebra.Structures.Group
newtype A = A [(Integer,String)]
instance Group A where
(A a) <+> (A b) = A $ a ++ b
zero = A []
neg (A a) = A $ [((-k),c) | (k,c) <- a]
instance Module Integer A where
r *> (A as) = A [(r <*> k,c) | (k,c) <- as]
It fails by:
Overlapping instances for Group A
arising from the superclasses of an instance declaration
Matching instances:
instance Ring a => Group a -- Defined in Algebra.Structures.Group
instance Group A -- Defined at A.hs:9:10-16
In the instance declaration for `Module Integer A'
No instance for (Ring A)
arising from the superclasses of an instance declaration
Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (Ring A)
In the instance declaration for `Module Integer A'
Failed, modules loaded: none.
If I comment the Group instance out, then:
No instance for (Ring A)
arising from the superclasses of an instance declaration
Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (Ring A)
In the instance declaration for `Module Integer A'
Failed, modules loaded: none.
I read this as requiring an instance of Ring A to have Module Integer A which doesn't make sense and is not required in the class definition:
class (CommutativeRing r, AbelianGroup m) => Module r m where
-- | Scalar multiplication.
(*>) :: r -> m -> m
Could you explain this?
The package contains an
instance Ring a => Group a where ...
The instance head a matches every type expression, so any instance with any other type expression will overlap. That overlap only causes an error if such an instance is actually used somewhere. In your module, you use the instance in
instance Module Integer A where
r *> (A as) = A [(r <*> k,c) | (k,c) <- as]
The Module class has an AbelianGroup constraint on the m parameter¹. That implies a Group constraint. So for this instance, the Group instance of A must be looked up. The compiler finds two matching instances.
That is the first reported error.
The next is because the compiler tries to find an AbelianGroup instance for A. The only instance the compiler knows about at that point is
instance (Group a, Ring a) => AbelianGroup a
so it tries to find the instance Ring A where ..., but of course there isn't one.
Instead of commenting out the instance Group A where ..., you should add an
instance AbelianGroup a
(even if it's a lie, we just want to make it compile at the moment) and also add OverlappingInstances to the
{-# LANGUAGE #-} pragma.
With OverlappingInstances, the most specific matching instance is chosen, so it does what you want here.
¹ By the way, your A isn't an instance of AbelianGroup and rightfully can't be unless order is irrelevant in the [(Integer,String)] list.
This type checks without obnoxious language extensions.
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeSynonymInstances #-}
module A where
import Algebra.Structures.Module
import Algebra.Structures.CommutativeRing
import Algebra.Structures.Group
newtype A = A [(Integer,String)]
instance Ring A where
A xs <+> A ys = A (xs ++ ys)
neg (A a) = A $ [((-k),c) | (k,c) <- a]
A x <*> A y = A [b | a <- x, b <- y ]
one = A []
zero = A []
instance Module Integer A where
r *> (A as) = A [(r <*> k,c) | (k,c) <- as]
It is a little confusing that <+> <*> and neg are defined independently in Ring and Group; they are completely separate symbols, but then they are brought together in the general instance that makes all Rings Groups, so if Ring is defined, Group mustn't be defined, since it's already spoken for. I'm not sure this is forced on the author by the way the type class system works. Module requires Ring or rather CommutativeRing. CommutativeRing is just basically renaming Ring; nothing further is to be defined. It is supposed to commit you to what is in Haskell an uncheckable assertion of commutativity. So you are supposed to "prove the CommutativeRing laws", so to speak, outside the module before making the Module instance. Note however that these laws are expressed in quickcheck propositions, so you are supposed to run quickcheck on propMulComm and propCommutativeRing specialized to this type.
Don't know what to do about one and zero, but you can get past the point about order by using a suitable structure, maybe:
import qualified Data.Set as S
newtype B = B {getBs :: S.Set (Integer,String) }
But having newtyped you can also, e.g., redefine Eq on A's to make sense of it, I suppose. In fact you have to to run the quickcheck propositions.
Edit: Here is a version with added material needed for QuickCheck http://hpaste.org/68351 together with "Failed" and "OK" quickcheck-statements for different Eq instances. This package is seeming pretty reasonable to me; I think you should redefine Module if you don't want the Ring and CommutativeRing business, since he says he "Consider[s] only the commutative case, it would be possible to implement left and right modules instead." Otherwise you won't be able to use quickcheck, which is clearly the principal point of the package, now that I see what's up, and which he has made it incredibly easy to do. As it is A is exactly the kind of thing he is trying to rule out with the all-pervasive use of quickcheck, which it would surely be very hard to trick in this sort of case.
