Team Foundation Service publishing to Azure with multiple branches - azure

I'm currently working with Team Foundation Service in combination with Windows Azure. I've created a Website in Azure and setup TFS publishing.
Everything is working perfectly except I was wondering how to configure different branches.
This article explains how you can use Git to configure different websites to point to different branches. It says:
In this example, I’ll be using to manage my source code.
You don’t have to use for this, so if you’re new to Git
don’t freak out, you have other options like CodePlex, BitBucket, or
TFS. Heck, you could even automate an FTP deployment if you want to.
However, I can't find the branching option for my TFS publishing configuration. Am I missing something? Is this a Git only feature?

After searching the web and having some contact with Microsoft I found the necessary configuration steps.
These are the things you have to do:
Link the two websites to your team project
Branch your code
Adjust the workspace mappings on the build definition to the staging site to map the branch
Change the solution to build property on the build definition for your staging site to point to the solution in your branch
I wrote a blog post about it that explains it in more detail: Branches, Team Foundation Service and Azure Websites


Azure Devops repositories viewing

I have a lot of project on Azure DevOps. And I want to view my repository in other projects from within my current project. Is it possible to see repositories from different projects within the same project in Azure Devops?
No, this is not possible. You are limited just to repositories within your project. If this is your need, please consider moving all repos into one project.
Possible workaround: create a wiki page with links to the various repos in other projects. Keep in mind projects are secured separately so users might not be able to access repos in other projects.

How to backup online Azure DevOps source control and restore to an instance of on-premises Azure DevOps Server

I am trying to determine how to backup the online ADO account that I created on Microsoft's servers so that I can restore it on my own physical server. I have a few projects already started along with work items, repositories, pipeline jobs and NuGet artifacts already in place. It would take quite a while to rebuild the projects manually, not impossible, just not desirable.
I have looked and have not found any resource as to how to perform this or if it is even possible. Any help from someone who knows would be greatly appreciated!
Currently there is available extension: Azure DevOps Migration Tools, which allow you to migrate Teams, Work Items, Plans & Suits, and Shared Queries, & Pipelines from one Project to another in Azure DevOps/TFS both within the same Organization, and between Organizations. See: for latest guidance.
In addition, for repositories, there is no such extensions, you could try to clone an existing Git repo and then push it to a new remote repo server.
BTW, you could use Rest APIs: Artifact Details to get artifacts and then publish them to new feed on Azure DevOps Server.

How to automate IIS web applications using Jenkins with Team foundations server source code management tools

How to automate IIS web applications using Jenkins with Team foundations server source code management tools.
I am planning to automate IIS applications can you please provide me any documents which is really helpful.
If my understanding is correct, you want to queue Jenkins build automatically when there is a change in IIS web applications which hosted in TFS. You can check the steps below:
In Jenkins, add a new project, and in Source Code Management, select TFVC or Git (it depends on which version control type you use in TFS). Details you can refer to the link below:
In TFS/VSTS, add a new Service Hook, and select Jenkins and choose Code checked in or Code pushed event (it depends on which version control type you use in TFS).
With these two configurations, when there is a new check-in or push to the IIS web application, the Jenkins build will be triggered automatically. Here is a useful blog for your reference:

Azure VSO Continuous Delivery: Deploy specific site in multi-site solution

We have a VSO repository with multiple sites in the same solution. We want to be able to deploy our sites independently of each other to Azure with continuous delivery. Right now the first site alphabetically is deployed to all our sites which of course is not desirable.
Is this possible to achieve?
I have tried to set the Project key to the correct csproj in App Settings like suggested here: without any success. Maybe Kudu is not used for VSO?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
You should move away from trying to do this in a build, especially if you want that level of control.
You have Release Management Online provided with your VSO account and can use the Release Management client to configure your releases.
I believe that you can right-click on your Build and have an appropriate starter release template created when configured.
Here is an example of and end to end deployment with a web app. Deploying to Azure with RM is Childs play...

Why can't Azure find my TFS project?

I'm trying to setup TFS publishing from within the Azure Management Portal.
After authorization, one is suppose to select a project. But all I get is:
Your TFS account has no projects
But my TFS account certainly has many projects, I can see them when logging in there.
What have I missed?
Oh, just found this.
Nothing you did wrong. Deploying from TFS's git repository to Windows
Azure is not yet supported. It is on our radar tentatively mid of
this year.
The reason seems to be that my project(s) are Git repositories. (Not TFS repositories)
(turning a comment into an answer)
Until Azure supports web site deployments directly from TFService hosted Git repositories you can use an automated build to do the deployment.
Details on how are at
